The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1234 [1233] Under Changbai Mountain 10 (5000)

Chapter 1234 [1233] Under Changbai Mountain 10 (5000)

Jin Jun saved 3 yuan in his hand, and together with the [-] yuan, a total of [-] yuan was transferred to Ms. Park's card.

Although the money for building the house was given by my mother, it was also earned by Jin Jun's work, but before the separation, it is better to return the money for the time being, so the couple used this method to return the money. .

Ms. Park naturally felt embarrassed, but after listening to her son's words, she sighed.

"Let's celebrate the New Year this year. You brothers get together and divide your family."

When the son grows up, the daughter-in-law will also be pregnant by camera. It will be bad if the money is mixed together like this. The money earned over the years will be returned to them.

She made it very clear last year during the Chinese New Year that they will not be allowed to bear the debts of the family, but they still have to bear the money for building the house and raising the children themselves. If the children are given to her at home, she will take them. I can't take it with me.

Because the family still has debts, the expenses during the childbearing period also need to be borne by the young couple themselves.

When I said this back then, Tangyuan hadn't come yet, but now I can understand what Jin Jun said.

The main thing is that she can make money by herself, so naturally she doesn't care for the three melons and two dates given by her parents-in-law. As for what the two sisters-in-law think, it's none of her business, as long as she doesn't suffer.

She may not take advantage of it, but she must not take advantage of it. This is the bottom line.

And she promised her mother-in-law to buy the gold bracelet because her mother-in-law was good to her and took good care of her for a few months. She felt that she should give it out of gratitude.

After Jin Jun took out [-] yuan, he was considered to have emptied his family property, but the two of them owed neither of them, so it was much easier.

Jin Jun didn't know that she had been contributing manuscripts, and he didn't know how much money she had. He also thought that she made money by selling mountain goods and audio novels, and didn't ask carefully. I felt distressed and promised to let her live a good life. I also told her about the gains of this week. The study was very fulfilling and filled a lot of blank knowledge in the e-commerce industry.

Seeing his smug look, Chu Qian encouraged him to keep going, and he really worked hard. When he was watching the anchor selling goods with his mobile phone, he didn't forget to bow his head and take notes.

Just watching the scene of selling goods and shouting, she felt a sore throat.

She also has audiobook experience, so she can understand how difficult it is to be a teacher and an anchor to keep talking.

Therefore, no matter which line of work you do, it is actually the same. If you do one line of work, you are doomed to suffer and suffer from this line of work. If you can’t stand it, even if you change to another job, the result will be the same.

Never compare your work with others. The result of comparing your work with others is that you will become more and more depressed, and your mind will only become more and more unbalanced.

Chu Qian has been in the mountains for four days, and the harvest is full. In the next few days, she will dry mushrooms in the yard during the day. She does not need to wash them. Dry it together and wash it off when eating.

In addition to mountain fungus, she also dried dandelion, a Chinese herbal medicine that is suitable for making tea. She likes drinking this kind of tea. After all, the main function of people is to clear away heat and detoxify!

Those who come to Changbai Mountain to travel can often drink dandelion water when they come to them. This is also a local characteristic, especially if the roots are soaked together, the effect is better, so the dandelions she picked up all have long roots.

Because the yard is big enough, the chickens, ducks and geese with clipped wings are strolling in the yard, and she doesn't let them out. The gate has to be closed when they come out. The temperature in Changbai Mountain in July is only around 7 degrees. They don't exercise or stand in the sun. It is the most comfortable temperature.

However, because the weather here is changeable, they all wear long sleeves, and few people wear short sleeves. Feel the feeling of alternating hot and cold.

Chu Xi is born after 00, and even Jin Jun was born in 99, so there are no peers to play with in this area, and the older ones have no common language with them. Unless Chu Xi finds someone, they generally won’t come Chat and play with her.

So the days when I don’t climb mountains are very comfortable, busy with my own vegetable garden, poultry, drying and sorting my dry goods, and then I take care of three meals a day, as well as writing and recording audio.

One day in the small yard, she recorded two 1-minute video introductions, because the surrounding scenery is beautiful, the yard is full of vitality, and it has its own local characteristics, so after her fans exceed 20, likes and traffic are very fast. Going up, every time you post one, you can get hundreds of thousands of traffic.

Chu Qian enjoyed this natural and down-to-earth life very much, and made her pregnant sister-in-law very greedy. She has said more than once that she would come and live with her. Chu Qian felt the sincerity of this Sichuan girl, That was a hundred thousand wishes, because he was always worried that she would not be safe at home, and if his sister-in-law could come to accompany her, he expressed his approval and welcome with both hands and feet.

But before Chu Qian could react, her mother-in-law came out to speak.

"Sissy is still a child herself, so how can she take care of you? Besides, you have to go to the maternity check-up every other day. It is very inconvenient to live there. If you really want to come back, come to me. I will take care of you. Our family The environment is not much worse than that over there. Jin Jun, send the car back when you are free. You are going to the hospital. Mom will drive her there, so don’t go to our forest area. Without elders who understand, just relying on two little girls, what can I do?"

When the sister-in-law said she would stay at home without going out, the mother-in-law didn't agree.

"You haven't been there before, and you don't know that you have to climb uphill when you go home, and there are forests when you go out and go in. You can't go out, but when Qianxi goes out, will you follow? It's your responsibility to follow."

Chu Qian's child was not kept, and the mother-in-law of the third child was even more nervous. Of course, she was also thinking of Chu Qian, and didn't want to add unnecessary troubles and responsibilities, because she was a child herself, and she didn't have the ability to do so. Don't understand how serious the consequences are.

Chu Qian is really grateful to Ms. Park. If she can come forward to resolve this matter, it will really avoid a lot of conflicts, especially between sisters-in-law and sisters-in-law.

Moreover, according to her observation, this sister-in-law does not simply like the life here, but wants to learn how to make short videos from her.

As for the house in Changbai Mountain, she didn't know what they had in mind, there were many brothers, that's all.

Before marrying a daughter-in-law, they are brothers who eat in the same pot. After marrying a wife and having children, they are relatives.

Among relatives, no one wants you to live a better life than them, especially if they occupied uncle's house in advance, who knows if there is any idea behind this?

But this matter, I also hope that she thinks too much, she just wants to enjoy the two-person world for a few years before everyone has children.

She doesn't want anyone to come and disturb her rhythm and life.

"You send the car back, mom is protecting me, don't worry about me, I'm fine, but if your sister-in-law comes over, it's not necessarily true, we don't know each other well, so we can say no I know each other because you two are eating in the same pot now, and the living environment is different. You tolerate me because I am your wife, and she has nothing to do with it. You say that if I say something wrong Wouldn’t it cause trouble? The fragrance is far away and the smell is near, let’s keep a little distance away, don’t get too close. On this point, you see, my sister-in-law never talks nonsense, and never gets involved in things that have nothing to do with me. .”

Jin Jun has also been in and out of society for many years, how can he fail to understand this bit of worldly sophistication?Especially for a family like the three brothers, it is almost difficult to find a partner. This is where the contradiction lies. It is ridiculous that he still wants to call someone over, but his mother and daughter-in-law are clear-headed.

Immediately nodded in response, "It happens that we are going to Hunchun to look at the goods. I will drive there and come back in the company's car. I will come back and forth without delaying anything."

After the two finalized the date, the filial Chu Qian began to prepare gifts for her in-laws.

She packed and packaged the dry goods that she had picked and dried from the mountains, and took [-] cash and handed it to Jin Jun, letting him arrange it by himself.

Since Jin Jun sent the money to his mother last time, he basically had no money in his hands. The reason why Chu Qian gave him money was because he felt that the poor family had a way of getting rich. Although she only went for a few days, she felt that the man had no money. No way.

"Thank you wife, I will return the money to you when I get paid. Also, my mother said that the family will be separated at the end of the year. I don't say how much I have earned in the past few years, but I have 5 yuan. "

It didn't cost them money to get married, so it doesn't mean they don't give money. After marriage, the money is handed over to the wife, so he has more motivation to make money.

Chu Qian thinks that the Jin family is reliable. Marriage means that everyone separates to form a small family, and the young couple work together to create their own family. Poverty is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that poverty is taken for granted, confident, and shameless kind of.

Jin Jun's cousin-in-law is such a person. The cousin is earning money in country H. The cousin-in-law has no skills, and dare not even leave the country. He doesn't know H. He said he wants to take care of the children at home and let the cousin go out. What happened to him at home? He doesn't do it, he doesn't even do the work in the field, and the child is directly thrown to his mother. He takes the hard-earned money from his cousin all day long, and spends the money to improve the child's life everywhere.

Last year when my cousin returned home, she resolutely wanted a divorce. As a result, the husband who was used to being a son by the cousin cried and made trouble and hanged himself.

He disagreed, and her husband's family disagreed even more. In the end, the cousin was so heartbroken and sued directly to the court. When she left the house and took away the two children, she was divorced from that scumbag, and the scumbag child was gone. , Will you still pay for living expenses?

So if you meet such a man, it is not as good as a man like Jin Jun whose family is poor but whose ambition is not poor.

In fact, many women who live a down-to-earth life are not so realistic, but they are forced to be realistic by the current environment.

Take her as an example, if Jin Jun lives with her honestly and sincerely, then the two of them will only get better and better, but if he drifts away and wants to dislike her as a daughter-in-law, then don't blame her. It's a reality for her to be a daughter-in-law.

Contemporary women are becoming more and more independent, but some men are still immersed in an unrealistic machismo worldview, which is really scary.

This kind of people are often useless people who have been eliminated by society. Why are there so many older men and young people in rural areas?In fact, more reasons come from their own problems.

Instead of spending time complaining about the high cost of marrying a wife, you might as well think about why you were eliminated, age, appearance, family work, etc. There are reasons, right?Otherwise, why do unmarried people look down on you, and even divorced people with children don't want to follow you?

Chu Qian is very thankful that she is living a comfortable life now, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and came to this quiet Changbai Mountain. A pot of tea, two dogs, basking in the sun, it may be a beautiful afternoon.

Of course, it might be better if such a day is not interrupted by a phone call from the original parents.

Although she changed her number, she couldn't hide it from her original parents, so she sent a new phone number. After all, they gave birth to her and raised her, so they should be filial.

It's just that she didn't expect that it would cost 5 yuan to open her mouth. Her brother is five years older than her, and he is as old as Jin Jun this year, 22 years old.

She used to have an elder brother above her, but when she was two or three years old, she missed him and fell into a small river ditch and drowned.

So she is five years behind her elder brother and two years behind her younger brother.

My mother cried and said to her: "Your elder brother has found a partner, and he wants a bride price of 18. How can we have so much money, but we have no house in the city, and the house at home is a bungalow. The room came out, but the woman said that if you don’t have the 18, you won’t marry. Your brother is so young that his white hair has grown out. Sissy, can you find a way to borrow some money, 5 Yuan, I also know that this is difficult for you, but your brother's marriage can't be dirty, that girl is pregnant, what do you think if she is going to have that child?"

Chu Qian's head hurts from her mother's crying, 2 is not too much, and it is not too much, especially now that she only has more than 5 yuan, where can I get them the [-] yuan?If she can really make up [-], will they let her make up [-], or [-]?
It was right for her to support her parents, but she had no reason to support her brother and brother, so she refused of course.

"Mom, I've only been out for a few days. The salary I earn is only enough for me to spend. How can I give you money? If you said it was three to five thousand, I'll save it for you, but you just open your mouth." If you want 5 yuan, where can I give you the whole [-] yuan?"

"Cissy, why don't you come back? Mom has found a partner for you. The family conditions are very good. If you marry, you will be a young mistress."

Chu Qian finally understood why Yuanchen's mother called her.

"Aren't you in the south? When did you go to the Northeast? Isn't this the number of J province? Also, why don't you go home during the Chinese New Year this year? If you don't go home and don't say a word, we don't know how to give others explain."

explain?explain what?Got a blind date date?
"Mom, I'm still young. I don't want to get married or go on a blind date. If I want to find a partner, I will find it myself. I don't need you to worry about it for me. Well, I have something else to do. Hang up first and talk about it later!"

Chu Qian hung up the phone, let out a long breath of foul breath, and went on a blind date, is she going to be exchanged for a high-value gift?She doesn't have much education, and her family's conditions are not good. What kind of family will pay her a high betrothal gift?Just thinking about it makes my spine chill.

Fortunately, when she went out, she secretly brought out the household registration book at home, so if something happened, she could still stand up.

I thought the phone would hang up and it would be quiet for a while, but I didn't expect that my brother and brother would call her at different numbers that night.

Her father, who seldom speaks, sent her a WeChat message asking her to go home. Some things need to be said in person, but it is not clear on the phone.

The eldest brother also asked her to go back in a begging tone. This intention was no longer so obvious.

Fortunately, her video has not been uploaded yet, but it will be a matter of time before she knows, the more she is urged like this, the more she cannot reply.

This matter made her feel depressed, and she was not in the mood to update even the audio novel, so she could only sit powerlessly in front of the computer and edit short videos.

The Chu family stopped contacting her, but they mobilized all relatives and friends to send her WeChat messages. All kinds of moral kidnapping took turns, just to persuade her to go back. I don't care about happiness.

He was more anxious than his parents. He had only one purpose. Only when she went back could she exchange it for money. With money, he could marry a wife.

As for how she is doing, whether that person treats her well or not doesn't seem to be in his consideration.

Chu Xi didn't block the phone, but turned her phone to silent mode. Except when taking videos, she used the computer for the rest of the time.

Her official account has more than [-] fans. After fulfilling her promise, she began to write serial novels. The first [-] words are free, and later fees will be charged. The official account can set the chapter charging standard by itself.

She also knows that not everyone can accept this method, but the short video has now reached 28 followers, audiobooks, and new media manuscripts, and she is doing well now, with a monthly income of [-] without any pressure.

This is not counting the amount of wild mountain products she picked. If she sells them, she will have tens of thousands of dollars, but the key point is that she doesn't want to sell them.

After all, who knows how much energy she will spend on this in the future, will she buy it when she can't eat in the future?
Rather than that, it would be better not to sell it from the beginning!
Her life is stable, and the vegetables in the small vegetable garden have grown a lot, but except for the green vegetables, the other vegetables are not yet ready to eat.

On the contrary, the leeks in the neighbor's house grow very well. She passed by and praised the leeks grown by the old man, and he cut a lot of them for her.

In the afternoon, she chopped leeks and mixed them with eggs, made dumplings stuffed with vegetables, and ate a bowl by herself. If you are hungry, you can eat it directly.

Only one-third of the leeks were used, and she put the remaining two-thirds in a bag and put it in the space, thinking that when Jin Jun came back, she would give him a fried vegetable corner to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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