The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1303 [1302] The story of the buried female farming 30 (2000)

Chapter 1303 [1302] The story of the buried female farming 30 (2000)

She remembers very clearly, isn't there a soy sauce manufacturer's ad that says 'sufficient drying for 180 days'?
This also just shows that the assistance of sunlight is indispensable for making soy sauce. Without the addition of sunlight, it is nothing.

So she will also taste while cooking. If she feels that the taste is not strong enough, she will prolong the drying time.

In addition to soy sauce and vinegar, she also made soy sauce, sweet noodle sauce, black bean sauce, tomato sauce, and watermelon sauce.

In order to make watermelon sauce, she also specially planted some beans and watermelon.

Including the chili sauce, the chili is still used in space, after all, this year's chili has just sprouted.

These sauce jars filled the vestibule of the entire yard, drying them at the best angle.

Black beans can only be planted after reaching level 20, and she happened to use them to make dried soybeans.

If you want to have a delicious meal at home, you must first prepare all the seasonings, including making noodles. The main point of noodles is the strength, and the soup base needs the support of sauces. For example, noodles with fried sauce are indispensable. Sweet noodle sauce and soy sauce!

Let’s talk about this ramen. There is definitely no way to make beef ramen like later generations, because cattle are an important farming tool in this era and a strong labor force in the family. Who would dare to kill them?Who is willing to kill?So don’t even think about beef, lamb is not good, you can’t eat it every day, it’s expensive but the smell is too strong, people here don’t like it very much, besides, there are not as many people who feed sheep as pork, so in the end, their ramen Pork ramen is positioned.

The method of pork ramen is the same as that of beef ramen, except that the beef is replaced by pork. The soup is made from big stick bones. The meat is not sliced ​​meat, but diced meat. There are fat and thin. After all, this pork is not Like beef, most of them are red meat, and there is a lot of fat on the pig, so the stewed soup is also fat and thin, more fragrant and richer in taste.

To put it bluntly, they are making diced pork noodles here under the banner of ramen!
If you want the noodles at home to be delicious, tomato sauce is indispensable. Add a spoonful of tomato sauce to it when stewing the meat, and the taste is absolutely amazing!

And tomato sauce noodles have always been the type she wanted to add, but she has not been able to find a suitable reason to take it out. After all, this is a dish with obvious goals. If tomato sauce is added to the broth, it will not be obvious, but If you take it out alone to make a sauce, it is too targeted and it is difficult to justify yourself.

Their chili oil is fried with sesame seeds, peanuts, coarse chili powder, fine chili powder and aniseed ingredients. The taste can be transmitted from the mountain to the mountain. It is precious and can stimulate the soup base of the noodles. Just look at it The oily and bright color is enough for people who love spicy food to salivate.

Therefore, all the conditions for a good brine can be met, so where can it go?
The garlic is brought from home, the bean sprouts are taught by her to make them spontaneously, and the sesame paste is also self-ground. You include leeks, green vegetables, shallots, coriander and other ingredients, all of which are also brought from home, but the only embarrassing thing is, There are no cucumbers, and cucumbers are not in season yet, and she can't take them out, so they have bean sprouts in their noon side dishes, but no cucumber shreds. Hot and sour shredded radish, capers, spicy cabbage, etc. in small dishes.

She stayed in the county for three days, probably because the two men who sell food are not ugly, have a sweet mouth, and sell a lot of tricks, so after three days without any activities, she still made almost the same amount of money. One tael of silver, this tael of silver is a profit after deducting the cost, one tael of silver in three days, this is really no worse than working for someone.

Of course, in order to be busy with this, Xiangzi was not able to go out to sell pastries, and the milk of the ewes had risen. After the fourth day, Xiangzi would not go to the morning stall, but he would help him make more wonton stew at home. Then Wei Ying went out of the stall, and he stayed at home to bake the pastries, which would be sold until noon before he went to help Wei Ying. Two people and two businesses, it was a lot of trouble. Of course, Xiangzi did not forget to sell the pastries he made. Put it on the noodle stall and see who needs it. If it sells well, then he doesn't have to run around.

When he delivers pastries to regular customers, he will also inform them of the specific location of Baiji noodle stall. look for him.

They provided everything they could provide, and the rest depended on their own good luck. Bai He didn't want to worry about this aspect. After all, men are far less petty than women when they start a business. They won't stare at a bowl of noodles For a few pennies, I care more about whether the diner will come for the second time.

After understanding this, Bai He didn't want to worry about it anymore, instead of wasting her energy on it, she might as well teach Liu Er and Xiao Mang in front of her!

Xiaomang's current literacy has improved a lot compared to before. Not to mention the rapid progress, at least he can read these enlightening reading materials. Now he only needs to write. He knows some characters, but he doesn't know how to write them down. Liu'er learned to write earlier than him, so she knows a little more. When she has no patients here, the two of them practice writing on the sand table, and come to ask her the pronunciation and meaning of the words from time to time.

When the sun was good, she would sit in the yard with San'er, who was sitting in the chair, basking in the sun. She was working as a maid, and he would hold the doll and grind his teeth there.

When she couldn’t sit still, she hugged her in her arms and coaxed her. If she couldn’t, Liu’er would come over to help her when she heard the sound. When she was sleepy, thirsty, and hungry, it took a long time for familiar people like them to be able to sleep. It is easy to greet him at a glance.

In the medicine field on her mountain, because she was worried that these medicine seeds would not germinate well in the early stage, or that they would not adapt to the climatic conditions in the mountain, she carefully saved some spring water, and asked Xiaomang to pick up the mountain to water it every day when the sun went down. , is more concerned than the vegetables in the yard. If her legs are not convenient for going up the mountain, she might have to spare an observation diary.

The vegetables in Baihe’s yard this year are similar to last year, but this year they also grow vegetables in the front and back yards of Wei’s house on the mountain. Cucumbers and peppers are mainly grown on the mountain. These two things may last throughout the summer. It’s always good to have more varieties .

The main crops at the foot of the mountain are green vegetables, cucumbers, eggplants, beans, coriander, and chives. She planted rapeseed in the backyard after harvesting the sesame seeds. At this time of spring, the rapeseed flowers are blooming beautifully. They can get some oil. Now their family’s oil consumption is too high, so they have to plant some. In addition to the backyard, there are two wastelands on the mountain to grow rapeseed. .

 There is another chapter tonight!

(End of this chapter)

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