The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1309 [1308] The story of the buried female farming 36 (5000)

Chapter 1309 [1308] The story of the buried female farming 36 (5000)

This year, I picked a lot of wild hawthorns from the mountains. The hawthorns are not big, some are very sour, and some are still edible. She cleaned the hawthorns and made them into hawthorn cakes. Cane sugar was added to the cakes so that they would not look particularly sour. , Occasionally dig a spoonful and stir it up. With apple slices and starch, you can drink hawthorn soup. Drinking this soup is not only appetizing, but also warming the stomach. It is best to drink in winter.

She made this meal very casually at noon. Northeast cuisine, Korean cuisine, Henan cuisine, and Sichuan cuisine were served on the table in turn. It's a pity that it's not the seaside, otherwise I could have a seafood feast.

Although there is no other seafood, Wei Ying bought about ten catties of dried kelp by chance in the county a few years ago. This thing is not worth much at the seaside, but it is still very rare to be transported to them, so this winter's stew In it, you can add the soaked shredded kelp for seasoning.

The colder the weather, the stronger the taste of the year. When I woke up this morning, there was a thick fog in the mountains, and the visibility was very low. I couldn't see things in the yard clearly.

Glancing at the oil jars at home, she looked inside the space where she had put the meat into different categories, and picked out about forty or fifty catties of lard suet. She did nothing this morning and boiled the oil residue.

Pork suet is the fattest part of the pig, and it is lumpy. Before boiling the lard, it needs to be cleaned and cut into small cubes. This is a patient job. She simply asked Xiangzi to cut it. She didn't want it to be greasy. It's upside down, anyway, after getting out a large pot of lard suet, leave it alone.

Xiangzi is also true. After cleaning, he moved a small mat, set up a chopping board and sat in the yard to cut. The early morning fog surrounded him, as if he was in a fairyland.

While the elder brother was cutting the oil, the younger sister was already cooking rice porridge. The porridge was cooked on the bottom, steamed sweet potatoes, potatoes, eggs, steamed buns, and a plate of egg custard. Sweet potatoes eat pickles.

When the smell was gurgling from the pot, Liu'er climbed up from the cellar and brought two plates of pickles and two duck eggs.

The pickles are different every day. Yesterday I ate spicy cabbage and dried radish. Today I ate capers and pickled cucumbers. The duck eggs are pickled. After cleaning, cut them into quarters and put them on the table.

When the meal was ready and served on the table, Wei Ying also went down the mountain with bamboo baskets on his back, followed by Uncle Wei. This is the habit of the two of them. They have to go around the mountain every day. Although there is nothing to gain today , but picked up a basket of firewood.

Xiangzi was not in a hurry to eat, but took advantage of the opportunity to clean the iron pot, and before the fire went out, he lit firewood again, and then poured all the diced pork suet that needed to be boiled into the pot, and then added salt, Ingredients and a large pot of water, then cover the pot and wait for it to boil.

The aniseed ingredients are for flavor, and the salt is for freshness. The lard boiled in this way is also beautiful in color, milky and white.

"Such a big pot, it's no problem to boil forty to fifty catties, enough to eat until spring."

"Almost, let's make dumplings at noon, and make buns tomorrow. There are so many lard residues, so we have to distribute them properly."

There is no work in the winter. Although there is no snow here, except for those who are particularly difficult at home, they will go out to find a temporary worker to do it. Others basically come back. The atmosphere of spring here is quite strong. .

"If the weather is fine tomorrow, why don't we go to the city to see if there is anything to buy? People in the city set off some kind of firecrackers, saying that they are used to drive away evil spirits, and they are set off during the Chinese New Year. Otherwise, let's buy some too?"

Only then did Baihe recall that in the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were more types of firecrackers than in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and the time to set off firecrackers was no longer limited to the early morning of the new year.

Generally, New Year's Eve begins, and it reaches its climax at midnight, commonly known as "Welcome to the God".

At this time, firecrackers will be set off regardless of poverty, high or low. Although they are from mountain families, they also believe in ghosts and gods.

Because the words of Bai He were all on his lips, he had no choice but to swallow, "Alright, you can go and have a look, but the price is not cheap."

"Isn't it the New Year's Eve? Let's pray for auspiciousness, and we have to buy it for any money!"

Bai He doesn't bother to take care of these things, she has been sewing clothes for them on the kang these days, first hugging the child and Uncle Wei, and finally they are young people, and now they are all wearing last year's new clothes Where's the jacket?

After the rabbit skins accumulated at home were tanned by Wei Ying, Bai He made a scarf and a vest for Liu'er and herself, and put them on under the cotton padded clothes to keep them warm.

Lian San'er also picked up a small vest to wear. Uncle Wei made two knee pads. The furs are used up. If you want to make them for these young people, you have to wait until you save enough next year.

The white rabbit fur is soft, soft and warm around the neck. It is very comfortable, and the most important thing is that it looks good.

After breakfast, the oil residue in the pot was still bubbling and bubbling, the mist cleared a little, Liu'er went to scrub, Xiangzi greeted the oil pot, Wei Ying carried San'er to the mountain to play, she Then go back to the kang in the room to sew clothes.

From time to time, the voices of the brothers and sisters talking could be heard in the yard. Such a quiet and peaceful family atmosphere made her enjoy and heal especially.

The oil in the oil pan boiled for about an hour before it was almost ready. The golden-yellow deep-fried oil was filled to the brim, and the [-]-jin oil pot was filled with four or five catties more. In the little jar she made.

After tidying up, Liu'er came in with a small plate of golden fried oil and handed it to her: "Sister, try it, my brother even sprinkled some salt on purpose, it's delicious!"

Bai He glanced at it, and couldn't help laughing: "This deep-fried one is really thorough, golden and crispy, not bad, delicious, let your brother make it out, it's only the amount of these two plates, and it can't be too much. If you want to eat cabbage, you can chop cabbage, if you want to eat radish, you can chop radish, and when I am done with the work at hand, I will adjust the stuffing, and we will have steamed dumplings at noon."

Steamed dumplings?Liu'er looked at Bai He in surprise, and Bai He smiled mysteriously.

"You will know in a while, don't you know where the potatoes are? Didn't we buy a grater specially? You peel the potatoes and grind them into mud for me. Take five or six. Go quickly, and I will go over there in a while. .”

The dumplings at noon were not the usual small dumplings, but steamed dumplings that I planned to make with mashed potatoes, which were thicker and had a firmer skin.

After the brothers and sisters packed up, the work on her side also came to an end.

Mix the vegetables and oil residue first, then add the seasoning to mix the filling out. While they were not paying attention, I grabbed a handful of leeks from the space and chopped them into the filling to increase the thick taste of the dumpling filling. After all, eating dumplings is the only way to eat dumplings. Leek is the best partner.

Because there is water in the mashed potatoes, after a period of time, starch will form. Pour off the water, stir the mash and starch together, add one or two spoons of flour, knead it into a smooth dough, and then drag it into a dose. Start rolling the skin.

As soon as they saw the Zanpi brothers and sisters coming, they came to help, because the dumplings were relatively big and easy to make, so the three of them finished making a large pot of dumplings in a short while.

When wrapping it, he asked, "Where did you get the leek? It looks quite fresh."

Bai He's face didn't turn red and she wasn't out of breath: "I buried them in the straw, not many, I just thought I could have a bite in winter, look, isn't it useful?"

A total of three baskets of large dumplings were steamed. Here, Xiangzi looked at the fire, and there, she quickly made tomato and egg soup. At the end, she added some corn starch, so that the soup would not be too draining.

When Liu'er went to ask Wei's father and son to come down, he found that Xiao San'er still had a rattle in his hand, and Wei Ying pointed to the Weicheng behind him with his chin.

"My father is capable. He can even make rattles."

The little guy shook the rattle happily, Weicheng scratched his head and smiled foolishly, then went to wash his hands and prepare to eat.

Xiangzi also adjusted the garlic sauce, and prepared two plates to serve it, one with spicy and one without.

This is the first time for everyone to eat steamed dumplings, especially those made of mashed potatoes, so they are relatively rare, and they feel unusually firm after taking a bite.

Bai He smiled and said: "This food is not so easy to digest. When you eat it, you should chew it carefully and swallow it slowly. It is fresh. There is soup in the pot. Drink some soup later to moisten the intestines."

"You're quite capricious. The dumplings are made to a high level. Are they steamed dumplings? They're delicious, but there's even leeks. Where did they come from?"

When everyone praised her in a hurry, Wei Ying who was at the side suddenly looked at her.

"Can we sell this at our breakfast stand?"

Bai He raised his eyebrows, obviously he didn't expect Wei Ying's head to turn so fast, he smiled and nodded immediately.

"Of course, it's just that you two are already busy enough?"

"No matter how busy you are, you still have time to wrap this. Look, you wrapped it like a willow leaf. It looks so pretty. But we don't have potatoes, so we can only wrap it with flour. The stuffing is also easy to make. As long as it's not too unpalatable, people will usually come. Buy, if you just drink wonton, many people will not be able to eat enough."

Bai He saw that he was serious, so she took his mouth naturally.

"Since you want to learn, let me take advantage of the time before this time to make it a few more times, wrap it with flour, take a look, and follow along. In fact, there are many ways to steam dumplings, and the fillings are made in different ways. The specialty of our house, the reason why our wonton is delicious is because the meat filling is well blended. Not only can dumplings be steamed in this steamer, but also small steamed buns can be made. When the small steamed buns are ready, they are even better than dumplings. eat."

When Bai He talked about food, her eyes were shining brightly, just like twinkling stars, making people swallow silently following her description.

She has steamed buns many times when she came to this house, but they are all big buns, and she has never made small buns. Since these two men are so good at tossing around, it would be fine to hand over the cooking of Xiaolongbao and steamed dumplings to them at the same time. ?
With such a choice of meat and vegetables, their breakfast stall business can last for a long time. As long as it helps to make money, she is very happy.

Although the steamed dumplings are delicious, but not to mention too strong, they are a bit dry. If they are not dipped in sauce, they are really not as good as boiled dumplings. However, if the steamed dumplings are paired with wontons with soup, they will look particularly good. .

There are almost no leftovers in their family, and even if there are, they are fed to the chickens, and they never eat leftovers.

I was so choked by the meal at noon, but fortunately there was soup to soothe my throat, so I ate much lighter at night, boiled sticky corn porridge, and fried sour cabbage and tofu.

Now the family is not surprised by the strange food she can conjure up at any time. Anyway, if you ask, it is given by someone else, and they don't know anything else. Over time, no one asks.

The next day I originally planned to make steamed buns, but since the brothers were willing to learn, she explained in detail how to make Shaxian dumplings, how to mix the fillings with carrots, meat, green onions, ginger, and garlic, etc. At that time, it requires ingenuity. First of all, how to reconcile the meat filling with soup requires skill.

The meat stuffing needs to be stirred constantly, and the water is vigorously added to see if it is pure meat stuffing or half meat and half vegetarian. There are secret recipes for this.

Baihe made several kinds of stuffing, such as sauced meat, soup, and vegetarian stuffing. The two brothers also learned how to make buns. As a result, they ate buns for a whole day.

But they had memorized the basic steps, and after three consecutive days of wrapping, they learned it thoroughly, and their family had enough of these.

Afterwards, the two brothers took Xiaomang to the city. They wanted to take Liu'er with them, but because of what happened last year, she still had lingering fears and said she would not go.

Bai He asked her to stay with her as a companion, and after a lot of lobbying, she persuaded Uncle Wei to follow, and the four men drove the donkey out of the mountain like this.

Baihe and Liu'er closed their doors at home. When Shanxia Ganniang killed a duck, she brought her a duck and a small pot of duck blood. The two sisters ate a pot of delicious duck blood vermicelli soup at home, and cooked I ate corn, baked sweet potatoes, and Liu Er felt like she was going to float, so happy.

The duck blood vermicelli soup is so delicious, the little guy over one year old also drank a small cup, eating the duck blood and sucking it up, so cute.

That duck was not willing to eat it, so I had to wait for everyone to come back and then stew it with old duck soup.

As a gift in return, Baihe gave a quarter of the pig's head to the godmother's family. Last year, I got a few pigs from those traffickers. This year, I only ate one and a half pigs, and there are two or three pigs left. After that, the reason why he didn't dare to give too much was because he was afraid of being jealous, so he gave away a quarter of the pig's head.

As an appetizer for Chinese New Year and festivals, pork head meat is still very precious to the common people, so Liu Er put it in a basket and sent it over. Although no one saw it, it will spread sooner or later. This is the case in rural areas, where there are always talkative people Ba Po.

Last year, Liu'er picked seven or eight large gourds in the mountains. After drying them, she took out the smallest one and made two water ladles.

The largest one saw a hole from the top, and stored the eggs at home in it, and opened another one to store quail eggs, which is a good thing.

"Sister, there's not much hay to catch fire at home, I'll cut some more!"

Bai He looked at the sky, "I'll go with you, the three of us will be at home these two days, it's not safe for you to be alone."

Although they lived here for a year and a half without any major problems, it was the first time that there were only the three of them like today, and she had to guard against it.

After the grass on the mountain is dry, it can be broken easily, and it is very thorny, and it will be covered with a layer of dust when it is touched lightly, which is very dirty.

Liu'er neatly twisted the layer of grass next to the ground into a rope, then chopped a large pile of grass with roots with a machete, and then tied the pile of grass with the rope underneath. Get up and put it on your shoulder: "Sister, okay, let's go down the mountain?"

Seeing her doing it in one go, Bai He couldn't help but praise: "You are getting more and more skillful now, and you are more like a mountain person than me."

"Hey, I learned it all from brother Xiaomang, otherwise I wouldn't have learned so much. I have been running with him in the mountains all year round, but I have learned a lot. I used to wash clothes and feed chickens and ducks to make a meal at home, but Compared with the rice I cooked before, the rice I cook now is called rice, and you have learned a lot of skills from me and my sister."

Liu'er's little face was a little red from the cold, and when she saw her smiling, her eyes gleamed with water, she patted her on the shoulder.

"Okay, it's all over. I know you miss your mother again. If she knows that you brothers and sisters are living so well now, she will be happy for you."

Liu'er sniffed: "Isn't it thanks to your help, Sister, otherwise how could San'er look so good?"

After finishing speaking, he didn't forget to pinch Yu Sheng's bulging cheeks like Crayon Shin-chan, and when the second sister pinched his face, he reluctantly hid on the other side of Bai He's shoulder.

Bai He went up the mountain with him on her back, and now he's going to leave, it's not good to look at, and he ran out accidentally, so usually when they go out, they have to control him like this.

Compared with Cui Xiang and Cui Liu, Yu Sheng is really white, tender and beautiful, more like a girl, extremely delicate.

Bai He knew that this was nourished by the spirits in space. If it weren't for the goat milk fed by space pastures, his physical fitness would not be so good, and his appearance would not be so clean and beautiful, so she insisted on thinking Let this child take the road of imperial examination, because the child raised in this way must be extremely talented.

Of course, this is also her guess. As for whether she can become a pillar of talent in the future, she also needs to work hard the day after tomorrow.

After the two sisters brought Yusheng back home, they immediately closed the gate. As the New Year approached, the number of people who came to see the doctor was much less, and no one came up the mountain for many days.

They ate a lot at noon and were not very hungry at night, so the two sisters baked two pancakes and stewed egg custard for Yusheng, which was a decent meal.

Wei Ying and the others went to the city this time, ranging from three days to five or six days, and the two sisters didn't have much time to be alone, so after closing the gate, they went to the chicken coop, rabbit nest and sheep shed to have a look.

"Sister, the sheep are engorged again!" At first, she was about to enter the house, but Liu'er noticed something swollen from the two sheep's fall, and then remembered that it seemed that the cows had not been milked today.

Bai He immediately came out with the wooden barrel, and the two sisters, one by one, spent half an hour to squeeze the goat's milk.

The two buckets were poured into one bucket, and Bai He turned her head and told Liu'er while walking while carrying them: "Go and look at San'er, don't let him get off the kang."

She put the goat milk in the space while Liu'er was not paying attention, and when it accumulated to a certain level, she took it out to make cheese or yogurt.

Now there are two sheep in the family. If the goat milk is not processed in time, the ewe will be very uncomfortable, but the family has had enough of these things, so she will make dairy products and share them. They prefer to eat rather than drink goat milk. Dairy products, so what she did with the goat milk went unnoticed.

(End of this chapter)

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