The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1189章 【1188】80丑女逆袭15(5000+)

Chapter 1189 [1188] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 15 (5000+)

There were [-] people in the finals on the second day, and they were divided into four groups after being disrupted. There is an opportunity to ask questions.

The so-called questions were naturally communicated in English throughout the whole process. Only then did Wang Ting realize that these bonuses are far less easy to get than she imagined.

If these twenty people can reach this point, all of them will be able to get bonuses.

Because the special prize is 50 yuan (one person), the first prize is 20 yuan (two people), the second prize is [-] yuan (three people), the third prize is [-] yuan (four people), and the excellent prize is [-] yuan (ten people). Up to exactly [-] people.

Of course, teachers also have restrictions on the scope of questions, and they cannot exceed the outline. That is to say, all questions in the nine-year compulsory education stage can be given.

This can not only test the contestants' on-the-spot reaction and expression ability, but also indirectly verify their oral English use, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

Maybe you can understand the Chinese question at a glance, but if you translate it into English, how should you express it?

In particular, our country's culture is extensive and profound, which cannot be translated and expressed in mere English.

"It doesn't matter if you can't answer and get eliminated. This is just a foreplay, and there will be an assessment next. There are five stages in total, and they will be ranked according to the points. You have already proved your excellence at this stage. The next step is just the ranking. It’s just a question. Five minutes is the limit.”

Good guy, in this way, when the contestants ask questions for others, they will rack their brains to make them difficult. The English version of junior high school math questions is nothing more than the English version of reciting ancient poems. To put it bluntly, it just makes you Translation, is this level too difficult?

It's only been nine years, and I've only learned English for a few years, can I have this level?
She had a golden finger memory, so what about these people, could it be that they are legendary language geniuses?

Sure enough, those who can advance to this place are not ordinary people!
It is easy to do math problems, but the translator of ancient poems is ruthless. The most exaggerated thing is that the one who gave her the problem asked her to tell a story in English in compulsory education.

Naturally, Wang Ting will not lose the chain at this critical moment. "Sitting and Watching the Sky" is lively and interesting, and can ensure the proper use of grammar.

Because the judges will also score while listening, no problem is [-] out of [-].

There are five tests in total, and this is only the first one. They add up to a total of [-] points, depending on the final result.

Soon, the test of the four groups ended.

They lined up according to the scores. She stood first, Sima Rui was second, and Zheng Yin was third. Sure enough, the people the seniors drew her attention to were not mortals.

"Okay, the second test begins with idioms solitaire. No.1 will play out an idiom randomly, and the people behind will use the last word to solitaire."

Wang Ting looked at the judges in surprise, isn't this too difficult?This is not Chinese, and the last word?

Probably their expressions said it all, and the judges added another sentence (words are also acceptable).

Even if this is the case, the next ones are messy and unsightly. Although she is the first one, she will be the last one. The round will be considered as the end if she can catch it, and she will be eliminated if she can't catch it. Lose.

As a result, it collapsed in the middle. Everyone only had 15 seconds to think and describe. The time was too tight.

After four or five rounds, even she felt exhausted.

Although there were mistakes among her, but the points were the highest, so the special prize was successfully collected.

In this case, it is impossible for someone to cheat, because the on-site inspection items are too comprehensive, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the questions were answered on the spot.

Reporters and teachers from various schools came to the awards ceremony, and the money was put in red envelopes in the form of cash.

"Student Wang Ting, please wait a moment."

When she was about to leave, the tall boy named Sima Rui stopped her.

This person is not only tall, but also has a first-class appearance. If it weren't for the help of her golden finger, he would never be able to win against this natural language genius.

"Congratulations, you are outstanding. Let me know. My name is Sima Rui. I'm from Class [-], Grade [-], L City Experimental Middle School. Can I ask you about your study method? Your speaking ability and pronunciation are very standard, let me admire you!"

Wang Ting felt a little guilty, but still summed up the experience she had accumulated in many lifetimes.

"If I say that I listen more, read more, memorize more, do you think I'm talking nonsense? In fact, English soundtrack movies are the most helpful. You can also record dubbing and correct mistakes. Your language talent is very good, and Not worse than me, I'm just a little luckier than you, but actually far worse than you."

She was telling the truth, but laymen could not understand what she meant. Even Sima Rui politely thanked her and left.

This boy is very proud, but he does have the capital to be proud.

A bonus of 5000 yuan. In November 1991, she got her first bonus in her life. She didn't plan to tell her relatives about the money. My own family members brought disaster.

Afterwards, they took a car back to City Y. The journey took just over an hour, and they arrived at the school in less than two hours.

Surrounded by the school's teachers, she went to the school's honor room and placed the trophy in the most conspicuous position.

Although this was not the first trophy in the history of their school, it was an impressive achievement achieved by this student less than a month after he transferred to another school, and he should be treated favorably by the principal.

In order to encourage her to keep working hard and achieve better results in future competitions in the province, the principal directly waived her meal expenses for the remaining three months, and she could eat whatever she wanted, and the cafeteria would manage enough.

Then she went to the reception room of the No. 3500 Middle School, and she got her remittance slip, a total of [-] yuan.

Because the matter of transferring schools hadn't been changed yet, she could only get her remittance slip with her previous pass.

After the game, she was given half a day off, so she got the money order and went to the post office to get it out.

With deposits exceeding 90 yuan, the [-]-yuan household was born in the early [-]s.

Sure enough, it is true that knowledge is wealth.

Doing business by setting up a stall can only make a small amount of money temporarily, but at her age, she is most suitable to earn wealth of knowledge if she has to stay in school.

However, because he had money, he was richer, and when he went home on the weekend, he bought a whole roast chicken.

But I didn't dare to give it to my grandma, because I was afraid that they would feel sorry for the money, so I only gave them two big chicken legs. Chicken legs are easy to bite for people with bad teeth and easy to digest. They cost one dollar and bought two.

When the vegetables were stewed, they were stewed in the pot, and they were smashed with chopsticks and let them eat with them. I didn't dare to say that I bought them.

"Grandma, this is from our school cafeteria. I did well in the monthly exam this time. I will be rewarded. It doesn't cost money. You can eat it at ease. I will bring it back to you next time."

Grandpa could not close his mouth happily: "Tingting has opened up, and her studies are getting better and better."

After eating, they went back to their own room to eat roast chicken for their younger sister, and they had to explain clearly, because they were afraid that grandma would say that she spent a lot of money.

"I didn't eat much at school, and I bought this roast chicken with the money I saved. If I hand it over, what will my grandpa think of me? I must think that my parents gave me a lot of money. I don't know how to feel sorry for my parents. In fact, I saved it. Yes, we don’t eat it every day, man, the clear soup you eat at home is watery, you can eat this chicken yourself, did you drink all the milk powder that my sister bought for you before?”

Wang Man nodded while gnawing on the chicken: "Sister, I understand. You don't need to explain. I know that you spend money and save money. You are not only careful, but you can also earn money yourself. The amount that parents give to grandma is still our money." It is counted, and if it exceeds the budget, I will say it, so I understand. I also drank the milk powder, and locked it in the drawer after drinking it, and changed the lock of our house. Don’t worry, no one will steal it.”

Ever since she knew that the house had been burglarized, she bought two good locks for this lock, and changed the locks. The previous ones were in her space, and the rest of the daily necessities were locked by her sister.

When she came back from L City this time, she also bought a lot of snacks, donkey meat on fire, put the ones that could be put in the cabinet for her younger sister, and those that couldn't be kept for her to eat next week.

After her recuperation, she and her younger sister's bodies are much better than last year, at least their faces are a little fleshy.

"Now in the morning, my grandma and I each share an egg. Grandpa drinks egg tea, and grandma and I boil eggs to eat."

The eggs were bought by Wang Ting, and the eggs laid by the chickens fed by her grandma were saved and sold. They knew that she bought the eggs for Wang Man to eat.

So I didn't refuse, and boiled three eggs every day, anyway, I didn't spend my own money.

In addition to eggs, I can also eat tofu every now and then, plus drinking milk powder and eating snacks every day, Wang Man's body will naturally improve.

When Wang Ting comes back on Saturday afternoon, she will buy more or less meat, whether it is chicken legs, chicken liver, pork liver, or pork head meat, she will buy some, enough for two meals, and serve them meat , so grandma usually saves it.

Every time she gets home, she will secretly ransack her vegetable garden, haha, even if she doesn't eat now, she can still prepare for winter, after all, it's getting cold every day.

When Dad came back this time, he also brought them the kind of quilted padded jackets they wear in winter. They are bright red. From the perspective of future generations, they look like dirt, but my sister likes them very much. One of them is bright red and the other is black. , There is no hat for decoration in this era, and the neck feels smooth, and I have to buy two scarves to tie it on to feel perfect.

I gave the red one to my younger sister, she can wear black, although it is not very good-looking, but it is better than wearing a cotton-padded jacket.

When she came to this life, she hadn't bought much clothes yet, at most she bought cotton cloth to make cotton padded clothes and long johns.

There are quite a few winter hats at home, and my second aunt’s is weaving hats, and those samples or defective products will be brought over to my children to wear.

So the two of them have several winter hats, and they have all kinds of hats.

When I returned to school again, I felt that the temperature was getting lower and lower every day. In the middle of the day, the teacher said that the temperature had dropped sharply in the past few days and asked everyone to keep warm. As a result, it snowed like a feather that night.

It was extremely cold in the north without heating. At night, she went to the school toilet to empty the urine bucket, and cleaned it with water from the space after emptying it.

Just as he was about to enter the space, he vaguely saw a boy standing under the streetlight on the first floor of the boys' dormitory, standing there motionless.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening at this time. In such a cold day, if he didn't enter the dormitory, what was he doing standing there?

Wang Ting frowned and walked over. The snow had already buried her ankles, which was enough to show how low the temperature was at that time.

If the snow melts as soon as it hits the ground and fails to meet the accumulation standard, it means that the surface temperature is high, but the snow not only accumulates, but also buries the ankles within a few hours. This is not an ordinary heavy snow.

"It's so cold, what are you doing standing here if you don't go back to sleep?"

The dormitory building has four floors, the first and second floors are male dormitories, and the third and fourth floors are female dormitories.

The first floor is for the boys of the first and second grades, and the second floor is for the boys of the third and fourth grades.

He is dark, not very handsome, his hair covers his eyes, and he doesn't know how to cut it.

He is much taller than her, at least 1.7 meters above.

It's just that at this time, he looked a little embarrassed, standing there tremblingly, seeing her passing by, trembling his lips that were purple with cold.

"Just now the people in my dormitory asked me to buy snacks outside the school, but the teacher saw me and punished me to stand here. The teacher didn't let me go, so I didn't dare to go back to the room."

"When did the teacher punish you?"

At six or seven o'clock.

This honest child has stood there for two hours. She doesn't know this boy, he should be from another class.

Looking at the situation, he was used to it. The boys in the same dormitory bullied him. In such a cold day, if he didn't go by himself, let him go.

The teacher would not lie when he asked. To tell the truth, the teacher would definitely punish him for violating school rules.

However, standing for so long at once, who can guarantee that the teacher has not forgotten?
"Hurry up and go back. The teacher may be delayed by other things. He forgot to tell you. He probably didn't expect you to be so sincere. Which teacher, do you know him?"

"I know you, the math teacher in our class,"

"Which class are you in?"

"Class [-]."

Wang Ting really didn't know what to say, "If your teacher asks about you tomorrow, can I testify for you? You go back quickly, oh yes, is there hot water in your dormitory?"

The boy nodded, "Yes, I made a pot after school."

"It's good to have hot water. When you go back, drink a cup of hot water and soak your feet. Don't catch a cold. Your parents will feel bad."

After finally convincing him, Wang Ting was relieved to see him enter her dormitory.

She is not the Holy Mother. She remembers the news that a boy was forced to stand by the teacher on the coldest night. I wonder if this child will be like that child, because he is timid and cowardly, not daring to disobey the teacher's order, and freeze himself to death.

She stood in the boys' dormitory and waited for a while, seeing that he had indeed entered the room to sleep, so she found a place where no one was around and entered the space.

The next day, she went to Class [-] and found the boy.

"Hey, who is that, come out."

The boy's nose was red, and he ran out sniffling, no need to look, he had a cold.

"Your math teacher didn't bother with you, did he?"

"My name is Zhang Heng, you can call me Zhang Heng. The teacher didn't mention me,"

"Look, he must have forgotten what happened last night. Here, I have three days of cold medicine here. It says how to drink it. You can go back and take the medicine later. Don't be so serious in the future, or you Parents are so distressed, don’t they? My name is Wang Ting, I’m in class one, so don’t tell others that you saw me last night.”

"No, I didn't say that," Wang Ting nodded to him, "That's fine, you should go back and take your medicine."

"How much, how much, I will give you."

"Oh, no need, this is the medicine left over from my last illness, you can take it!"

Seeing how thin he is wearing, he doesn't look like someone from a well-off family. The medicine is not expensive, it's just pills.

In the era when antibiotics were not abused, taking medicine would be effective.

After speaking, Wang Ting left. She must have never thought that the boy would be surrounded as soon as she turned around.

"Yo Zhang Heng, when did you know that transfer student from Class [-]?"

Seeing Zhang Heng's confused face, they slapped their heads violently.

"I almost forgot. You asked for leave a few days ago and didn't come. You don't know. She is a transfer student. Not long after she transferred, she won the special prize in the English competition in L City. The principal was very happy and exempted her. As for the food expenses, I heard that the bonus is 5000 yuan. If you are old enough to study, you just look good, tsk tsk,"

Zhang Heng glanced in the direction of class one in surprise, remained silent, turned around, went downstairs to the sink in the playground, took a sip of cold water, and sent the medicine to his stomach. He didn't have a water glass at all, why? drink hot water?Besides, there is no hot water during the day, so the cafeteria will boil a pot at noon, and it will be gone if it is late.

Wang Ting still doesn't understand the hardships of going to this school, but she can choose to live in the space wisely, but she only knows one thing and doesn't know the other.

"Do you know that kid?" When Wang Ting walked to the door of the class, she was stopped by Wu Hao, who raised her eyebrows and glanced behind her.

Wang Ting shook her head, "It's not considered acquaintance, I just met him. He has a cold. I happened to have medicine in my hand, so I gave it to him. What's wrong?"

"Oh, he is a very poor student in our school. His mother ran away with someone, and his father was paralyzed in bed, relying on his grandma to take care of him. When you went out to compete last week, his grandma got up in the morning and fell, and he didn't get up again. Let's go Yes, grandpa is taking care of dad now. I heard that he is sallow and emaciated. This kid can't go to school for a few days. He doesn't study hard at school. He is bullied. The children bully me, and I have low self-esteem from the bottom of my heart!"

Wang Ting looked at the people running and drinking cold water on the playground in surprise, "It's so bitter!" No wonder, they were treated like that in the dormitory.

It seemed that even the teacher didn't have the slightest sympathy for him. As long as he cared about this child, he couldn't stand there for more than two hours.

Wu Hao saw that Wang Ting really didn't know, he just knew that the two of them might not have had much contact with each other. Although he was curious as to why she would give him the medicine, she didn't say anything, so he was embarrassed to mention it.

This incident passed quickly. Because of Wang Ting's good grades, teachers in various subjects are now paying attention to her, so she can't be lazy if she wants to, and she has to spend 12 points in class every day.

(End of this chapter)

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