The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1239 [1238] Under Changbai Mountain 15 (5000)

Chapter 1239 [1238] Under Changbai Mountain 15 (5000)

National ski competitions like this are held several times in the three northeastern provinces from September to March of the next year, and they are all different types of ice sports.

Curling and short track speed skating can be trained indoors, but freestyle skiing can only be done outdoors.

If it is from September to March of the next year, the training fee is not so expensive due to the weather, but if it is other time, in order to maintain the ski resort and carry out artificial snowfall, the cost of their teaching is also quite high.

Otherwise, people say that these sports are noble sports, and the family has no family background, so they really can't afford it.

If it was before Chu Qian, she would definitely not be able to afford it, but now it is different, she has enough money as a foundation, and she can maintain the annual training fee of hundreds of thousands (fields, coaches, training uniforms, etc.).

Even in order to show some difficult movements in mid-air, she not only practiced yoga, but also learned Chinese dance from the live broadcast to practice the flexibility and coordination of the body.

Of course, not every athlete can become Gu Ailing and become popular.

There are so many sports in the Olympic Games, and there are not a few winners. Apart from the familiar ones, who else remembers their names?

The reason why Chu Qian trains so hard is of course not to become an Olympic star, but to make up for her vacancy.

In these worlds, she has done many careers, but she has never been an Olympic champion, so she wants to challenge this impossible to become possible.

However, what she didn't expect was that in the swimming pool on the first floor of the hotel where she was staying for this event, she was caught by a referee teacher of the national team because of her standard swimming posture and fast speed.

This referee is now also acting as a referee in this ice and snow event. After a hard day, he also came to the swimming pool to swim. He went back to sleep after going to play. Who would have thought that when he was soaking in the water, he would see Like a fish, what about Chu Qian who is very comfortable in the water?
When he learned that she was a freestyle skier, he couldn't help shaking his head regretfully.

"You are obviously a good seed for the swimming team? You are not too old, how are you? Do you want to join the swimming team? I can recommend it for you!"

To be honest, although Yu Niang's life is very far away from now, it is Yu Niang's body that grew up by the sea and returned to the sea.

But anyone who has learned to swim knows that as long as she gets into the water, she will never forget those movements. What's more, she only forgot her feelings and the scene of that life, but she didn't forget any of the skills she learned.

Her physical fitness has always been very good in this life, so swimming is just a review for her. Although she may need to participate in more professional training if she wants to participate in the competition, is not impossible!

Now that her fans have exceeded 400 million, she can be regarded as a well-known broadcaster. The 300 million deposits on hand are already the result of several generations of ordinary people's hard work. What's more, if she announces her retirement It's not that she has no income at all, at least she still has a public account to serialize, and many self-media have come to cooperate with her to repost.

Not to mention the stable monthly income, I also make a small fortune from advertisements from time to time.

She left the referee's contact information, and when she returned to the dormitory that night, she sent a WeChat message to Jin Jun of the men's team, explaining the ins and outs of the matter, and finally expressed her position.

"I want to withdraw from this circle temporarily. I like swimming and skiing very much. If I can get a medal with high gold content in it, it will be quite a temptation for my ordinary life."

Jin Jun thought for a while, and said bluntly to Chu Qian: "Compared to your athletic talent, you are far superior to me. It is already very difficult for me to have a place on the provincial team, let alone get out of the The three eastern provinces, facing the whole country and even the world, I don’t have that ability, I have this self-knowledge. After all, this account is managed by us painstakingly, let alone now that your brother is here, let’s think about it carefully, and transform it into an account for the two of us in the later stage. Now that you have made your decision, then I will support you unconditionally, you can do it if you want, it doesn't matter, we have the backup force!"

With Jin Jun's support, Chu Qian expressed her opinion to the referee that night, and went to see the head coach of their J provincial swimming team the next day. After confirming her physical fitness on the spot, the coach was very satisfied. nod.

"That's right, it's a seedling, so what's your plan? Just give up skiing and transfer to our provincial team, or...?"

"As long as the time is adjusted, I can take care of both. They are all projects I like. I don't want to give up on either one. If I have to choose one and give up the other, then I would rather not make this call. Moreover, I And I'm confident that I can do both well."

The coach couldn't help but glance at Chu Qian's words, then nodded, planning to walk around and watch.

So Chu Qian's life, from this moment, is destined to embark on a new journey.

She specially recorded a video. The content of the video is that she stands in front of the camera and makes the most sincere confession.

"Hi everyone, netizens, thank you for your attention to Eleven Qian. No matter what you followed me at first, but you can stay until now, it must be true love. There is no other meaning in posting this video today, just want to tell everyone , in the future, I may no longer update videos as frequently as before, because I am going to engage in closed sports training, and I will face everyone with a new identity in the future."

"Of course, I also hope that you don't abandon me, because this account will always be mine, but the updates about me will not be so frequent in the future, but as long as I have time, I will update and send it. I hope you don't have to be suspicious My orientation, in the future, I will tell you where I went through the video. Also, my official account will always be serialized. You are welcome to continue to pay attention to me, and continue to subscribe to my novels and works. Through more channels Get to know the new and excellent me, haha, and I will also report my future training results through all my platforms.”

"Finally, I need to introduce someone to everyone. Maybe many of you paid attention to me because of him. In fact, I don't have to let him show up, but the Internet has memory, and sooner or later someone will think of him. , I might as well push him out from the very beginning. He is either someone else, or my unworthy brother Chu Qiang."

Afterwards, she pulled Chu Qiang out. Compared with the arrogant and natural rogue in front of the media before, he now stands in front of the camera with humility, respect and even a little inferiority, a little embarrassed, a little nervous, and more uneasy .

"Everyone knows how my brother and I got into trouble at the beginning. I went back to my hometown in the first half of this year and settled his debt. Of course, there is an IOU. I can't help a rascal unconditionally. After all, blood is thick. Yu Shui, I couldn't bear to let him abuse my parents and brothers at home, so I brought him out to help me take care of some trivial matters and give him a chance to reform himself."

Before I said anything after that, there was a lot of abuse on the live broadcast interface. Some said that the brother and sister directed and acted by themselves, and did everything to attract fans. Some said that they were morally corrupt, so everyone should not believe it. Regarding this, Chu Qian chose to ignore it.

In her opinion, if you are willing to support, I welcome you, if you are not willing to support, you can call me off, because that is your own choice, we have no right to interfere, but we still have to do what we should do , she dare not say that Chu Qiang will sit in front of the live broadcast camera to bring goods in the future, but at least he will become a member of the behind-the-scenes team.

She didn't want someone to talk about this matter to them one day, and she didn't want Chu Qiang to have achieved certain results through his own efforts at that time, but was scolded for failing. Instead of that, it's better to start from scratch.

Chu Qiang didn't think there was anything wrong with what his sister said, or insulted his brother for the sake of fans, as those netizens said.

"My sister is right. I used to be a good person. I also realized that there was something wrong with my three views. She brought me out this time by means of extraordinary means. I didn't want to at first, but after reforming , After working hard to earn money, I found that earning with my own hands is more correct than gnawing on the old. A person’s life is very long, and everyone makes mistakes. I was wrong before, and I admit it, but now I realize my mistakes , I want to correct it, and I hope everyone will give me a chance to reform myself."

Although the comment area and the live video room are abusing their brothers and sisters for directing and acting themselves, but what should be said has been said, believe it or not, admit it or not, it is up to the viewers.

So since the video came out, her account has been losing fans, and she lost 10,000+ fans on the day of the live broadcast.

Afterwards, Chu Qiang looked guilty, but Chu Qian comforted him: "Back then, the incident between you and me made a lot of noise, which made me gain a lot of fans. It's only natural for them to cancel now. Don't worry about it, and you won't Directly drop to [-], even if it is reduced to [-], you and A Jun have also been in this industry for a certain period of time, so you know better than those novices who just entered the industry? In the future, you can just shoot your own. Of course, you can also start again. Open an account and start from scratch.”

【Changbaishan Eleven Qian】After all, it lost fans at an astonishing rate, all the way from 400 million to 300 million+, with nearly 100 million fans. Many people are willing to believe that the brothers and sisters directed and acted by themselves, but few people believe that this is Chu Qian's attempt to give everyone an explanation.

But cyberbullying is inevitable, especially in their line of work. Since they have earned the money, they should bear the pressure from this aspect.

After discussions between Chu Qiang and Jin Jun, they planned to let Chu Qiang go to the mountain to continue shooting videos, and Jin Jun was responsible for bringing the goods. To this day, Chu Qiang still does not have the guts, nor does he have the eloquence to sit in front of the camera and bring the goods. Besides, when he brings the goods, is he watching people scold him, or is he ruining the source of goods provided by the manufacturer?
Chu Qian introduced a lot of resources to Chu Qiang for him to learn editing. Compared with Chu Qian who is alone, Chu Qiang is better at going up the mountain with a large group of people. On the one hand, it is safe, on the other hand, there are more things to watch. You can also follow the old man to learn more about the story of Changbai Mountain.

He doesn't stick to one place, but surrounds various places and villages in Changbai Mountain. He lives here for a period of time, and lives there for a period of time. Take advantage of Chu Qian.

Because he also noticed that everyone's focus and ideas are different. He didn't want to borrow Chu Qian's fame, and he didn't want to change her style. Something you want to do.

Because there are ten households and nine vacant houses under Changbai Mountain, it is not possible to rent a house anytime and anywhere, so when he really can’t find a vacant house, he will find someone else to borrow, and of course he will give money, with the owner’s permission. Next, take pictures of some local folk customs and ingredients. If he can live here for a long time, he will also help the host's work to pay for the accommodation fee.

I have to say that the way he found a new way is really good, at least it is rich in content, not muddled, multiple camera transitions, not only the food is photographed, but also the local customs, good mountains, good waters and beautiful scenery. Looking at the bottom of the eye, he has also gained more and more people's attention and expectations.

Because there is no funds now, his place is limited to the surrounding area of ​​Changbai Mountain. He has already made plans. If he earns money in the future, he plans to buy a caravan and drive it to all parts of the motherland. The short videos of these experiences can also become the most precious images in his memoirs, which cannot be bought with money.

For Chu Qiang's whimsical idea, Chu Qian originally planned to give 10 yuan of financial support, of course, the prerequisite is to write an IOU.

But was rejected by Chu Qiang, "Qianyou has the fun of Qiongyou, you don't understand, I don't want money, although self-employment is difficult, but this kind of difficulty will not last forever, no matter how difficult it is, it will only be difficult for a while, because sooner or later I You can break through yourself and reach your ideal state.”

Yes, the idea is very full. It's just reality, a little skinny.

I thought I could hold on, but it turned out that a penny was too much for a hero. In the end, I had no choice but to borrow 2 yuan from Jin Jun with a blushing face. Of course, I had to write an IOU. Dear, if you borrow money from me, you have to declare how long you will borrow it, when you will pay it back, how much interest will be paid, and how much liquidated damages you will pay if it is overdue.

This is true for close relatives, let alone borrowing money from outsiders?

Moreover, there is also a matter of principle, the emergency is not the poor.

The money borrowed depends on whether the person has the ability to repay.

No one's money comes from the wind, why should I pay for your 'poor'?
If he is tired from traveling outside, Chu Qiang will go back to Jin's house in Songjianghe Town to rest for a while.

Jin Jun is still serving the company, but his commission rate is the highest among all anchors, and now it is easy to earn 50 a month.

On the contrary, Chu Xi is still relying on the old video. Although many people on her side have offered to cooperate, her mobile phone is usually turned off, and she can't even contact Jin Jun, let alone other people?
After entering the provincial team training, she started training with the group of 15 years old and under 20 years old. Most of them are students, and students have classes, so when they are in cultural classes, she is training, and they are training. At that time, she was still training, who made her join the team later than others?
Training depends entirely on self-consciousness, the master leads the door, and practice depends on oneself.

The finals of freestyle skiing will be held in December, so Chu Qian has to spend half of her time every week going to the mountains for skiing training. Apart from flying, she just calls a private car instead of driving herself. With that experience, I don't have time to take the driver's license test for the time being.

She said she would not update it, but she occasionally encounters delicious food, and she will also broadcast it. If there is a beautiful snow scene, she will record it through the process of skiing or taking the cable car, and then share it on her social account.

Although so far she has not revealed which one of her so-called closed training, in the face of fans' inquiries, she also mysteriously stated that she will report the results to everyone at the appointed time, and the first time point she was waiting for , is this national alpine skiing competition.

Although she only prepared for one year, she was no worse than some mature athletes.

But her excellence has been envied by many people. Although she is not to the point of framing each other, she is always gossiping behind her back.

Especially since she is used to being a loner, and she doesn't have any good friends in the team, so everyone gradually began to isolate her.

Sometimes when she walks into the bustling dressing room, there is no sound at all. With that feeling, I really wish I could dig a hole and get in.

But she is powerless to change anything. What people say is true. She graduated from junior high school. She has no culture. She lived with her at a young age and has a boyfriend. What can she refute?
Since you can't refute it, then do everything well with more heart.

Of course, many teammates also made her bitter, saying that it was inappropriate for her to have a good internet celebrity, why did she come here to grab their jobs?

Not only in the skiing team, but also in the swimming team, there was such talk, but she was a person who accepted death, either not doing it, or doing it better.

It's true that she's an Internet celebrity, but she's not a serious job, she can only serve as a side job. Why do they attribute their failure to her?

Could it be that if she didn't show up, they would be champions?
fight for a job?This is simply nonsense!
Since it doesn’t make sense, let’s not talk about it. After training, find a place to enter the space to complete all your work, such as editing videos, writing novels, and writing new media creations. Wash and sleep directly.

Therefore, these teammates basically have nothing to say to her at ordinary times, because the space has bathtubs and water, sometimes when she comes back late, she washes up in the space, so as not to affect others, but because of this, it is said that She has the bad habit of not taking a shower, brushing her teeth or washing her feet every day, and pretending to cover her nose wherever she goes, it's not too obvious that she dislikes her...

(End of this chapter)

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