The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1279 [1278] The story of the buried female farming 6 (5000)

Chapter 1279 [1278] The story of the buried female farming 6 (5000)

This time, she owed a lot of favors to the village for building the house. Otherwise, those treasures in the space would not dare to take them out, and she wouldn't be so troublesome to write down the people and wait for the future to pay back the favors. I have to say, there are so many people She has great strength, not only built four small houses for her, but also built chicken coops and pigpens in the spacious yard, a kitchen shed for external use, and a hut in the backyard. The houses are also surrounded by durable earth-stone mixed walls up.

Although she has many rooms, they are not big in size, and the house is low, the highest place is only about 1.5 meters. If it is too high, it will feel cold in winter, so her house is low and short, only [-] meters. More than enough?It couldn't have been more appropriate.

The saved area was all used in the area of ​​the yard, which is really big. The front yard alone has a hundred square meters, and the back yard has an area of ​​seventy to eighty square meters. You need to lay some pebbles, and if you have suitable and smooth stones, you can also get some back, which can be made into stone tables and stone benches.

In the era when there were no decoration materials, a layer of yellow mud was painted on the wall, and cracks would appear after drying, but it did not affect the overall effect.

Everyone in the village uses wood to make their beds, but the carpenter father and son are not free at present, so they are temporarily supported by wooden boards. In her bedroom, she made a 1.5-meter-high soil kang. Put a table, the position of the window can also stack desks and bookshelves, and the bedroom is also the largest of these rooms.

By the way, she also dug a small cellar under the stove, which can be used to store food no matter it is hot or cold. Although there is space, isn't there a charge for that?

Food from the outside world, just put it in the cellar.

Because of the earth kang, a flue and an earthen stove were built at the back of the house, and stairs were made of wood around the house. Firewood can be piled under the stairs in the future. The long eaves just cover the extra one-meter-long corridor. In this way, even if it rains, I don’t have to worry about the rain coming into the house.

If she is satisfied with everything except the lack of furniture, then the only shortcoming is that there is no water resource and she has to go down the mountain to fetch water.

After all, the water in her space is not always available, and it is even more impossible to dig a well. Where does the groundwater come from halfway up the mountain?Originally, the location of the village was in a ravine, which could gather water and form groundwater. So how many households in the village had wells, now?The location of their house is not suitable for digging wells, so they have to go to the river for food and clothing.

Bai He used to be a carpenter, she had nothing to do, she wanted to make some furniture by herself, but she didn't have any tools at hand, and the missing things were not old or small, so she asked the way down the mountain and planned to go to the town to buy some Things, if she can get some money back, maybe she can also repay the villagers for helping her build a house.

Therefore, when someone else's home repaired the furniture pulled out of her old house and put it in the new house, Bai He changed into the clothes borrowed from Xiaomang, disguised as a woman, and walked along the winding mountain road, going through mountains and mountains, from From dawn to dusk, I used radishes to carry the bullock cart in the middle, and the feet that were still walking were all blistered, and only then did I see the outline of the town.

But when she arrived, the gate of the town had been closed, and it could be seen that the earthquake had caused heavy losses here, and the people who had come to escape were all around, and they huddled in the temporary straw huts, lingering on their last legs.

The environment here is harsh, mosquitoes and flies are flying around, and there seems to be a bad smell in the air. After asking, I found out that the reason why everyone gathers here is because the government will set up porridge sheds here during the day, and they are all helpless. homeless refugees.

Although the town has also been severely damaged, in the past few months, it has gradually returned to its former hustle and bustle. The businessmen have money, the houses can be repaired if they are broken, and the goods that are buried can be pulled out to continue selling. The most miserable These are the same ordinary people, the crops are soaked in water, the houses collapsed, and they have nothing.

Since she couldn't enter the city, she found a place where no one was around and entered the space. After walking for a day, she was thirsty and hungry.

It is not easy to start a fire, so she stored a lot of charcoal blocks in the space, and with the charcoal blocks, it will be much faster to start a fire.

After drinking spring water, eating roasted corn, and eating a big, red tomato, I felt my stomach was comfortable. I lay down on the grass in the space and fell asleep after a while.

When she woke up again, it was still dark outside, so she hurriedly harvested the chestnuts and pomegranates in the field, leaving the proceeds of six fields, and sold the rest to the space mall for gold coins. Only in this way can there be more gold coins, To open up more land, she now has 16 yuan of land. She usually saves six fields and sells ten fields.

After daybreak, she opened the chestnuts with a dagger and roasted them in the fire. After they were cooked, she peeled them and ate them. It was fragrant and sweet, so delicious.

Because chestnuts are big and full, you will be full after eating ten.

After the city gate was opened, she realized that the reason why the officers and soldiers were guarding here was that they did not want refugees to enter the city gate, so they had to pay a penny for the toll.

She has no money, so she wanders outside the city, and when she sees well-dressed people passing by, she will take out radishes of excellent quality from the space and sell them, eh, let alone, this is really a way, a radish sells for ten cents Well, things are rare and expensive. At this time, when you have money, you can't buy food, so it should be more expensive. She sold a radish and went to the city.

After entering the city, I didn’t expect to set up a stall to sell vegetables. Instead, I went to the fabric store to change fabrics by using baskets made of willow and rattan in the mountains as a cover. They were all seriously damaged, so now there are a lot of defective products on the stall at the entrance of the store, which are being sold.

She has no money, but she has fresh vegetables and fruits that no one else has. With these juicy fruits and vegetables, is she still worried that she won't be able to exchange for what she wants?

Sure enough, as soon as pumpkins, peppers, cabbage, radishes, and walnuts were brought out, the proprietress asked how to change them?
In the end, she exchanged a basket of ingredients for five catties of defective fabrics. You read that right, they were weighed by catty, not measured by a ruler. A rough estimate is that she can make at least seven or eight sets of inside and outside with these fabrics. Outer coat and small coat.

After leaving the fabric store, she packed a basket from the space, went to the grocery store, and exchanged some daily necessities such as chipped dishes, chopsticks, casseroles, cutting boards, and clay pots.

I went to the iron shop and exchanged red dates, walnuts, lotus roots, cabbage, pumpkins, and precious bananas for an iron pot, a kitchen knife, woodworking tools, and farm tools for farming.

After she found a place where no one was around to put her things in the storage cabinet, she took enough ingredients to replace daily necessities such as large water tanks, bath buckets, rice tanks, and pickle jars.

She also exchanged a watermelon for enough pens, ink, papers and inkstones for her use. Since ancient times, things associated with these literati are expensive. Watermelons are so precious that they can be exchanged because the owner of this shop is not short of money and rare fruits.

In another cloth shop, she exchanged ten catties of soybeans for 20 meters of defective fabric, which she planned to use to make bedding.

I also exchanged about a catty of red dates for ten catties of scrap fabric, which can be used to make small items such as shoes and apron sleeves.

The store also gave her enough needles, threads and thimbles.

Noticing that there was a defective loom in the store, she exchanged it with three catties of bamboo shoots.

Because there were a lot of things, the store specially asked someone to send them to the back alley for her, and then went to the grain store after earning the space.

She doesn't buy grain, but she needs to sell seeds. If she has no money, she trades peas and soybeans. The seeds she gets are enough for her to plant the front and back of her house.

The reason why she didn't buy cotton is because she grows cotton, and the loom can be repaired at home, so she can make whatever she needs to wear in the future.

There are so many plants in the space, and there are also plants that can be dyed in the mountains. Although the woven cloth dyed with plants is not as good as dyed with dyes, it is enough for her to wear.

She also exchanged five catties of lotus root for a big millstone. When she finished buying the millstone, it was getting dark and they didn’t give it away. space.

When she left the city, everything except cotton was gone in the open space of [-] square meters, and all the things she wanted were exchanged for.

It's a pity that there are no live animals to buy in the town. It seems that she can only go back to the village to find a solution. She vaguely remembers that someone in the village raised chickens, ducks and geese, but she didn't see the pigs, which were presumably slaughtered.

Before the city gate was locked, she went out of the city, because she couldn't see the way clearly after dark, so she found a place to enter the space, laid out her harvest of today and tapped it one by one, and found the daily necessities she bought Here, the salt and seasoning she exchanged with strawberries, peaches, and oranges is the most valuable.

Because she hasn't eaten salty food for a long time, the salt is coarse salt, she tasted it, and it was slightly bitter, but it was not unpalatable, she went back and processed it, and it could be turned into fine salt.

If the things she took were not good enough to bribe the officials who sold the salt, it is estimated that it would be impossible to sell her five catties at once, and they usually sell them for two.

There is no meat seller in the town. At this time, it is difficult to eat meat. Without meat, there is no animal fat, and naturally there is no way to refine oil. Therefore, she plans to go to the mountains to meet the meat. Try your luck and see if you can hunt wild boars.

In order to make sweat medicine, she also used chestnuts, pomegranates, eggplants, celery, soybeans, strawberries, watermelon and other vegetables and fruits, and changed a lot of medicines that can be used to make sweat medicine, skin trauma, dysentery, and wind and cold.

If it weren't for so many things, she wouldn't have emptied all of her storage for the past three or four years.

But just this time is enough for her not to go out for two or three years, no loss.

After dawn, I started to drive, and I walked for another whole day, with a handful of newly ripe chestnuts on the donkey cart, and managed to get back home before dark.

Back in the village, everyone gathered together immediately, and they were all surprised to see the things in the wicker basket on Bai He's back.

"I rescued a landlord in the town, so I got some money and bought pots and pans. The situation in the city is not very good, and there are all disaster victims on the outside. It's not as good as inside our mountain. At least there are wild vegetables to eat... ..."

She bought so many things, and she didn't dare to take them all out at once, so she could only take them one by one, and then excused herself to go out, and actually went hunting in the mountains. Anyway, she was very skilled, and she had already hunted two wolves. became famous in the village.

No one would take the excuse of hunting as a joke.

After returning home, she went to Wei's house with three catties of soybeans, because the iron pan needed oil to boil, and if it was said who had the most animal fat, it should belong to Wei's house.

"Is anyone home?"

Bai He yelled at least three times before seeing Wei Ying walking out of the house with carpentry tools in his hands, and seeing her standing at the door disguised as a man, with a look of wariness flashing across her swarthy face: " Is something wrong?"

"Oh, this is Mr. Wei Lang. I went to the town the day before yesterday, and finally got an iron pot, but I didn't buy suet, so I thought if I could exchange some from your house? Here are three catties of soybeans, you See how much I can change, can you put it in this bowl for me?"

Wei Ying was far away from him, probably because they were both unmarried men and women. After hearing her explanation of her intentions, the man turned around and entered the room, leaving Bai He with a dumbfounded expression.

What do you mean, yes or no?
Not long after, he came out with an earthen jar in his arms, and handed it to her directly: "Here, it's enough for you to eat for a while."

She hugged the earthen jar tightly, and it weighed at least three to five catties, and she had only prepared three catties of soybeans.

"This..., this is too much, the soybeans I gave are simply not enough."

Who would have thought that the man would grab the soybeans in her hand, turn around and leave: "Enough!"

Obviously, I don't want to talk to her for one more minute.

Three catties of soybeans are exchanged for three or four catties of oil (adding a jar to get five catties) of oil. They have lost this business!

Bai He lowered her head helplessly, that's all, well, I'll pay it back when the time is right, at least she can still show Wei's father's legs.

Seeing that his legs hurt on rainy days, he probably has rheumatism. If she can help him relieve the pain, what is this little oil?

The oil jar given by the Wei family contained not only oil, but also oil residues. Although I don’t know what kind of fat it is, it’s considered meat. That night, she stewed rice in a casserole and fried cabbage with minced garlic in an iron pan. It was delicious. Yes, it is always delicious, especially the crispy rice at the bottom of the pot. It is really the most delicious meal I have eaten in the past few years.

Because the fried cabbage can be boiled without adding water, anyway, it is cleaned, and she is not worried that it will spoil her stomach, so she is not willing to throw away the boiled vegetables, and eats directly with rice. Although she is not short of food, the environment makes her She can't waste it.

The water in the river at the bottom of the mountain is still very turbid. Even if you take it home, you need to leave it empty in the tank for a while, and wait for the soil on it to sink before you can drink it.

She can't drink such dirty water, so she still uses space water. Tomorrow, she will go to the mountains to see if there is any mountain spring water to drink.

She changed two small wooden buckets for carrying water, a large wooden bucket for bathing, and a pole, but she probably won't need it now, because she hasn't had a chance to tell everyone that she bought it back, so if she uses it, she has to do it secretly.

Fortunately, she bought all the tools for carpentry, such as axes and saws, and the family lacked a lot of furniture, so she had to find a way to make them.

Small ones can be made, but for a big piece like a door, you have to find the right wood, and you have to rely on the Wei family and his son.

So the next day, she used red and white radish shreds to make steamed steamed buns, packed twenty or thirty of them, carried them up the mountain in a bamboo steamed bun basket, came to the door of Wei's house, and called a few times softly like yesterday, The person who came out this time was Father Weichengwei.

As soon as Weicheng saw Baihe, he smiled: "Miss Bai is a rare visitor, come on, come in and sit down, I won't pick you up if I have bad legs."

Looking at the majestic two-story wooden building and the clean and tidy courtyard, Bai He admired it from the bottom of her heart.

"Hello, Uncle Wei, I'm sorry to bother you, this is my shredded radish corn bread, would you like to try it?"

The so-called no reward for no merit, Wei Cheng just glanced at her, then asked her with a smile: "Miss Bai came to my house, but what's the matter?"

Bai He didn't hold back, and directly explained the purpose of coming: "Isn't the house below missing four or five wooden doors? I would like to trouble you and Mr. Wei Lang to make some for me when you are free. I will exchange food in the future. Or... if you don't mind, I can also help you heal this leg."

Weicheng raised his eyebrows in surprise, "You can also heal legs?"

Although the people in Weicheng are old and their eyes are yellow, their eyes are not cloudy, and they look energetic, clearer than many of their peers in the village.

"My acupuncture skills are good, but I don't have the money to make a set of silver needles. If you don't mind, would you let me take a look at your leg so that I can prescribe the right medicine in the future?"

Weicheng thought about the wrong occasion: "Oh? That's a good relationship, but it's not too late to talk about it when I go back to the village. I have the wooden door of your house in mind, and I will wait for you when I go back to the village. Now that we are home, we will go to help, although my house is almost repaired now, but you also know that people in the village are all queuing up, and the time you mentioned is the latest."

Hearing this, Bai He nodded quickly, "It's okay, I can wait, if that's the case, then I won't bother you."

Putting the steamed bun basket on the stone table, Bai He got up and said goodbye. As soon as she left, Wei Ying came out of the wooden house, and Wei Cheng took a look at him.

"Have you heard it all? They are here to make wooden doors. You said you didn't do anything wrong, so why are you hiding from them?"

Wei Ying glared at his father, and snorted: "Men and women can't get close, it's better to have less contact."

Father Wei was so angry that he blew out his beard.

"How can you ask for a daughter-in-law if you don't get in touch? You are already 25, and he is as old as you, and his son is ten years old. Can you argue, or how can I go to see your mother when I die? Even a daughter-in-law is asking for it." If you don't come back, why are you so useless?"

Wei Ying probably had a verbal fight with Weicheng more than once, but he really didn't bother to respond to this kind of stereotyped conversation, so he went upstairs with a knife in his hand to fix the wooden work, leaving Weicheng angrily begging for help. When he got up, he saw the delicious-smelling steamed buns on the stone table, and hurriedly called out to his son.

"Are you hungry? This is the shredded radish steamed bread sent by Miss Bai. If you don't want to eat it, I'll take my house?"

(End of this chapter)

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