The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1395 [1394] Zheng Family Lantern Festival (5100)

Chapter 1395 [1394] Zheng Family Lantern Festival (5100)

Because every household has a lot of new year's goods during the Chinese New Year, so there are not many people who buy fresh vegetables after the New Year, and there is nothing fresh, either cabbage or radish, even pork, chicken, duck, goose, fish, meat, eggs Tofu is also pitifully scarce, if you can buy it early, you can't buy it later.

Zhao Qingqing doesn't need to go out to buy groceries, just talk to the old couple at home, talk heart-to-heart, and exchange feelings, because it is not yet time to go to the hospital, so she can only read books on diabetes, and then listen to the old lady talk about them Taboo.

"We can't buy milk, unless we secretly go to the houses in the suburbs that feed their children and raise sheep, maybe we can buy it."

When Zhao Qingqing heard it, she couldn't help but ask, "Then I'll go find out?"

Grandma Zheng refused at the time: "Don't take this risk, it's not you who came here, it's the same for us to eat tofu to supplement protein, you don't need to travel so far, you may not be able to buy fresh ones, just eat tofu, When you’re old, you can eat whatever you want, it’s simple.”

The reason why milk was mentioned was because it was in the recipe given by the doctor, so Zhao Qingqing asked, but milk is such a precious and good thing that ordinary people can't afford it.

Considering the old man's physical condition, Zhao Qingqing made miscellaneous grain noodles at noon, that is, mixed several kinds of miscellaneous grains and rolled the noodles by hand, put spinach, and marinated with chopped green onion and coriander (small vegetable garden), a small sticky pot of noodles , and fried a few slices of meat separately and placed them in their bowls.

Seeing her move, the old man frowned: "Our family eats the same, so you don't have to be so harsh on yourself."

Zhao Qingqing shook her head, "How can it be the same, as long as you can take care of the food, as for the meat, the two elders count votes like that on weekdays, even if there is a subsidy for their children, it shouldn't be counted as my share, there is no need for that, this is the principle Question, as long as you have a rich ticket, I won’t say anything, but it’s only two or three catties a month, you need nutrition, how can I compete with you for food, besides, I also have such a rough meal at home, which is very good , is already quite enough.”

Zhao Qingqing has her own principles. She eats what she can eat, and she won't even touch what she can't eat. She is here to be a nanny, not to provide for the elderly.

The old couple didn't expect Zhao Qingqing to be so stubborn, so they had no choice but to give up, but they still talked.

"You don't eat meat, but you have to eat eggs. Each person in our family eats one egg a day. People used to eat like this. You can't refuse. You can't let you eat at my house. Are you getting thinner? Obedient child, We have eggs at home, my son’s classmate can find a way to get eggs, and give them to us every now and then, no ticket required, just pay for it, ten cents a piece, how about it, isn’t it expensive?”

"It's okay. In our country, it's usually seven cents a piece. When it's expensive, it's eight cents. Or it's bought for fifteen taels, and it's delivered to the door for ten cents. I think it's okay."

"That's right, we also think it's good. The eggs at his house are all big ones for me. You see, there are no small ones or broken skins. Our family has bought eggs from them for three or four years. It's clean. Very, not even chicken droppings."

Zhao Qingqing went to look at the baskets on the balcony, they were indeed very clean, there were white skins and red skins, not to mention the big ones, the old lady also said that they often cracked double egg yolks, it seems that this family is really good, they all pick well send it here.

Although she was a little curious about how they saved so many eggs, they would send fifty eggs every half a month. As long as you put your heart into it, it's not difficult to complete this amount.

"Are there only eggs? Are there any duck or goose eggs?"

The old lady nodded, "Yes, duck eggs cost [-] cents each, and goose eggs cost [-] cents each. The quantity is small. My old man always thinks it tastes bad, so he seldom buys it."

"I'm still not used to it, but eggs are enough to supplement nutrition. If you want to eat salted duck eggs, you can pickle some. Goose eggs are suitable for pregnant women,"

After that, the old lady asked Zhao Qingqing what they usually eat at home, and she said after listening.

"Then follow your family's recipe and try it for a week to see if the old man likes it or not. I don't care. The most important thing is that he is more difficult to serve. If he has a mouthful, he may not eat well, but he must eat to his appetite. of."

"What's the difficulty? You didn't say it. It needs to be adjusted slowly. If we communicate more, we will always be able to adapt."

"Hey, you are such a nice girl. Later, I have to thank Xiao Leizi very much. We have a very good relationship with his parents. I heard that your little girl saved my old sister? I said you That little girl is really capable, she is also a small anchor, and she is saving people, I heard that she is very good at studying, how can she be so capable, how did you train her!"

Speaking of her little girl, there seems to be endless topics to talk about. Ding Wei didn't know that she had become the center of the topic. She is now looking for Artemisia sativa in the river beach with her brothers. This winter is relatively dry, and wild vegetables are also available. It’s not that long, even if we found Artemisia basilisk, it’s very small, and it’s very difficult to clean up when picking it. It may be picked out after a long time of hard work, and it’s only enough for them to steam it for a meal.

In the evening Ding Zhenlong returned a little later than usual, because he turned into the family home to meet his wife, so he could explain to the children after returning home.

"Don't worry, your mother is very good at Zheng's house. The old man and the old lady are also very good to her. They eat and live together. There is a vegetable garden in front of the house and a plastic shed with spinach and coriander in it. I look at it. You, mother, are in good spirits, so you should be able to adapt to living there."

Hearing this, the children were relieved. In the evening, Ding Wei mixed the shredded radish coldly and pulled the noodles. After the pork paste mixed with lard and pork melted in the pot, it was both oil and meat. Order cabbage tofu, eat their local specialty pulled noodles, and then add the pickled shallots and coriander in the morning, and the delicious noodles are ready. The shredded radish is sour and spicy, and it goes well with rice. Each of them drank two bowls .

After eating, my father took two packs of snacks and went to the apple orchard to chat with the old men.

Ding Wei took the clothes from the yard into the house, and when she saw the broken places, she lit the oil lamp and began to mend the clothes. Her mother was not at home, so these jobs belonged to her.

When the third and fourth brothers saw it, they thought it was amazing: "I've never seen you take up needlework or learn how to do it. How do you look at your current appearance? You're so good at it. When did you learn this skill? "

Ding Wei immediately showed a look of needing to be beaten, and asked them with staring eyes.

"Do you still need to learn this? You can read it just by reading it. I have been sleeping with my mother since I was a child. Before she goes to bed at night, she always brings the washed clothes to her and sews them for you in the dim light of the kerosene lamp." Yes, look, how do I sew?"

Two brothers: "..." Well, you are capable, you are a genius in our family, this kind of unskilled work is not enough for you at all!

Ding Xiang was very happy to see the little rabbit patch that her sister sewed for her with needle and thread.

"Sister, your sewing is really good. It's much better than our mother's sewing. It looks like a little rabbit, and it's not ugly at all!"

Ding Wei immediately lowered her head and smiled and asked, "Do you like it? Would you like to learn it? I can teach you. In this way, if your clothes are torn, you can sew them yourself. Let's buy some colored threads later. It looks better when sewn."

Ding Xiang was eager to try, and Ding Wei found another piece of clothing and began to teach her with a needle...

In a flash, it was the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month, and my father happened to take a break. Originally, they wanted to go to the county town to watch the lanterns and see their mother, but they didn't expect that Zhao Qingqing would come back by car in the afternoon.

"It's the Lantern Festival today. I prepared meals for the old couple. They let me stay at home for one night and go back tomorrow morning."

It has been more than a week since Zhao Qingqing missed her children very much. This time she came back to buy not only fabrics, but also snacks and canned food.

"This cloth is a defective product that Grandma Zheng asked her to meet. We went to the textile factory to buy defective products. I saw that the designs and colors were good, so I took them back. Some of them are for you to make clothes, and the other parts can be tried to make a few pieces together. Sheets. If I can’t buy too much at one time, I would like to buy everything for our family at once. In this situation, I can only make sheets first, and then I will make quilt covers when I have a chance. I left some cloth there. First measure the size of the two girls and make two sets of spring clothes."

"Mom, we are not children anymore, let's buy these food, or you can take it to my grandpa and grandma's house by bike now, the two of them walked over to see us a few days ago!"

Zhao Qingqing was taken aback when he heard the words, "Walking here? Didn't your uncle follow?"

Ding Wei shook her head, "No, but we sent them back the next day with a shelf cart. I don't know if we had a fight with my uncle or the others. Anyway, I don't look very happy, or I'll take advantage of it before it's dark. Mom, hurry up and take these things to my grandma's place to have a look, I will cook at home."

The third brother also echoed: "Sister is right, we asked, but they refused to say anything, maybe they came to look for you, you should go and have a look!"

Without further ado, Dad rolled out his bicycle and said, "Come on, I'll take you there, and it's time for me to see the old man."

He is usually not at home, busy with work, and rarely has the opportunity to visit his father-in-law and mother-in-law. Now that he heard what the children said, he felt how irresponsible his son-in-law had done, so he hurriedly greeted Zhao Qingqing to get in the car.

Zhao Qingqing wanted to put dim sum at home for them to eat, but the youngest Lilac covered her mouth and said, "Mom, give it to grandpa and grandma, we don't eat it."

Zhao Qingqing touched her head and said, "Hey, mom will buy peach cakes for you next time you come back."

It takes about half an hour for her parents to get there by bike. Ding Wei turned her head and looked at foodie Ding Xiang appreciatively.

"My sister is doing well, very good, my sister will fry sugar cakes for you now! When my father came back yesterday, he also brought white sugar and glutinous rice flour. I will roll some Lantern Festival for you and fry some sugar cakes. "

People in the south eat glutinous rice balls, while those in the north eat glutinous rice flour rolled out of the Lantern Festival.

Their family has peanuts, white sesame seeds, and white sugar, but no walnuts and black sesame seeds, which can be used anyway.

Stir-fry the peanuts and white sesame seeds in the pot until they are fragrant, crush them, add lard and white sugar to form a ball, put it in the cold air outside and let it stand for an hour, then dip it in water, put in the glutinous rice flour and start rolling, dip it in water , then put in the glutinous rice flour and roll, and repeat this many times until the size is the size you want, and it is done.

Ding Wei has cooked a lot, one meal tonight, and another meal tomorrow morning, just enough to finish.

After making the Lantern Festival, put it on a plate first, and the white and fat ones will be separated.

After that, I started to fry the fried sugar cake, using rapeseed oil, brown sugar and white sugar, adding white sesame seeds and some flour. After the hot noodles are reconciled, they can be made into a size you like and can be fried in the pan. When parents come back, Not only the Lantern Festival is ready, but the sugar cake is also fried. By the way, a small pot of dried bun slices is fried, and a pot of stewed pork and cabbage is stewed.

Mom and Dad watched the dinner tonight, first praised Ding Wei for her ability, and then felt sorry for her, but Dad said it very normally.

"Not bad, the children can support themselves. You see, we are not at home. They know how to take care of themselves. The food is not bad. You shouldn't be happy. How much is the oil? You can buy it after eating. Our daughter earns a lot of money. For the money, how much oil do you have to buy, you still need her little oil!"

Mom glared at Dad, "Today is a good day for reunion. I'm too lazy to argue with you. Is it because I love you so much?"

"You don't feel sorry for you, what do you think you are doing?" Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Ding Wei quickly became a peacemaker.

"Oh dad, mom is not used to being frugal. She didn't want to say a few words when she saw it. She didn't really say that we waste this and that. It's a habit. If I don't say it when I see it, I feel panicked. If I say it, I feel distressed." We, this is a typical mother's mentality, you are not in charge of the family, you don't understand her, in fact, sometimes she just talks, you say she really loves that little oil? It's not like our family doesn't have one, do you think it's a mother? "

"Only you, a ghost, know me well. You did a good job today. I didn't expect you to have this skill. You can even make Yuanxiao."

"That's not the white sugar and glutinous rice flour that my dad brought back. It would be difficult to cook without these ingredients. Hurry up, this pot is ready, hurry up and fill it out."

"Oh, the Lantern Festival is out, you can eat the Lantern Festival!"

The younger sister yelled at the older brothers to come and serve the bowls. When the father saw the sugar cake next to him, he asked her, "Did you give it to your uncles?"

"I gave it away. The Lantern Festival is not enough to eat so I didn't give it away. I gave some sugar cakes, at least one for each person. Don't worry, Dad. Look, there are still firefed cakes and sesame candies that my aunt made today on the table!"

It was the first time for my younger sister to eat Yuanxiao, including my brothers, who had never eaten this kind of food before. My mother looked at Dad in surprise when she saw the round and white Yuanxiao.

"Why did you remember to buy glutinous rice flour?"

"People have said that you should buy this for the Lantern Festival. I bought it from the black market. It costs one yuan and five catties, fifty cents a catty, which is more expensive than rice. I thought there were walnuts, but they were too expensive. One piece I'm not willing to buy it for a catty of money."

"Dad, that's enough. With these few things, we can make them. When the conditions are good, we can make them again if we want to eat them. We can also make black sesame stuffing."

"Wow, Mom and Dad, it's really fragrant and delicious, sister, you're really good, you can do everything."

Mother asked Ding Wei how she made it with embarrassment, and then looked at Ding Zhenlong.

"If it were me, I'm afraid you bought it back, and I don't know what to do. Fortunately, you have a capable daughter. Is this what you read from the newspaper?"

Ding Wei shook her head, "We saw it at the temple fair today, that's what people do."

During the Lantern Festival, there was a temple fair in the town. During the day, my father took them to see it. At the meeting, I saw that there was a handmade Lantern Festival sold at the entrance of the supply and marketing cooperative. For this reason, Ding Wei stopped to look at it for a while. Ding Zhenlong will testify to this .

"There is a sale at the entrance of the supply and marketing cooperative, but it is quite expensive, and I need food stamps, so I didn't buy it."

The temple fair at this time has everything, but the common people don’t talk about money, they just exchange things. As long as both parties are willing, there is no problem in cooperation, so there are many people at the temple fair, and it is very lively.

But the public sector is different. Not only money, but also a ticket. Without a ticket, you can hardly buy anything.

After Ding Wei taught Zhao Qingqing how to make Lantern Festival, she felt that it was amazing, especially the sugar cake, which was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, instead of being hard and tasteless like her fried ones. No.

"This noodle is half cold water and half hot noodle. When it is alive, put some lard in it. When it is fried, the outer layer will be crispy,"

"I also learned some recipes for cat's ears, banana leaves, and fried dough twist. When I have time later, I will make them for you to eat, especially our Xiangxiang, a snack. I didn't say she didn't like it."

There are many kinds of dinner, and they are all good things that you can't usually eat. Not only the children eat happily, but also the parents are very satisfied.

The rest of the Lantern Festival was collected and set as breakfast for tomorrow morning. My parents had no objection. After all, at the Supply and Marketing Cooperative, a Lantern Festival that was not as big as this would cost ten cents, and the fillings in it were not enough. Fortunately, my daughter can do it, otherwise I wouldn't be able to buy it with money.

After dinner, the brothers went to wash the dishes, and Ding Wei went into the house to see her mother wiping her tears secretly, so she knew that grandpa and grandma might have quarreled with uncles and sisters-in-law.

But she can't control this matter as a child, so she can only pretend that she can't see it, and drag her sister in to get bored with her mother who hasn't seen her for many days.

Mom was also very reluctant to part with them, but in order to make money, there was nothing she could do. However, she brought good news.

"Did your weekly work return to normal after school started?"

Ding Wei nodded, "That's what I said years ago, what's wrong?"

"Grandma Zheng asked about this and asked you to come and sleep with me on Friday and Saturday nights. Don't go back and forth and go home, and have breakfast at home."

Ding Wei was a little embarrassed when she heard this: "Mom, isn't this good? Isn't this taking advantage of others? It's fine to sleep, but let's forget about eating?"

"It's okay, Mom told them, it's okay to eat, but the wages will be reduced by four yuan, even if we pay one yuan a week for accommodation and food expenses."

Only then did Ding Wei feel relieved: "This should be about the same. Although I can go to the cafeteria of my unit to eat, since people have said, we shouldn't be too unreasonable. If we can give money, we can live in peace of mind, don't worry, mom." , I don’t live in vain, I will help you with work.”

Zhao Qingqing rubbed her hair affectionately: "My daughter is naturally sensible, although I only met once, but they all like you very much, and they still want you to go over quickly, and chat with you more! "

(End of this chapter)

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