The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1199章 【1198】80丑女逆袭25(5000+)

Chapter 1199 [1198] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 25 (5000+)

After the sweet potatoes were dug out, the sweet potato vines were also transported to the home. In difficult times, the sweet potato vines had to be dried and ground to eat.

In this era, chickens and ducks were fed. Wang Ting chose good leaves in the field. Sweet potato leaves can be used to make vegetable dumplings, and sweet potato stalks can be fried. The leaves are then transferred to space.

Their family members are not at home, and they don’t plant as many varieties as others. Those who can grow corn will grow corn in the second season. Unlike other households, potatoes, sweet potatoes, millet, sorghum, sesame, peanuts, soybeans, green onions, Celery, cabbage, etc. are all grown. Of course, some of the more grown are sold, and some are supplemented for the family.

Their family grows almost four acres of food. Although the vegetable field is only a few points, it has never been idle. She sows the seeds in turn, and picks them as soon as they grow. There are ways to eat tender ones and big ones, and she never wastes them.

So after a year, the space has saved a lot of green leafy vegetables, and now his vegetable field still has a large piece of spinach waiting for the spring to thrive!

It was almost November when Dad left, and the weather was getting colder every day in November, especially after it rained, it was really autumn rain and cold.

Wang Ting is now firmly ranked first in her grade. Even if she joined physical chemistry in the second year of junior high school, her position as the first in her grade did not change.

Strength determines everything, especially the headmaster's preference for her, plus the honor she won for the No. [-] Middle School in the first half of this year, the headmaster is proud of it, and the pride of talking eloquently, she has to come to their class from time to time. change.

Ever since she knew that her younger sister was admitted to the key class of their school at the age of ten (normally at the age of twelve or thirteen), she often went to ask the head teacher about her situation, and Wang Man also made her proud of being an older sister. , the two monthly exams, both of which were the first in grade, what others saw was her honor, only she saw how hard her sister usually worked.

The types of questions she gave her, the papers she bought, and the exercise book, she did whenever she was free, and only when she went home at night would she practice calligraphy with her and relax for a while.

Because the two sisters study hard, Wang Ting has to ensure a sufficient supply of meat, eggs and milk every day. In the morning, eggs and milk have become a habit. At noon, they will make wontons and shredded pork noodles. All pasta is processed by a noodle machine. Yes, fast and clean, but manual operation is tiring.

"Zhang Heng? Why are you here?"

In mid-November, the biting cold wind was already a bit biting. After the evening self-study, when the two sisters shrank their necks and walked home, they caught a glimpse of a person who was picking things in the trash can of the family courtyard. When he looked up When looking at her, Wang Ting was stunned.

Zhang Heng didn't expect to meet a classmate here, and she was also a girl who had given him warmth.

His cheeks burned, he lowered his head and didn't speak, he flinched and was about to leave with his broken basket, but was held back by Wang Ting.

"Did you... drop out of school?"

Compared with the Zhang Heng I saw a year ago, he looks more like a beggar now. His hair is so dirty that it is hard to see, and the clothes on his body are also torn and smelly. He is obviously very cold, but he is still wearing thin clothes. The clothes are also for children in their teens, but she and her sister are both wearing thin padded jackets.

Probably because he felt that Wang Ting was very friendly to him and knew that she really cared about him, so he hesitated to tell what happened this year.

"My dad died last winter, and my grandpa survived the Spring Festival, and he's gone. Now I'm the only one left in my family. My grandparents don't care about me. My uncle occasionally takes pity on me and gives me something to eat. When my sister-in-law finds out, he will Come and scold me, I have no money to go to school, the money left by grandpa is gone to buy a coffin, and now I live by picking up garbage."

When he said these words, Zhang Heng was far away from them. He probably knew that he was dirty and didn't have the nerve to approach them.

"Then do you still want to go to school?"

Zhang Heng shook his head, "No, I don't study well, and they always bully me. I'm pretty good at picking up trash, and I can sell some scraps, so I can make some money."

Wang Ting couldn't bear to hear that, "Let's go to my house. We didn't eat. I made some noodles and ate a bowl of hot noodles. Look at your hands. What are you talking about? Go back to my house." Let’s talk.” As he was about to pull him away, he was so frightened that he took several steps back.

"No, no, I'm dirty, I,"

"Don't worry, my parents are not at home either. My sister and I are the only ones at home. No one will laugh at you. Go."

My sister is so kind, how can my sister be so bad?One person with one arm, dragged the person back home, and threw away the bag he was carrying.

Arriving at Wang Ting's house, Zhang Heng's dirty face was full of fear and uneasiness, and he shrank and looked extremely pitiful.

In the end, he was just a 12-year-old child, and he didn't have a golden finger. All the people who treated him well passed away, and his mother ran away with others irresponsibly. How much trauma did it cause to his young heart?

Wang Ting paid the heating fee, which is the kind that the Tobacco Bureau burns itself. From mid-November to mid-February of the next year, a total of three months, the fee is based on the square meter, 11 yuan a month for a 2 square meter house, three months It costs 70 yuan per month, which is equivalent to 14 cents per square meter, which is not expensive.

The key point is that the heater is running well, and it is warm when you enter the room. Wang Ting saw that he was dirty, so she let him stand at the door of the bathroom, and went to the room by herself to rummage through Zhao's son's original autumn clothes and long trousers. I found all the panties and socks, including the sweater and padded jacket that I wore outside, and there were quite a few of them. They were all clean, without even a patch. I don't know how much better than the ones on his own.

Then he took out a change of clothes and let him go into the bathroom, taught him how to use water pipes, and gave him a set of towels from the original owner's house, bath towels for washing, and soap, and explained them clearly to him one by one.

"It's not that the two of us hate you for being dirty. You are really dirty. You take a shower, wash yourself clean, and scrub well. Our house is warm. If the coal stove is always on for cooking, there will always be hot water. You wash slowly. , Rub slowly, clean yourself up, and I’ll tell you something when I’m sitting together, don’t worry about yourself in the future, as you can see, the house my sister and I live in is big enough, this is what my parents gave us. In the rented house, you can live in the outer one, and my sister and I will clean it up for you in a while, that’s all right, you can go in quickly, and we’ll talk about the details later.”

Without waiting for Zhang Heng to say more, he pushed him into the bathroom.

Then I went to the living room and the bedroom with Wang Man to tidy up, Wang Man still couldn't believe it.

"Sister, he's a boy, do we really want to let him live in?"

"Then what should I do? Do you care if you see it? A child with no father and no mother, how pitiful, why don't you just add an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks? The manuscript fee earned by my sister is enough to support him, and we don't need our parents to pay any more. Besides, he is too old, how many years can he be raised?"

When Wang Man heard it, she thought it made sense, so she didn't say anything else. Together, the two sisters put down the former owner's bed, put all the useless things under the bed board, put the mattress on the bed, and found a clean bed from the closet. The bed sheets and quilts are all from the past, and they are very clean. When the sun is good, she will take them out to help dry them in the sun. By the way, she also helps to wipe off the dust on the photos of the old man. She thinks that she has done so well, they should Wouldn't blame her for using their stuff.

Because it was already very clean, it only needed a little tidying. It took about half an hour to tidy up, and the sheets and quilts were put on and laid out neatly.

After that, the two sisters went to the kitchen to wash up, and then Wang Ting started kneading the noodles, using a noodle machine to press out fresh noodles. She and her sister were not very hungry, so they prepared three servings. The two of them ate one, and he ate by himself. Two servings, shredded pork, stir-fried with green peppers.

As soon as this side was finished, the door of the bathroom opened with a bang, and Zhang Heng walked out wearing long johns and autumn clothes. Wang Ting asked him to wear pajamas outside, which were also the clothes of the owner's son. , although a bit big, but still clean and tidy, but Zhang Heng's hair is too long, covering his eyes, Wang Ting's obsessive-compulsive disorder, while his hair is still dry, grabbed him and sat at the door of the bathroom, looking for With an apron around his neck, he cut his hair into a crew cut with scissors.

"Sister, do you still have this handicraft? It looks good. After such a cut, I feel much more energetic!"

"The hot water pipe is on the right side of the bathroom. You can rinse it again, and then wipe it with a towel. Man, you clean it up, and I will serve the meal."

"Okay sister, so who, Zhang Heng, don't be dazed, hurry up and tidy up, my sister is very quick at work, and I don't like to dawdle."

Wang Ting didn't go to see what they were doing, and went into the kitchen on her own, and put a plate of noodles for Zhang Heng, poured green pepper shredded pork stew on it, and she and her sister each filled a chopstick, and then put it on the table. On the small dining table at the entrance, the boxy folding table can seat four people, and it is not too crowded for three people.

This time, Zhang Heng was very fast with his younger sister supervising him. He is a boy, so she was too embarrassed to ask too many questions.

"In the future, I will wash it every three to five times, and my body will gradually become clean, and I will gradually develop a habit. Even boys should be clean, so that people who pass by will not find it an eyesore. After all, it is 90s now, but It’s not in the 60s and [-]s before. Eat it quickly. This chili is not spicy, and I don’t know what your taste is. My sister and I ate some in the afternoon. I’m not hungry now. There is still a big bowl in the pot. Hurry up After eating, serve some more, so as not to make it taste bad."

Under the watchful eyes of her and Wang Man, Zhang Heng couldn't let go. The sisters stood up after eating and let him sit there to eat.

Afterwards, Wang Ting went to clean the bathroom. Judging from the traces on the floor of the bathroom, this kid had scrubbed carefully. Boys are not that particular, and they don't know how to clean the battlefield. So she had to clean it up again.

Sure enough, without the two of them watching, he let go. Wang Ting had just the right amount left, not too much and not too little. When he was going to clean up after eating, Wang Man picked it up.

"Go and sit on the sofa. My sister wants to talk to you. I'll take care of it."

Zhang Heng sat on the sofa awkwardly, and looked at Wang Ting, hesitant to speak: "You two are very independent!"

Wang Ting nodded, "My parents are not at home all the time. My sister and I have been able to do everything since elementary school. You are a boy, so no one will teach you this, but you have to learn this in the future. I am not used to serving you." people, you,"

"I have a family, I don't live here, it's not good for you."

Quite sensible.

"Where is your home? What kind of house? Is it the same building?"

Zhang Heng shook his head, "My home is in Zhangjia Village, with only three tile-roofed houses."

"Oh, that house, you can just go back to live on weekends, you usually live here, let me ask you first, do you have any plans in the future?"

Zhang Heng shook his head, "No, when I was alone at the beginning, I was at a loss, I didn't know how to live this day, no one cared about me, some people pity me, they will give me something to eat, no one pity me, so I go to pick up waste Selling, I haven’t been very hungry, it’s just that the food is not very good, and I’m used to poor food, and my family’s food may not be so good before.”

"Does your family have no land?" Zhang Heng nodded, "There are three acres of land, but after grandpa left, he owed the village a lot of money, and the land was taken back by the village to plant, saying that I don't know how to farm now, and plant it every year. I will be given [-] catties after deducting the public grain, pesticides, fertilizers and labor costs, and the rest will be converted into money to pay back the debts owed by my father and grandfather. Son, I also heard from my grandpa, and I know they won’t lie to me, and my family has no other relatives, and my uncle’s family are all outside, and haven’t come back for many years.”

"Is there any vegetable plot?" Zhang Heng nodded, "Yes, but I'm not very good at planting."

Hearing the words, Wang Ting was a little speechless, "You can't do it, you don't care about the situation at home, you don't know anything, you can't grow vegetables, you can't cook, you can't sell vegetables, you can't farm. , Can’t do anything, Zhang Heng, when your grandfather left like this, how could you not let it go? Didn’t you think of helping them do something these years? You count on everything at home? Why are you so lazy? ?”

Zhang Heng's face was red and his eyes were red when Wang Ting scolded him.

"I was wrong, and I regret it too, but no one will give me another chance."

"You are not good at studying. I think you have passed Zhang Heng in vain for more than ten years. Your grandfather sent you to study in such a difficult situation, but you didn't study hard, and you didn't know anything about housework. It stands to reason that in this case The children in the family should be more sensible, but look, what have you done yourself?"

Wang Ting looked down on such Zhang Heng, "Do you know that what you are doing now will be a problem in the future? Do you have no plan to study in the future?"

Zhang Heng shook his head, the same sentence, "I don't study well,"

"If you don't study well, that's the reason for you to be lazy? If you don't study well, just study hard. You have no relatives, and no one to rely on. If you don't study hard, how can you gain a foothold in the future? Why are you so ignorant? Others can Can you help me for a while, can you help me forever? Your grandfather is gone, so you go to pick up junk? You obviously have land, why don’t you grow vegetables and sell vegetables? Is growing vegetables and selling vegetables also a way out? It’s better than picking up garbage Right? What on earth are you thinking? It’s so irritating, if you were my son, I wouldn’t blame you if I didn’t chop your face off!”

Wang Man was listening to him, and felt that this boy was too lazy: "Isn't it because your family got used to you? You didn't do anything, did you?"

Zhang Heng was speechless, and Wang Ting continued: "You are a man, and you will be the pillar of the family in the future. If you are so lazy, you can't do anything well."

"Zhang Heng, meeting you is also the fate between our classmates. Since I helped you in the front, I don't plan to leave it behind. In this way, I will take you to the principal tomorrow, and you go to Wang Man's class. Let her supervise you, study hard, only reading is the only way out,"

"I, I don't have any money." Wang Ting gave him a blank look, "It's fine if I don't have money, I'll lend you, you write me an IOU, and I'll charge you interest, and you'll pay me back the principal with interest in the future, anyway, at your current age , It’s not suitable to waste time outside. It’s a pity not to study. If you can’t learn, you have to learn. If you have a poor foundation, let my sister help you make up for it. She is two years younger than you. You can’t even be inferior to my sister. Bar?"

Zhang Heng was a little confused, he didn't understand why his life was arranged like this?He really wanted to refuse, but facing Wang Ting with a strong attitude, he was inexplicably a little apprehensive and guilty, as if the scolding just now really hurt his self-esteem, and he couldn't think of a reason to refuse.

"I don't live here, I have a family, and it's not too far from the school."

"As I said, you go back to your house on weekends and live here on weekdays. The two of us will help you with your homework. You will learn from the beginning with the two of us. Zhang Heng, the future is your own. If you don't care about it yourself, Then you are really hopeless. Think about your grandpa, and then think about you. Mom, why did she leave? Wasn’t she dragged down by this family? As long as there is any reason for her to stay at home, she will not Walk!"

"What I said may be a stimulus to you, but Zhang Heng, if you want others to think highly of you, you must first think highly of yourself. Don't say that you can't do this or that. To put it bluntly, you're just lazy."

Wang Ting also knew that no matter how much she said, it would be better to let him figure it out.

It's too late today, and they still have class tomorrow, so let him go to rest early.

That night, Zhang Heng, who was being scolded, was in a mess in his mind. He didn't fall asleep all night, and just went to bed early in the morning, when the sisters woke up again, and he also got up quickly.

"Go and ask the teacher for a leave of absence for me. I won't go to self-study this morning."

Wang Man nodded without asking any further questions, and went downstairs to school, which is just opposite the family courtyard, which is very convenient, and at this point are all students going to school, so there is no need to worry about safety.

Then Wang Ting pointed at Zhang Heng: "Come with me!"

Zhang Heng didn't know why, but he followed behind Wang Ting honestly. Wang Ting didn't say much all the way until he came to the vegetable market in the early morning.

Compared with other places, this place seems to be the gathering place for the hardest working people in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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