The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1233 [1232] Under Changbai Mountain 9 (5000)

Chapter 1233 [1232] Under Changbai Mountain 9 (5000)

All fireworks are prohibited in the forest area, so she has prepared enough dry food for herself in the past few days.

Roasted sweet potatoes, potatoes, and multigrain rice are her staple food, various processed vegetables are her ingredients, and marinated eggs are peeled and cut open.

When you are hungry, mix these rice and vegetables together. It is simple, nutritious, and light. Bibimbap is so easy to serve with rice.

Among these vegetables are many wild vegetables that she dug before. The taste of these wild vegetables is mixed with water and then added to the rice. It is served with the chili sauce made by my mother-in-law. The taste is an endless aftertaste.

No wonder Jin Jun likes to mash baked potatoes and add them to rice, it's really delicious.

As for the roasted sweet potatoes, she was tired because they were dry in the middle. When she sat there to rest, she ate them as extra meals.

In addition to these, she also prepared fruit and dandelion tea made from mountain spring water. In short, she did not worry about eating and drinking except for climbing the mountain to consume physical strength.

If she passes by a stream, she will also use a bucket to pick up some spring water flowing down from the mountain and store it in a large plastic bucket.

After all, if there is no spring water in the space, it is convenient to wash and use, so it is better to reserve more water.

She is already familiar with these places she often goes to, but the road up the mountain is not easy, so she is not in a hurry. She collects mushrooms while walking deep into the forest, so that she will not feel tired after working and resting.

It is very hot in the woods in July, but this kind of heat is not because of the hot weather, but because the heat generated by people walking is too hot.

She is wearing a jungle camouflage uniform, a hat, and is fully armed, because it can avoid being scratched and injured by branches, and it can also prevent mosquito bites. There are more bugs in the forest than you can imagine. You can’t sit on the ground all the time, and there will be ants crawling Upper body, if you take a bite, most people can't bear it.

When it's hot, just stand under a tree casually, and the temperature will drop immediately, which is so magical.

It may be that the sun was shining brightly one hour ago, but the next hour you walk under the clouds, the sky is overcast, and the sun and rain are normal.

There are a lot of fungi in the forest, so many that she sometimes doesn't even bother to bend down to pick them up. Now she doesn't even like the small ones. She only picks the big ones with thick fruits. This can prevent her from bending over too much, because these days She was about to have a rebellious mentality when she bent over.

If it wasn't for these plump fungi that attracted her, she might have given up on it long ago.

Because you only need to walk forward, you don't need to observe the time and direction, as long as you make a mark in a particularly eye-catching place, you can find the way home accurately, so Chu Qian is particularly relaxed this time, from morning to night, From daytime to sunset, walking and stopping, there are so many fungi and wild vegetables in the space that it is unimaginable.

She also dug up a lot of wild flowers with good colors, uprooted the ones, and put them in the space, waiting to be planted in their yard or around the house after going down the mountain.

When she went out, all the valuables at home were put in the space. Although there were almost no thieves in this mountain forest, it was hard to guarantee that she would not run into someone with bad intentions, especially if there was nothing in their house. What if there were thieves? So he simply and neatly transferred all the valuables in the small family.

In the woods, what she often does is to listen to the sound, because the surroundings are too quiet, and a little movement will cause her violent reaction. If she hears the sound of someone shouting, she will feel very relaxed in her heart. If there is no sound around If there is a huge movement due to the movement of people, she will stand up and look around, looking for the source of the sound.

Sometimes it's small animals, sometimes birds, and snakes, and the bigger ones are silly roe deer and sika deer.

But these animals, as long as you don't hurt them, generally they won't take the initiative to attack.

Chu Xi is not a carnivore, so even if she saw pheasants and hares, she would remain expressionless. Not only would she not touch bird eggs, but she would also help them hide the obstacles around them.

She doesn't have that much ambition to pick ginseng, because she doesn't have the ability to carry it, and if she is not careful, it will destroy its growth environment. Ganoderma lucidum is lucky, and she has encountered it a few times, but she only picked one. The ones coming up are very beautiful, as big as a palm. Except for this one, the other ones either haven't changed in color, or are very small. She has no intention of hurting them, so she chooses to give up.

So she focused all her attention on wild mushrooms, and the rest depended on luck.

During the period, she also passed a cave, which was full of ice. Just standing at the entrance of the cave, she felt the cold wind blowing out, and she froze to death. Xiong Xiazi, but she smashed a lot of natural ice with an axe, especially the crystal clear ones, which looked particularly clean. She smashed these ices and put them into four big red buckets.

In summer, it is a natural refrigerator. It is especially useful for freezing fruits or something, even better than the refrigerator at home. As long as she doesn't take it out, they will never melt.

At night, she not only entered the space by herself, but also brazenly brought Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan into the space. Liang Tian was not very happy, so she snorted coldly.

"Anyway, I owe you so much, and it's not bad this time. I don't worry about putting them outside. If there are poisonous snakes, bears and blind people, wouldn't they be harmed?"

Sure enough, Liang Tian didn't speak any more, and he didn't know what the hell he was planning.

After entering the space, Tuantuan and Yuanyuan ran happily, but she ignored them and was busy with dinner on her own.

These two Erhus are not vegetarian, so she prepared bones for them to molar. These bones are the bones left over from eating ribs a few days ago. I am afraid that they will not be digested after eating, so I put them in the space and save them occasionally. They have had a mouthful.

Usually she doesn't feed dog food, basically whatever they eat, the two of them eat whatever they eat, steamed buns, rice and noodles, but they are not picky.

Now that she has fed them well, she will run towards her as soon as she calls her name, and take them to the space to absorb spiritual energy. She also hopes that they will become smarter. Don't expect them to be talented, at least there are retired military dogs [Xiao Nuomi] ] Half of the ability, right?

Chu Qian has no experience in dog training, but she has seen related videos, and knows that every police dog is great, and its elimination rate is quite high, and ordinary people can't achieve such a height, let alone these dogs dog?It's not easy.

The hardships behind this, Erha simply cannot do it!
Their families have long since been eliminated in round after round of competition.

In the evening, I made noodles with wild vegetables. When I saw the appearance, the two of them started to dislike them. She ignored them. The Hululu she drank was delicious. When she turned her head to look, she had already licked more than her bowl. Clean, this speed is no one else.

Washing the dishes with mountain spring water directly spilled out of the space, then found a broken blanket for the two dogs, and instructed them to lie on it, but it turned out to be good, let’s start tearing each dog at one corner, and see who bites hard, she doesn’t bother to care They moved out a folding bed on their own, spread the bedding, covered the quilt, and prepared to fall asleep happily.

She bought this folding bed near the hospital for 200 yuan, and it is quite strong enough for her to sleep alone.

After I ran outside and sent a few WeChat messages to my husband, I was shivering from the temperature outside. The temperature on the mountain is much colder than that down below, so I had to put on a down jacket.

Moreover, the wind was strong, and in the dark night, she couldn't see anything, and occasionally she could hear the calls of animals. She shivered and hurried into the space.

When she woke up, it was only past two o'clock in the outside world, and she was already full of sleep, so she got up and boiled a pot of milky white tofu fish soup, fished out the spines and poured them out, and gave the fish head to Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan to eat.

Made some noodles, took the scissors, cooked a small pot of fish soup, tofu and scissors noodles, and finally sprinkled a handful of pickled wild celery. The two dogs each had a pot. She made a bowl for herself and put It was left to dry on the side, and two more eggs were fried. When the two dogs looked over, she curled her lips.

"Don't look, it's not your share, I'm all drinking fish soup and eating noodles, so don't think about it."

She couldn't bear to watch the aggrieved sobs, she turned around, and ate the scissors noodles casually while holding her own bowl.

She fished this fish with her neighbors and the river before. Because there are more fish bones in freshwater fish, she usually smashes them and fishes them out for soup. Drinking soup alone can’t satisfy the calories of a meal. Add some noodles to it. It was just right.

After eating and drinking, she washed and tidied up, put on her clothes, put on a plastic bag, and took a flashlight that was fully charged at home. Before three o'clock in the morning, she started her day's adventure.

In spring, that is, around May 03st, Changbai Mountain will get dawn at 30:7, in summer it will be around 8 o'clock in July and August, in autumn it will be 5 o'clock, and in winter it will be 6:[-] o'clock.

That's why there is a saying that we go to the mountains to dig wild vegetables at three o'clock in the morning. Two or three o'clock here may be five or six o'clock in the Central Plains.

It was inevitable that the two dogs had made her dirty and disfigured, so she didn't let them out, she put a clean plastic bag on her lap, waded in the morning dew, and looked for fungus in the grass.

But half an hour later, the sky was slightly brighter, and the flashlight was turned off immediately. I explored the road ahead with a stick, stopped from time to time to listen to the movement, and observed the surrounding environment, because she was walking in a straight line. Walking in a straight line will lead to the root of the cliff, so her direction cannot always be a straight line, but needs to be observed to identify swamps, puddles, canoes crossing rivers and many other complex environments.

This kind of forest environment is actually no different from the wild survival program that Mr. Bei went on.

Even in the nature reserve, you can’t go anywhere you want. The places where people can’t set foot in are surrounded by wire fences, and the outside can be moved. If you go in and something happens, then You have to be responsible for yourself.

Don't talk about Xiong Blind, Siberian tigers are not a joke, they are all pure wild animals, not the tame tigers that have lost their wildness in a cage as you imagined, it will kill people.

Of course, as she continued to climb high and walk deep, especially after she stepped out of the limit that people can reach in a day, the fungus on the mountain was obviously much more than the bottom.

Since she is here to pick the fungi, she should rush to pick the fungus. Even if the fungus in pieces stays on the ground for an hour or two, it is worth it. The feeling of picking up for nothing makes her feel like she is going to make a fortune. .

The species were the same as the ones I picked up before, they were all common species in Changbai Mountain, and she only wanted the big ones and the fat ones, and let go of the small ones.

Because there are few people here, I can see a lot of fungus that have opened umbrellas and aged. These fungi are very big, and she is not willing to give up. They all receive space, so they can go home and chop them up to feed the chickens.

At present, the fungi in her space, whether they are dry or wet, add up to a thousand catties. There are so many fungi, not only non-toxic, but also poisonous fungi. She arranges each species by category. If Ha is not released, they will be tied up, not daring to let them run away, in case they eat poisonous things, the loss outweighs the gain.

In addition to the abundance of bacteria, wild vegetables have also reached the point of flooding, especially common herbs such as honeysuckle, plantain, dandelion, and wormwood, which are almost everywhere.

She squatted on the pony's head, holding a small hoe, and pulled up the roots. Because the roots of medicinal materials are good, she picked out the good ones when she went home, and usually chopped them up to feed poultry.

Maybe it's because their poultry eat more wild vegetables that contain traditional Chinese medicine ingredients, so not only do they grow fast, but they also look fat and fat. I don't know how the eggs will start to multiply at the end of the month. What is the effect?
At noon, she cooked mutton hot pot. The mutton was bought from the villagers in the grazing area. The sheep that grew up eating wild grass in Changbai Mountain and drinking mountain spring water, the meat is fat and tender, and it does not smell bad. The price is hundreds of yuan per catty. , even if they buy it themselves, it will cost 60 yuan a catty.

The hot pot made from this mutton is really delicious. Put in mother-in-law's special hot sauce, fish cakes in the refrigerator, rice cakes, cleaned and the freshest mushrooms, and cook casually, it is the bottom of the expensive mushroom soup pot. Use this pot bottom The cooked noodles are also strong and delicious, with a unique taste.

Although it is not as delicious as the hot pot in Sichuan Province, nor does it have the characteristics of their G Province, but the food she bought with the fruits of labor is unique and delicious.

There was almost no dew at noon, and Erha was released to continue exploring with her. On the third day, she still failed to reach the boundary of the reserve.

Calculating the time, it was impossible to go any further, and she had gained more this time, so she didn't have to enter the protected area, so she started to go back from the afternoon of the third day.

Not only did she draw and take photos of the route map she walked, but she also left a red rope to identify the direction, so the return journey was smooth, and it happened that the fungus that was young a few days ago and had grown significantly in the past two days, Receive space.

Fortunately, Jin Jun worked late and didn't give her a video, otherwise it would be really hard to explain where she was this big night!
It took two and a half days to go, and the return journey was faster than the time when I came here. The main wild vegetables and wild medicinal materials have been picked, and the fungi are only picked for large ones. The time she needs to stay is shorter. Back home in the woods.

The first thing she did when she got home was to look at her poultry. There was still food left, and there were a lot of chickens, ducks and geese. After a sigh of relief, she went to the kang to prepare water for a bath.

This time she went to the mountain and got another harvest, which is that she brought back a lot of dead trees, all of which were uprooted by the wind or split in half by lightning.

After she cut it, she received the space and transported it back, dragged out the cutting machine for cutting wood, plugged it in, and finished cutting the dozens of logs of different sizes and lengths brought back in one afternoon, all of which were suitable for burning The length and thickness are neatly placed in the corridor.

These woods are resistant to burning and are suitable for filling the kang in cold weather.

After that, I pulled out a large basket of wild mushrooms with umbrellas, and chopped them on the chopping board with a broken kitchen knife. This chopping board is an old chopping board that is not used. It is mainly used for chopping vegetables for poultry, and there is no need to chop it into pieces. It is almost enough. After that, grab some grain and mix it with some water, and the chicken feed is ready.

As soon as the pot was placed near the chicken pen, the chicken, duck and goose passed by screaming.

Afterwards, she hurried into the house to sort out the videos taken in the past few days, because everyone in the family watched the videos, and she didn't dare to reveal the fact that she spent the night in the mountains.

So all the photos were taken during the day.

Now both my sister-in-law and my sister-in-law know the fact that she makes videos to become an Internet celebrity. The sister-in-law is a serious college student, so she naturally looks down on these things. From the beginning, she said that making videos is not that simple. Maybe she will end up with nothing. What!

She is said to be a sister-in-law, who is two years older than her, graduated from a technical secondary school, and is different from her sister-in-law who looks down on her. This sister-in-law is quite envious of her, but she is pregnant. First, she and her sister-in-law are pregnant and plan to earn two months' money , come back with the third child at the end of the year, and then wait for delivery in peace.

Chu Qian was not familiar with them, and they might not live together in the future. At most, they would get together during the Chinese New Year.

She has also planned to go back this year during the half month of Chinese New Year, and usually stay here, and now that Jin Jun has a job, she can follow his time in the future.

My mother-in-law comes to live for a month every summer. In fact, it is to repair the house, look at the objects in the house, and burn incense for parents. Now that they live here, it doesn't matter if she comes or not. When I came, I had already worshiped the elders in the family.

The mother-in-law is not short of these mountain mushrooms, because she and her friends often go to the nearby mountains to collect mushrooms in the forest.

The Northeast is vast and abundant, and there are few people. There are even fewer people who can go out to collect these wild goods. Most young people have gone to the city. No one takes care of the children, and the mother-in-law has to go to the city to take care of the children. Compared with this, it is not just Are there wild foods that can't be eaten?

In previous years, the mother-in-law would keep half of it for herself and sell the rest, but this year there are so many people, she guessed that she would not sell it.

Chu Qian saved 4 yuan with great difficulty, and transferred another 1 yuan to her mother-in-law.

"Mom, this is the computer I bought with the money I borrowed from you back then. It is inevitable that people will know that you are unfair. It is better to return the money to you. I promise to give you your gold bracelet at the end of the year. I recently collected mountain goods to sell. It’s a lot of money, don’t worry, you can afford it.”

The mother-in-law doesn't want the money, and she just doesn't order the payment through WeChat, saying that it should be done, and that they don't tell anyone, and no one knows.

When Jin Jun came back, after the couple discussed it, they directly called Ms. Pu's bank card, which was much cleaner.

(End of this chapter)

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