The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 797 [796] Famine Age 37 (1 more)

Chapter 797 [796] Famine Age 37 (1 more)
After the meal, the sisters-in-law helped to clean up. After Ye Huan collected the leftovers, he asked everyone to take them away. Each family gave a piece of tofu.

Although there is not much meat prepared for this meal, there are many tricks, and everyone is full, so everyone is full of praise and thanks to the couple for their warm hospitality.

After seeing off the guests, Ye Huan looked at Tong Zhan embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I forgot about the roast duck."

"It's okay, I didn't say anything, what's more, your cooking is already very good, there are meatballs and tofu brains, these are rarely eaten by everyone, so they are already quite beyond the standard, you see everyone left It was enough for them to eat for a day tomorrow, and this meal won their praise for at least a few days, so it was worth it!"

Because everyone has helped clean it up, the couple don't need to clean it up, but Ye Huan feels a little distressed when he sees how little oil is left.

There are also those tofu, although they are not worth much, but the hard work of the husband and wife is in it, and I only kept two or three catties, which is somewhat distressed.

But the military wives are also very sensible, like fried tofu, fried meatballs, and lotus root clips, they didn't want them, and only took some leftovers.

So what is left is enough for them to eat for a few days.

In the evening, after washing her feet and draining the water, Ye Huan was lying on the bed doing yoga, but he came over and insisted on giving her a massage. Pressing and pressing, the picture became a little discordant...

What they don't know is that the comrades-in-arms and military wives who returned home are all praising their husband and wife. In this day and age, it is allowed to eat and take, isn't it just a surge of enthusiasm?
On the seventh day of the first lunar month, Ye Huan lay in bed all morning, not wanting to move, but she had to eat lunch, and the night she brought the roast duck back, she moved it to the space to keep it fresh.

Tong Zhan thought she put it away, so he didn't bother, but if he didn't eat it today, it would be hard to say.

So she rolled out some dough at noon, brushed oil in the middle, and steamed it with the duck meat she had sliced ​​herself.

The sweet noodle sauce is included in the takeaway.

Finally, I made a tofu soup.

At noon, the couple ate meat and ate their fill, which can be regarded as a satisfying appetite. After all, throughout the year, I really can't eat meat a few times.

In the afternoon, she was fine. She took out the wool she bought last year and knit a sweater for Tong Zhan. It was leaning on the kang, and it was not cold at all, and it was very strong.

Because she doesn't like to visit, and the military wives also consider her hard work, so no one bothers her that day.

In the evening, she boiled duck soup and ordered some noodles.

After Tongzhan finished his meal, he wiped his mouth with unsatisfied feelings: "I now find that it is really good to be married. I can eat hot meals every day. I am so happy. Wife, if you were working in our brigade headquarters How good would that be?"

Ye Huan gave him a blank look: "You are beautiful, you have to think about me too, let's take a longer view, now I am an intern, and I am an intern everywhere, but if I do an intern in a big hospital, There are more chances than your field hospital here, so you might as well give up,"

The corner of Tong Zhan's lips curled up, he didn't avoid Y anyway, when you get pregnant, you don't say that anymore.

In the next few days, the military wives often came to visit, and Ye Huan warmly entertained them. Seeing that Ye Huan's sweater still had patterns on it, they boasted again. They wanted to learn it, but later found it too complicated. But also prepare a variety of colors of wool, simply give up.

The sweater thread I knitted for Tong Zhan was bought years ago. At that time, I had already planned to knit him a sweater with different splicing colors. The three colors of dark gray, white and black are the standard. The matching shape is not bad, because it is V-shaped, you can also wear a shirt inside, so you can keep warm and handsome when wearing a military uniform.

Considering the lack of time, she stayed in the space during the day and knitted until the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, when she finished knitting sweaters and trousers.

Let him try it on at night. Not only is the size suitable, but it looks good from the perspective of this era. I am very satisfied and touched by the same battle. She has worked so hard for so many days to knit a sweater for herself, so she must take care of it. Be pampered.

That night, he asked himself again and again, considering that he would not see him again for ten days and a half months when he went back this time, no matter how uncomfortable he was, he had to be considerate.

On the morning of the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Tong Zhan drove her to the hospital in the city. Because it was the Lantern Festival, the two of them put their luggage in the dormitory, went out of the restaurant, and had a farewell meal.

After sending Tong Zhan away, Ye Huan took off the sheets and quilts in the dormitory, took them to wash, worked for several hours, and only lay down on the bed to rest after cleaning up.

After waking up, I immediately sent a letter to my family, mainly to report that I was safe.

This time when she came home, she mentioned to her father about storing food, because in 59-61, there were three years of famine, but she couldn't say it clearly, she only said that he should let him dry more dry goods every year, which can be preserved for a long time ,in case the emergency.

Next, Ye Huan also began to stockpile food, and the fruits in the space were also taken out and replaced with food to stock up, as much as he could stockpile.

A person's strength is limited, but if he can help someone at a critical moment, it can be regarded as infinite merit.

As for their family's tofu business, it should be completely over in 59. Even after the famine year, it must not continue.

In [-], Ye Huan's work became more and more busy. Due to their respective work problems, the couple only saw each other once a month or half a month, but at most they returned to the army for a two-day recuperation before returning to work. .

In April of this year, grandma woke up in the morning, and after a while, she never woke up again.

After Ye Huan received the call, he hurried home and went on a mission together, but couldn't come back. After finishing the funeral for grandma, grandpa also fell ill.

Ye Huan gave the old man a preliminary examination, but there was no major problem. It was probably caused by excessive grief, but for safety, he sent the old man to the hospital. After passing the examination, it was confirmed that there was no problem, and he was released from the hospital and returned home. He pays more and more attention to the situation of the elderly, and arranges to accompany the bed every night when it is his turn.

Ye Huan stayed at home for five days, and then hurried back to the unit. Because she had previous internship experience, and the internship period, the performance of each department was very good, so after a vote in the hospital, it was decided to extend her three-year internship. , changed to two years, which is also a good thing for Ye Huan.

However, Ye Huan didn't have any vacations this year because he took too long for marriage leave and funeral leave.

And there are also frequent missions in the same war. Although he is the brigade commander, a 33-year-old brigade commander is rare, so the burden on his shoulders is heavier. Sometimes for particularly dangerous missions, he even has to In person, being a soldier is not easy, and being a military wife is even more difficult, and Ye Huan is both a soldier and a military wife, so he must bear more.

Fortunately, although there are many people in the department who are jealous and jealous of you, the minimum three views and the bottom line are still there. After all, she is a soldier, and she has created a relatively comfortable working environment.

In her spare time, she either spends time in the unit's library to gain more professional knowledge, or goes out to exchange for food.

Generally, fruit saved for ten days and half a month can be exchanged for fifty or sixty catties of grain, and if there are more miscellaneous grains, it can be even more.

Meat and eggs have always been a rarity in this era, and you may not be able to buy them if you have money. Occasionally, if you are lucky, you can count twenty or thirty eggs.

Thinking about it carefully, she hasn't eaten dumplings for a long time.

The dishes in the canteen of the unit are basically seasonal dishes. When the unit just passed the new year, they ate flowering cabbage and bran radish. The wild vegetables that can be eaten in March and April are considered good, because it is the time When it is green and yellow, so pickles and steamed buns are eaten almost every day, and green vegetables, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, beans and other vegetables can only be eaten in May and June.

Because I didn't catch up with the pickled vegetables last year, when the beans first came out this year, she bought a jar and pickled the capers in the space.

The tomatoes are down, and the tomatoes that have been replaced by fruits are made into tomato sauce.

In addition, the soybeans she replaced were made into fermented soya beans, and combined with watermelon, mushrooms, peppers and other materials in the space, in the courtyard of the hospital dormitory, she exposed watermelon sauce, fermented bean sauce, and chili sauce.

Usually, if the food in the cafeteria is not to your taste, you can add some homemade sauce and eat steamed buns, which is also a special taste.

She bought a lot of glass bottles to hold these ready-made sauces. If some colleagues think it is delicious, she will give them a taste, but if you want to eat more, you can’t. things in exchange.

Occasionally, when I get hungry for hot pot, she will use chili sauce, sesame paste, and fried cooking oil to make do with it. Because I can’t buy butter, nor can I buy lard, so I can only use vegetable oil instead. Vegetable oil is also grown in her space. Sesame, peanut, and rapeseed go to the oil station to pay for others to squeeze.

Although a hot pot lacking mutton and beef is soulless, it has tofu, bean curd, bean tendon, mushrooms, potatoes, meatballs and other vegetables as ingredients, and potato flour, sweet potato flour, and rice noodles as ingredients. Addicted.

In the countryside, there are many Chinese toon trees and pagoda trees, and every household will climb up to pick them in season, but in the city, you can’t buy them even if you want to.

Ye Huan likes to eat these two kinds of seeds very much, but she can't eat them. Fortunately, when the space is at level [-], she is eligible to buy these two kinds of seeds.

When I just stare at them for germination or flowering, the locust tree doesn’t affect anything. After flowering, she can still grow, but as long as the Chinese toon tree has a bunch of long buds, she will break them off, so the original 25 The tree that matured in an hour, because of her operation, waited until seventy or eighty hours to mature.

She didn't know how many stubbles she broke off in the middle, but when she found out that the toon leaves of mature toon trees were also very tender, she stopped breaking them randomly and waited for them to mature before saving them.

Because as long as the leaves are left, the remaining trunk can be sold for money, but the gold coins will be greatly discounted, but that’s okay, because the most useful things of the Chinese toon tree and locust tree are their leaves and flowers, and other parts are temporary for her. It's useless.

(End of this chapter)

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