The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1265 [1264] Under Changbai Mountain 41 (5000)

Chapter 1265 [1264] Under Changbai Mountain 41 (5000)

The parents-in-law are both type O blood, so there is no doubt that the three sons they gave birth to are all type O, and there will be no other blood types.

But the eldest brother’s two sons, Jin Han is type A, and Jin Bo is type O. From this, it is judged that Zhang Yan has type A blood, so it is impossible for their children to have type B and AB. However, after matching, it was found that Jin Sha’s The blood type is AB, which also means that she is not Jin Chi's daughter. Her biological father is either type B blood or AB type. Anyway, she will not be the offspring of O blood and A blood.

It's really as ridiculous as she guessed, Jin Sha is indeed not the blood of the elder brother, no wonder Zhang Yan is guilty of a crime, and throws the child at her natal family as soon as she is born, how guilty is that?Well, now that something happened to the child, I was powerless, and I wanted the child to survive, so I thought of them.

It's not ordinary selfishness!

The genetic classification of this blood type can be known in various ways even if you have never studied medicine. Therefore, when the child's blood type came out, Deng Ya and Jin Qian subconsciously believed that the blood type did not match, and there was no way to match for bone marrow transplantation. type.

In fact, it is not the case. Different blood types are not a taboo for transplantation. After special treatment, reinfusion during transplantation will not affect the donation and recovery of bone marrow between patients.

Before bone marrow transplantation, in fact, the most important thing is to do matching. The matching of human tissue-associated antigen HLA must achieve a certain degree of matching.

Nowadays, with the continuous development of transplantation technology, we could only do transplantation of fully-identical patients in the past, but now we can do semi-identical transplantation, and even non-related transplantation can be carried out.

However, pre-transplant matching checks, blood type tests, including donor bone marrow tests, are all routine screenings.

So now, the whole family knows that Jinsha is not the blood of the Jin family, and her name is not Jinsha, and her household registration is called Zhang Shasha.

In principle, she and Jin Han Jinbo belong to the same father, so there is a chance of a successful match, but the rest of the Jin family may be...

After the in-laws knew that the child was not theirs, they just sneered, then looked at Sasha and sighed.

"The deceased is dead, and she has also received retribution. Forget it, she is the younger sister of the two children. We can save others, but we can't help her. It's just Sissy, you are pregnant now, so don't worry about it." Now that the matching is done, the rest of us will try it out, if it doesn't work, then we can only resign ourselves to fate."

Chu Qian naturally would not risk her own child, although the impact of bone marrow transplantation on the donor is clinically negligible.Because the current operation uses the donation of peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cells, this method does not need to collect bone marrow for bone marrow transplantation, mainly by separating blood to obtain a large number of hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation.In this way, the pain of the donor is greatly reduced, so in principle, it will not have too much impact on the donor.But people of the older generation didn't think so, and she didn't want to take any risks, so she didn't insist anymore.

The Jin family are all kind people. Even their parents-in-law, who are over fifty years old, did not refuse to go for a match. Waiting for the result is undoubtedly the longest. Looking at the thin and pitiful Sasha, everyone felt compassion, especially Her two older brothers, I don't know if it's because of their blood connection, they seem to value her more than others, even when they heard that the matching was painful, they didn't take half a step back, which is really good.

Although the Jin family is not short of money, but now that Chu Qian is pregnant and has to raise three children from the elder brother's family, it is obvious that the family is too small to live on.

Although Oak Bay is a big house with four bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms, one of them is a study room. If you want to renovate it, you have to wait until after her child is born. Compared with the school over there, the school district room in Happiness is obviously better. Well, it is only a wall away from the school, even if there are more schools in the current practice, it will not have much impact on them.

Therefore, the result of the discussion between Jin Jun and Chu Qian was to rent another house in the community.

It is best to be in the same unit, so that it can be easily taken care of.

They have no plans to buy a house for the time being. Even if they have a lot of money in their hands, their desire to buy a house is not very great. With the decreasing population, buying a house and investing in it is a thing of the past. Now they are fancy What's more, it's just enough to live in, not to invest in. What's more, a couple can only have two houses in the future. They are now compliant, and they can only use their parents' names when they buy it again. There is no need for that at the moment.

If you want to improve the quality of life and provide your parents with a good environment for retirement, you may be able to buy a villa in the suburbs in the future, grow vegetables and flowers, and have a family gathering on weekends. That would be quite meaningful.

At least before these children went to high school, the houses in Happiness were quite expensive, and because this is a school district house, it is normal for the monthly rent to be around five or six thousand (six or seventy square meters).

Their family is not in a hurry to find a house, because Sasha can't go home now, and she will have to live in the hospital for at least half a year.

At that time, her child was born, and she felt crowded, so she would not look intolerable if she found another house.

It happened that the two boys were growing up, and they planned to sleep in separate beds, study in separate rooms, and then rent a house. It must not be two rooms, at least three rooms.

The price of a three-bedroom, in their community, is seven thousand if not eight thousand.

Although Jin Jun didn't say anything, his heart must have hurt because he said something.

"It seems that I have to work harder to earn money!"

This is the father of four children, can he not be under a lot of pressure?

Hope that when Sasha is ready, Zhang Yan will take it away?I'm afraid it's not possible anymore, if she doesn't care now, will she still care in the future?

Fortunately, the results of the matching gave them hope. Jin Han's index was not as high as Jin Bo's, so Jin Bo was the most suitable bone marrow donor.

The two children love sports and have excellent physical fitness. As long as they are ready, they can undergo surgery at any time. After knowing that he can save his sister, Jin Bo is also very happy.

Now that the matching is successful, Jin Qian's family will leave first, and Jin Jun will stay and wait for the family to return to normal after the operation. Now the old and the young, as well as pregnant women, how can he, the head of the family, leave? open?

In this way, Chu Qian spared time to go back to school to continue her studies, and went out to study from time to time. During this period, she also paid close attention to this matter.

After May Day, surgery was put on the agenda. On the 15th, under the nervous watch of the whole family, the two children were pushed into the operating room.

After a long wait, Jin Bo was pushed out first, and Sasha still had to continue the operation. Chu Xi and Jin Han went back to the ward to take care of Jin Bo, and the others waited at the door of the operating room.

When signing the surgery form, their family almost couldn't sign because of their different blood types, so there was no way to say that Zhang Shasha was a child of the Jin family. Thinking of that embarrassing scene, Chu Qian couldn't help but sigh, and in the end it was still a mediocre After obtaining all the information about their family, they reluctantly agreed to serve as guardians.

"After the operation, you should go to Grandma Shasha's house and transfer the child's household registration here."

Grandpa and grandma were also angry, so they turned around and gave orders to Jin Jun. In such a situation, although it is not easy to change the hukou, but after all, it was born by one mother, and it was once on the same hukou book, plus the fact that he was abandoned by his mother. At one point, they can sue for compulsory relocation. According to the process of their rescue, the court also helped them complete the adoption procedures. This also means that since then, Zhang Yan has completely lost the custody of the three children.

The most feared thing after the operation is the rejection reaction. This is a stage that everyone who has gone through this process must go through, so the whole family is very nervous, and it is not a good thing that the symptoms of rejection are mild, because rejection can help To reduce recurrence, so when Sasha has rejection, everyone can only take care of her more intimately and encourage her. There is nothing else that can be done. This can only be done by herself. As long as she survives, she has passed a hurdle.

Little Shasha lives strong and painfully. Whenever she sees her limp on the hospital bed, calling her mother in a daze, her heart hurts. A mother would never see such a thing happen. Their family Everyone took care of her carefully, for fear of complications, but fortunately, the strong child survived time and time again.

The doctor also told them clearly that even so, there is no guarantee how long she can live. Some died shortly after leaving the hospital, and some even recovered completely in three to five years, seven or eight years, or 20 years. , I can only say that it depends on the vitality of the child himself.

Their hospital is the best children's hospital in the country. It has the most advanced technology. I am also grateful that the child was born in this era, which greatly improved her survival rate. Moreover, their family is not short of money, and they can use the best medicine in the future. Inhibit rejection and other reactions.

After the end of the second study, her stomach bulged, and her movements were not as sharp as before. Most of the work in hand stopped, and she only completed the recording work of the official account and the recording studio. Although Sasha has been discharged from the hospital, she still needs to go to the hospital regularly After checking, the medicines at home are also piled up, and I can't stop taking them.

After she was discharged from the hospital, Jin Jun went to ask about her household registration. No matter how long the child could live in the future, since he came to their family, he should become a part of their family.

She put a small bed in grandma's room. Although grandma's room became more crowded after putting it in, they still didn't want to live separately. This was the result of everyone's discussion after the operation.

"It's not that our family doesn't have a house, it's just that the distance between the two houses is far away. Why do we need so many houses? With so much money a month, it's better to buy some delicious food and drink for the children. It's no better than living in the house." Comfortable and exciting? Our family is not short of money, but we can’t be so wasteful. It’s better to save some of the flowers that should be spent and those that shouldn’t be spent. Look at this child’s future milk powder, diapers, don’t they have to spend money? "

"Besides, there are so many generations in the capital who live together in one house, it's nothing to us. I know you want to say that after the child is born, we are afraid that we will have to work hard. Why is hard work? Your father doesn't do it now. We are alive, we two will help you take care of a few children. As soon as the eldest and second child start school, you and Jin Jun are not at home often. Isn’t this house clean? At most, it will be more lively at night, and the two boys have interest classes. After returning What time is it, I don't think it's that exaggerated, what do you think?"

The mother-in-law has already talked to this point, and it is hard for her to say anything more. Fortunately, she put all the messy things in the house into the space. Otherwise, such a small house would not be enough to build, just the children What's more, after the child is born, his things alone will take up several square meters.

Since her parents-in-law insisted, she couldn't say anything more.

She didn't go anywhere during the summer vacation, her stomach was getting bigger. Apart from regular pregnancy checkups, she just took the children to the nearby parks, had a picnic, barbecued meat and so on.

Sasha's condition is also getting better day by day, her complexion, complexion, and appetite are all recovering, and she is getting closer to them.

The two older brothers Tiantian and the younger sister are shorter, but they don't want to call her mother, but grandpa, grandma and elder brother call her sweet, and they can also call Jin Jun's father, but they don't call her mother. This is understandable, after all, she already has Memory, only half a year has passed, as long as Zhang Yan has not abused her, she still misses her mother.

After chemotherapy, Sasha had almost no hair. After rejection, her condition improved slightly, and her hair began to grow gradually.

However, in the kindergarten stage, it is very difficult for her to enter the kindergarten. One is that people are afraid of taking responsibility. Second, even if she is poor, most parents are afraid that she will infect their children. Even if the disease is not contagious, there will inevitably be some people Attacking her personally, the community is so big, their family has an extra child out of thin air, who wouldn't come and ask a few words?The neighborhood committee even visited the house. It was hard to hide the fact that the child had leukemia.

Only after entering elementary school can she be regarded as an ordinary person. Of course, the prerequisite is that her body is strong enough. Otherwise, it will be another process of chemotherapy and bone marrow replacement. It is also possible that she will not be able to survive... …

Usually they also go out to play, Sasha wears a hat no matter what time, if tired, sit with her and watch the brothers play, if the body allows, she will also join in, this is a must to integrate into society During the preparation process, she herself is taciturn. If she doesn't play and communicate with her peers, her development will appear even slower.

The children in the community have been asked by their parents not to play with her. Obviously, you can tell at a glance. Of course, there are also polite children who come to talk to her, but Sasha is mostly silent. Regardless of her young age, she probably Discriminated out of the shadows, everyone has a certain degree of wariness.

Even she felt disgusted because she was taught to call her mother by her grandma. Even though she treated her very well, she just couldn't feel like her, and she didn't rely on her as much as the other two children.

It takes time to get used to it, so she doesn't care, but grandparents do. She is worried that if they talk too much, the child will be more annoying, so she stops them from forcing her to do anything she doesn't like.

"Give her some time. Didn't the eldest and second child also need time to adapt when they came here?"

She is not a stepmother, but a real aunt. She is capable of punting a boat, so she doesn't care about it with a child.

Because she didn't like her, she tried not to appear in front of her as much as possible, but the gifts that should be prepared, like eating, drinking and having fun, did not leave her behind.

Occasionally when she goes out and sees her playing in the living room by herself, she will say hello to her.

"I'm going out, is there any gift you want? I'll bring it back for you!"

"..." Even if all she got was ignorance, she was not sad, because her parents-in-law told her that after she left, they came back from shopping and asked her where she had been, and she would answer, "Going out." If she Tell me what time, she will repeat, if not, she will say don't wait for her.

Even a small change can make the family happy for a long time.

After Yansan started, it was almost time for her to give birth, but she still insisted on going to school, because even if she wanted to give birth, there would be a process. Unlike the second child, the birth was short and the birth was fast.

No one expected to wait until after the National Day. On the night of October 10th, there was a stomach reaction. Jin Jun came back from the National Day holiday and stayed with her. So when she came out of the toilet clutching her stomach, Just nervous: "How is it? Is it time to give birth?"

Chu Qian nodded to him: "The amniotic fluid should have broken, so hurry up and help me pack my things,"

She lay down on the bed, raised her buttocks, and directed Jin Jun to pack her things. At three or four in the morning, Jin Jun drove her to the hospital, and her in-laws took her three children at home. Follow with Salsa.

Shasha's household registration has been successfully settled in their family before the [-]th, and she is now a part of the family.

After living in harmony during this period of time, the child did not reject Chu Qian so much.

Although he still called her Auntie, but he didn't speak sarcasticly anymore, and finally he didn't hurt her in vain.

Because of the thoughtful care of the whole family, she gradually gained weight, and her hair became black and spiky. Everything is developing in a good direction.

At around nine o'clock in the morning on the 10th, Chu Qian successfully gave birth to a beautiful little princess with dimpled eyes and belts. Her hair was thick at birth, and her body was clean, with very little vernix, which was very rare.

There were tears in Jin Jun's happy eyes, and his parents-in-law also thanked Amitabha Buddha for his blessing.

Jin Jun also called his father-in-law and mother-in-law immediately. The two elders are now taking care of everything at home, so it is not convenient to come here. The most important thing is that the in-laws are young and can take good care of them. This sense of trust makes Chu Qian's parents not He didn't let go of everything at home and came to visit.

In fact, to put it bluntly, she didn't pay enough attention to her. Chu Qian had a normal relationship with them, and she wasn't angry, let alone expecting anything from them.

After all, she didn't take much care of her parents over there, and she wasn't a good girl in other respects except for being diligent in giving money.

Since each other, why care about it!
When Chu Qian was pushed out by the nurse, Jin Jun grabbed her hand: "Honey, you've worked hard!"

Chu Qian looked at him silently. Because her body was extremely overdrawn, she didn't want to say a word. She just felt her nose was sore and she wanted to cry. She didn't know why she felt this way, it was just a simple I don't want to talk, I just feel sad...

 In Journey to the West, the gods commit crimes and will be demoted to the mortal world

  It turns out that the human world is a place of suffering and suffering
  In the past three years of the epidemic, we have seen too many joys and sorrows
  In the past there was Malaysia Airlines and now there is China Eastern Airlines
  No one knows which will come first, accident or tomorrow
  Cherish the present moment, whose life is not bitter?

  Have a car, a house, a son, a daughter, parents are alive and in good health
  It is our greatest happiness!

  Pray for the safe return of 132 China Eastern Airlines personnel

(End of this chapter)

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