The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1198章 【1197】80丑女逆袭24(5000+)

Chapter 1198 [1197] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 24 (5000+)

Just after school at noon on September 9, I heard her and my sister's names being called on the loudspeaker. It turned out that it was my father who came back.

Dad is really stuck in coming back. It's Dad's turn tomorrow, so he'll be back soon.

At noon, my father took the two of them to the restaurant to eat fried chicken and rice, and gave them the clothes my mother bought before carrying my luggage and preparing to take the bus.

Wang Ting thought of the second-hand tricycle she bought, and just after dinner, she came to the family courtyard for a walk, so she said hello to her father, and went home to ride the tricycle.

"Dad, you carry so much luggage, and you have to go so far to squeeze the bus. You can go home by riding a tricycle. I bought it for 50 yuan. We have both ridden it for more than half a year. I will give you two bikes when you go home on weekends." Uncle Erniang, Second Aunt and the others brought a la carte. It is very convenient to put our luggage on it, but it is a bit torn. The school does not allow it, so I put it in the opposite neighborhood. Here, here It's the key. There's a lock on it."

Wang Pu looked around the tricycle with interest, "Okay, you, although this bike is a bit broken, but the hardware is still solid. You two will ride this home on weekends!"

"Yeah, the bus is hard to wait for, it's crowded, and you can't get to the door of your house. It takes a long time to walk every time. During the summer vacation, my sister and I help others sell Liangpi. This bus is very useful. The money to buy the car has already been earned back, so, the two of us earned more than 200 yuan this summer vacation!"

Wang Pu looked at his daughter in surprise, "Selling Liangpi?"

Wang Ting winked at him mysteriously: "I'll tell you when I go back tomorrow afternoon. Anyway, I didn't steal or rob. My uncle and aunt will definitely tell you."

Wang Ting was afraid that her father would find out about it from her uncle and aunt, so she had a vaccination in advance, and she would talk about it in detail when she went back.

Because the time for lunch break was limited, Wang Pu couldn't ask too many questions, so he rode a tricycle back.

"Then I will pick you up at 04:30 pm tomorrow." Tomorrow Saturday, school will be over at 04:30 pm, and you can go home if you don't have evening self-study at night.

As soon as Dad left, Wang Man asked her a little confused.

"Sister, why don't you just tell Dad that we rented a house? The house is not expensive?"

Their one-year accommodation expenses add up to 300 yuan for the two of them. Now they have spent [-] yuan to rent a house in the community. Although other expenses add up to more than [-] yuan, the living conditions vary from one to the other.

"Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to explain clearly? Our father who lives in the school is very relieved, but he is not at ease living outside. Let them worry less. After all, the two of them are in other places, and the far water cannot save the near fire." , we both need to take care of ourselves.”

Now Wang Ting is watching over her younger sister. When she comes back from evening self-study, she will find out about her current study progress. Although she is only ten years old this year, she can keep up with the progress.

Of course, this has something to do with Wang Ting taking her to preview and review in advance, but she also works hard enough. Although she is not talented, if she can kill thousands of troops with hard work, it is also a skill, and she is not expected to have it in the future What a good way out, at least get a civil servant and have a stable life.

It's better than marrying a rural person for the sake of my parents in my previous life.

Although Wang Ting married a city resident in her previous life, she spent her entire life doing nothing.

This life can only be better than the previous life, not worse.

Learning is the only way out, and none of them can slack off.

After returning home from school at 9 o'clock, after washing, Wang Ting will practice calligraphy for an hour on the big table in the living room and bedroom.

Wang Man has been fascinated by it, and now he is also practicing, but he is writing hard-tipped calligraphy.

Because her hard pen calligraphy has not yet reached a good level, soft pen calligraphy can also be used in later years.

Practicing calligraphy also requires money. Pen, ink and paper are not cheap, but she does not use white paper to practice, but red paper and gold ink, because the words practiced in this way can be sold as Spring Festival couplets.

This time, she wrote only the sizes of urbanites, so she could sell Spring Festival couplets at the entrance of the vegetable market during the winter vacation and start her career.

She didn't write a manuscript for two months in July and August, and didn't submit any more after that. Instead, she concentrated on creating and publishing a book. With a year or two of practice, she now has enough confidence to write and publish. There is no money in the early stage. After finishing writing, I have to find a publishing house, and maybe I have to spend my own money to publish it, because the publications now have to be famous and ranked first. If you are not famous, it will be difficult to publish a book, especially for someone at her age. , People may ignore it after seeing it.

Fortunately, it is still the age of paper books, and it is not completely impossible. At least the contacts at the newspaper office cannot be completely lost.

I didn’t have a chance to meet before, maybe I can find a chance to meet each other years ago. Taking advantage of this time, it is necessary to write a short story for the interview.

On Saturday, Dad really came here on a tricycle, but the tricycle has only been gone for a day, and it has changed a lot?
The original rusty place should be rubbed off with sandpaper, and then a layer of red paint was painted on, and the unsatisfactory place was repaired. Two small benches, two packs of snacks, celery, oranges, and apples were placed on the car. , meat, chicken, it seems that he came early enough to finish shopping in the vegetable market.

"Dad, you are too thoughtful."

"Hungry, the egg cake I just bought is hot, get in the car and eat it, let's make dumplings tonight."

Dad bought celery and meat, are you going to make dumplings stuffed with celery?
"Are grandpa and grandma okay?"

"Very good, your second uncle borrowed a big tricycle this morning and sent them back,"

On the way home, they passed two bridges. When they got on the bridge, the two of them got down and pushed Dad up, and then sat on it when they got off the bridge. They talked and laughed along the way, and they arrived home in more than an hour.

"Dad, it's only after five o'clock. Let's go to the field to break corn for a while? With this tricycle, why don't we break two bags?"

It's not yet October, and it doesn't get dark so early at night. Even in two hours, a lot of corn can be harvested.

"Okay, let's go, there are many people and strength is great. I went home yesterday and broke four bags, and this morning I broke a dozen bags. I saw that the one mu of land in the Southland has lost a lot. Is it lost? "

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, it's the tender corn I broke before and gave it to my uncle and second aunt."

"Each family sent 100 ears, and I took the rest to the vegetable market and sold them for more than [-] yuan. They grow too fast, or I can sell more. Ten yuan and twelve ears."

"I said, why are there so many less? The Southland will be collected almost tonight. If we can finish collecting today, we will finish collecting the Northland tomorrow."

After making such an arrangement, the father and daughter hurried to the river beach. The south land is the south of the embankment, which is next to the river. The soil here is not as good as that inside the embankment. It has clay components, and watering is very laborious. When you don’t want to grow food, you can grow green plants instead, that is, the plants in the urban green belt. After they grow up, an acre of land can be sold for about 4 to [-] yuan, which is better than growing grain. Some people directly switch to planting saplings.

It can only be said that the times will keep pace with the times. Unlike this era, everyone still does their duty to grow food, and even people outside will rush back during the busy farming season.

It was still very hot at the end of September. They wore short sleeves during the day, and sooner or later they would add a thin coat. Because they were afraid of being scratched, there was fluff on the corn ears and corn stalks, so the two sisters went back to the house and changed into their mother’s old shirts. Take the sharp knife and follow Dad to the cornfield.

The corn stalks are very tall, at least two meters long. With a sharp knife, they peel off the corn husks like sharp garlic sprouts, and directly peel the corn and throw it on the ground. Carrying the bag, I bent over to pick it up, and then carried it to the ground. When the tricycle was full, I headed back home.

The three of them worked very neatly, and they were not newbies. They did not speak during the whole process, because the corn was exposed to the wind and sun, and it was very dirty, with dust all over it. Fortunately, the work was not hot at this time, and by the evening, the corn was all peeled. It's over.

When picking up the corn on the return journey with the bag, I did not forget to check whether there was any missing corn on it, and then I met my father and carried all the remaining corn to the tricycle outside.

It was not completely dark yet, so I asked my younger sister to rest on the ground and look at the corn while she and my father each took a hoe to cut the corn stalks. It affects the planting of wheat, so some tasks need to be avoided in advance and done at one time.

At present, there is no advanced harvester that can crush these corn stalks and use them directly as fertilizers, but they can be dried in the ground, and the ashes of burning embers can be used as fertilizers, and they can be spread out before plowing.

But after 2000, this kind of operation is not allowed. One is to burn and pollute the environment, and the other is to worry about causing fires.

Therefore, it is more difficult to operate in later generations. They are all cut off and then pulled to the ground to dry. If there are livestock feeders at home, they will be pulled away by themselves.

Few people burn pots anymore, at least they started to use briquettes in the 90s, that's why there are so many firewood, you can pick up as much as you want.

Using a hoe to dig corn stubble is very laborious. Although she is 12 years old and has strength, she can't hold on for a long time, and her hands feel painful.

Dad also turned around from time to time and told her not to stand on her feet, "Go and rest for a while when you are tired."

The younger sister also came over later, and the two sisters changed hands to keep up with father's progress.

Until it was completely dark and invisible, a large piece of corn on an acre of land had fallen, and there was still a small piece left untouched.

Because I couldn't see it at all, my father said: "Okay, I'll come and get the rest tomorrow morning, and let's pack it up and go home."

The work was done late, and grandma had already prepared the stuffing at home. When the father and daughter three carried the corn to the bungalow, washed it and sat down, grandpa and grandma had already made dumplings and put them in the pot. Dad was quite embarrassed, " Said we came back to pack it,"

"The three of you have all gone to work in the field. We can't help those in the field. What's the value of cooking? Okay, wash up and eat quickly. Are the two children tired? Eat more, stuffed with celery and meat , your grandma put two catties of meat in it!"

Dad bought a total of three catties of meat, and the leftover meat was fried and mixed with lard, so that when cooking every day, I dug out some, the oil melted, the meat was in the oil, and the meat was stained when cooking. , which is the favorite method of the older generation.

The meat in this era has not yet been fully fed, the meat is very fragrant, and the dumplings are full of ingredients. Even if only soy sauce, onion, ginger and salt are used as fillings, the taste is still good.

"If you use lard residue, the taste will be better. I wanted to buy some suet today, but I didn't buy it because they ran out of it."

She used all the lard left over from their house before. Although the oil can be stored, it can't be stored for too long.

In the era when there was no detergent, animal fat was used, and as long as you add hot water and rinse, it will be very clean.

Unlike the age of vegetable oil, grease was not easy to clean, and dish soap had to be used, even if hot water was used, it would not have the effect of deep cleaning.

So in the final analysis, animal fats are better absorbed than vegetable oils.

This time my father didn't ask the two of them to ask for leave: "I've been at home for a month this time, and it's not too late to come back. I can take it slowly by myself."

Wang Ting felt sorry for her father, but her father said, "This kind of work is nothing. I load and unload goods every day in the city, and it's not necessarily easier than this. Just get used to it."

People in this era are physically tired, and people in later generations are under great mental pressure. It is not easy to survive.

After working until Sunday afternoon, my father said that he would take them back by bike, but she refused, and walked back with my sister by bus.

This time when she went home, while they were going to clean up the dried corn stalks in the field, she collected a lot of corn stalks in the field and used them as firewood in the space.

The rest were burned as fertilizer.

When burning, you must watch from the side, because you are afraid that the wind will ignite other crops and cause inevitable losses. After all, there are quite a lot of weeds and hay in autumn, and the fields are all trees, so you can’t be careless.

When I came here, I secretly brought a lot of vegetables to the field, and now the storage capacity of the space can guarantee at least a year's worth of food and drink.

After all, if you don't take the opportunity to get more seasonal ingredients, you won't be able to finish them, and if you don't eat them, they will rot into the ground. Wouldn't it be a waste?

Their family doesn't have so much time to organize dried vegetables. The vegetables in the field are grown by father and grandfather. If they don't eat them, it will be cheaper for others.

That's why she is so active and goes home to pick vegetables every week.

I went back to school for three days, and even had three days off. I went back to school on Saturday afternoon.

With the three-day holiday, their house has been completely cleaned up. They are exhausted every day, and they still have to find time to buy meat and make delicious food. During the busy farming season, they must eat more to have the strength to work more.

When the corn is brought home, it needs to be dried. Grandparents help peel the corn when they are free. The good corn seeds that have been peeled off are kept for grinding corn grits and cornmeal. The excess is either sold or kept for food.

Wheat is harvested by a flour mill, but corn can only be sold. I often hear people driving motorcycles to collect corn at the door. It costs 3500 cents a catty, and 700 cents when it is low. It must be dried. The output of their four acres of land is [-] catties Calculated by two cents, it is only [-] yuan.

After deducting chemical fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation, and labor, it cannot be said to make money, it can only be said to take care of food and clothing.

More than four months of hard work, 700 yuan, which is why more and more farmers are going to work in cities, because after the reform and opening up, everyone is not only satisfied with food and clothing, but also pursues a material balance.

Wheat needs to be vacant for about a month before it can be planted. It can’t be too early, and when planting winter wheat, the temperature can’t be too high.

During this month, it is necessary to clean up the wheat field, spread fertilizer before plowing, and use a rake to make the ground soft and tidy after plowing, so that the wheat planting machine can be used to easily paddle across it, because not all The automatic paddle field requires one person to push it, and two people to pull it in front. The wheat mixed with water is loaded into the wheat planting machine, and it falls into the ground as it walks, neatly arranged.

Because there are insects in the ground, it needs to be mixed with pesticides before planting.

When planting wheat, the requirements for row spacing are very high, which is definitely labor that cures obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The whole family grows wheat together, some scrape the ground, some pull the machine, and some clean up the garbage in the field in advance. It is very busy and fulfilling.

After planting the wheat, Dad took out the sweet potatoes from the wasteland next to the river embankment, put thousands of catties of sweet potatoes in the cellar, and then returned to City Z in a hurry.

The radishes and cabbages at Wang Ting’s family were planted by my grandfather during the summer vacation. When they grew up, my aunt helped pick them. The cabbages and radishes are all in the process of growing, and they are picked as they are eaten. They should not be too dense. If they are too dense, they will not grow. In the middle, you can also replant the ones that have been eaten by insects. In short, whether it is growing food or vegetables, you need to worry about it.

Because the food in their family is seldom managed, and they have never been sprayed with medicine, there are more insect eyes. Sometimes uncle and aunt spray medicine, and they will also help them. The reason for buying meat and eggs for them is more or less helpful than outsiders.

Otherwise, they would have to buy vegetables in winter. Even if they didn't eat much all year round, it would be better to grow them by themselves.

The cabbage will be delivered home almost before the frost, which is also a big project. Dozens or hundreds of cabbage and radishes will be chopped off and transported home, or directly buried deep in the ground. Most of the cabbage and radishes in their house were stored in the space, and a small part was dug and buried deep in the ground.

The two sisters have been doing these jobs for several years and are no strangers.

Today's green onions are also growing very well. At the time, grandpa surrounded them, so they grew tall and strong. Before they were frozen, she plucked out 80.00% of the green onions and put them in the space. Together, the bottom is surrounded by thick soil, and it can be eaten even in the Spring Festival.

Don't worry about spinach, it doesn't grow big a year ago, but it grows wildly after a year.

There are also coriander and lettuce. The reason why few people plant them in summer is because they like to bloom and moss. They bloom before eating much, which is annoying, so they usually plant them after the beginning of autumn.

In the past few years, their family has not grown garlic seedlings, because when they were planting garlic seedlings, there was no one at home. To break garlic, grow garlic, and pull garlic sprouts, they needed someone at home. Planting green vegetables, this is simple, just scatter it and it's over. After growing up, she squatted down and received all the space in a short while, which is very convenient.

This is how she planted one crop after another, only planting vegetables that are easy to take care of, and discarding those that are not easy to take care of, or those that have many follow-up steps.

(End of this chapter)

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