The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1195章 【1194】80丑女逆袭21(5000+)

Chapter 1195 [1194] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 21 (5000+)

On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, the uncle and the second uncle came back, and the grandfather called them to his side while the children were there.

Talking about the pension issue of the two elders, "The two of us can't do it anymore. You are both here this year. Come up with a charter. You sons, what about the two of us? It is agreed in advance that we will not separate, and the pension will not only It’s not just about food, but also housing and washing up. In the past two years, the fourth child and his two daughters have taken care of us more. As uncles, you can’t be inferior to the two children, right?”

Grandma has just passed 60 years old, which is not too old in theory, but it is understandable for grandpa to forcefully ask his sons to take care of them.

She has two aunts, one is married to her grandmother's village and lives very poorly, the other is married to another aunt and may not be able to come back once a year. The task of supporting the elderly must be shared by the six sons.

"The fourth, fifth, and sixth families have no spare space. We live in the same courtyard, so naturally we live in our house, but the eldest, the second, and the third, you have built a house and bought a house, so you can't afford a room for them. shall we live?"

The task of providing for the elderly came suddenly, and the uncles were too surprised and unprepared. After all, this matter had to be discussed with the family.

"There are not many families, and it will be done in a month. Three meals a day, bathing and laundry, usual cakes, and nutritional supplements must also be prepared for us."

"The second and fourth children are not at home, and they can't take care of themselves, so they give 200 yuan to the brothers who took over to take care of them. This is hard work."

"My mother and I don't ask how good the food is every month. We have eggs every morning, tofu at noon, and meat once a week. Isn't that too much?"

The uncles didn't speak, so grandpa said one by one according to what he thought, and after he finished speaking, let them talk to each other to see if there was any objection.

Of course, Grandpa also knew that this kind of matter must be discussed with his daughter-in-law, so he didn't let them say anything at the time, but let them go home to discuss it, and come over on the first day of the new year to make things clear.

"When you come back for a month, we only earn 400 a month, so we have to give them [-]. If the [-] is really hard, forget it. Look, which of these people has taken care of the second elder? It really can't, we Take it. Isn’t it twice a year? Let’s take care of it for two months after the new year, [-] yuan for two months.”

Parents closed the door and talked about the issue of pension, not thinking about how to shirk it, but not intending to give the brother a chance to take advantage.

In these years, how many times their parents have suffered, they are too lazy to count. They are not smart, but they don't want to be counted by their brothers for no reason.

Dad knew why Mom didn't want to give them a chance to take advantage. After all, they rented a house in the city, and it didn't cost 100 yuan a month.

Give the two hundred to my brother, and my father will understand the purpose of what grandpa said in an instant.

"Father wants us to take care of it personally, so that we won't have the opportunity to shirk, that's why he bids the price so high."

200 yuan, not to mention they are reluctant, even the second uncle and aunt of a civil servant, that is also reluctant.

"No matter what father means, we don't have to shirk the share that should be borne by us."

"I come back for one month in June and one month in October each year, isn't it okay? There is still life in the field!"

"That's fine, I'm just worried that you won't be able to bear it alone,"

It's too much for one person, not only the father is worried that the mother will be too busy, but the mother is also worried that the father will be too busy.

What Wang Ting was thinking next to her was that she would not recommend going to the No. [-] Middle School when her younger sister was promoted to junior high school this year, but if she also came to the No. [-] Middle School, wouldn’t she still have to rent a house?After much deliberation, it still depends on my sister's own ability. If she can really be admitted to No. [-] Middle School, then let her go to No. [-] Middle School.

She lives in the school, and she can also subsidize her occasionally, which is much cheaper than renting another house.

Harvesting wheat in June, plowing the land, leveling the land, and planting corn is a busy season, and harvesting corn and planting wheat in October is also busy.

Under such circumstances, it is indeed not easy to take care of the elderly and work in the fields at the same time.

They are worried about each other, which means that they have a good relationship, unlike the uncle and aunt opposite who seem to be arguing about pension issues.

The couple had a charter, and before the first day of the new year, all the sons came that night, and even the second uncle who lived in the county was called back by the uncle.

"Just as dad said, I'm the boss, I'll take turns first, starting from the [-]th of this year, right? We all follow the lunar calendar, not the solar calendar."

The generation of parents, or the generation of grandparents, like to use the lunar calendar to keep time.

The 28th of the twelfth lunar month this year is February 2st, and the first day of the Lunar New Year is February 1th. If we follow this cycle, then Dad is in April of the lunar calendar. Obviously he has turned over the calendar last night. Brothers agree with this order After that, he expressed his meaning.

"Fifth, you are in front of me this time. I will come back in May, the month when the wheat is harvested, so I won't delay planting, okay?"

Uncle Wu thought for a moment, even though he didn't have to wait on his parents, he could concentrate on harvesting wheat, but why did he always feel that he was at a disadvantage?

Dad went on to add: "I won't let my parents help me with work this year, I will do it myself."

Uncle Wu gave Dad an awkward look, "What are you talking about, Brother Four? I didn't say I didn't want to?"

Dad didn't speak any more, and glanced at Uncle Six, "Do you have any questions, Old Six?"

Uncle Six quickly shook his head, "Fourth Brother, I'm fine,"

Dad continued to look at Uncle San: "Brother, in the second round, let me take September, so that I can harvest corn and plant wheat in time."

Uncle San couldn't say anything at this time, after all, Uncle Wu had agreed to change earlier, so the issue of old-age care was settled just like that.

Parents were also slightly relieved because they had solved the top priority.

The uncle is a worker in a machinery factory in Z City. Although he and Dad are in the same city, they have almost no contact with each other.

It only takes a week for the uncle to come back for the Chinese New Year, and he usually has to count on his uncle's mother. Although there are three children in their newly built two-story house, it is still feasible to make room for the grandparents, so that night, the uncle went to Helped grandpa pack a quilt and a few changes of clothes, then locked the door and went to live in uncle's house.

In other words, grandparents will spend the whole first month at uncle's house.

The second uncle's house is in the county town, so it is impossible to come back to serve them. We want to take them in, but the second uncle's house has only two rooms, so I am planning to put another bunk bed in my cousin's house, and my cousin sleeps on the upper bed. , Grandpa and grandma sleep in the lower bunk of two beds.

The second uncle is a bank clerk, and the second aunt is a teacher. On the surface, there is no problem. As for what happens behind it, it is beyond their juniors' control.

Grandpa and grandma are not at home, so they can eat as much as they like, because they don’t need to take care of the taste of the elderly, but on the evening of the New Year’s Eve, my father still asked her and my sister to send a plate of mom’s fried crisps to grandpa and grandma Meat is counted as an extra meal for the elders on New Year's Eve.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, my mother took the two of them to my grandparents' place. My father didn't want to go, mainly because my second uncle didn't want to go. He felt a bit uninterested when he went, so he would rather watch people by the fire under the big tree in the village. play cards.

It’s okay to go to grandpa’s place at ordinary times, but she doesn’t want to go during Chinese New Year, because she has many relatives, and she doesn’t like dumplings made with radish meat.

Every year when I go to grandpa’s place, the uncles don’t care about the food, they cook it themselves, and every time they make dumplings, the dumpling stuffing is made by grandma in advance, the old couple still cook by themselves now, how much do they think they eat during the Chinese New Year? A meal of dumplings is pretty good. I have never considered a platter of stir-fried or cold dishes.

Although their family is not much bigger than grandpa's, I always feel that the food made by my mother is better.

At least they have lotus vegetables, garlic sprouts, and celery, while grandpa and grandma only have radishes, cabbage, and meat for making dumplings, which have just been sent over.

The uncles don't pay a penny and don't contribute at all.

The New Year's money, the second aunt gave the two of them one yuan each, and the mother returned ten yuan to the second aunt, the two daughters and one son. Grandma planned to give them money, but she secretly stuffed it into her pocket.

They were still young at this time. In order to wait for them and let them send money, the eldest concubine and the third concubine who were supposed to visit on the second day of the Lunar New Year did not return to their natal homes, but stayed and waited for the second aunt and mother to send money. This custom has not changed every year. It is a bit exaggerated to say that they are Voldemort, but Gu Nian's family is true.

No matter how uncomfortable she felt, she still had to give money. If she was not at home, she would rush to pay. This was the style of her mother and three sisters.

Because the life of the three sisters is better than that of the three brothers, helping out seems to be their subconscious instinct, and this problem cannot be changed.

Wang Ting didn't intend to say anything, after all, it was a matter between brothers and sisters, the parties didn't say anything, and her father never objected, so why is she a child?

It should be said that what she dislikes the most during the New Year is visiting relatives, but her younger sister likes visiting relatives the most, because she is still young and doesn't understand anything, she always thinks that visiting is just to eat delicious food. If one party breaks the rules and plays tricks, it becomes meaningless.

There was no real familial bond, either on Dad's side or on Mom's side.

In other people's big families, brothers help each other, but their side, since her generation, seems to have gradually become indifferent.

Especially since they don't have a son yet, and they tend to go to other places for development, sooner or later their relationship will fade.

Unless one day, they go back, but by that time, parents will be too old.

This was the case in the previous life, but it may not be the case in this life, because she was born again, and the life with her glutinous rice balls will never develop according to the previous track.

Parents started talking about leaving after the sixth day of junior high school. From the third day of junior high school, they reconciled accounts at the second aunt's house until the evening of the sixth day of the new year.

On the seventh day of the seventh day of the lunar new year, I started to load the goods. I found a large truck. My father followed the car this time, and my mother took the train. Wang Ting still remembered to ask about the calligraphy works. After sending her mother away, she sent her sister to her grandfather. I took a car to the Y city railway station and bought a train ticket for the afternoon.

It was almost dark when we arrived in City Y, stayed in the space for one night, and went directly to the Provincial Calligraphers Association the next day.

They went to work on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, and today is the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. They just went to work, and when they passed by early in the morning, they were all cleaning.

When a child came over, it was just a student who didn't start school and brought her to work, so no one noticed her.

Anyway, this happened last year. She didn't even know if her work won an award. She didn't rush to find someone to complain, but she found out the situation in the office on this floor. When someone finally noticed her, she said frankly.

"Hello, I'm here to learn art from a teacher. Is there any teacher you can recommend to me?"

Usually it's the parents who come over, but they are stopped by the guards. I have never seen a child come here to learn a teacher by themselves, so I feel strange.

"I have a solid foundation. I don't believe that uncles and aunts can test me."

Since I just got to work and everyone is not busy, I am really interested in her so I recommend myself. Anyway, the most indispensable thing here is pens, inks, papers and inkstones, so I randomly took out a set and asked her to write and play, children. , generally have more patience than adults. Although this child is not very good-looking, but with this courage, he should be given a chance.

However, they didn't expect that this little girl was really not bragging. From the perspective of their professionals, the words she wrote were quite remarkable!

When Wang Ting wrote the first few words, all the people in the office surrounded her. When she finished writing the words in the competition, some people finally felt familiar, especially when she wrote Wang Ting's last words. At that time, a young aunt looked at her in surprise.

"Ah, I remember you. So your name is Wang Ting. Were you shortlisted for our collection last year? I remember there was a kid named Wang Ting on it, who was not yet 12 years old. Is that you?"

Wang Ting is so tossing, why not want this result?Immediately nodded with a smile, "It's me, but I came here to find doubts."

Wang Ting unhurriedly took out the portfolio, opened her page, and looked at the female staff member.

"Is this the word you said?"

"Yes, it's this one. If I remember correctly, it should be the work selected in the re-examination. It's just..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a man next to him with a light cough, and the others fell silent. Wang Ting grasped the key point at once.

"So, I passed the re-examination. Although the work was selected into the portfolio, it was eliminated before the final, right?"

The others didn't know how to explain for a while, and Wang Ting asked again when she saw that they were silent.

"My work was published here without permission. Should I also give me an explanation? I saw this collection of works by accident on the train, and I borrowed it after a lot of hard work, just to give it to me. Ask yourself for an explanation. If you say that I was eliminated, it doesn't matter, the competition, well, how can it be smooth sailing? But since you are worthy of being selected for this collection of works, shouldn't you tell me? But from the beginning to the end No one has contacted me, isn’t this too disrespectful to me? Even if there is no manuscript fee, at least they should be informed, right?”

"I didn't come here today to ask for money, but I just wanted to ask clearly. Also, where is my painting now? It stands to reason that after being eliminated, my work should be sent back to me, but you not only used it, I didn’t even leave the manuscript to me, isn’t that a bit dishonest? Is it because I’m young and don’t understand these things?”

Manuscripts for the preliminary round will not be returned, and will be returned for the semi-finals, and the originals for the final round, even if there is a need for collection, will cost money to buy.

After all, this is a province-wide nature, and being able to enter the semi-finals proves that the level is extraordinary.

"Little girl, it's true that your work has entered the semi-finals, but there is no express requirement to return it to you. After all, your work is not among the top three."

There is also a record of results in the semi-finals. Because the top three are not average, the works will be protected.

She didn't know there was such a rule.

But what's more terrible is that they didn't even enter the top three?

When did her level regress?

Could it be that there are more masters in this life?

Wang Ting was a little uncertain, but it was impossible to say that there was a shady scene in this game, and she had no evidence.

So in the end, this matter ended in embarrassment, which was a completely unexpected result for her.

Of course, he also slapped himself in the face severely.

After all, she acted too conceited, thinking that with experience, she would be invincible?

In fact, it is not the case, look, you have been taught a lesson by reality, right?

Maybe her handwriting is not bad in the eyes of professionals, but it is not enough to be selected as a finalist and recommended to participate in the national competition.

She slackened her practice, and then she had to pick it up again and work harder, otherwise she would fail this professional skill.

In the afternoon when I returned to City Y, I returned the book at the post office. By the way, I also sent a bucket of oatmeal and a bucket of sesame paste to the old man to express my gratitude.

When I came back from my grandfather’s house, it was the afternoon of the ninth day of the ninth day. I helped my sister with tutoring for a week, and then school started.

After school started, she devoted a lot of time to practicing calligraphy, as well as studying and daily reading and writing.

After going through this severe setback, she feels that it is impossible for people to just stagnate, no matter how much experience you have, because the life you face is different, and the opponents are naturally different. Only by constantly climbing can there be room for improvement.

Fortunately, it's still too late for her to wake up, it's better than being in her [-]s and [-]s and still being arrogant.

On the first day of school, the teacher handed out papers for assessment, each subject has it, and the purpose is to see if everyone is lazy this winter vacation.

In this era, papers are still handwritten with ink, and it is easy to get confused when doing the questions. The ink smells not good, but it has the significance of the times, because her handwriting is better than that of the teacher. Several teachers have Ask her to help engrave the papers, every time she agrees enthusiastically, and follows the teacher to the printing room, lying around for hours...

(End of this chapter)

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