The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1196章 【1195】80丑女逆袭22(5000+)

Chapter 1196 [1195] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 22 (5000+)

Of course, before she engraves the papers, she will do all the questions first, and only after the teacher grades, will she start engraving, in order to be fair to other students during the exam. The teachers of each subject also talked about this in class. The act of joint clarification for her warmed Wang Ting.

And the generosity shown by the students was beyond her expectation.

"Teacher, even if you don't tell me, we still believe her. She is already good at studying, and it is even more impossible for her to cheat!"

"That's right, teacher, now you can take a break from your busy schedule and let Wang Ting help you invigilate the exam."

The usual quizzes are all papers carved by the teachers, and if there is a unified examination for the whole district, they are all papers printed by the printing factory.

Compared with the countryside, the conditions in the city are obviously much better. At least in terms of the hardware facilities of the school, even if the countryside has worked hard for ten years, it may not be able to keep up.

The trust of her classmates doubled her pressure and encouraged her determination to remain the first in the grade.

After school started, the matter of writing manuscripts was put on the agenda again, because of the rich experience, the subject matter in my mind was almost at hand.

After so many lifetimes, even though some worlds have blurred memories about emotions, the skills about skills are still well preserved. In the beginning, all kinds of social news in the world became her source of material.

If it was commonplace to be excluded in No. [-] Middle School, then in No. [-] Middle School, she saw that there is warmth in the world.

Although she is not that fragile, she is strong enough, even sensitive in some cases, but the students seem to be aware of her low self-esteem, and they can always help her just right.

What she didn't know was that before she entered school, the classmates in the class already knew her background, and the principal came to give them a psychological counseling class in person, mainly talking about the violence hidden in the campus.

Although he didn't mention Wang Ting's name, the incident in No. [-] Middle School was so big, the circle was so big, and the children also had their own sources of channels.

For example, Wu Hao knew about Wang Ting on the first day he was at the same table. This was not a coincidence, but the students guessed it cleverly.

He is not the only one who knows, but most of the students in the class know, and it is because of this that Wang Ting can be deeply touched by everyone's kindness.

Whenever she compared the students in these two classes, she thought about it more than once, how could there be such a big difference between people?
It seems that the environment really matters.

Of course, the leaders above are also important.

Good seedlings are valued not only because of her grades, but also her mental health. Obviously, the principal of No. [-] Middle School only pays attention to the former, while the principal of No. [-] Middle School can control both grades and physical and mental health, so If the No. [-] Middle School does not change, there will be troubles sooner or later, and the No. [-] Middle School, as long as there is the efforts of the principal and all the teachers and students, maybe one day it will surpass No. [-] Middle School?
"Sister, I want to stay with you. I don't want to go to No. [-] Middle School. I want to go to No. [-] Middle School."

At the beginning of school, my sister expressed her thoughts. Although doing so would cost some rent, Wang Ting still respected her sister's choice.

She took advantage of the time when school was over on Saturday afternoon to look around the houses. There were no tall buildings in this era, they were all private houses and bungalows, and there happened to be a village near No. [-] Middle School.

City Y was not very big at first, it was just a small county town. In the 90s, apart from the city center, there were villages around it, and it was gradually urbanized after 2000.

This village is 10 minutes walk from the No. 300 Middle School, which is not too far, and there are lighting facilities on both sides of the road. She went to inquire about the housing price. For a single room, [-] yuan a year is enough. The price is not expensive, but She needs to live in the landlord's house, men and women, she always feels unsafe.

She didn't dare to choose the village. After all, both of them are girls. Now that they are young, she can't afford to bet against any danger.

Finally, I made inquiries in several family homes around the school. They are all rented out as a set. There is no so-called single room. For a set, the smallest two-bedroom and one living room, 600 yuan a year is the lowest price, and more expensive facilities are provided. A complete set costs 1000 yuan.

Wang Ting felt that the price was more expensive than the place rented by her parents, and it was even more upscale. They were students, so there was no need to be so hypocritical.

If it doesn't work, just live in the school dormitory!

Just when Wang Ting was planning this, the English teacher at their school found her.

"Are you planning to rent a house? I saw you in our community."

The teacher lived in the community opposite the school. Wang Ting couldn't hide it, so she nodded.

"My parents are out of town, and my younger sister plans to go to No. [-] Middle School after autumn. I think we can rent a house and cook a meal. I don't really want to live on campus,"

"Do you want to rent a cheaper one? How big is it? Two bedrooms and one living room?"

"It would be best if there is one bedroom and one living room, so as not to waste space. It can also save money."

The English teacher pulled her aside, thought for a while, and then said to her.

"There is no one bedroom and one living room in our community. There is a two bedroom and one living room. But, this house has not been rented out, because the old man passed away many days before it was discovered. The old man's sons and grandchildren are all abroad. The house where the accident happened, sell it. They couldn’t be sold, so I entrusted my dad to help rent them out. There are all kinds of furniture and appliances in the house, because I found out late at that time. I don’t think I can tell you that. No, oh, forget it, forget it, "

The English teacher suddenly changed her mind, and Wang Ting naturally knew how miserable it would be to be found dead for many days. Although the teacher didn't say it clearly, she could more or less guess it.

"When did the old man go?"

"At the hottest time last year, no one went to find someone to clean the house. His own son hated it. In the end, the people in the corridor couldn't stand the smell, so they collectively exchanged money for someone to clean it. Although there is no smell now, but You are a child, but I introduce the haunted house to you, it is true, "

The teacher slapped his own mouth, a bit regretful for talking too fast, but he still explained.

"The uncle and my father have a very good relationship. He is very kind. His wife left early and was lonely. He is very pitiful. Hey, sometimes I think about it. What's the use of raising a child so good? I didn't see each other until I died. Not to mention, after death, you will be disliked, "

"Mr. Wang, how do you rent this house?"

Wang Lan looked at Wang Ting in amazement: "You want to rent? I told you so clearly, do you really plan to rent?"

"You also said that the old man is very kind. My sister and I have never done anything wrong. I'm afraid, but I'm not afraid. Is this the price?"

"You don't have to pay the price, as long as you pay the management fee, water and electricity bills, it's because of this that I dare to tell you!"

Now Wang Ting is embarrassed: "No money? That's not okay, teacher, you'd better say a price, or if someone sees it, you won't be able to explain it, right?"

Wang Lan's heart warmed, and she was moved by Wang Ting's understanding.

"Well, I think you've been asking for a long time. You can decide what price you can accept, and we can do business here."

After all, it is renting a house for someone else.

Wang Ting thought for a while: "How about three hundred a year?"

"It doesn't need to be three hundred, two hundred is enough, so the annual utility bill and management fee are less than 300 yuan, which is almost the same. Are you going to live again after school starts in autumn?"

Wang Ting nodded, "Yes, I'm looking for it a little early, hehe, I just want to inquire about the price,"

"It's okay. Since you have decided to live, it's okay to wait a few months. In this way, after school this afternoon, you can go and see the house with me. If you can accept it, we will make a decision. If you can't accept it, it won't delay your finding a house. You Let's see it first."

"Which floor is the house on?"

"My house is on the third floor, and his house is on the second floor! This house is the family courtyard of the Tobacco Bureau. It has not been built for a few years. Among the surrounding family courtyards, it is still relatively new. In winter, radiators can be burned. There are There is a boiler room, and in winter, the unit organizes to burn the stove, and each household pays by the square meter.”

That sounds like a nice house!
After school that afternoon, she followed Wang Lan to the family courtyard of the Tobacco Bureau opposite, and came to a unit in Building No. [-]. The houses in this era were not high, with the highest five or six floors, and there were few seven floors. There were two households per elevator. , Wang Lan said that the house is Xihu on the second floor, and her house is Xihu on the third floor.

The stairs are easy to step on, and the doorways are all cement roads painted with cement, and the walls are painted with green paint, which looks very clean.

Every household has an iron gate and a wooden gate.

When Wang Lan went home to get the keys, she stood quietly at the door on the second floor. She could no longer smell anything. Compared with other doorways, only the door of Xihu on the second floor had a lot of dust. There is nothing posted on the house, and other people's houses still have Spring Festival couplets, but theirs is bare and slightly mottled.

After Wang Lan came down, she handed the keys to her. She looked at the bunch of keys in her hand and heard Wang Lan's explanation.

"This is the bunch that Uncle Zhao brought with him when he was alive. All the keys of the locks in the house are on it. When his son left, he gave us the whole bunch. There should be the one that Grandma Zhao once brought in the house. Once you find all the keys, there is no need to match them.”

Wang Ting took the key and unlocked the first iron door, and then unlocked the second wooden door, which was pushed open with a creak.

The room is covered with marble floor, and the eye-catching TV cabinets, sofas, and bookshelves are all made of wood, a very high-grade red sandalwood color.

The color TV is a 21-inch Changhong color TV. In this era, it is considered a luxury, and the price is 4000 yuan.

Oversized radio, green Xinfei refrigerator, white horizontal washing machine...

These furniture and home appliances all show how good the living conditions of this family are. Also, the only son has gone abroad. How bad can the family conditions be?

There is still a bicycle on the balcony of the living room, but its owner never came back.

On the background wall of the living room was a family portrait of their family, on which she saw a woman.

I couldn't help but turn around and ask, "A family of four?"

"Oh, that's their daughter, a military doctor who died a few years ago during a mission."

When mentioning her childhood, Teacher Wang felt a little sentimental, "If Zhao Yuan was still around, she would never let her father die so uselessly."

The layout of this house is very good. It is said to be two bedrooms and one living room, but the living room is connected to one bedroom, and the other bedroom faces the sun and has a balcony. The shady side is the kitchen, bathroom, and a small bedroom. It is considered three bedrooms and one bedroom. The layout of the hall.

"You can put away the photos on the wall and put them in one place. Back then, Zhao Yu didn't take anything away, not even the only family portrait at home. That's heartless enough,"

There are photo frames in every house. It seems so ironic that a family that used to love each other is now separated forever.

"Uncle Zhao fell down because of a cerebral hemorrhage while watering the flowers on the balcony of the living room, and he never got up again. The old couple lived in the bedroom connected to the living room. You can renovate that room. Zhao Yuan didn't die in that small room. She lived, and the room opposite belonged to Zhao Yu, but he got married abroad, and the old couple bought them a new house, and they almost never lived in it. They seldom come back. In fact, the layout of the house is good, and the furniture and appliances are complete. Very nice, but..."

It's not that there is no smell in the house. Wang Ting, who has a sensitive nose, can still smell a little. With a little rancid smell, it was somewhat pungent, and Wang Lan had already sneezed several times.

They got another key in the drawer in the living room. She just wanted to give Wang Lan the one with all the keys in her hand, but she refused.

"You take it. The most valuable things in this room are the photos of furniture and appliances. The money and other things should have been raided by Zhao Yu long ago. There is nothing to lock. There is still a smell in the room. You can take advantage of this Buy some flowers for a while and come over to clean it. When you will move in, we will determine the time for signing the contract. There is no rush. You can clean up slowly, ventilate for a few months, and you will almost be able to live in it."

Wang Ting took the key, and after thanking Wang Lan, Wang Lan turned around and went upstairs. Wang Ting stood in the room, looked left and right, and sighed faintly.

"Grandpa Zhao, Grandma Zhao, I'm sorry to bother you. From now on, my sister and I will guard this house for you. We will gather the photos on the wall together, put them in boxes, and put them in cabinets for protection. Heaven has spirit, don't miss the suffering and tribulation in this world, reincarnate with peace of mind, and forget the sorrow and pain of this life, right?"

Wang Ting bowed three times to the photo of the old man, picked up the incense on the table and lit it, prayed a few words sincerely, and then closed the door and left.

Every afternoon after school, she would come over with a mop and rag to clean and disinfect all aspects with 84 disinfectant.

The house had obviously been cleaned very clean before, including the refrigerator. This was the last thing everyone in the building did for the old man.

She disinfected the house for a week, and basically there was no smell.

While cleaning, he put all the things that belonged to the old man in the house into a box, and then piled them into the big wardrobe in the living room. There were also the old man's clothes, quilts and so on.

The house of this family is big enough, and every room is piled with daily necessities, especially the living room and the connected bedroom are the most, and the next room and the hut are relatively few. The main daughter died, and the son doesn’t come back often, so he seldom goes there. tidy.

She tried to remove the bed in the living room and put it against the wall.

Put all the clothes under the bed into the closet, including some sundries in the drawers of the living room, and put them in boxes, then climbed up the ladder and put them on top of the closet.

The clothes and bedding in the other two rooms were sorted out and placed on top of the cabinets in their respective rooms.

In this way, the contents of the furniture are basically empty.

The living room and bedroom were vacated, and the bicycles on the balcony were pushed to the side of the bed, covered with a cloth, the balcony was cleaned, and all the windows were opened.

The bed, bicycles and some unused things in the living room were piled up and covered with sheets.

After that, she started to buy flowers every day, and when she had accumulated a certain amount, she took them out of the space and placed them in each room, saving her the trouble of going back and forth.

With the embellishment of flowers, the room is full of vitality. When the sun comes over on the weekend, there is a kind of beauty of time and tranquility.

She has cleaned everything outside the house, including the sofa towels, the refrigerator, and the floral white towels on the radio.

She also gathered the pots, pans and pans used by the old man in the living room and bedroom, and then went to the second-hand market to buy a large board, which divided the living room and bedroom into two halves, one half for the activities of the two sisters, and the other Half housed their original stuff.

This community uses coal for cooking, and there is no natural gas. She has been cleaning here for so long, and she knows the daily work and rest time of the family home.

For example, when to collect garbage, when to pay management fees, there is no property at this time, because it is a family home of the Tobacco Bureau, so it is managed by the Tobacco Bureau.

The management fee is equivalent to the unified fee for garbage and some daily local services that need to be charged, and the fee is also charged per square meter.

In this way, at the end of May, when Dad came back to harvest the wheat, she closed the window and did not come to clean it for a while.

Because summer is about to enter, there are more thunderstorms, and when there is no one, it is easy for rain to enter the house, so you only need to expose a crack.

After her father came back, she and her sister spent the weekend harvesting wheat in the field, so she and her sister both asked for a few days off.

What Dad didn't allow at first was because the two of them promised not to delay their studies, so they acquiesced. After all, they collected it by themselves, and if it rained, it would be over.

It took the family of three three days to pull the wheat in the field to the sun-drying field, first sun-dried and then threshed the wheat. After working continuously for about eight or nine days, it was considered that the wheat from the two or three acres of land was gathered into bags and pushed home. It still needs to be dried in the sun, and it will be sent to the flour mill after it is completely dry. It will be converted into catties and weighed. When you eat it in the future, you can take it as you need it.

Dad will not leave until the end of June, just after my younger sister took the junior high school entrance examination, because she was not in the first middle school, so I didn't put in much effort, so I was admitted to the second middle school, and she went to the same school as her. After completing the formalities, I left.

(End of this chapter)

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