The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1266 [1265] Under Changbai Mountain 42 (5000)

Chapter 1266 [1265] Under Changbai Mountain 42 (5000)

The pain I experienced today, I really don't want to have it again in my life.

The tenth degree of labor pain, the pain at the moment of the birth of the child, the pain during the stitches, her throat was dry from howling, the tears were dry and wet, and when the blood loss was excessive after the stitches and the drip was observed, the mother-in-law Came in, touched her wet hair and wept.

"Son, you are suffering."

She had a sore nose and cried, "Mom..., it hurts so much!"

The big fat girl next to him was still howling. Fortunately, the mother-in-law brought a baby bottle with warm glucose water in it. She asked the doctor to make sure she could drink it. Lying quietly on the push bed, looking at the ceiling quietly, the sweat on his body faded away little by little.

The midwives, nurses, and doctors took turns to see her, asked her about her condition, pressed her stomach while she was not paying attention, oh my god, she might as well, the urine and lochia came out together, and her face flushed instantly: "Ah... ,"

The doctor patted the back of her hand reassuringly, "You can bear it quite well. You haven't been beaten without pain. You have been clenching your teeth. Fortunately, your physical fitness is good. The child and your signs are both good, but you just bled too much. It’s best to transfuse 800CC of blood, otherwise it will affect your aunt’s cycle in the future and cause anemia.”

Chu Qian was well aware of her physical condition. Even though she was more resistant to blood transfusions, she did not deny that what they said was true.

After the doctor left, Chu Xi tremblingly listened to the screams in the delivery room, looked at the daughter who had already been put to sleep, and the mother-in-law who was sitting next to her and guarding her.

"Mom, there was a woman who gave birth just now. She peeled the placenta by hand. It's too miserable. That cry,"

As she spoke, she began to cry empathetically. Her own uncontrollable tears startled her mother-in-law.

Hurry up and hug her: "It's okay, it's okay, don't cry, we have enough children, you don't have to suffer from this anymore...,"

So when Chu Qian was pushed out, seeing Jin Jun's concerned face, the sense of grievance became uncontrollable, and she even complained a little.

Thinking about it carefully, if it weren't for this kind of resentment, she wouldn't suffer, and of course she wouldn't give him a good look.

From the operating room to the elevator to the single patient room, it seemed to her a century.

The advantage of natural delivery is that I can move to the hospital bed, but the disadvantage is that the tear is more serious, and blood transfusion is required. I am afraid that I will have to exercise to recover later.

During the four days in the hospital, his mother-in-law went to and from the hospital every day to deliver confinement meals. Jin Jun stayed by her side all the time, worried that his body would not be able to take it, but he said.

"Compared to what you have suffered, what is mine?"

Nowadays, when giving birth, the delivery room is not so crowded. There are only two or single rooms, and there are very few triple and five-person rooms.

They didn't look for anyone at first, they only asked if there was a single room, and they were arranged in, which is enough to show how low the fertility rate is.

It is estimated that there is no one in the whole school to support four children like their family.

Zhang Shasha has changed her name to Jin Sha. The three children, Jin Han Jinbo and Jin Sha, brought more or less three points of water. This name was discussed by the eldest brother and sister-in-law. It is not easy for them to interfere as uncles and aunts.

As for their children, Chu Qian was more casual and didn't want to make it too complicated because of the name.

"I hope she grows up carefree, let's call her Jin Wuyou! Nickname Yoyo."

The parents-in-law and parents nodded in agreement after making sure that the name did not offend the elders in the family. Jin Jun immediately issued a birth certificate for the child.

After Yoyo came home from the hospital, she was loved by her brothers and sisters. As soon as school was over, there was a circle of children around her bed. They stared at Yoyo, touched her little hands, and kissed her little feet. Sasha, who has always been taciturn, has bright eyes when she sees Yoyo. As long as grandma holds her, she will obediently watch her and put her in the crib. Grandma goes to the bathroom to wash clothes, and she will shout when the child wakes up.

"Aunt~~sister is awake!"

Although Jin Jun left on a business trip when Yoyo was half a month old, there are many people in the family, and the two older children will help wash the clothes for the children now.

The advantage of breastfeeding is that there is no need to make milk powder, and she has enough milk. Even if she goes to school or travels in the future, she can rely on freezing to maintain the child's daily diet. For this reason, they also bought a refrigerator specially. Start pumping in the tummy and seal it in the freezer.

Special circumstances require special treatment. Now food hygiene is worrying, especially milk powder. There are too many unreliable ones, so even if it is a bit troublesome, the family members agree. After all, Chu Qian has heavy learning tasks and busy work. It can only be guaranteed to be fed in this way.

Of course, they also bought a small bucket of milk powder, mixed it with feeding, so that the children are familiar with the taste of milk powder, so that they will not resist in the future.

Once the pure mother's milk is weaned, most of them will resist drinking formula milk, and it is not too much to say that they will not touch a drop of water.

Even if she is away from home, it doesn't matter, she has space, so she can guarantee the freshest milk, and she will count the time to go home, if it is too late, she will send the fastest fresh express to her home, For the sake of the baby's breastfeeding, she has already imagined everything in advance.

The mothers-in-law of confinement meals all go to school with short videos. There are many tricks and they do it with care. The mother-in-law who has parenting experience listens to her, so the mother-in-law born in the [-]th and her born in the [-]s cooperate quite harmoniously and friendly, and there is almost no quarrel shelf.

Compared with the original mother, she likes her mother-in-law more, because her mother didn't come to see her during confinement, and it's embarrassing to say, because even her sister-in-law, younger brother, and sister-in-law all came to see her, while her own Mom and Dad just made a few phone calls, which counted as greetings, and it was quite chilling to say.

Of course, they also had their own reasons. Dad suffered from lumbar disc herniation and was in pain all over his body, so he couldn't take the car. She also understood, so she didn't let them come over.

Dad has no reason to lie to himself, and her current situation is not suitable for going back to see her, so the relationship between their mother and daughter is very different.

Jinsha is also a child who strives for success. She takes medicine regularly and has regular follow-up visits. All indicators are getting better and better, and even her hair has grown back healthily.

In the past, she was very weak, black and thin, and since she took the confinement meal with her, her face has become fleshy.

There is no shortage of nutritious food at home. Jinsha also exercises and can eat a little of everything. Picky eaters are not good. She can eat as long as she doesn't want to, because she also wants to go to school like a healthy person.

Whenever she followed her grandma downstairs and saw other children running and jumping while she was weak and had difficulty walking, she thought, when will she be like a normal person?
After knowing that food can replenish energy, even if the vegetables and fruits are not what she likes to eat, she still has to swallow them because she wants to be a healthy person.

The child is so sensible and understands human nature, which is a rare thing for the Jin family.

Her biological mother has never visited her until now, let alone called them, maybe she thought she was gone!

The little girl also gradually stopped calling her mother, but her grandparents shouted affectionately, and the elder brother and the younger brother followed behind the eldest and the second.

When it was inconvenient for her to confine herself, she would sometimes give her food warmed by her grandma, and she would be very grateful to her every time.

"Thank you baby Sasha, thank you for your hard work!"

At first, the little girl was a little arrogant, she turned her head awkwardly, and said in a blunt tone, "No need."

Later, she would respond with a sentence: "You're welcome, this is what I should do, just tell me what you want to eat, and I'll get it for you."

It used to be very unpleasant to touch her head, but now she is very obedient when touching her new hair stubble.

A child is the most innocent, she will know who treats her well, she resisted herself before because they all forced her to call her mother.

After she didn't force her, she still treated her as well as before, every time she spoke softly, who wouldn't like it?

Naturally, she let go of her guard. Look, now, apart from that layer of window paper, they are basically in harmony with each other.

The little girl looked for her sister every day when she opened her eyes, and she also liked to sleep in her room, next to her sister, where there was her sister, she felt very safe, so Chu Qian didn't stop her, so she let her sleep In my house.

She was afraid of disturbing her at night, but the little girl shook her head: "I'm not afraid of making noise, I can help my aunt with diapers,"

Seeing that she still refused to go back to grandma, I let her go. Fortunately, she was breast-feeding, and she stuffed the baby into her mouth when the baby hummed, so there was very little crying, unless she had intestinal spasms Sometimes, I can't sleep well and cry a lot.

As long as she doesn't pull at night, she won't change her diaper. Even if she falls asleep, she won't wake up no matter how hard she struggles. She is very obedient and easy to feed. She is a worry-free girl.

After 45 days, she went to the hospital for reexamination. The child's hearing and vision were fine, but her uterus was slightly drooping, and she needed rehabilitation training as soon as possible.

So after confinement, she began to practice yoga to get herself back on track as soon as possible.

When I go back to school, this semester is almost over. On December 2030, 12, she is 4 years old, and my baby Yoyo was born on October 26, less than two months.

During the confinement period, she would watch the video lessons given by the teacher for a while every day, take notes and study. After the confinement period, she studied and memorized repeatedly. When she returned to school, she would be busy communicating with the teacher. She was afraid that she would fail the class again. Fortunately, She has a good foundation and is willing to take the time to study. She finally passed the final exam safely without failing.

The master's degree is about to graduate, and the dissertation is about to start. Fortunately, she has accumulated experience in writing dissertations for many lifetimes, so she hasn't felt flustered until now.

During the winter vacation, she has two films to film, and she has stored her breast milk in advance, so she has to fly home to deliver the milk every now and then. If the filming progress is tight, she will send it to the family by courier. Her parents-in-law also feel sorry for her, so they discussed whether to send it The milk was weaned, but Chu Qian was reluctant.

"Let her eat until next spring!"

Their family, Youyou, refused to eat milk powder after three months. Although they use a feeding bottle to drink milk, what they eat is breast milk.

Without the sucking process, the child eats more. Fortunately, she is not the protagonist. Even if she is a little fatter, it will not affect the overall effect. On the contrary, she will be more beautiful, white and fat. She eats it for the child Effect.

And the daily fitness is just to adjust her physical condition, not diet to lose weight, at least during breastfeeding, she never thought about losing weight.

And the roles she plays are also varied, including all kinds of people, and she even played a cameo role as a young general who is jealous of talents.

Because her horse riding, swordsmanship, archery, and martial arts almost do not require martial arts guidance and special effects, and she can do it well independently. Said that she is still unwilling to endure this hardship, and finds a substitute for everything. She originally played the role of an official wife, but unexpectedly, an impromptu performance made the director fall in love with her, and directly gave her a young man who died young Hero thinks.

This general has both civil and military skills, and his excellence makes people jealous, but unfortunately he died on the battlefield due to politics. In order to show her excellence, Chu Xi, who has the most advantage in costume dramas, became the best spokesperson. The auxiliary ability adds luster to this role, and of course, because of such an excellent performance, she opened up her future acting career.

It's just a pity that she never takes on the leading role, only plays a supporting role, many people don't understand, even the company tried to praise her several times, but was resolutely rejected.

"My acting is just a hobby. I don't want to be a sweet burden. Red is good, but I have to be able to control it. What's more, I don't know what I'm learning. The career I want to pursue in the future is contrary to this. It’s good to play some small roles once in a while to liven up the atmosphere, I don’t need to be popular.”

There are a lot of people who are popular, what she lacks now is not fame, she also needs this fame to add points, the more popular you are, the stronger the capital's desire to control, she doesn't like the feeling of being controlled, so she would rather only play a small role, But even this small role like earning extra money is enough for her to support her family.

Not to mention that she still has a salary of tens of thousands of yuan from the General Administration of Sports, five social insurances and one housing fund, a public account with an annual income of one million, a short video stream of one million, a share of millions of TV dramas, a coffee shop with an annual profit of several hundred thousand, and song publishing copyrights of several Tens of millions, acting tens of millions, advertising endorsements...

Adding all the income together, her annual income is at least 600 million+. If the income from Jinjun Company is added, the annual income of the couple can reach more than [-] million, and it is the net income after deducting various expenses and donations. With such an income, does she still need to fight for the position?
Besides, she has never cared about those things, and in the crew, she has never been despised or insulted by other actors because of her position. On the contrary, they are very friendly and even respect her, so this person, status in the world or something , It all depends on her qualifications. In the past ten years, she has worked hard to create her own country and status. With the status of Olympic champion and tens of millions of Internet celebrities, who would dare to underestimate her?
At least in the entertainment industry where traffic is the focus, she is an existence that should not be underestimated. Even if the acting is considered to be too small, she is not ridiculed because she is still a fourth-tier and fifth-tier status, because she has too many talents. Identity is scary.

Swimming and skiing double gold medal in the world, calligraphy, embroidery, archery and martial arts are all proficient, multilingual genius, No. 1 in the live broadcast, Dae Jang Geum in the cooking world, singing, dancing, yoga, all proficient, producer, screenwriter and writer triple identity plus body……

You can imagine for yourselves, if you have such an all-around talent by your side, would you look down on him?

It is estimated that the moment of slapping the face is absolutely brilliant. In the end, the clown is himself, and it is not an exaggeration to become the joke of the whole network!

Therefore, Chu Qian's status in the entertainment industry is difficult to put into words. She treats people politely and doesn't ask how others treat her, but only wants not to be underestimated.

When she gave birth to a daughter, she didn't post an announcement on Weibo at the beginning. The pregnant woman on the same floor saw her take a photo. Who would have thought that it would just be a hot search?

So when she was in the hospital, she posted a postpartum video to tell everyone that she was happy, and her little Yoyo took her off to become the number one hot search list of the day.

And because of her daughter's hot search, she likes to mention over 1 million fans, and she is No. [-] among individual users on the entire network!

Even she herself is a little confused, over 1 million, the platform fans only have a few billion fans worldwide, and she herself has [-] million fans, which is a bit false to say, but the fact is that she really exists, over [-] million Now, what do you like about her?Or is it that black fans and diehard fans have helped each other to push her to the No. [-] of individual households?

She is probably the No.1 scolded person on the Internet every day. There are some comments in the comment area that you can’t see. You get angry after reading them. So she seldom reads the comments. It’s not that she doesn’t want to read them, but she doesn’t dare. Yes, so she didn't have the guts to look!
She doesn't understand those trolls, if she doesn't like it, she just ignores it. This is paying attention and swearing at her to send her traffic. It's really a confusing operation!
Shaking her head and waving away these troubles, she immediately packs up her things and leaves after filming. If she doesn’t have many scenes, she doesn’t even bother to bring her assistant. She can do everything by herself. Anyway, if there is space, if you need anything, find a place where no one is around. Just hold it. What kind of RV or car is not as practical as space for her, so it's the most exciting to be alone.

The crew arranged a room for her, and she also needs a place to take a bath and fetch water, so she must go back to the hotel. She doesn't have high requirements for living, as long as there is 24-hour hot water, she doesn't know how to use anything else anyway. Fortunately, every time I go to filming, the conditions are not the best, at least they can get by.

She hails a car on the side of the road and leans against the window to rest. After the epidemic, everyone is used to wearing a mask. She is a star, and a peaked cap and a mask are her daily necessities, even when it is dark. , and still can't get rid of this habit.

It was after seven o'clock in the evening, and it took nearly half an hour to drive from the film and television city to the place where she lived, so when she was resting by the window, she inadvertently turned around and saw a suspicious man on the side of the road coming from his arms. She took something out of the bag, her face was shocked, her body trembled instantly, and she yelled at the driver.

"Master, hurry up, stop quickly, stop!"

(End of this chapter)

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