The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1245 [1244] Under Changbai Mountain 21 (5200)

Chapter 1245 [1244] Under Changbai Mountain 21 (5200)

However, Mr. Jin didn't have such a good attitude: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid, people will always hate you, look at this time, if it weren't for the trouble of the eldest daughter-in-law, you would know that you are devoted to others. In their eyes, you Is it a joke?"

Ms. Park smiled and shook her head: "It's okay, the ten fingers are still long or short. If we can't stop things, we will do our best. Fortunately, we are still young, able to do things, and able to do things ourselves. It's really old to support yourself, which of these three sons do you like?"

Mr. Jin seemed to think about this question very seriously, and then looked at his wife.

"Not to mention, the second daughter-in-law is filial. She knows the cold and the hot, and knows how to measure. She is not like the sweet mouth of the third family, and it is not like the old family who is full of calculations. Anyway, I just think Comfortable."

Whether the son is good or not depends on the daughter-in-law. If the daughter-in-law treats them well, how can the son be worse?
Ms. Park nodded straight after hearing this: "I think so too. It has nothing to do with whether the conditions are good or bad. It's just based on their nature. The second daughter-in-law doesn't fight or grab it. It can be seen from the very beginning. After they have money, they don't drift away. I I feel that this child is of good quality, which is very rare. As for the other two... Hehe, it’s a mistake to co-author our efforts over the years!”

The husband and wife are like a mirror in their hearts, and the years of getting along can be regarded as showing how the tempers of the daughters-in-law are. It's just that they owed them when they got married, so even if they feel sorry for the old couple, they have to pass the time. Moreover, the second child has replaced them in these years to make up for the debts they owed when they got married. Now, the old couple don't feel sorry for them, so let's get well together in the future!
Filial piety or not filial piety depends on their own conscience.

After a night of rest, the young couple in the capital finally got rid of the exhaustion of the whole vacation. Speaking of the ignorant brother, sister-in-law and younger brother, the two of them agreed that the help is enough, and they can do whatever they want in the future, even if The fact that the couple fought because of this has nothing to do with them.

Because Chu Qian was going to the Northeast for training on the eighth day of the lunar new year, the two cherished the time they spent together.

"Why do athletes from other countries come from all walks of life and just drop by to participate in the Olympics, but you make yourself so tired?"

"Didn't I debut halfway through? Besides, it's fine if I get used to it naturally, and I don't feel too tired. Don't worry, I will come back when school starts. You see, I didn't fail a class last semester. Thanks to the teacher in every class Only by sending me all the videotapes of the courseware, I can not fail the subject, and in other credits, such as the part of clubs, give me full marks, because the significance of my ski training is more valuable than these clubs.”

"I'm still worried that my studies are not solid. After all, the Department of Archeology pays attention to details. It can't be perfected by watching a few documentaries and getting the courseware. So now I'm supplementing all kinds of materials that can be found, mad back mad Remember, it’s just to expand my knowledge, and one day, I can see at a glance whether this antique is a defective product, a fake, or even where it came from, which will prove that I can apply what I have learned.”

And she is ready to sign up for the CET-[-] exam, and strive to get the degree certificate she should get before graduation.

In the past, she was worried that she would not be qualified for the college entrance examination after graduating from junior high school, or that she would still need a lot of procedures, but now that she can go to university without taking the exam, she naturally has to make up for the lack of academic qualifications in a limited time.

Before the Winter Olympics, there will be the National Games and the World Championships. These are the reasons why she needs to include food and lodging for training. From October to the end of April of the next year is the frequent period of training, and the rest of her time is still Very adequate.

Fortunately, she has the time weapon to cheat, so that she can use online classes to solve her regret of missing classes while focusing on training.

Even the final exam of last semester was sent to the school on the other end of the network under the supervision of the coach. The school trusted her, so she naturally would not deceive herself.

And her final exam results in the first semester, although not the best, were maintained at a high level, even the instructor was surprised.

It is even more difficult to talk about plagiarism, because it has many similarities with the political department. Many answers are not ABCD, but need to be stated in words.

For example, political questions, even if you are given a book, you don't know where the answer is!

Because the courses they study are diverse, such as prehistoric archaeology and historical archaeology, field archeology research scope --- tombs, and special categories, such as art archaeology, religious archaeology, ancient coins, paleographs and Inscription and so on.

Art archeology that we often see in movies and TV shows.

It is the cave paintings and rock paintings of the Paleolithic Age to the paintings, sculptures, statues, various handicrafts and temples, temples and cave temples of various ages. Cultural museums, natural museums, so art archeology is definitely a profound and obscure course.

And when studying the history of human society, religious activities must also be taken as an important aspect.

For example, temples, temples, altars, sacrificial utensils, statues, murals, and scriptures of various ages are all specific research objects of religious archeology.

The ancient coins in movies and TV shows can also be classified as a type of archaeology, or even a separate category.

Because the casting age of various ancient coins can be judged from the ancient coins themselves, and their issuers and issuing places must be identified through the investigation of the shape, material, weight, inscriptions, patterns and casting techniques of the coins, and their origins must be determined. Value, study the meaning and style of inscriptions and patterns, so as to provide materials for the research of economic history, cultural history and even art history.

Now that ancient coins are mentioned, ancient philology and inscriptions must also be mentioned.

As a branch of archaeology, the research objects of paleography and inscriptions must be words cast, carved or written on relics and relics, which are different from general books and documents.

They contain literary relics and relics, and can be broadly divided into two categories.One category includes epitaphs, steles, seals, oracle bones, bamboo slips, clay tablets, silk scripts, and paper books, etc., in which diction is the main content of utensils; the other category includes monumental buildings, sculptures, paintings, currencies, weighing instruments, mirrors Inscriptions are in a subsidiary position, such as mirrors, tools, weapons and various containers.

Aviation archeology must feel very new, right?At least this course is more technical.

It refers to the use of aircraft to take pictures from the air to the ground, and through the observation and analysis of the obtained photos, determine the shape, type and distribution of the relics and relics.

Aviation archaeology, on the other hand, began at the end of the First World War.

Aeroarchaeology has achieved great results and can be regarded as a new force in field archaeology.

The last is the most mysterious underwater archaeology.

When mentioning underwater archeology, do you immediately think of the discovery of sunken ships?

The beginnings of underwater archaeology can be traced back to the 16th century Italians exploring the seabed for shipwrecks.

By the early 20th century, underwater archaeological investigations were carried out around the world, most notably in the search for victims and offerings in the "sacred pool" at the Mayan cultural site of Chichen Itza, Mexico, and at sea in the port of Mahdia, Tunisia A Roman shipwreck loaded with ancient Greek art.

The objects of underwater archeology have expanded from sunken objects and shipwrecks to ruins submerged at the bottom of lakes and seas and port cities, and the means and methods of surveying, excavation, and photographic records have also been greatly improved, making underwater archeology significant. Speed ​​keeps getting results.

After all, science and technology were not developed in the past, and the depth of human diving was limited. However, with the progress of society, underwater archeology has been defined as an extension of field archeology in waters. It also proves that human beings have become more and more interested in exploring unknown areas such as the ocean. I have a desire to conquer.

Based on the above, it can be seen that archeology is an extension of history, and deeper excavations unearth clues about history hidden in mountains, rivers, seas and rivers.

Here I have to mention "Tomb Raiders Notes", which includes almost all the content they have learned, from the knowledge of tomb archaeology, religious archaeology, underwater archaeology, ancient literature inscriptions, etc. Maybe this line of work is boring, but it is It cannot but be said to be meaningful.

Even if there are metaphysical plots in the novel, it does not affect the knowledge he extended. Without certain research, it is impossible to write such an excellent work.

It is precisely because of this that Chu Qian developed a strong interest in archaeology, and archeology requires good physical chemistry and even advanced mathematics, because there are many unexplainable natural mysteries in this world, so they should not underestimate their archeology department. Take it out, which one is not knowledgeable and talented?

Moreover, their employment opportunities are not as limited as the Internet said, what is unpopular and has no employment prospects? She also said that she, a world champion, felt that her education was too low and her ability was too poor, so she chose the archeology department with low requirements. ?
When did the Department of Archeology become less demanding?What kind of fallacy is this?It's ridiculous!

She is a world champion, when will it be the turn of these inferior people to come out and teach her life?
Also, it's not that their archeology majors have a future after graduation. On the contrary, the so-called unpopular majors are just what they think.

In fact, they can engage in teaching or scientific research in universities or research institutes, and they can also go to museums, auction houses, cultural relic shops or customs to engage in cultural relic protection, antique identification and auction.

Even after graduation, students of this major can stay in the school to teach and engage in teaching and research of archaeology.

If you feel that staying in school has no future, you can also enter museums, archaeological research institutes and other research institutions to engage in professional research!

You can even enter the media industry and work as a professional reporter, professional producer, etc. (reporters who report news about new archaeological discoveries, cultural relics protection, or column producers like "Discovery").

Of course, you can also enter the field of art investment, such as auction houses, to engage in cultural relic identification and valuation.You can even become a free person, engaged in art collection, appraisal, etc.

If you can take the postgraduate entrance examination in this major, then the future is definitely bright, and it is not as ridiculous and ignorant as those who don't know how to do it.

At least in her opinion, girls in this industry definitely have a very stable and bright future.

Because Chu Qian's life had changed since the time she joined the glutinous rice balls.

If she just started studying archeology because she wanted to expand her knowledge and skills, then after a semester of study, she has fallen in love with this major, and feels that her choice is not only correct, but also very successful.

There are also many skills that need to be mastered in four years of undergraduate study.

First of all, you have to understand the basic theories, knowledge, methods and skills of archaeology, right?

If the instructor takes you to the field archaeological excavation site, do you have to be able to organize and write archaeological reports?

In the high-tech era, mastering museum management skills, mastering the basic methods and means of document retrieval and data inquiry, understanding the most important theoretical frontiers and development trends in the archaeological circle at home and abroad, and having the preliminary ability to engage in archaeological and historical research can be said to be It is the standard that every undergraduate graduate needs to meet.

After all, four years is too little time, so in the future postgraduate stage and internship stage, there will be room to expand learning and progress. There is no end to this line of work, and it may be that from this line of work, one is doomed to keep making progress and learning for the rest of his life. explored.

Not to mention, just the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor is enough to make the whole world crazy about it. If it is to be discovered, it will definitely be an explosive news that will shock the world.

Archeology is the kind that if you don't get into it, you can't get out of it. Like Jin Jun, when she is reading and studying, she will doze off and feel sleepy when she picks up her book and flips through it twice. Chu Qian learns by herself Naturally, he couldn't see him playing with his mobile phone next to him, so he ordered him.

"Take a Japanese, Korean, Russian, and English language certificate. It will be good for you to live broadcast and bring goods in the future."

It's okay if she didn't mention it, but when she did, Jin Jun's sleepy bugs were all scared away: "I forgot to ask you, when did you learn so many languages? You Qi is still so standard, you can't even pick those keyboard warriors." You don’t even know, once the swimming champion interview came out, how many times you were on the trending list, many people said you are a genius, you are simply omnipotent!”

"I'm not a genius, I just pay more attention, because everyone knows that the return rate will be as much as you give. If you really want to do something well and do it with your heart, how can you not do it well? Didn’t you also start from scratch? If you learn a few more languages, can you expand into more fields?”

Hearing Chu Qian's words, Jin Jun was powerless to refute, and he didn't even need to register for any courses, because the online courses that Chu Qian applied for were still available, even though the online courses she applied for were just for review and consolidation. But now it can be handed over to Jin Jun as an introduction.

"Take an online class first to see if you can learn it well. If you learn it, don't say anything. If you feel that you don't understand it, you can ask a teacher to teach you alone. This will be more efficient."

It's not that she has any language talent, after all, it has been accumulated over many lifetimes, so she can learn a little bit, and with a little effort, she will be able to learn it without a teacher.

Jin Jun's current state still needs to be gradually deepened bit by bit.

They don't have academic qualifications, but they can't be without education. She first relies on her own influence to influence her husband. If she can't even bring her husband out, how can she take care of her children in the future?
Jinjun's current business has expanded to XJ and NX, which is equivalent to the expansion of the three eastern provinces all the way to the west and east to west.

"Are you going to J province for training the day after tomorrow?"

Chu Qian nodded, "Yes, there is a one-week training over there. After school starts, I will go to train on weekends. I usually leave on Friday afternoon and return on Sunday evening. Although it is hard work, it will not waste too much time. Fortunately, the transportation is convenient now.”

"I went to province X, can you eat the beef and mutton I brought back?"

Chu Qian shook her head, "I usually do it myself. I bought some beef and mutton earlier and piled it up in the freezer. It's okay. It's enough for the time being. Don't worry about me. When we don't go to the snow mountain for training, we are on the ski team The standard of food inside is also very good, but you only buy food on a fixed-point basis, and you should eat and drink at ordinary times.”

"You don't participate in the competition, do you need this?"

Chu Qian nodded seriously, "It's become a habit. I'm not afraid of what happens. I'm afraid of [-]. If I fail the drug test and affect my competition, wouldn't it be worth the loss? After all, there are too many foods out there now." It’s not that I’m hypocritical.”

Fortunately, there were a lot of wild vegetables dug up at that time. When she went to province X, she had reserved a space for the wild vegetables, fruits, and meat that had passed the inspection. Basically her life is fine.

Chu Qian hadn't eaten out for many years, and she did everything for herself, which was why she rented out the house.

Because the school dormitory can't cook, and she is also worried about unnecessary troubles with her roommates because of food problems, so from outsiders, she seems to be an Olympic champion who is not easy to get along with and often goes alone.

It's not that she deliberately showed such a maverick side, it's really that the limited free time is too little for her.

Occasionally, when she is free and chatting live with fans, she will sing a few songs to add to the fun. Unexpectedly, when she opened her voice casually, she was on the hot search again, and even fans shouted for music producers to come find her She sings because it's so nice, her voice is so unique, it's sweet and salty, and occasionally she can be rough. This kind of performance desire is simply an all-round talent, whether it's on variety shows or acting in movies TV, give Chu Qian a chance!

Chu Qian didn't expect these fans to be so cute, and they even found her a job online. Are you worried that she won't be able to get a job in the future, haha!
But she didn't take this matter to heart, because as soon as the intense training period was over, she returned to campus and started a simple life of three points and one line.

I go to class during the day, and when I arrive at my apartment at night, I just write manuscripts, start live chats, and sometimes do aerobics and yoga with fans.

Later, fans discovered that her time was very fixed, so they wanted to learn with her. Chu Qian thought that practicing by herself was boring, so she equipped a microphone, and shouted passwords while doing it. She was no worse than a professional yoga teacher!
Seeing everyone praising her, Chu Qian felt a little arrogant.

"Because I have passed the professional yoga teacher qualification certificate, and I have trained for a summer vacation, so I have experience in this field. Since I want to lead classes, I must not fool you, right?"

 The number of extra words is supplemented by popular science, and there is no charge if it does not exceed 193, so it is [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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