The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第375章 【374】60窝囊废逆袭9(3更)

Chapter 375 [374] Six zero wimps counterattack 9 (3 more)
That night, Long Gang relied on his parents' upright preference, had a big fight with them, and slammed the door and left the house overnight.

His voice was so loud that the neighbors on the left and right could naturally hear him.

In fact, there was indeed such a thing, and he didn't intend to let Long Qiang go, he just tested their attitude.

Sure enough, with their preference, he can plan to leave without any burden.

It is not easy to accumulate wheat and rice, so he estimates the time to harvest every day. He had an alarm clock in his last life, but he can't even afford one in this life.

Because he had no money to buy food, he had to take the radishes, garlic and cabbage in the space and go to a distant place to exchange money with others for food stamps.

Fortunately, his food grows well. After eating it once, people remember him and ask for food delivery every three days.

After a big fight with his parents, he rented a house in the town and never went back.

He didn't want to wear Long Gang's original clothes anymore, so he wanted to use the vegetables in the space to sell some money and tickets to make new clothes for himself.

Because I was renting a house and had to buy daily necessities, I thought it would take about ten days to upgrade to level 2, but it took about 20 days.

The new year is about to come, and the master can only get accurate information after the year after asking the master to inquire. Longgang can only continue to grow food with peace of mind.

At the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, when it was time to pay wages, he was paid last month’s wages. He hadn’t been home for nearly 20 days, but on the day the wages were paid, his mother found his unit and came to ask for wages.

How was he doing in the past 20 days? She didn't even ask him a single word. She asked him for his salary when he came up, and even wanted to ask about the bonus and the details of overtime work, and wanted to know how much he earned.

No matter how good-tempered Long Gang was, he was completely disappointed to see her like this.

Without any hesitation, he patted the ten yuan into her hand, then turned his head and walked away, without any desire to look at him more.

Long Gang stared at her back with red eyes, and asked roaringly: "I have been away from home for 20 days, don't you ask me how I live these days? When I walked away ten yuan, did you ever think about how I will live the next month?"

Unexpectedly, the mother turned around with a sneer: "If you dare not go home, it proves that you can survive. Since you can survive, why should I ask? You have the ability, don't go back to this house for the rest of your life, let me see how old you are!" The Chinese New Year is less than half a month away, as long as you can insist on not going home this year, I don't need you to support us in the future!"

Hearing this, Long Gang suddenly raised his voice and asked, "Is what you said true?"

The mother glanced at him contemptuously, "So what if what I said is true? How dare you really not support us?"

Long Gang turned around and bowed to his colleagues: "Please everyone to be a witness for me. This is my mother. She has been biased since she was a child and has never cared about my life. Today she said that as long as I don't come back during the New Year My family, as long as I dare to break off the relationship with her completely, she doesn't need me to support her. These are what she said, and I never said such words, but rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry. I was treated as a wimp I have been calling for 20 years, today I want to be tough, I want to make them regret, regret how they treated me in the past!"

"Good job Longgang, you should have done this a long time ago. You are no worse than Long Tielong in any way? Why are you being a tortoise every day? Don't worry, we are a village, I will tell you this Spread the word, and the whole village will know about it!"

Colleagues made endless booing, which made my mother's face more and more ugly, and finally left without looking back, clutching the money.

 Before the November holiday, try to ensure four to five shifts, because I have to go back to my hometown during the holidays, and I haven’t been back for a year, how about you?

(End of this chapter)

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