The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 304 [303] Delicious Fisherman 154 (1 more)

Chapter 304 [303] Delicious Fisherman 154 (1 more)
After Yanqing returned home, he carefully studied the instructions given by Xiaoyu, and then tried each product one by one according to the instructions.

Then, curiosity has been replaced by shock, because these things are really easy to use.

He has grown up so big, and he has never used such an easy-to-use shampoo. No wonder he and Shen Ze stink every day when they were on the island, but she always has a faint fragrance on her body. Now, he can It is certain that the source of the fragrance should be these cleaning products.


Such a useful thing, why didn't she use it for the two of them when she was on the island?Instead, cover it up?

Now that she entered Beijing, she took it out instead.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is that she is more curious about how these things are made.

His people had been watching her for a few days, and found that she had never been to other places except the farm, the Yanyu Building, or the porcelain shop.

So, how did she make these cleaning products?

In order to satisfy his strong curiosity, after taking a bath, he suddenly changed his clothes and put on night clothes, forbidding one, two, three, four to follow him, and went to Yujiaxiaomian on Chang'an Avenue alone.

Since opening the noodle shop, she has rested here most of the time.

When he came over, there was no one else in the dark, except for the candlelight on the upstairs of [Yujia Skin Care].

He quietly went to the roof, lifted the tiles and looked inside, only to see that Xiao Yu had already changed into a comfortable bed clothes, sitting in front of the table with disheveled hair, squeezing something hard, waiting for her hand As soon as he moved it away, he saw a strange bottle. If the bottle was pressed down with his hands, something paste-like would be squeezed out of it. Is that how the things in those small porcelain bottles were put in one bottle at a time?

There are more than a dozen such large bottles on her table, and on average, a large bottle can squeeze [-] small bottles.

Before he knew it, he had watched her squeeze more than 100 bottles, and she didn't start to pack those small bottles until all the bottles on the table were empty.

Put the small bottles one by one into the wooden box, then close the lid and lock the small lock. It seems that this is ordered by someone else.

Afterwards, she packed these large bottles into a thin-looking box (carton), and after blowing out the candles, she carried the bottles to the backyard.

When he saw her enter the bedroom and was thinking about being a gentleman of Liangshan again, he politely stopped him, because no one knew what he would see after the tile was lifted, so out of politeness, he I didn't continue to search, but what I always thought about in my mind were those big bottles that could be squeezed. What are they?Where did she get it?
If Xiao Yu knew that someone was outside, almost prying into her secret, I don't know if he would be scared to death.

In fact, it is very disadvantageous for modern people to come to ancient times, and still know light kung fu and martial arts, because if she is not careful, she may be killed by herself.

Thanks to the fact that she received those empty bottles in the space without being in front of someone, because there were still some left in the bottles, she took them back to the bedroom (space) and had to clean the bottles a second time, and then use the cleaned ones, The less thick liquid is given as a trial pack to diners who come to eat for trial.

Although these liquids are not viscous enough, they are also very easy to use, and when washing each bottle, she adds very little water, so it will not appear too thin.

The cleaned bottles are then sold to Space Supermarket in the form of waste products. On average, a bottle can be sold for about [-] cents, which is environmentally friendly and hygienic.

(End of this chapter)

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