The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1244 [1243] Under Changbai Mountain 20 (5000)

Chapter 1244 [1243] Under Changbai Mountain 20 (5000)

Compared with the vanity sister-in-law, the siblings seem a little innocent, but instead they form a proper tacit understanding.

Since it's Chinese New Year, it's natural to relax and relax. My brother and sister love to play, so she accompanied her to make trouble. This is singing and playing cards together. Because there are many people at home during the day, it's a bit noisy, so my husband just I will go upstairs and downstairs to give people some New Year gifts, so that they can tolerate the few days of the New Year. After all, I have not been reunited for many years. The few days of the New Year are what my family has been looking forward to for many years. They are very precious, and they also try their best to Fortunately, the situation in the neighbors' homes is similar, so they naturally accommodate each other.

When it comes to dealing with people, Jin Jun is sometimes more thoughtful than she thinks. The brothers of the Chu family are not married and have no children, so they treat the children of the Jin family very fondly, and even call them out Uncle, this made the two of them very happy. They took them out to buy toys, and secretly released the children's cannons downstairs, which saved their parents a lot of trouble.

Of course, they are not idle, and it is quite tiring to help the elders in the family prepare meals every day.

It can be said that everyone in this family is happy, but the sister-in-law's sour words from time to time, and some puns in disguise, Chu Qian understands, but ignores her, since she is eccentric, then she just ignores it.

I didn't expect this to annoy her. They said that pregnant women's tempers are volatile, and it may be a little bit, but she didn't think that she hadn't been a pregnant woman before, so why didn't she have any memories of this (Yang Tian: Your memories are all I see, how could you recall it?), completely forgetting that I only have the memory of skills, and other memories are erased, so when this sister-in-law provoked Chu Qian for the nth time, Chu Qian felt uncomfortable, She was watching TV, turned off the TV, slowly turned her head, stood up, and sneered at the so-called college student who was squinting at her.

"Repeat what you just said, sorry, I didn't catch it, please say it again!"

As soon as the sister-in-law sees that something is wrong, if she accepts it at this time, maybe nothing will happen next, but unfortunately, her eyes have been blinded by her jealousy, she clapped her hands slowly, took a sip of tea, moistened Moistened his throat, and then stood up while supporting his big belly.

"I'm just saying it again. How can you treat one daughter-in-law more favorably than another? Why can your natal family stay with you, but our natal family can't come over? Also, we can't go into the kitchen when we're pregnant, what are you doing?" Why don't you go into the kitchen? My old men have never cooked at home, so why should they serve you tea and water when they come to your place? You can't give birth to a child by yourself, and my child has an uncle, so why call you Uncle at home? Why are you in such a hurry?"

When the third daughter-in-law heard this, her face turned green instantly, and then she looked at the sister-in-law like an idiot.

"Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? Sit down quickly and stop talking,"

"Why can't I say it? You think you're trying to curry favor with others, but what benefits do you get? Are you not tired of being so busy every day? Look at the hypocrisy of your smile. We can't celebrate the New Year in the Northeast. Why do you come to her place to see her scenery? Good guy, why don't you just take a vacation? You have a whole family around her, the Olympic champion is amazing? Living in a house with tens of millions, why don't you kiss your own father? Mother, father-in-law and mother-in-law will take over and enjoy the happiness?"

The third daughter-in-law choked speechlessly, rolled her eyes wide towards the ceiling, and seemed about to blurt out the 'silly fork' held in her throat.

Finally, the Jin family heard the commotion in the living room. Fortunately, the Chu brothers took the children down, and only the adults were left at home.

When everyone gathered in the living room, this daughter-in-law of Jin Chi became more and more enthusiastic, especially when she saw her in-laws, her resentment was even more unresolved.

"It's been so many years, it's fair to say, but when did you invite my parents to your house for a reunion? Yes, my house is far away, isn't their house far away? It's also a son, why when facing the second child? , you will have more smiles on your face than our two? Both are daughters-in-law and in-laws, tell me, are you doing it fairly?"

"Yes, you haven't contributed much these years, but you have contributed money, and you have told us more than once that the money was given to you by the second child, and you used it to subsidize us, as if we took advantage of it, but this will let us Have you leveled a bowl of water? Your second child is promising, and your second daughter-in-law makes you look good. In contrast, our two families look even more useless, but you have to know that company is also A kind of filial piety, we are by your side, this is not filial piety, this is not a disguised form of striving? Why are you always more patient with Chu Qian than the two of us?"

Jin Chi's daughter-in-law looked around Chu Qian's mansion, her eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

"When we got married, we didn't ask for a bride price. We started from scratch, but you didn't even ask us about the house of your uncle's house, you just told them. Do you dare to say that there is no bias? Now , the second and second couple have tens of millions of assets at every turn, and they would rather spend millions to help others than help their own brother. Is this still brotherhood? Ah, this is how brothers deal with each other. Are you not even willing to let us have a sip of soup?"


The more Chu Qian listened, the more she frowned. The eldest daughter-in-law seemed to have a lot of complaints. She spoke quietly, and no one in the family would interrupt, so she was allowed to speak.

The more silent everyone was, the more ugly Jin Chi's expression became.

Until the end, Jin Chi broke everything and asked his wife back.

"This is Chu Qian's home. Excuse me, what's wrong with her inviting her parents over to celebrate the New Year?"

"Before we got married, I went to your parents' place. In the second year when you gave birth, I went to pick up your parents and lived in Hunchun for a few days. In the third year, we also took our children back. Every year, although I don't necessarily go back to visit during the Chinese New Year, I do go back, right? But you ask Chu Qian, have you ever had time to bring your parents to meet mine these years?"

"She was busy with training or learning about competitions. The two of them only registered this year. Because they registered this year and did not get married, Jin Jun would take his father-in-law and mother-in-law over to celebrate the New Year together. Yes, but in this way, it seems that we have been left alone. The second brother suggested that we come to Beijing together. After the New Year, we can go to the major attractions in the capital. It is a good intention. Why does it change when we come to you? gone?"

"The time for the younger siblings is just today. In order to save time, the two families were brought together. It was originally a good intention, but why is it so unbearable by you? They are also daughter-in-laws. Why don't the third siblings speak? It's also a long-distance marriage, why don't people say anything? In terms of emotion and reason, I don't think I did anything wrong with your parents. Although my parents didn't contribute, they did. Even the clothes on your body, your face The cosmetics you put on are also chosen by your second sibling, and you are wearing the clothes they gave you and still criticizing them, who knows what is right?"

"What do you mean eating meat and gnawing bones without leaving you soup? Do you know that you didn't keep it? Where did you get your car? How did you get the house and parking space in our provincial capital? I wanted to wait until the house was handed over for this surprise. I will tell you later, but you are too unkind and ignorant. Today I will tell you in front of everyone that Jinjun not only gave us a down payment, but also bought a parking space. Each family gave us 100 million. The loan we got will allow us to repay it without any pressure. A big house of 150 square meters, a big house with four bedrooms and two living rooms, is it right enough? Are you satisfied with the house in the school district of C City?"

Jin Chi's daughter-in-law was dumbfounded. She looked at her husband in disbelief. On the other hand, the third daughter-in-law's expression was equally unbelievable. She immediately looked at her husband, and after receiving affirmative gazes, she immediately stood up and held Chu Qian gratefully. hands.

"Second sister-in-law..., why are you so calm about such a big matter? And you, why didn't you tell us?"

Jin Qian curled his lips, "Tell you, do you think that someone is using this advantage to pressure you and make you appreciate him?"

Chu Qian raised her eyebrows. It seems that the brothers of the Jin family are all sensible people!Even if some words are not said, they are very transparent.

Indeed, the reason why they were told to hide it from their daughter-in-law was to avoid moral kidnapping. If they bought it, it would be wrong, or if they didn’t buy it, they might say something secretly. Since they bought it, why didn’t they pay the full amount and let them Repay the loan?

Human desires are endless. If you take advantage of this today, you may still think about it tomorrow, especially the conflict between women, you may not be able to imagine it.

Buying a house for them was before they bought a house. At that time, Jin Jun had money in his hand, so he went out easily for 400 million. After all, there was still a small house for his parents. The small house was bought in full, if not , and they will not borrow money when they buy a house.

At that time, Jin Jun came to ask her opinion, what opinion can she have, the money belongs to others, and it is his freedom to buy it for whomever he wants, and she will not interfere.

Just like how she took care of her elder brother and how she took care of her family, Jin Jun never asked.

This is called mutual respect. The most important thing is that both men and women have achieved financial freedom, each managing their own family and their own accounts, so there will be no conflicts.

Yes, maybe Chu Qian doesn't earn as much as Jin Jun now, but she still earns millions of dollars a year. In the absence of goods, she only relies on traffic writing and bonuses from competitions, which is really a lot of money .

She has not accepted any commercial invitations, especially after the Paris Olympics, she had more than a dozen commercial endorsements, but she rejected them all.

There were also some variety show scripts, which were also handed over to her, but she politely declined them due to lack of time.

In fact, this is all related to her not wanting to consume herself, because she was born as an Internet celebrity and knows too much about the dangers of Internet violence, so she would rather earn less than listen to those keyboard warriors greeting her eighteenth generation ancestors.

Her championship is earned by her talent, hard work, and time. Who knows if she can maintain this achievement in the next Olympic Games?Will it even go beyond?

Because it is unpredictable, if she fails, will she be scolded and retired like Liu Xiang?
The pain is on your own body, and only when you experience it yourself can you know what is forced and what is involuntary.

So she would rather choose to announce her retirement at a high point than to see the big scene of being insulted by thousands of people.

After all, there is still a long life ahead. She likes to swim, so she joined the national team. It doesn't mean that she wants to win prizes, so she goes swimming.

Behind all the gold medals, there are countless struggles and tribulations. If you can't endure that hardship, you can't get that honor at all.

Take a closer look at the award-winning athletes and see how much pain and pain they have endured behind their backs?

Doesn't Liu Xiang want to win the championship with a perfect posture?But his body doesn't allow it!

Wu Dajing wore customized skates for short track speed skating, and his feet deformed!
Boxing champion Zou Shiming has various ailments all over his body, and he may even suffer from Almerz syndrome.

Because he had to soak in the water for training every day, the fingerprints of Sun Yang's ten fingers completely disappeared.


If Chu Qian hadn't been a doctor herself, she would have known what circumstances would cause irreversible pain to herself, so she never thought of spending her whole life in sports.

Even after these Olympic champions become mothers, they don't want their children to go their own way, because that way is too hard.

In fact, 360 five elements, which line is easy?Do one line and love one line?
No, doing one line will only make you more aware of the difficulty of this line!

It’s not easy to make money, but you can do it and cherish it. Cherish the current peaceful era. Don’t always think that foreign countries are good. The moon is round abroad. In fact, you can grow up so big without disease and disaster. For you and your family, It is already the greatest happiness.

Back to the topic, after learning the truth of the matter, Jin Chi's daughter-in-law stayed at Chu Qian's house even more shamelessly. She directly bowed to the elders, supported her big belly, and walked away in despair.

After Jin Chi took off his apron, he apologized to Jin Jun, Chu Qian, and the elders of the Chu family, and then bid farewell to his parents with a wry smile.

"Mom and Dad, that, I took her home, you have a good New Year, don't affect your mood because of her."

Jin Chi wanted to go downstairs to find his two sons, so he hurried away.

Half an hour later, the brothers of the Chu family came back with a son and a daughter from the third family in a daze.

"What's the matter? Just now, Jin Chi and his wife were arguing downstairs. They stopped when they saw us, but they took the child and left."

Chu Qian waved her hands to the brothers of the Chu family, and the two of them immediately pursed their lips and stopped talking.

The third daughter-in-law was restless, but she also knew that she couldn't leave at this time. If they left again, it would be a shame to the elders.

So then everyone sat together as if nothing happened, and happily ate the New Year's Eve dinner.

On the other hand, Jin Chi's family of four, because they couldn't buy air tickets or train tickets, hid in the hotel pitifully and ate instant noodles.

In the end, when the family of four came back, they brought them New Year's Eve dinner in a crisper.

"It's not leftovers, it's a separate item, you just need to heat it up in the microwave, don't lose your temper when it's Chinese New Year, the second sister-in-law and the second brother said, they don't care about it I invite you to go to the temple fair tomorrow!"

Because air tickets are really hard to come by, and it's hard for the children to come out, Jin Chi's daughter-in-law can't say anything, but she doesn't want to go to Chu Qian's house again, let Jin Chi take the children there, and she orders takeaway food at the hotel .

Jin Chi also went with her. Anyway, with a big belly, it is not easy to run around.

In this way, on the fifth day of the new year, after buying tickets, the couple sent off all their relatives. After cleaning the house for half an afternoon, they lay down on the bed exhaustedly, without saying a word, silently Hugging together, everything is silent.

On the other side, the old couple of the Jin family ignored the eldest daughter-in-law all the way, even though she was embarrassed and wanted to ease the atmosphere, both of them ignored her.

Just like this, she was wronged, and the old couple of the Jin family looked at their son irritably.

"Don't you still have to go to your father-in-law's place? Have you bought the ticket? When will you leave? Buy more things so that you don't have to go to someone to trouble you."

Jin Chi was ashamed when he heard this: "Mom and Dad, Yan'er already knew she was wrong, so please forgive her?"

Ms. Park snorted coldly and said nothing. Papa Jin just glanced at Jin Chi, and then said to the two daughters-in-law.

"When you go back after the new year, you can find a house and move out by yourself. Don't live in our house. We won't provide any support to you in the future. Since we say that our bowl of water is not fair, then we simply will not be fair. Save It’s not good if we live frugally for you, and we’re not stupid. Isn’t it delicious to buy delicious food with the pension money? Can you hear the gold coin falling into the water? We are so old, and we still have to listen to you The scolding of the younger generation is really counting down as you live, you all go, and you can live wherever you want!"

Jin Chi and Jinqian could also see the anger of his parents, and the reason why he suppressed the anger all the time was entirely because the parents of the Chu family were there.

Now that you're back, what else is there to endure?

The two children, who understood their father and mother's temper, sighed and silently agreed.

After returning home, his parents were busy cleaning up the house and starting a fire. Jin Chi and Jinqian had to go to another village to rent a house, because at this time he could only live in the countryside. There was no heating in the city, and there was no room for people. it's too cold.

After the two discussed it, they temporarily lived under the same roof. The reason why they didn't live in the same village was because their parents thought it was in the way, so they lived far away. It took half an hour to drive, and they were introduced by friends.

I stayed at home for one night, and asked them to drive away all the things the next day. As for what to do in the future, Ms. Park and his wife didn't bother to care.

Watching them leave, Ms. Park couldn't help laughing at the old man's uncertain face.

"Why, can we still bear grudges till now? Now that people are gone, aren't we also clean? Well, don't think about it, when they figure it out, they will naturally come back to ease the relationship."

(End of this chapter)

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