The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1310 [1309] The story of the buried female farming 37 (5000)

Chapter 1310 [1309] The story of the buried female farming 37 (5000)

In the middle of the night, the wind blew up, and the biting cold wind knocked down the things in the yard. Even if their house had such a high windshield wall, it still couldn't stop the biting cold wind from shaking the wooden structure. Baihe was woken up by the door and window, and felt the heat in the house had dropped, so she got up and put on her clothes, planning to go to the kang stove in the backyard to add more firewood.

As soon as she opened the door and walked out, she felt that the wind was like wearing armor, where the cold was blowing, and she shrank from the cold, and went to the backyard tightly in the padded jacket.

I went to the hut first, and before I got up to look at the kang stove, I heard someone talking outside the windshield wall.

"Don't worry, there's no one up there. Both the father and son have gone out. If there is anyone in the house, you can see that his house is built, and it's designated to be rich. Let's go up and look for it."

"What about this little girl, don't worry about it? This little girl makes me very tired every day. If it wasn't for that little girl getting in the way, I would come here in the morning."

"You can pull it down. It's not like you haven't seen that woman's power. How dare you provoke him? Even if you take away Wei Ying's money, you can't touch his people, or you will look good, Wei Ying." We can't afford to provoke that person, and that girl is not easy to get along with, you want money or life, you choose!"

Then there was the sound of rustling feet stepping on the leaves and branches. From the sound, it should be going up the mountain along the windshield wall of their house.

After Bai He came out of the hut, she quickly squatted in front of the stove to fill the firewood for the kang stove that was about to go out, and when it was burning again, she stood up straight and glanced in the direction of the mountain.

The Wei family is not their family, all the valuables in her family are stored in her space, but what about the Wei family!

It is true that Wei Ying has just made money, who knows if these two people will find out if they come to their house, and their savings for many years will be wiped out like this, it makes me feel angry to think about it!

Bai He pursed her lips, went back to the house and put on her clothes, went out and picked up their fire stick, and planned to open the door and go up the mountain.

Unexpectedly, the scream of "Ah..." seemed to shake the silent mountain, she blinked, and suddenly thought of what Wei Ying said before he left.

"Don't go up if you have nothing to do, we made some arrangements before we left."

The corner of Bai He's lips curled up, and she immediately put down the fire stick in her hand, "I almost forgot, that bastard is not stupid."

The end of the year is approaching, and throughout the ages, thieves have been rampant. I don't know if he has suffered in this regard, but since he can think of using this method to punish thieves, he doesn't need to worry about where his money is hidden.

Bai He stood behind the house and listened for a while, the screams and groans on the mountain continued one after another, and she didn't know what kind of trap Wei Ying had set up, but hearing them scream so badly, it must end badly.

She squinted her eyes, and fiddled with the kang stove for a while, then sealed the fire and went back to sleep.

When Liu'er got up the next day, she urinated for San'er, and after urinating, San'er hugged her and continued to sleep. It was a blessing in winter to have such a small warm stove to hug her, so she also I'm too lazy to get up, anyway, it's just the three of them, just boil some goat milk and drink it.

Knowing that it was windy all night last night, Liu'er thought of picking up some branches outside, but she didn't expect that she ran back in a panic not long after she went out.

"Sister, sister, go and have a look, blood, a lot of blood dripped from Wei's house, all the way down the mountain from our door, and the door of Wei's house is also open, I don't know what happened, is there something wrong?" What animal broke in?"

Bai He rubbed the center of her brows, "Maybe Wei's house was missed by thieves last night. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I heard someone screaming. It's okay, don't worry about it. Just go up and close the door. Wait until I get up." Alright, let's go and have a look."

Liu'er was taken aback when she heard that there was a thief last night, but seeing her sister's calm look, she gradually calmed down.

Going out and looking at the bloodstains on the ground, I was still a little scared, but judging from the direction of the blood flow, the person should have run away.

She casually picked up two baskets of firewood nearby, and hurried home.

Baihe has already woken up at this time, and she has squeezed a pot of milk. Using these milk, eggs, flour, and yeast to make a batter, put it on the heated kang in the house for fermentation.

Seeing this method, Liu Er happily asked: "Will you steam the cake later?"

"Well, steam some milk cakes for a while, let's go, let's go up and see what's going on on the mountain."

After leaving the door, Bai He saw clearly visible dripping blood stains on the ground outside, and there were quite a few of them, presumably the one who was injured was not alone.

After entering the yard, there was nothing unusual. It seems that the mechanism was not placed in the yard.

The two followed the bloodstains, and finally found that the bloodstains on the stairs began to increase. All the way up, they reached the door of Wei Ying's bedroom. The bloodstains here were even more spray-like. What a serious injury.

Opening the door, as expected, I saw a large pool of blood inside, and two or three cold arrows that fell on the ground, two of which were obviously bloody.

She watched the wall for a while, the corners of her lips twitching.

"It seems that Brother Wei has set up a trap in this room. They broke in last night, so don't let the arrows hit you."

"No sister, there are not only cold arrows, but also mousetrap,"

At the corner of the second floor, there was a trap scattered with blood on it and its surroundings, Bai He clicked his tongue twice: "This kid is really good at it."

"Okay, you go down and look at San'er, don't wake up and find us crying, I will clean up here, and restore the mechanism to him by the way, so as not to encounter thieves after tea after tea,"

Liu'er wanted to help, but Bai He waved at her. After Liu'er left, she went downstairs to scoop up water in the water tank, took a rag, and went upstairs with the basin in her hand. Who dares to steal from Orion's house?
If the mechanism wants to be restored, it has to be installed from the inside. After installation, the wooden sticks on the window are removed, and then drilled out of the window and installed again.

"Wei Ying, Wei Ying, it's really difficult for you to be so big and set up such a clever little mechanism, but are you sure you still have your money?"

In fact, Bai He didn't know where he hid the money, let alone whether those two people were in the mood to search for his treasures after they were injured last night.

Probably only when the master comes back can we know the result?

A few minutes after locking the door and returning home, the poorest and laziest woman at the bottom of the mountain came to her crying for help with snot and tears.

"Blood, a lot of blood, hurry up and save my Dongwazi, his shoulders are full of blood, it's so frightening that the blood is dripping all over the place!"

"Also, there is also his cousin, whose feet were injured for some reason. The two of them were so seriously injured that they didn't know how to say anything. I woke up this morning and found out that they both passed out. Hey, what's wrong with it? , Doctor Bai, you have a good heart, go and show them!"

The corners of Bai He's lips twitched, and she slightly shook her head: "I'm sorry, please go and invite Dr. Wen, I won't see a doctor today."

The woman became angry when she heard it: "What? You don't see a doctor? It's a matter of life and death, why don't you see a doctor?"

"Then you have to ask what did those two bastards of your family do last night, where did the injuries come from, God knows, you don't know, let me show them both, hehe, in the next life, hurry up If you go to Dr. Wen, maybe you can save your life, but if you go late, it will be too late."

As Bai He said, she pushed him out without any explanation. She is a family of lazy people. She doesn't want to get involved with this kind of people.

If you don't give money, you have to give money and medicine. The key point is that these two people still have bad intentions towards her. If it weren't for Wei Ying's agency, she must have gone through a hard fight last night. For such a family, she is really She was too lazy to deal with it. Of course, the reason why she ignored it was because she believed that Wei Ying would not kill them. As for whether he would get tetanus, that was not something they could consider.

Sure enough, the lazy woman was very dissatisfied with what she said and did, she opened her mouth with all kinds of obscenities, Liu'er couldn't stand it, she wanted to open the door, don't let her stop her.

"Don't pay attention to this kind of person, she will leave naturally after scolding enough,"

"Did her son and nephew really do it?"

Bai He curled her lips: "Needless to say, one is injured in the shoulder and the other is injured in the ankle, they are undoubtedly the ones."

Even if she stopped thinking about it, she steamed six bowls of cakes and boiled a small pot of goat milk. After the family of three ate happily, she went back to the warm kang and continued to mend clothes. She didn't care who knocked on the door Let Liu Er drive it.

"Their chimney is still smoking. They must be at home. Doctor Bai, doctor Bai, I beg you, please open the door and go down the mountain to see if Dong Wazi is okay? I'll kneel down for you."

Dr. Wen asked for money to see a doctor. This woman really didn't take advantage of it. She wanted her to treat them for free. There was really no lower limit.

Bai He just doesn't open the door, since no one can die anyway, if they want to stiffen these two people up and don't show them, then it's going to be so wasteful, right?
Liu Er waited until the scolding stopped before she dared to go out to have a look, then ran into the room and said.

"Sister, I just found out today that you also have people you hate!"

Doctor Bai, who is beautiful and kind-hearted, always smiles when he sees a doctor. He has a pleasant face, a good temper, and a generous person. He never sticks to things outside of him.

But this time, it opened Liu'er's eyes. It wasn't that her sister had no temper, but that she scored.

"Like the lazy people in this family who get something for nothing, less contact, good for themselves and the family, people are not afraid of being poor, but poor so lazy, I have never seen it."

The two sisters just locked the door like this, cooking and eating when the time comes, doing what they should do, and completely ignoring the crazy woman who ran up the mountain and smashed the door from time to time.

Especially at noon, Baihe also stewed a small pot of braised pork, steamed rice, fried pickled cabbage tofu, boiled tomato and egg soup, two dishes and one soup, it was delicious!

In the afternoon, these people finally survived. Mrs. An came up to the mountain to find her when it was getting dark. After asking about the situation, she cursed inwardly that she deserved it.

"Doctor Wen came, showed them, and prescribed a prescription. Who knew that this family was so lazy that they didn't even want to run to the town. They insisted on coming to your place to get medicine, saying that you have all kinds of medicine here. No, you didn't." Open the door for them. When I came just now, I procrastinated and went to the town to get the medicine. Doctor Wen didn't even pay for the doctor's visit fee, let alone the money for the prescription. The two of them were so weak that they were already out of breath. Less, I was wondering when you bothered someone so much, so they made such a big mess!"

Bai He curled her lips: "It's called being greedy and insufficient, and they deserve what they are doing today. You don't have to worry about how they scold you, I don't care!"

"That's no good, how can you let them scold you? I said why there are so many bloodstains along the way. These bloodstains are evidence. Although you cleaned the house, you didn't clean the yard, right? Look at this family. Lazy Egg, what else can I say."

After Mrs. An left, they drank goat milk at night, ate the steamed cake they made in the morning, and went to bed early. This night, no one came to bother them again. She was not in the mood to inquire about the situation at the foot of the mountain. .

On the afternoon of the third day, she and Liu'er had just had lunch and were playing with San'er in the yard when the relatives who had gone to the county came back, and they heard Xiaomang's bluffing voice from a distance: "Sister, Master, we are back!"

Liu'er turned around abruptly, and ran to open the door, only to see Xiaomang running up the mountain with a bamboo basket on her back, still panting with a smile on her face.

Liu'er quickly took off the bamboo basket on his shoulder, Bai He asked Liu'er to boil water, and she frowned at him.

"Why is it just you?"

Xiaomang pouted, "My brother and the others were stopped by the poor family at the bottom of the mountain, and asked him if he wanted compensation. I was impatient to listen, so I came up first."

This is indeed something that the family can do. I thought it would take a lot of effort, but I didn't expect that a group of people came up in the donkey cart as soon as the water was boiled and dried. Bai He raised her eyebrows in surprise: "So fast?"

Seeing her expression, Wei Ying knew what she was thinking: "It's okay to pay compensation, just send it to the official!"

Bai He gave him a thumbs up in admiration: "So, you just use this one sentence to get it done?"

"Where is it? My brother also said that as long as the Wei family is in this village, the whole family will leave. Otherwise, they will be beaten once every time they see each other. Of course, he will lose money."

Liu'er laughed aloud, "This family wants money, so my brother will pay them the money, but the money can't be taken for nothing, you have to be beaten up, never mind, Brother Wei!"

"Well, a bunch of careless scourges, this village belongs to this family. Shameless, there is no bottom line!"

Bai He thought for a while, and quickly said to him, "Go up and see if you lost anything."

He didn't want to, but he packed the things in the car without looking up.

"Don't look at it, you can't lose it. If they have that ability, how can they make themselves so miserable? My arrow is not sharp. Even if I get hurt by a trapper, I shouldn't be like a bear. I don't know how What did these people eat to grow so big, it's pitiful!"

"It's because I didn't give treatment, and the family didn't want to go to the town to get medicine, so it was delayed."

Bai He's words made Wei Ying look up at her, and then he was speechless.

"Don't go to the doctor to get medicine? This family is really not the best!"

"However, I'm quite surprised that you didn't see a doctor."

"Who let me hear their conversation, it's disgusting, out of sight, out of mind. Although I'm a doctor, I'm not picky, okay?"

Wei Ying observed his words, "What did those two people say? How did you hear it? Are they still here?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I just got up to add firewood to the heating bed, and I heard them discussing outside the windshield,"

Before she finished speaking, he became anxious again: "Then you didn't follow?"

Bai He smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "No, I'm not that stupid. When I heard their screams, I remembered what you explained."

Wei Ying heaved a sigh of relief, "In the future, you women shouldn't be in charge, don't be in the lead, even if you are a doctor, don't take care of everything."

While talking, Weicheng walked down from the mountain, shook his head in Wei Ying's direction, then looked at the upper and lower houses, and said to Wei Ying.

"Whenever you are free, let's find two wolfhounds to feed them. If the men are not at home, their women's homes should also be protected."

"Well, I was thinking about it just now, Dad, don't worry, I've kept it in mind."

San'er's attention had long been attracted by the colorful things on the car. He was carried into the car by Xiangzi, looking at this and touching that. The child was still unwilling to take it away, screaming and screaming, and finally Xiangzi stuffed him with a tiger's head cap, and finally stopped crying.

This time they bought a lot of things, firecrackers, red lanterns, red paper, pens and inks, food, incense burner, incense, New Year pictures, four ducks, two chickens, two jars of wine and so on.

"I didn't buy pastries, but Xiangzi said he could make them."

"We've bought pork before. It's a shame that we bought it early. It's very expensive now. I bought [-] catties of rice and noodles. I thought I still had it at home, so I didn't buy too much."

Saying that, he took out another piece of red cloth from his bosom and handed it to Bai He.

"Here are two small clothes for you to wear to ward off evil spirits during the New Year."

As soon as Bai He touched the material, his face turned red. Fortunately, he still knew how to avoid people, snatched it and went back to the house, leaving Wei Ying to look at her silly.

After tidying up all the things, Bai He hurriedly made noodles to cook for them. In order to hurry, they ate a meal in the morning, and they hadn't eaten lunch yet!
Bai He made them the authentic old BJ fried sauce noodles, and even took out the cucumbers. If asked, they were stored in the cellar. As for how to store them, they were a little vague.

The marinade made from bean sprouts, green vegetables, cucumbers, shredded radish, sweet noodle sauce, soy sauce and diced meat is rare just by the color.

There was a big pot of noodles, and the four men ate it fast, and the fried fish slices she brought to the table were also carefully spit out the thorns.

The last person drank a bowl of white soup, the original soup turned into the original food, and the meal was finished warmly.

Leaving Liu'er and her to clean up the kitchen, Xiangzi looked after the children, the father and son went up the mountain to clean up the house, Xiaomang went down the mountain without a word, the things he bought had already been sent home, this time he came to eat, a few days I didn't eat the meal cooked by the master, so I was very hungry, so I ran up specially.

(End of this chapter)

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