The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 356 [354] Delicious Fisherman 206 (2 more)

Chapter 356 [354] Delicious Fisherman 206 (2 more)
When Yan Qing came, he brought a dozen guards and directed them to move things down the cave, while he helped Xiao Yu wander around.

The place where the boats were originally docked on the beach, after more than ten years of changes, there is no trace of that year.

Because spring has just arrived, the grass here has just recovered, but the weeds have grown so high that we need to mow the grass with a scythe, so as to open up a road that people can walk on.

After walking for about half an hour, I arrived near the cave. The fields she opened before are now covered by weeds, and nothing can be seen.

The outside of the cave is covered with vines, and the vines she planted before are gone.

It took a long time just to clean these up. It seems that they don't want to leave today. It takes two or three days to clean up a place like this.

Some of the guards moved things back and forth, and some of them went to clean up the steps and the weeds outside the cave. Because there were too many, they had to set fire to it.

Of course, before setting fire to it, it is necessary to cut off the route that can spread, so as not to burn the entire island.

After the vines on the outer wall were burnt clean, he quickly took a broom and swept the surrounding ashes into a pile.

When she left, she was afraid that the wooden doors would be corroded by wind and rain, so she piled a layer of stones on the outside. It was because of the obstruction of the stones that the wooden doors inside were not ignited. When the stones were removed, the wooden doors were in good condition. After locking it, I wrapped it with a wire, and gently pushed it open. A smell of dust spread over the surface, but there was no moisture.

When the two doors were fully opened, the scene in front of her made her a little excited.

When she left six years ago, she packed up all the things outside the house and placed them neatly in the cave. Now that she came back, these things have not changed at all except for a layer of dust.

Anyway, she has lived here for five years, how could she have no feelings?
Because the island is surrounded by the sea, it is only covered with a thin layer of dust and is not too dirty. Only the large water tank in the corner welcomes the water left in the cracks of the mountain all the year round. After spreading out, it forms a A string of moss marks.

The kitchen outside the cave is slightly damaged, because it will be weathered by rain and the sun, so there is some rot, but it is not too serious, and it can be used with a little repair. The key is that there is still a lot of firewood inside, which is enough for them to use these days up.

Yaya was a little excited, and Aya was also full of curiosity. Seeing that Xiaoyu was interested, she sat on the stone bench outside and told them how she lived here.

Yan Qing is impatient, he knows his wife's hobbies, and when the guards are busy, he is not idle, and directly goes down to mow the grass with a sickle.

He cut off the grass outside the field she had planted before, blocked the fire path, then took out the torch, and lit all the weeds inside, so that he didn't have to pull out one by one.

The burned ground also seemed unchanged.

"Scatter all the plant ash into the ground in a while, and when I dig the ground later, it can be used as fertilizer."

When Yan Qing heard this, she couldn't help but glared at her, "You still want to plow the land? Don't worry, I will help you plant the land before leaving."

Xiao Yu laughed when he heard this: "Yo, are you so active?"

"If you don't take the initiative, you can kill me. Otherwise, why do you think we brought a hen when we came here? Aren't you afraid that you will catch pheasants for me?"

While making complaints, Yan Qing tidied up the chicken pens and sheep pens surrounded by grass, thinking that he really had a unique taste, he didn’t like beauties who painted and painted, but a fisherman who farmed with a hoe, right?I want to cry but have no tears. This is the fruit I brewed myself, and I have to swallow it with tears in my eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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