The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第376章 【375】60窝囊废逆袭10(4更)

Chapter 376 [375] Six zero wimps counterattack 10 (4 more)
He didn't know that his colleague went back to the village to announce that he didn't publicize it. Anyway, he commuted to and from get off work as usual every day. As long as there was overtime work, he would follow it.

Because he is an apprentice, he is not eligible to live in the factory. If he really wants to live, he needs a Datong shop with more than a dozen people, and he has to make various reports and applications.

He hated the trouble, so he only spent two yuan a month to rent a room with the widowed old man in the countryside near the factory.

It only takes half an hour to walk from their factory to that village, which is much closer than going back to my own home, and the uncle doesn't have that many things to do.

There were houses in the town, but they were too expensive, with an average of three, four, or even five dollars a month, so he couldn't afford to rent them, so he thought of looking for a house in the village.

It's too inconvenient to live in someone else's house, the widow's house is the most suitable.

The old man's son died, his wife died, his daughter married far away, and she couldn't come back twice a year. Although life was hard, but fortunately, he was very optimistic.

Since he used to live with him, he would also help the old man with some work. In the evening, he would usually have breakfast, and he would take the vegetables, and the old man would give the condiments and pots, and they cooperated very well. He was relieved that none of these people refused to offer twenty cents for a meal.

I'm afraid that if you don't want to give it, you will owe a lot of favors in the end, or if you don't want it at the time, you will raise the price afterwards, so it is more refreshing to give the money in person.

He leaves very early every morning and doesn't eat at home because he has to deliver food to others. At present, more than ten people have asked him to deliver food.

The dishes in the morning were delicious, so he arrived in the town at six o'clock, and delivered them one by one, and it was only a little after seven o'clock.

These vegetables were planted last night and picked this morning without any effort. There are red and white radishes, cabbage, garlic sprouts and garlic.

She planted these five kinds of vegetables in five plots, and on the remaining plot, she planted cabbage repeatedly. One seed can be harvested in one plot, and five catties can be harvested, and thirty catties can be harvested in six plots, and thirty catties can be sold in the morning, one catty Five cents, so he can sell for 1.5 cents in the morning, and when he gets off work in the evening, he can go to deliver another wave, and he can also earn [-] yuan, which adds up to [-] yuan a day.

If there are food stamps, a catty of vegetables can be exchanged for three taels of food stamps, but meat tickets cannot be exchanged, and cloth tickets cannot be exchanged, so now he doesn't even have the money to buy clothes.

It was also the old man who saw that he hadn't changed his clothes for so many days, so he packed up his son's previous clothes. Although they were a little torn, they were still wearable. He didn't feel ashamed, because he had already saved 58 yuan. Money, taking advantage of this period of time before the year, he can still earn some more, and before the work is implemented in the next year, he can save a hundred or so yuan no matter what.

As for clothes, these are belongings outside the body, as long as they are clean and have no peculiar smell, other things are not important.

The space is fifty hours a day, and she can grow vegetables below the second grade for five seasons, and mature once in ten hours, so she can harvest 150 catties every day.

Wheat and rice can be harvested twice a day, [-] catties in one season, and [-] catties in two seasons.

But he can't plant every day and sell every day, and he has to sell the space for gold coins, so that it can be recycled.

So she grows vegetables today, and grows food tomorrow. Vegetables are grown for five seasons, three seasons are sold outside the space, and two seasons are sold outside the space.

The same is true for wheat and rice, which are sold for space for one season and stored in space warehouses for one season to accumulate.

Over the past few days, he has saved [-] catties of wheat and [-] catties of rice, which were still hand-threshed by her.

 The setting of this story is not long, and it may be the end of the [-]th holiday, so I feel that the story is very compact~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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