The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1240 [1239] Under Changbai Mountain 16 (5000)

Chapter 1240 [1239] Under Changbai Mountain 16 (5000)

Embarrassment, embarrassment, and the bitterness of being isolated are probably only known to those who have experienced it.

Fortunately, her competitions are all individual events, and there is no group or team competition. However, warm-up exercises sometimes require two people to cooperate with each other. Cooperate with her, but if the day happens to be odd, then she's left to figure it out on her own.

Sometimes she has the cheek to find a coach, and sometimes she can only do the subjects by herself. Although there are still cases where people from the men's team coax her into forming a team, she ignores them.

Chu Qian looks pretty good, she needs to have a good figure and good looks, the key is to be an internet celebrity, rich!

But everyone in the ski team knows that she has a boyfriend. Although Jin Jun doesn't have a strong sense of presence, there are no people who don't know him in Wangwang Mountain, especially in Changbai Mountain. His strength is also bringing agricultural products. As well as Changbai Mountain specialties, and sometimes sell C fresh, food from H country, and E country, there is no big skill, but rich and capable, who dares to underestimate it?

Chu Qian was also regarded as a cold and cold person, and she was not very approachable on weekdays, so the men's team also treated her at a respectful distance.

So much so that Chu Qian had been on the ski team for a year, and she didn't even have anyone to talk to except the coach, what a pity!
I don't know if this counts as her failure in life?

She is not a social fear, but she just can't fit into this circle.

On the contrary, when it comes to the swimming team, the situation is much better, because there is an orphan in their women's team, and a dozen members of the family died of the virus.

WH is only 12 years old this year. The coach is their neighbor. She has been swimming since elementary school. When the accident happened, she happened to be training outside, so she was not banned from home. If she was banned from home, maybe...

The coach felt sorry for the child, so he simply took her to the Northeast. Usually, the team provided her with three meals a day. After Chu Qian came, she knew about her special situation. During a fundraising event, she donated 2000 yuan, and said to the coach: "I will add more if it is not enough!"

She can't stop others from doing good deeds. Although she can donate more, the children in the team who live and eat are actually spending very little. It's nothing more than school fees, daily meals and other living expenses. They donate money. With that child behind my back, when the time comes to receive the subsidy in a month, I will donate it directly.

Chu Qian is new here and doesn't have any subsidies, but since she knows about it, she will definitely not just sit idly by. Therefore, others may donate 100 or 2000 yuan, which is considered too much, but when she came, it was [-] yuan. The coaching staff was stunned directly.

Although everyone knew that Chu Qian was an Internet celebrity and had money, she might not care about the money, but was this too generous?
"You all have to support your family. I will feed the whole family by myself. I will donate more. The child is growing up, so I can't lose money. I don't want any of my subsidies in the future. Give her all of it?"

Probably because of this incident, her popularity with the swimming team is much better than that of the ski team.

Those who can enter the ski team have good family conditions, do not need her help, and have no chance to show this, so it is much more difficult to be sophisticated.

She doesn't mean to rely on money to maintain these daily exchanges of human affection, but to say that people nowadays are more realistic and lazier. If they can use money to maintain them, they will not pay more for other emotions. After all, every circle is updated. The alternation is very fast. The word "tea cool" applies to all circles.

In December, Chu Xi ushered in the brightest moment of her life. In the free skiing event, she won a precious gold medal in the aerial skills event with her skis and ski poles.

Although freestyle skiing aerials is called freestyle, it is different from all other snow skills and has strict regulations.

Aerials venues include the skid area, take-off area, landing slope and termination area.

A total of three jumping platforms are placed in the take-off area, which are one-round platform, two-week platform and three-week platform. Athletes need to slide down from the assisting area and pass through the platform in the take-off area to complete the prescribed actions in the air, and finally successfully land on the landing slope. superior.

It sounds like it is the same as the freestyle ski jumping platform, but it is not the same. The difference between them is that the traditional technical skiing is the same as the free technical skiing.

The movement of the big platform emphasizes freedom and innovation, self-expression, without any restrictions.

Aerial skills require athletes to specify the prescribed movements to be jumped in advance, and then complete them.

There are 5 referees scoring the aerial athletes, each scoring a full 2 points, including 5 points for vacating, 3 points for aerial movements, and [-] points for landing.

Among them, the vacant score includes 1 point for take-off and 1 point for height and distance. Usually, it depends on whether the athlete’s body is stretched enough on the platform, whether the speed of assisting the slide is sufficient, the explosive power of take-off, the height in the air, etc.

Aerial action points are mainly reflected in the quality and fluency of the athletes' movements in the air, and then whether the movements are in place, graceful and relaxed, the speed and strength of turning circles, etc.

The landing is divided into three parts, including landing and taxiing, whether to stand up straight when landing, whether to stall, hand-holding, taxiing control, etc.

After the referee scores, the highest score and the lowest score need to be removed, the remaining scores are added, and finally multiplied by the movement difficulty score to get the final score.

The freestyle large platform is a new event in the BJ Winter Olympics, and she won a silver medal in this event.

You can choose to slide down, slide smoothly, or slide backwards from a slope nearly 50 meters high, and then jump at the end of the slope to complete a combination of technical movements such as somersaults, turns, and board grabbing. The referees will judge the athletes based on the overall impression. Evaluation of the sliding performance.

Freestyle skiing is notoriously difficult. It is divided into big jumping platform, aerial skills, snow skills, U-shaped field, slope obstacles, etc. Due to time constraints, she mainly practices aerial skills on weekdays, and the big platform has become her favorite. Alternatives, and the final grades also prove that where you pay more, the rate of return also proves everything.

The national freestyle skiing competition may not be a big deal to other athletes, but it is an extremely rare opportunity for her fledgling novice. The good results of one gold and one silver also made her quickly attracted the attention of the national team , and became the pride of the provincial team.

The videos of her competitions and photos of her winning awards were also regarded as the results of her report and displayed on her personal social platform.

After all, it is a national competition, and the sports channel also broadcast the exciting events of the final. Although Chu Qian did not accept the post-match interview, her name was on the list, and her award-winning photos and videos were carefully produced by her. , making her fans explode in an instant, and she was on the No.8 hot search list in one night.

[Internet celebrity Eleven Qian transforms into an ice and snow athlete]

[Food blogger Eleven Qian won the national freestyle skiing gold medal]

【The post-00s rise, the Internet celebrity Eleven Qian cannot be underestimated】


The message area was extremely lively.

It turns out that my Eleven Qian's retreat training is to participate in the competition?God, how can you be so good?

It's terrible, I can do whatever I want, what kind of fairy species am I in love with?
The great Eleven Qian, it's only this year, she's so outstanding!
Someone else's child, our idol!
That's right, born in December 2022, December 12, will this year be the end?
In her month, she won the gold medal in the national competition, and even got an invitation from the national team. Maybe it won't be long before she can embark on the journey of the World Championships and even the Olympic Games. On the way, Chu Qian secretly vowed that she planned to use ten times or even a hundred times her efforts to become a real star athlete.

Now that she has done it, she should do her best. This is her goal, her direction, and her self-requirement.

After the national competition, she joined the national team, and she had more and more comprehensive coaching guidance, as well as a foreign teacher's class for a week, which cost almost US$[-] a day. Fortunately, the foreign teacher has been coaching in Huaguo, otherwise Affected by the epidemic, it is also not allowed to come here. Just the round-trip travel expenses and isolation expenses are not affordable by myself.

Now she trains for the swimming team three days a week, and the national team for three days. The remaining day should be a rest day, but she practices at her own expense. All the rest time is released and decompressed in the space.

And the reason why she can continuously update and update is also because of the help of space.

Although she is still only in the provincial team in swimming, her ability is gradually revealed as the training deepens and the intensity increases.

There are dozens of large and small competitions held at the national level every year, which does not count the international ones.

Every time she soaked in the water until she was exhausted from training, she wondered whether it was worth it for her to persevere and be so tired.

After all, the body has limits. If there is no space for complete relaxation, you may not be able to persist for a long time, and it is even more difficult to persist in the training of two sports.

There are only 30 days in a month, and she is not training, or on the way to the training ground. Jin Jun can only see people when she comes to Changbai Mountain for training, but because the training programs of the national team are different, it is not I can come to Changbai Mountain every time, so as soon as I meet her, I feel distressed when I see her lose weight or look unwell.

Treat her with a trunk full of food every time.

Jin Jun bought a domestic off-road vehicle, which is suitable for running various mountain roads. The full payment is less than 20 yuan, which provides great convenience for his work.

"My mother wants to come and take care of you. You are too tired to train like this every day. If you don't eat well,"

"The food in the team is strictly controlled. It is not safe to eat outside. Even the ingredients you buy yourself may not pass the test, so don't worry, I am fine and can take care of myself. If my mother comes Now, who will take care of my sister-in-law and my father, she has worked very hard, I am fine, I am fine, let her not worry about it, I will call her later."

Compared with my own mother, it's much better for my mother-in-law to do this, because my mother only gradually started to contact her after she became rich, and I haven't seen how she contacted me before.

In particular, she also helped her doting eldest son to change his ways. Although her gratitude to her was from the bottom of her heart, she didn't like Yuanzheng as a mother. On the contrary, she felt that she was not as cute as Ms. Park.

No matter how unpopular the old couple was in the previous life, anyway, with her efforts in this life, they have become the proudest son and daughter-in-law of the old couple.

On the other hand, the eloquent sister-in-law and sister-in-law did not get the understanding and care of their mother-in-law because of pregnancy and childbirth.

She treats them with a bowl of water, even if no one’s children are taken, it’s okay to serve the confinement, and you can satisfy whatever requirements you have during the confinement, but after the confinement, you have to take care of your own children. The old couple can provide money that is not wet (pure breastfeeding. Natural subsidies are less), and the rest has to be figured out by itself.

Both the eldest and the third child are working for others and earn money. Naturally, they manage the daily expenses of the wife and children. The family has been divided. They don’t ask the children for money, which is already the greatest support for them. Now after the family separation, except for the second child who gave them 1 yuan every month, the other two sons didn’t give them a penny. Living together, before the house is built, it can be regarded as gnawing on the old in disguise.

And the money they earned by themselves must have been saved. The old couple have said more than once that the second is supporting their whole family.

If you can avoid provoking them, don't bother them, especially the second daughter-in-law, who goes to training every day before dawn, and may not be able to lie down at ten o'clock in the evening. It is not easy for the second child. That's all, the voice is hoarse every day, it's not easy for you, but it's easy for them?

It was the parents-in-law's daily reminders that made the eldest and third child of the Jin family not go to Jin Jun.

I have also told Jin Jun several times about the house of my uncle's house, but Jin Jun only rents it but does not buy it. The main daughter-in-law may not necessarily live here, so I want to wait for her to stabilize before looking at where to buy a house.

Jin Jun terminated the contract with the company at the end of 2022. Now that he has strength, he has opened his own account. The name is [Jin Jun QQ] QQ stands for Qianqian, so he established his own studio at the beginning of 2023. And the company, recruiting employees, and attracting investment for about two or three months, officially started live streaming on March 2023, 3, Women's Day.

Chu Xi and Jin Jun have three rules for their live delivery, they don't cut leeks, don't make black-hearted money, they would rather reduce the share, but also ensure good quality.

So Jinjun’s live broadcast will be one day a week, because the rest of the time is going through procedures, reviewing and testing, and these products will be tried first, and they will be added to his delivery list when they feel OK.

In addition, the two pay taxes honestly and avoid tax reasonably. They also spend 100 million yuan a year to subsidize poor students' bursaries.

Originally, the couple wanted to establish Hope Primary School, but they gave up this idea when they considered that children from rural areas gather together to study in cities, and the number of children staying in the countryside is getting less and less. If the school is built empty, it is better to help those who cannot afford to read because of poverty.

Now that Jin Jun has set up a studio, it is impossible for him to do everything by himself, so during the rest time, he drives the car and looks for the information of impoverished counties and impoverished students mentioned by netizens in the messages, and verifies them one by one. If it is fake and real, he will adopt it as the object of his company's funding until they are admitted to the ideal university.

Therefore, the company's reasonable tax avoidance also has preferential policies including public welfare.

If they encounter poor families and disabled people, they will also show their love.

Due to the problem of distance, he only chooses those in the three northeastern provinces to help. If it is beyond this range, he wants to wait until the company expands.

Of course, all that Jin Jun did was based on Chu Qian's advice. They did good deeds and did not shoot videos and upload them to the Internet. cause unnecessary trouble.

So only people inside the company know that the boss will drive out to do charity work when he is not live broadcasting.

After half a year of accumulating fans, Chu Qiang now has about [-] fans, which is really not easy.

He doesn't directly advertise now, but he hooks up a small yellow car and sells some special products of the three eastern provinces. The income is not much, but it is enough for his daily expenses.

Chu Qian's current life is single. The monthly subsidies of the two training teams add up to thousands of yuan, and the swimming team has 2000 yuan. Because the ski team won the championship, the monthly subsidy of two to three thousand yuan was transferred to the parents' account.

The number of subscriptions to her official account has reached 2+ post-tax. In addition to the 1+ royalties from other new media reprints, the short video traffic also has thousands of dollars in traffic revenue every month, so she now has post-tax revenue every month. 4W income.

Although her income is not as good as during the delivery period, her account is alive, and there are various products in the little yellow car. This income is not paid on a monthly basis, some are settled every six months, and some are settled every quarter. Although the current traffic is far less than During the live broadcast, she can also see the sales receipts. According to preliminary estimates, there will be hundreds of thousands of income in one year.

Therefore, even if Chu Qian doesn't rely on live streaming to bring goods, she won't starve to death. After all, if she earns a million a year, she doesn't come here just by opening her mouth.

She hires a coach by herself, and the training expenses are all from her own account, and Jin Jun is not allowed to pay a dime. In her opinion, this is her own business, and the honor will not be credited to others in the future. Why let people pay for their own consumption?

She also won't take classes with a foreign teacher all the time. After all, one day of his teaching is enough for her to practice for a month or even a long time, so learning new movements and new skills is the reason why she hires a foreign teacher. It's not enough to afford the family's expenses for a quarter!
So when encountering a bottleneck and needing to exercise, the foreign teacher will stop the class as soon as it stops, and give her enough time to adapt and complete this difficult movement and skill, including swimming, which is all skillful. Rather than relying on brute force to win.

Although the training intensity has always been there, the strength of the students taught by each coach is also uneven. In addition to their own comprehension ability, they need more physical perception and adaptation...

(End of this chapter)

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