The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 812 [811] Famine Age 52 (10 more)

Chapter 812 [811] Famine Age 52 (10 more)
Ye Huan's directness made the people in the political department dumbfounded. When he reported the matter to the dean's secretary, the two exchanged glances and laughed.

"As expected of his daughter-in-law who fought with him, she is really strong enough, and what she said is right, she just raised her children normally, and she took care of her own favors, so what's the matter with you? I said, old Xu, it's almost done. That's enough, it's not easy for a couple to fight together, the couple live in two places and have made contributions to the country, so don't let the good people feel cold."

The dean is naturally on the side of Tongzhan and Ye Huan. Although the director of the political department and the secretary of the hospital don't know Tongzhan, Ye Huan's behavior today makes them feel a little uncomfortable. It's just now, but you don't take them too seriously, don't you?

Just when the people in this place were thinking about how to arrange Ye Huan, Tong Zhan suddenly opened the door and came in with a very ugly face.

"What questions do you have to ask me? What are you doing to arrest my wife? She doesn't know anything, so she wants to find out and ask me,"

The dean didn't expect Tong Zhan to come so quickly. It seems that someone secretly reported to him. From Hebei to the capital, it will take two or three hours. It seems that from Ye Huan's arrest to now, he He rushed over without stopping.

As soon as Tong Zhan sat down, the director of the political department answered the phone. After a while, he walked in, and the secretary whispered something in his ear.

After hearing this, the secretary looked at his comrade with surprise on his face: "You used to be the brigade commander of the Special Operations Brigade?"

Tong Zhan glanced at him sideways, said nothing, and then looked up at the dean.

"Dean Zheng, can my wife be released?"

The dean immediately stood up, "Naturally, hurry up and release Comrade Ye Huan."

When Ye Huan saw Tong Zhan, the originally strong person's eyes turned red in an instant: "Why are you here?"

"Someone secretly reported to me, my daughter-in-law, even if I'm not by my side, I still have to protect you, please feel wronged, go, let's go home and talk about it."

Tong Zhan squinted at the people in the Political Department: "Do you need me to write you a detailed report and tell you where my milk powder tickets come from?"

The director of the political department and the secretary laughed at the same time, "No, no need." Just kidding, brigade commander level, how much milk powder can't get it?
If I had known that his partner was the brigade commander before, why would I arrest her?

As soon as the equal and Zhan couple left, the secretary looked at Dean Zheng complainingly: "You already knew who the lover Ye Huan notified was?"

"Nonsense, I was the one who signed the marriage application report back then, do you think I don't know?"

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

Dean Zheng was a little speechless: "So what if I told you? Why don't you deal with it anyway? Could it be that you fear Tong Zhan because of his previous status?"

"You, didn't you do it on purpose?" Dean Zheng chuckled, patted the secretary on the shoulder with a good-natured attitude, and said lightly.

"Old man, even if some people retire, the power is still there, and the relationship is still there. Do you know why he retired to become a director of the arsenal? That's because he made great achievements, but hurt his body. The achievements of those years and the circle you once had are not something you can cling to in this life. The two children just drink some milk powder, so you don’t care? Or do you think that the conditions of the couple cannot afford to feed a child who eats milk powder? "

"You old fox!"

The dean and the secretary were more serious. Others saw and heard it, and they pretended not to see it or hear it. They turned away silently. This circle is not something they can squeeze in. Knowing too much is definitely not a good thing, not a good thing Son.

After this incident, the couple gradually felt that an unhealthy trend was brewing within the party. This incident obviously had little to do with it. After all, it was completely impossible for him to reach this point with his level before the war, but some People just turn a blind eye and let the people below to toss, as if they can't show the importance of their department if they don't make a flower.

"A Zhan, if there is a chance, we can go to the Frontier Corps if there is a place. You can apply, and I will go with you."

Tong Zhan frowned, and couldn't help reaching out to caress her cheek: "Are you frightened? Be good, with me here, no one dares to bully you."

Ye Huan shook his head, "No, don't you feel it? This time it's just an appetizer. Pediatrics. The next time you really catch our little problem, it will be infinitely magnified by them. I don't care, but your body , I am worried, so, instead of waiting to be counted by them in this way, it is better for us to directly apply to go to the frontier to suffer, we have run far away, and these people can't count if they want to, can't they?"

"But the weather over there, I'm afraid of you,"

"My sister can bear it, why can't I? It doesn't matter if I can't bear it physically, as long as I don't suffer mentally."

"Huanhuan, maybe you think too much, no one is so idle,"

You are wrong, there are really people who are so idle, even the leaders above all went down in that massacre, let alone you?
Ye Huan couldn't explain it clearly, so he could only insist on asking him in this regard.

After this incident, Ye Huan became more vigilant towards her colleagues around her, and her daily life became more low-key. Even when she went out at night, she was worried that someone would follow her. She was always very careful, because she was already planning to leave. He was determined to leave, and after the summer harvest, the price of food soared.

After her family's fruits were left unattended, she switched to selling food, and sold food in exchange for milk powder tickets, cloth tickets, tobacco, alcohol, non-staple food, or medicines. Of course, if there are antiques such as gold, silver and jewelry, she will also take the order Take it all.

For example, she sells 21 catties of grain in the market for ten yuan per catty, and eight yuan per catty, which is so much cheaper than others, so the business is naturally very good.

Every time I go out, I will dress up in disguise, but instead of dressing up in the unit, I go to a place where there is no one and then dress up. If someone is following her (really someone is following her), she will change her dress and get rid of them. So when others were still looking for her all over the street, she might have already returned to the dormitory to take care of the children.

In this way, after the autumn harvest of a certain year, the price of food soared even higher, and incidents of people dying of starvation and poisoning seemed to emerge in various places.

Ye Huan's family, because of the food they saved in the early years, although they are still hungry, at least they will not starve to death. Back home, the Ye family had a relatively better life in *year.

At the end of *, Tongzhan's application for transfer came down, allowing him to be transferred to an independent regiment in Xinjiang as the head of an independent regiment. Although he and Ji Huzi were not in the same place, they both belonged to the Xinjiang Construction Corps. Although they were at the same level, But the same battle is the rank of colonel, which is higher than the general commander.

Because of this transfer order, Ye Huan has not been able to return to his hometown this year. In fact, there is a famine at home, and there is chaos everywhere, and there is no way to bring the child back.

So Ye Huan sent a bag of dried sweet potatoes to his family, with a letter for them to go to Xinjiang after the Chinese New Year.

The family now also knows that the couple has adopted a pair of twins, so it seems that they are all within their knowledge if they don't go home for the New Year.

This year was spent during the handover of Ye Huan and Tongzhan. On the tenth day of the first lunar month, the couple finished handling family affairs and various relationships, giving away what should be given away, packing what should be packed, and accompanying them. This group of educated youths who went to the frontier boarded the train to Xinjiang together.

*At the beginning of the year, Liu Hongqing was 4 and a half years old, Danfeng Chaoyang was 30 months old, Ye Huan was 40 years old, and Tongzhan was [-] years old.

The trains to Xinjiang are all full of people in one compartment, the kind of truck compartment without seats. When the train just started, it was full of crying.

It was the first time for soldiers to go to such a far place. The male soldiers accounted for the majority and the female soldiers accounted for the minority. Naturally, it was the female soldiers who cried, but the situation of the male soldiers was not good.

It was the first time he was far away from his parents and hometown, and when the sound of crying reached their carriage, Ye Huan also sighed.

The level of the same battle is at the same level, and the couple is assigned a separate sleeper berth. After all, with so many children, the couple went to support the construction of the frontier together, so the superiors gave certain preferential treatment.

They are going to Xinjiang this time. It is very cold in February in Xinjiang. Everyone is wearing thick cotton padded clothes. Their carriage is okay. After all, there are quilts, but the soldiers are not as lucky as them. They don’t have to go to the toilet Convenience, people in the whole carriage are next to each other, and luggage is next to luggage.

Supporting the construction of the frontier has been going for an unknown number of years. Everyone is a little depressed, which is a normal expression of emotion.

From time to time, Tongzhan had to go out for a meeting or something, so Ye Huan took the three children and stayed in the carriage, serving them food and drinking, and watching them to prevent them from running around or crawling around.

When getting on the train, she hugged one in the front and was hugged by the other in the back, while fighting in the front and carrying luggage on the back, and two soldiers helped them carry the two big loads of luggage, and then climbed onto the train with difficulty.

Ye Huan didn't know if it was the right step for her to take this step, but she knew that this decision would not only save her fellow soldiers from being harmed, but also maintain his current position, and she would also be able to contribute what she had learned, yes, It is inevitable to endure hardships, but she thinks it is worth it to trade hardships and stand hard work for the rest of her life to be peaceful and ordinary.

So, no matter whether it is right or not, since it has been decided, there is no possibility of regret.

Before she came, she steamed a lot of white flour steamed buns. When the children were hungry, she picked some for them, soaked them in boiling water and sprinkled some sugar, and then ate them. There was no oil, water, or vegetables, and the white flour was eaten by the children. Just eat hard, hard-to-eat vegetable nests, and swallow them with boiling water.

Even if Tongzhan is the head of the regiment, when there is a shortage of food, everyone will only get vegetables and boiled water. If you want to eat better food, it may be a bit difficult.

After all, the Construction Corps in 68 was actually more difficult than the one in [-]. At that time, some places had already been built, and at the time they went, it was likely to be barren.

Unfortunately, they were fighting together to open up a new corps.

 The [-]-word update has been completed today, and I wish you all a happy reading.

(End of this chapter)

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