The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1278 [1277] The story of the buried female farming 5 (5100)

Chapter 1278 [1277] The story of the buried female farming 5 (5100)

This torrential rain caused the soil on the mountain to rush down the mountain, and many wild vegetables were covered under the soil, making it very difficult to find. Although this ensures the freshness of the wild vegetables, it takes absolute patience and perseverance to find wild vegetables in the mountains every time. one thing.

The common people in the mountains have land for every household, and the land was reclaimed and planted by their ancestors. Because it is not a plain, but a hilly landform, so this land is not concentrated, and it is not easy to plant one piece or another. It is purely God. Enjoy the meal.

But the only advantage is that you can open up as much wasteland as you have. Because every household is registered with the government, taxes still have to be paid, and no one can escape this.

However, not to mention the loss of grain due to the natural disaster, the government has not sent anyone to come and see them, which is sad to say.

Fortunately, there are many hunters in the village, so they will not starve to death, and there are no such steep mountains in the plains or mountains outside. Maybe they can do some short-term labor outside to make a living, so, in general, it is still a distance. It's better if the town is closer, at least there are more chances of survival.

In ancient times, stones, soil, and grass were used to build a house. If the conditions are better, buy some green bricks. The so-called big tiled houses with green bricks are the best in the mountains.

Before building a house, the experienced old people in the mountains will take people up the mountain to investigate in advance to see if there is any danger such as a barrier lake. If there is any danger, they must quickly find someone to release the flood, otherwise the safety of several generations may be endangered. .

The result is really unexpected. The continuous month of cloudy and rainy days, coupled with this big earthquake in the earth's crust, caused more than one barrier lake on the mountain, two or three places in total, even though villagers from several villages gathered , the number of people is far from reaching. In this case, someone suggested to ask the government for instructions. After all, only the government can get gunpowder. Live digging greatly reduces labor.

But is the gunpowder from the government so easy to get approved?

Bai He can make black powder, but this is contrary to her original intention in this life, and she is too targeted, she doesn't want to cause that trouble, so she didn't bother with it at all, she is a woman, not a man , It has nothing to do with her, she won't take care of it.

Especially now that she is still in pain, and she has no time to take care of it.

Now that the space has been upgraded to level [-], it is possible to grow chestnuts and pomegranates. Except for the rest time, she spends the rest of the day on crutches visiting old Wen's patients to see if there is anything that needs her help.

The villagers now have two meals a day, from around ten o'clock in the morning, to around three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and they eat wild vegetable balls, which are dry, tasteless, not even soup, three men, There are two women, two old people, and one child can be divided. This is the case every day. After all, the food for a hundred-odd people is gathered together, and no one has the right to be special.

Another ten-year-old girl was arranged in her shed. Because of high fever, her mother took care of her at all times. The shed was not big, and there were three people at once, so it was inevitable that she would feel a little bored. She stays outside, and one of her vegetable dumplings will be given out to those who need it more in the village every meal. The number of people given is not fixed every day, but she has to eat one, otherwise people will wonder what she relies on to maintain her life .

She has come from a famine year, and the natural way is what it feels like to be hungry, so this kind of vegetable dumpling is a lot luckier for eating bark in a famine year. After all, there are occasional prey, and you can mix it with a sip of broth. There are many wild vegetables and leaves in the mountains. As long as the poison is not dead, they can be used for food.

And everyone worked together to go down the mountain to dig rice, wheat, sorghum, grain, even if it is ground together with the skin, it is better than buried in the ground.

If Baihe is hungry, she will enter the space to eat radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, strawberries, watermelons, bananas, peaches, sugarcane, oranges and grapes, and sweet potatoes, potatoes, and roasted corn. But at least she is luckier than others, and in this way, no matter how much she eats, she will not gain weight.

Because she doesn't have enough stuff, her desire to cook in the space has never been realized, and she wants to make some earthen kilns by herself. Now it is not an opportunity, and it is even more impossible to go out to buy. The nearest town, The road here is about [-] miles away, and it is all steep and difficult to walk. Many girls have never stepped out of this mountain in their lives. They are also in these villages in the mountain to find their in-laws. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are isolated from the world. .

On weekdays, the hunters in the village rush to the mountain roads to sell mountain products. Like summer, when the quality of the meat cannot be kept, fewer people go out.

The only donkey cart in the village was owned by the village head, but not everyone borrowed it.

She noticed that the clothes worn by the people in the village were all made of cotton and linen by herself. Thinking about it, it was true, after such a long journey, probably only when they got married would they go to the town to grab a few decent pieces of cloth, right?

The clothes of adults and children are usually mended and mended, and are passed on from generation to generation. People in the mountains are less expensive than the food and clothing in the 60s and [-]s.

While the men were spreading flood discharges and building houses, and the women were digging vegetables and food in the ground, the limping Bai He led the children to search for wild vegetables in the mountains. According to the climate and formation here, a preliminary judgment It should be in the Hubei area of ​​our country, where rice is mainly grown. Where rice cannot be grown, there is no water. Generally, sorghum, soybeans, cotton, sesame, peanuts or buckwheat, wheat are grown.

Summer is the season when purslane floods. After the weather returns to normal, the vegetation covered under the soil gradually arches out. As long as the heads are exposed, the children can see them pulling them out, and then excitedly put them in baskets. Go back and claim credit.

At present, the way of eating purslane that she knows is not only steamed into steamed buns, but also cold, dried vegetables and stewed with meat, because raw purslane has a strange sweet taste, dried After stewing with meat, this taste will be reduced. Of course, no one is so spoiled by this condition. Fresh purslane can make a dish, right?
No one would dislike too much wild vegetables. After all, there is no harvest this year. How you cook in winter depends on how you store them in summer. Therefore, if you can’t finish eating wild vegetables, everyone will wash them and dry them. Not without food.

After more than half a month of tossing, the imperial court finally sent people into the mountain to check the situation of the barrier lake. In the mountain, everything is upstream. If the barrier lake is left there, the lives of people down the mountain will be endangered, so After inviting officials to conduct on-site inspections, it was unanimously decided to blast.

Their current location will not affect the flood discharge, but the fields in the ravines may not be saved.

On the day of the flood discharge, the common people ran to the river channel inside the mountain to watch, but when the rolling yellow water rushed down the mountain with vegetation, mud and rocks, it seemed to be back to the day of the mudslide. I don't know what it's going to be like yet."

Because of the low geographical location of Xiarao Village and the lack of reminders from people like Wei Ying, the whole village was buried, and hundreds of families just disappeared. What a pity!
Speaking of Wei Ying's reputation in Shangrao Village, he is really a legendary figure. Although his family is an outsider, it is said that his father fought in a war and then injured his leg, so he brought Wei Ying to their village , his father Weicheng is now a carpenter in the village. The father and son make a living by farming, carpentry and hunting on weekdays, and are deeply respected by the people in the village.

"The night Dilong turned over, if Wei Ying hadn't rushed down the mountain to tell us to run quickly, our house could have squeezed half of the old, weak, sick and disabled in at the moment the ground shook. It is said that the father and son In the mountains, I saw animals running around in panic, and felt something was wrong, and his father had experienced earth dragons turning over when he was a child, otherwise how could he rescue us people with such precision?"

"Lao Ding's family was still greedy for property, and Wei Ying dragged the old lady out of the house abruptly. When the old lady was carried by Wei Ying and ran up the mountain, she hit him on the head with the crutches. Afterwards, she was rescued. No words, really heartless."

Bai He listened to the big guy's comments on Wei Cheng and his son, and she also found it amazing. However, she was in the tomb at the time, and she didn't know whether it was day or night, but she still vaguely remembered Wei Ying's serious face.

After all the floods have drained away, it will almost be June. In ancient times, the lunar calendar was followed, and there was no so-called solar calendar. Therefore, June here generally refers to July in the solar calendar.

After eliminating potential safety hazards, the men hurried to build houses and cultivate land.

The land after the flood discharge is full of muddy water, which is just suitable for growing rice. Cabbage, radish and cucumbers are also arranged. The land that can be used is used by the common people, just thinking that some losses can be recovered before winter comes.

The seeds were all issued by the government. Because of the disaster, many people were homeless, so Bai He's household registration went smoothly, but a woman could not set up a separate household, so her household registration was registered with An Xiaomang's.

Although she has a household registration, she has no land. If she wants to cultivate land, she has to cultivate it alone. Because it is rather chaotic now, and she does not know where the wasteland of each household is, so Bai He did not cultivate the land. I just thought about putting it in the house and planting it in front of the house and behind the house, and she will be a girl in the village in the future, she will have to ask for food no matter what, just fool the obvious, she herself is not worried Food and drink, and some chickens, ducks, geese and pigs are enough to eat.

Whether to plant or not, in fact, it doesn’t matter at the moment. In the long run, it’s not too late to wait until next spring.

Because the whole village worked together to build the house, the original house was located too low. After experiencing the flash flood, it was no longer suitable for rebuilding the house, so they cut down a lot of trees and re-opened a safer place as Shangrao. The new address of the village.

Although her registered permanent residence is in the An family, Bai He didn't plan to live in the same yard with the An family. Just at this time, because of choosing the location of her new home, she, an outsider, had disagreements with some An family members. She herself didn't want to be close to the village. It is a concentrated place, so it is very considerate to choose a mountainside away from the village.

Both Aunt An and An Xiaomang felt that her position was not good, far away from the village, it was too unsafe for a girl's family.

However, Bai He smiled and said: "You have forgotten, I am a woman who has fought against wolves, who would dare to take my advice? Besides, good places in the village are limited, someone has to choose a new place to build, I am not from my village, and it is a tradition for this family to build a house next to each other. I have nothing to be unhappy about. Don’t worry, this is what it should be.”

The one who was isolated together was Wei Yingjia, who was above her house, and she didn't have any neighbors. Although the neighbor father and son didn't like to talk, they were neighbors anyway, right?

Therefore, the people in the village chose flat areas to build houses, but she and Wei Yingjia finally chose to open up a new site on the hillside to build houses.

Because it is an up and down structure with this new neighbor, the size of the house can be built at will, unlike the place where villagers are concentrated, each household needs to build a house according to the population.

It is said that the winter here is not very cold. Although I don't know how many degrees it is, Bai He still wants to design the structure of the house by herself.

Although she lives alone, she must have the minimum living facilities. The main room, utility room, bedroom, kitchen, and hut are much simpler, and she can build it herself. The villagers think she is hypocritical, so she will come to help in advance. The person wrote down the name and working hours. In her own words, she would thank everyone who came to help her. If there is a headache in the future, she will spare no effort to repay them.

The most difficult part of building a house is not the construction, but the preparation of materials. It is necessary to move down the suitable stones on the mountain, especially the rocks above the village. Long before the house is built, the stones that may roll down are knocked down to exclude the safety. After the hidden dangers are eliminated, the cover is started.

In ancient times, many rich people used pure wooden structures to build houses, because wooden structures can prevent moisture and insects, and the wood they use has a certain fragrance.

There are many wooden houses in our country that stand tall. They use special construction techniques to connect the wood together so that the wood cannot be split.The mortise and tenon structure is the construction method they use, which is a particularly strong method that can ensure the quality and safety of the house.

However, it is a house that pays attention to talents. Although the houses in the mountains are close to the mountains, not all of them know this kind of craftsmanship.

A beautiful wooden house requires the builder to have absolute construction ability, but this group of villagers in the mountains does not have this ability, so the house with wooden structure has long been excluded by them, but this does not mean that no one in the village builds a wooden house Well, there is an old carpenter in Wei Ying's house, but the framework has already been set up, and it is still a building within a building, which is enough to show that this old man is quite capable, so Wei Ying and his son did not participate in the construction of any other family in the village. In the house process, even the carpentry work was pushed along, and I dedicated myself to building my own house.

The poor people in ancient times, um, just like ordinary people like them.

It is because there is not so much money to buy wood, even the people in the mountains do not have enough manpower and material resources to find good wood suitable for building houses.

So they use stones and clods, and straw.

Break the stones into gravel or just use large rocks.

By making mud with soil and water, and adding straw.

Mud with straw is used as an adhesive to connect crushed stones or large stones to make the wall of the house. Of course, some people use glutinous rice paste as an adhesive. After all, there was no cement and sand. This is the only way.

Finally, use wood to make a roof and cover it with straw to become a thatched house. This kind of house is not only simple, but also can be built quickly. If you want to be stronger, you can slowly repair it later.

Because of the preciousness of glutinous rice milk, not everyone can use it.

In ancient times, sticky rice could be used as a binder, and clay bricks were generally used.

For example, the ancient city walls and some official buildings.

Glutinous rice is sticky. After mashing glutinous rice and mixing it with stone powder or clay, the resulting binder can strengthen the earth bricks on the city wall.

Ordinary people can't get enough to eat, who would be willing to use glutinous rice milk to build a luxurious house?

She had gone to see the house built by Wei's father and son, and it really moved her mind.

Although there is no cement, the father and son used the mortise and tenon structure instead of the adhesive, which played a fixed role in the building materials. Compared with cement, the flexibility of this structure is greatly enhanced, and it can be adjusted at any time according to needs. If you're not smart enough, you can't do it.

In the middle of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, the houses in the entire village were basically built, which is the result of the continuous efforts of every household day and night.

The last thing to finish is her and Wei's house. When her house was built, Wei's house still lacked a roof, and some details are enough to show how much energy the father and son spent on building this house.

According to the villagers, the reason why the father and son made such a fuss is to find a wife for Wei Ying. Wei Ying is 25 years old. In ancient times, he was considered an old unmarried youth. In the village, children of his age ran all over the mountains and plains. .

In recent years, there have been quite a few matchmakers in the village for Father Wei, but before his son found a wife, Father Wei had publicly stated that he would not find a wife either.

This invisibly put a certain amount of pressure on Wei Ying, and Wei Cheng worked hard day and night so that his son could find a good wife.

The village chief was also very happy when he saw the village becoming more and more decent, and the disabled people getting better.

Finally, I feel that they have been building houses day and night, growing food and vegetables, and their energy has not been wasted. Looking at the current situation of the village, is it not as lively and prosperous as before it was destroyed by the earthquake?
Originally, the village chief wanted to set a good date, and the whole village moved to a new house, but the Wei family’s house was not completed for a long time, and everyone couldn’t do it all the time, so on the eighth day of August, all the families except the Wei family, With a smile, I moved into the new home I had been waiting for for a long time.

Including Bai He herself, looking at her small villa with a mountain view on the mountainside, she grinned all the way to the back of her head!
 Thank you readers [Peace Shengyu] [Li Luoshang] for rewarding my novel coins, it cost you money, thank you, I wish everything safe and smooth!
(End of this chapter)

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