The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 355 [353] Delicious Fisherman 205 (1 more)

Chapter 355 [353] Delicious Fisherman 205 (1 more)
Pregnancy means that many things cannot be done, and she is less than three months old, and she is raised in the mansion like a giant panda.

How can that work?Can't suffocate her to death after seven or eight months?
She can't do anything by staying in the mansion, so she simply went to live on Wuming Island, and she didn't go back for several years, so she missed it.

For this proposal, Yan Qing was against it at first, because it was very inconvenient to do anything on the island, so where is raising a baby?Clearly suffering.

But Xiaoyu also has his own reasons: "Look, you're busy all day long, and you don't have time to take care of me. I'll take Yaya and follow me. What's wrong? It's not like pregnant women can't do anything, that's not okay Is it useless? I know my own body well, Wumingdao Anyi, I plan to retire there in the future, and now it’s okay to have a baby in the past. Let you take care of the business and the fleet here, I think I'll go over and have a look and I won't bother you, will I?"

Yan Qing pouted secretly, it was really easy to say, why didn't I see you have such a bad temper before?
After pregnancy, my temper grew, and I would fight against him.

She is 23 years old this year, and it has been three years since she came back from the capital. Although it is considered young to have a baby at this age in modern times, it is considered very old in this era.

Thanks to Yanqing's kindness, she didn't feel that she was old, and she didn't betray her vow to find her a mistress. Although this kind of thinking was selfish in ancient times, especially among the nobles, Yanqing, a fine breed, is unique. Yes, but as a modern person, it is absolutely unacceptable for a man to hug left and right. Instead of doing that, she might as well live by herself.

The husband and wife have been close to each other for two or three years. During these two or three years, his doubts about her still exist, but she doesn't say anything, and he can't ask. It's just three years of helplessness and guilt. Kept a secret for three years.

Xiaoyu can see how Yanqing treats her well, but now that she is pregnant, she also wants to live a single life, and a timely separation can also test him.

Her insistence made Yanqing very helpless, and finally compromised. Originally, she wanted to send two female secret guards to follow, but she refused.

So in the end it was Yaya and Xiaoya who followed her. This was Yanqing's last concession, because Xiaoya knew some medical skills, and if there was an emergency, she could deal with it in time. Although he also knew that his daughter-in-law was not simple, it seemed He can also heal, but he didn't dare to take the risk, so he chose the more stable Aya to follow.

Yanqing personally escorted Xiaoyu to the unnamed island. There were a lot of daily necessities on board. He lived there before, so he knew what was lacking there. Pots, pans, daily necessities, even beds, all kinds of tools and farm implements were also provided. up.

From Qingyang Mansion to Wuming Island, I walked for more than ten days. Because I didn't know where to go, I had to find her family's fishing village first, and then search around according to that fishing village, so the time was basically wasted on finding the way. This time They also brought a few old fishermen to record the way, so next time, there is no need to go through such a hassle.

From leaving at the age of 17 to returning at the age of 23, six years, Xiaoyu has been away for six full years, which is an incredible number.

Compared with six years ago, it seems that it has not changed at all, it is still so big and so beautiful.

Now that it's spring and the flowers are blooming, how great would it be if she could live here forever?

(End of this chapter)

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