The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1188章 【1187】80丑女逆袭14(5000+)

Chapter 1188 [1187] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 14 (5000+)

The installation of telephones in different places varies from region to region, so the price is also different.

For example, in the provincial capital where my mother lives, the initial installation fee is more than 4000 yuan, and the second aunt is in the countryside, it costs 7000 yuan, and it is still in the same province.

If there are more lines, it will be cheaper, but if there are fewer terminals, it will be expensive to re-twice the phone line.

So there is no comparison.

Fortunately, my second aunt’s home has a landline phone, so my mother always goes to the local post office’s phone booth to call and communicate with my second aunt. The fee is charged by the minute, and it costs RMB 1 per minute. The post office is slightly cheaper than the outside, and in some places it takes 1.21 minutes. , It’s like the kind of help calling people. Originally, there is no charge for answering the phone, but if you call someone, you have to charge 1-2 cents per minute!

My second aunt’s phone also has a monthly rent, which costs 30 yuan a month. It’s easy to pay hundreds of phone bills a month. In some months, it can exceed 500 yuan, which is quite expensive.

After 92, the initial installation fee will be unified to 4000 yuan, and the second category will be 2400 yuan.

Long-distance is expensive, but local calls are relatively cheap, 1 cents per minute.

My father borrowed a tricycle from my aunt's house. She got on the car and leaned on my father's back. Although she was not wearing thin clothes, the weather was getting colder and it was still a bit cold.

"The corn was harvested early this year?"

"When I came back, your uncle had already harvested part of it for us, and I harvested the rest with your grandfather and sister. This week we will mainly plow and dam the land, and we will plant wheat tomorrow."

Wang Ting couldn't help being curious: "My uncle is doing so well this year?"

Dad couldn't help turning his head and glaring at her: "Don't say that about your uncle."

"It was originally, must have promised them benefits?"

Although Dad didn't want to admit it, he still nodded, "Well, your second aunt cut five catties of meat and five catties of eggs for each family."

Wang Ting then nodded: "That's right, I know it's impossible to help us for no reason. How much work we did for them during the winter and summer vacations in previous years, and I didn't see them taking care of us during the busy season every year. This year Maybe Dad, you came back late, and they are all busy with the field work, so you will help us?"

Dad nodded, "I've been very busy since the National Day, so I didn't have time to come back, so I asked your second aunt to come over and deliver a message, and asked them to help collect some. Shall we let them help for nothing?"

This is not a moral kidnapping. Although she and her sister are young, they have helped their uncles and aunts a lot since they were young, especially in the past few years when their parents were not at home. She works from dawn to dusk, and she also loves her father, so she does it as much as possible.

At this time, every family is very busy, and no one can take care of others. Instead, because grandpa helps them, it arouses dissatisfaction from others.

How dare father let grandpa work in the field again?

It was the grandfather who said: "Usually the two daughters cook for us, buy meat and delicious food, and think about us in everything, how about you?"

The uncles who were angry with one sentence were speechless.

So grandpa helped dad after all, but the work was light work. The heavy work was carried by father and sister from the end of the field to the top of the field, and then pulled home with a rack car. My sister even took a few days off for this, and she was very tired.

When my father came to pick me up from school, the two of them went to the vegetable market to buy a chicken, cut two catties of meat, and planned to have a good weekend.

I also bought snacks and milk powder for my grandparents, which cost 40 yuan, which was given by my father.

He also wanted to give her some more money, but was rejected: "Dad, I have money, you forgot, the school paid me 300 yuan, and the 80 yuan for the school uniform was also refunded."

Before she saved 3380, 125 was deducted for buying a watch, 10 for living expenses in October, 25 for her sister, leaving 30 yuan.

Provided news clues to the provincial newspaper, worth 300 yuan, 80 for food expenses for three months, 3680 for school uniforms, which is [-].
8/9/10 Submit 10 words in three months, 700 yuan for 400 words, 7 yuan, plus 2800*[-]=[-] yuan for reprinting from multiple channels. The seven channels have also been uploaded, and there will be no additional payment for the follow-up.

In other words, by the beginning of November, she will receive at least 11 yuan in royalties.

It's the end of the year, and there is no follow-up manuscript offer. If the newspaper office needs it, it may have to wait until the beginning of next year to make an appointment. However, the manuscript can be saved in advance, and then it will be screened and the initial price will be determined.

So her money may be more than father's private house money, how can she ask for his money?
At the end of October, I spent a reunion weekend with my father at home. I ate ground pot chicken on Saturday night and braised pork on Sunday. I ate it with my grandparents.

"When uncle and aunt stewed meat, did you give it to grandparents?"

The younger sister pouted: "It's impossible, but Dad has been at home for the past few days, and he can eat delicious food at noon every day. It's not stewed meat, it's scrambled eggs, stewed tofu, and dumplings. Our mother has something to eat, so she didn't serve it?"

"You have worked, of course you have to eat something good, who doesn't have oil and water when the farm is busy!"

As for the fact that they lived in the same courtyard, they could still go to this extent. Wang Ting could only shake her head. Bring delicious food to grandparents in big and small bags?
Filial piety depends on one's own conscience, it is useless to rely on others!
The weather is beautiful, it will be cloudy on Sunday afternoon, and the weather forecast is raining in the southern province. My father is worried that she will get caught in the rain, so after lunch, he puts her on the bus to the county.

Dad said that he might stay at home for another two or three days before leaving, and he would go to school to see her before he left.

Wang Ting stood on the bus and waved goodbye to her father. Although there was too much reluctance and helplessness, because of life, she had to face separation again and again.

There are old and young, and health is their only bargaining chip. If one of them cannot be connected, it may be broken directly.

In her previous life, Wang Ting's life was ordinary, but fortunately, she was safe. Although her father had severe lumbar disc disease and her mother suffered from early breast cancer, the cure was still early, so her life was not too painful.

In this life, Wang Ting's task is to go to their side as soon as possible, avoid these complications, and give them a healthier life.

The land of each big family is connected. When plowing and damming the land, all the big families work together, and finally make the ridges according to their own land boundaries.

So Dad's work these days is also the work of pulling the corn stalks home. At least in winter, he can keep warm and cook with a fire.

This thing can't be sold for a few dollars, and most people keep the pot for cooking.

After a few days, his hands developed blisters, because the corn stalks need to be hoed non-stop, which is very laborious.

Grandpa just laughed at him, haven't you done any farm work for a few days?Your hands have become vulnerable. You used to be an expert at work in our family.

Dad smiled wryly, what can I do, I haven't done such physical work for several years, if the child is not at home, I really don't want to plant this land, and I can't sell it for much money, and it takes a lot of effort!
Grandpa ignored him, bluntly speaking, the land is the life of farmers, no matter where they go, they have to farm the land, what do you eat if you don’t farm the land?No matter how tired you are, you have to come back to farm. Otherwise, there will be a famine or something, and your whole family will stare at you. When the time comes, you may not be able to buy food if you have money.

What Grandpa said was true, Dad couldn't refute it, so he could only work hard, my sister went to help after school, and the old man just helped clean up the field, the most important thing was to rely on themselves.

Four days later, the wheat was planted in the ground.There were also sweet potatoes grown in wasteland on the ground, which were also taken home by my father and piled up in the cellar.After cleaning up thoroughly, it was almost the end of October, and the uncles complained a lot. This year, because their family delayed the process, my father had no choice but to apologize.

The radishes and cabbages grown in the field were not too late to take home before the frost, so my father confiscated them for the time being. At the middle gate, I had a meal with Wang Ting.

Before leaving, he gave her another 200 yuan and told her to eat well and persist for a few more months before they came back.

She didn't want this money, but her father insisted, but she still couldn't explain the source of her money, so she could only accept it temporarily, thinking about what would be suitable to invest for her parents in the future?
At six o'clock in the morning on November 11st, the minibus arranged by the school was waiting in the school. The teachers and students of all grades got on the bus together and went to a large theater in L City to participate in the first round of the competition. There were three competitions in total. Days, preliminaries, semi-finals and finals.

After the students are sent to the venue, the teacher has to leave, leaving them to take written tests, listening comprehension, and impromptu oral speeches.

Arrived outside the venue at [-] o'clock in the morning, ate some steamed stuffed buns, drank soy milk, and a lunch box distributed by the organizer at noon. During the period, all communication was refused. After a short break after eating, I entered the afternoon competition. Everyone is extremely nervous.

She didn't expect to meet Fang Fang from No. [-] Middle School here, the female classmate who bullied her with Dong Shujing.

She was also flustered when she saw her, as if she was afraid of what she would say, she lowered her head and walked around.

Fang Fang was no less hateful than Dong Shujing, but Dong Shujing was expelled, but she was fine. Either the school's internal investigation was not clear enough, or the surname Fang had some background.

The appearance of Fang Fang aroused her fighting spirit, and the results will be given at the initial scene. Each grade has five places, and the fourth grade is 20 people. There are a total of 400 schools participating in the competition, 300 people, and the preliminary competition will be cut Lose 100 people and leave [-] people.

In other words, today she has to qualify for the top [-] based on her average score, otherwise she will miss the rematch.

Fortunately, she was not eliminated. She was the only one who advanced to the first grade of the second middle school. Even the second, third and fourth grades had only two finalists.

In other words, the one hundred students, including twenty schools in grades one, two, three and four, competed.

The first test is based on grades, and the second test does not divide the grades, but a pot of random stew, and the questions are drawn.

Divided into four grades of ABCD, depending on your own luck. A is the hardest and D is the easiest.

If you get an A in the first grade of junior high school and a D in the fourth grade of junior high school, you can only consider yourself unlucky. Although it is unfair, luck is also a kind of strength.

When it comes to the finals, it is not so random. It is equivalent to the re-examination and there are re-examination standards. Although D is simple, the requirements will be higher. Although A is difficult, if you are in the first grade, you only need to perform normally. After all, your I have only learned English for a few months, and the selection is also for those high-achieving students, that is to say, they have already been exposed to English before the first year of junior high school, and they have a certain basis for selecting the best students.

This is what the game is about. You will never think of the way other people propose questions, and they will always disrupt all your rhythms by surprise.

So that night, in order to save money, after dinner, the teacher led the others away. For the remaining three students, only one teacher led them to participate in the next competition. Regardless of the result, the focus was on participation.

There were three students and one teacher, and only she was a girl, and the others were boys, so she was given a separate room, and the three of them lived in a triple room. The teacher told her to take a good rest and not to think about anything else.

After finally coming to L City once, she went to taste the local water mat, beef soup, pot stickers and other classic delicacies. If she couldn’t finish eating, she would take it away and put it in the space for her sister to eat. Although I had already eaten noodles at five or six o'clock, I was hungry again at seven or eight o'clock.

I bought more than ten kinds of snacks for more than 30 yuan, and I put them in the space after tasting them.

I also spent 50 yuan to buy marinated beef and donkey meat. In the era when pork was one or two yuan, beef and mutton were already four to five yuan a catty, and marinated meat was more expensive. The price of beef and donkey meat is now the same. Not too much difference, seventy or eighty cents more expensive, 50 yuan, only bought about seven catties.

Anyway, eating meat in this era is a taste, and no one can eat meat like steamed buns.

The 50 yuan is not a lot. After spending the 3600 yuan, her savings is [-] yuan.

The next day, the teacher led them to drink Hu spicy soup and eat pot stickers for breakfast, and they entered the venue full.

At the venue, she saw Fang Fang, and she didn't expect that she was also shortlisted. Compared to her excited eyebrows, the other party's expression was extremely ugly when he saw her, and he almost didn't say "bad luck"!
When drawing lots, she also asked Amitabha to bless her not to get an A. The result seemed to be that she had a golden finger, but she got an A. What's more, the competition was from difficult to easy, and the written test was not included in the retest. There are two assessments, one for listening. The teacher plays the recording and asks questions. All the students who get an A in the draw press the rush to answer and answer in oral, that is to say, the whole process should be in English.

The proportion of A lottery is 25 people, a group of five people, that is to say, five people compete with one set of questions.

She is also the first batch of Group A.

Fortunately, this is not the first time I have experienced such a big scene. Although I am nervous, I still encourage myself to be calm. She also saw the seniors in the third and fourth grades cheering for her. They were lucky, and one of them won B , one of them got a C, unlike her, she was the youngest, but she got an A.

In the on-site exam, go to the stage, sit in front of the answering machine, face the direction of the audience and judges, and answer the questions on the spot.

After the competition started, the recording was played first, and Wang Ting was overjoyed when she heard the first sentence. She had memorized this essay before. Listen, while writing down the key points on the straw paper, the whole process is smooth and expressionless.

The recording was played twice. After 5 minutes, the judges and teachers asked questions one after another, five people, five questions.

Wang Ting answered three questions correctly, and she couldn't keep up with the speed of the other two questions, but unfortunately the other party made a mistake, so she answered all the last five questions correctly by herself. When the teacher held up the pass sign to her, the senior brother They all stood up excitedly: "Wang Ting is doing great!"

Wang Ting did not expect it to go so smoothly. It seems that after such a competition, there will be only 20 players left in the final tomorrow.

Fang Fang was drawn in Group D, but unfortunately, she was eliminated.

The two senior brothers were also eliminated in this round.

Wang Ting and the remaining 19 people are shortlisted for tomorrow's final.

After leaving the arena, Tong Hao looked at her with admiration: "I was confused when I heard your exam questions, how did you answer such brain-burning calculation questions fluently and accurately, aren't you too good? As expected of Group A, the questions are too convoluted, the key point is that you are only a freshman this year, you are really amazing!"

Tong Hao is on the fourth day of this year. He is in the graduating class and is the first in his grade.

Deng Wenliang was in the third year of junior high this year, and he was also the first in the grade. It was a pity that he was eliminated. Hearing Tong Hao's words, he also looked at Wang Ting with a lot of emotion.

"Did you learn your English in advance?"

Wang Ting nodded, "My relative is an English teacher. He has been learning since the first grade of elementary school. He often listens to the radio, watches original video tapes, and sings English songs. You can also try it when you go back to find out how you feel. I said To be honest, I have seen this question in the reading comprehension book given to me by my relatives before, because it is too convoluted, so the memory is quite deep, and this time, I can be regarded as lucky."

However, Tong Hao and Deng Wenliang didn't think it was luck, "It seems that you have done a lot of questions, and there is such a chance that you have done a lot of questions. This shows that your good grades are not due to luck. It is very respectable, Wang Junior sister Ting, I hope you can pick an English trophy for our school, I believe the principal will be very happy."

Wang Ting scratched her head in embarrassment: "Thank you two senior brothers for your praise, I will try my best, hehe, try my best, don't put so much pressure on me, the rest are top-notch."

"No, your opponents are only the boy named Sima Rui and the girl named Zheng Yin. They are all the people who got the pass card by their strength in Group A of the third grade, so you should be careful tomorrow. There is no need to worry about those who have advanced from the BCD three groups!"

Tong Hao didn't take Deng Wenliang's words seriously: "There are also good seedlings selected into Group D, okay? I don't think we should take it lightly, but you should have noticed the two people mentioned by Deng Wenliang, right? The strength is extraordinary, especially that Sima Rui's spoken English is on par with yours, but he is in the third year of junior high school and you are only in the first year of junior high school, so you have more potential."

After talking, he left the venue. The teacher had been waiting for him for a long time. When he learned that Wang Ting had advanced to the final, he was very happy to find the post office to call the principal to report the situation.

In view of the embarrassment of the male teacher and Wang Ting staying alone, the two boys were left with the teacher to wait for tomorrow's game results.

Because there are few people left, half a day is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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