The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1175章 【1174】80丑女逆袭1(5000+)

Chapter 1175 [1174] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 1 (5000+)

A lottery drawing of 100 million faith points, I barely got the space storage function. In this life, there is no shopping mall, no spiritual fields, no spiritual springs, three nothings, so I only got a portable storage function. It is better than nothing, and it is not in vain for her Spent millions of Faith Points.

The original owner was born in the countryside of Southern Province in 1980. She is the eldest daughter of the family and has a younger sister. In order to give birth to a son, the mother suffered a lot, and her body was tormented. She was hospitalized several times and borrowed a lot of money. I didn't get what I wanted, but somehow I saved my life.


The younger sister, whose last child was born successfully, was taken away by someone found by the second aunt when she was in the hospital. At that time, she didn't know her physical condition, so she thought she could still have it, but it turned out...
This shows that the genes of the couple can only produce daughters, but not sons, just like some people have always had sons, or they can't have daughters. There are even genetic problems, and people with cerebral palsy can be found everywhere.

The successive blows made the parents helpless to give up.

After many years passed, the parents regretted that they should not give away the third sister, but unfortunately it was too late.

The sadness of the times lies in the patriarchal environment in rural areas, especially when parents’ brothers and sisters have sons, only when they don’t, the mood, the eyes of the people around and the private sarcasm, probably belong to those who have sons, imagine not come out.

But no matter how feudal and sad the original owner's parents were, they didn't have any ideas about other people's children. From the beginning to the end, they only felt that they were incompetent.

A few years after the original owner was born, the land reform was carried out, and every household was allocated their own land, as long as they paid the public grain on time.

Although there is no son, no matter how poor you are, you can't afford poor education. Both sisters go to school.

In the 90s, various manufacturing industries and industries began to rise, and parents became the first batch of migrant workers.

And she and her sister became the first batch of left-behind children.

At that time, there was no such thing as buying a house, and there was no saying that you must go to the city to study. They were all born and raised children.

To learn well and learn badly depends on oneself, not on parents or teachers.

There are two sisters, the eldest is ugly because of the shortcomings of their parents, and the second is beautiful because of their good looks. They were not sent out by their parents back then.

The original owner of the glutinous rice balls has been very inferior since she was a child, because she has suffered too much injustice and grievances, she can't be confident at all.

Naturally, her life was doomed to be unknown and end up ordinary.

When she received this mission, as soon as she saw the title, she knew that she wanted to counterattack for the original owner.

And at the time when she traveled here, she was still a student in the third grade of elementary school.

Both parents have gone to other places, and they usually live with their grandparents, but because they have no boys in their family, they have been looked down upon by others, including grandparents.

The original owner is Wang Ting, born in 1980, she went to Yuhong Class at the age of six, and went to elementary school at the age of seven. In 1990 this year, she was ten years old, and she went from third to fourth in elementary school.

My younger sister is Wang Man. She was born in 1982. She went to Yuhong Class at the age of six, and went to elementary school at the age of seven.

In the memory of the original owner, the grandparents could hug any child from the three uncles and two uncles, and even the younger sister, but no one hugged her because she was ugly, and her mother brought relatives around during the Spring Festival. Being ridiculed for being ugly.

When Wang Ting was a child, her hair was sparse, her face was long, her forehead protruded from her forehead, and her head protruded from the back of her head. She had small eyes, single eyelids, and a flat nose. The only advantage was that she was relatively white. But ugliness is really ugly, but if you want to say how ugly a person is, you can't say that, at most, you can be regarded as an unattractive person, not an extremely ugly person.

Wang Man has big eyes, double eyelids, round face, thick hair, thick black eyebrows, long eyelashes, a beautiful girl, no wonder she is reluctant to give it away.

It is said that one white covers three ugliness, but Wang Ting is white, but cannot cover all the ugliness.

Because of her large forehead, her bangs always covered her forehead in front. With this hairstyle, she was destined not to look foreign.

She is very envious of those girls with bare foreheads, because if she pulls up her front hair, she really can't bear to look directly at them.

When I was in Yuhong class, there was a little boy who refused to be at the same table with her because she was not as good-looking as the girl next to her.

In elementary school, she was not bad at studying, but she was not included in the young pioneers every time.

Whenever there are activities in the class, the head teacher only chooses good-looking children, and has never chosen her.

When speaking in class, if she is called, she will stand up with a blushing face, babbling, and finally be put down by the teacher, with poor communication skills and a dismal ending.

When pairing boys and girls in physical education class, she would be cruelly abandoned, and when she was lonely, she would be in the same group. Just thinking about that feeling made her feel sad for the original owner.

He is only in the third grade of elementary school, but he seems to have experienced a lot.

No wonder the self-esteem becomes more and more inferior year by year. When I sit at the same table with boys, I will be bullied and beaten if I cross the line.

No one asks her to play after class, and no one forms a team with her during games,
If that doesn't count, there are some classmates who will remind you of your ugliness.

It seems that no matter what you do, people say you are black, you are ugly, and some even say she is fat.

Not to mention that in those days, their family could not eat fat, even if they could eat fat, it was not fat in the eyes of later generations, it might just belong to the constitution of getting fat after drinking water.

The student days may be unforgettable for others, but for Wang Ting, it is a scar that needs to be licked for a lifetime.

This kind of inferiority complex accompanied her all her life, even though she was obviously excellent later, she became unknown because of her lack of self-confidence.

Those who hurt her can say those hurtful words without any psychological burden, and they don't even need to be responsible for them, but they don't know that these words have become the source of Wang Ting's occasional nightmares after many years.

Nice words can be blurted out, but hurtful words, don’t they have to go through repeated thinking in the brain before making a decision?

She remembered clearly that in the first year of the original owner's first year of junior high school, when she had her period, she accidentally leaked it on her trousers and covered it up with her school uniform. As a result, a girl saw it and ripped it off on purpose to embarrass her, as if she was born with The object of these people's jokes.

When she was in junior high school, she wore braces to straighten her teeth, which made her ugly even more ugly, and was teased and attacked every day.

Although those ugly words have faded with the passage of time, the hateful faces they showed when they laughed were etched in her mind for a lifetime.

The low self-esteem made her afraid to talk to the teacher, to talk to the classmates, especially the male classmates, and even afraid to straighten her back and raise her face to look at people.

Inferiority also makes her vain, she will feel that the clothes her parents bought are not good-looking, the shoes are too bad, and even the umbrellas used in the rain are black instead of pink and red flowers, so she feels inferior. Anything that can arouse her desire to compare Yes, she will feel that her ugliness is caused by these external conditions.

She and her younger sister were not good at studying. After finishing junior high school, they went to technical secondary school. When they grew up, they also worked for others. Even the people they married were ordinary and not worth mentioning.

However, when Wang Ting was promoted to the fourth grade, she came.

Parents work outside the home and only come back during Chinese New Year. Before they leave, they will give all the tuition and living expenses of the sisters to grandpa.

Grandparents will cook three meals a day for them, but this kind of life has no eggs or meat, and even white noodles are rare.

What I often eat is sweet potatoes, potatoes, miscellaneous grains, noodles, steamed buns and steamed buns. I eat whatever vegetables are in the ground, and I eat pickles if I don’t have them.

I have never bought vegetables or meat, even if my uncles bring meat to honor the two old people, they will not have their share.

At most, you can eat soup with oil and water.

When not going to school, or after school, she cooks, and grandma watches and directs.

The clothes of the two sisters are washed by themselves. They usually dress and undress, wash shoes and schoolbags, and do homework. They also do their own work and take care of themselves. Soaking their hands in the cold water, even if their mother came back and saw their swollen hands like carrots, holding their faces and crying, there was nothing they could do.

Because they can't rely on anyone, only grandparents are willing to help.

My mother kept saying that when they were admitted to high school, they would be allowed to live on campus.

Both the junior high school and the elementary school are in the village. It is impossible to live in the school within a distance of more than ten minutes. Although there are boarding students in the school, they can also buy food, but the conditions are not as good as at home, because more than a dozen people live in a dormitory. Even the girls' dormitory is stinky.

In the elementary school in the village, there are only about [-] children in a class, and one teacher teaches several subjects.

In elementary school, the two sisters were able to study well, but they fell down after entering junior high school.

My parents work in a factory in the south. They earn 300 yuan a month. The factory includes food and housing. After deducting all expenses, they can save [-] yuan a month.

The money was saved to build a house, because they still live in a bungalow in an old house. Grandpa has six sons in total. After the first three got married, they all moved out to build another house. There are two married uncles living in their family. In the old house.

The tile-roofed houses facing the street in the main house of the old house, the bungalows in the east are low, and the bungalows in the west have higher foundations. The houses are also larger and brighter than those in the east. The two houses belong to the two uncles.

The two bungalows on the east side belong to the third and fourth children, and the third child is the third uncle, who has already moved away, so they are left as a family.

The kitchen rooms are all small houses built in the corners of the yard, and each eats separately.

Grandpa and grandma said that the homestead of the old house belongs to the sixth uncle, and both father and fifth uncle will have to move out in the future.

The site of the old house is large, but the site of the newly painted house is not large, but it can be built high, usually as high as two or three floors.

Their hut is only about ten square meters, and once the desk, wardrobe and bed are placed, there is basically no place for them.

Uncle and aunt don't say how nice they are to them, they can only say that they are decent.

After all, your grandparents are just like that, who do you expect to treat you better?
But grandma was really kind to them, and would come to see them occasionally, as well as the second aunt, who married out of town and only came back during the holidays.

Second Aunt's house is in good condition. Every time she comes, she will bring delicious food for the two of them, as well as the leftover clothes of the sisters, and bring them all that are suitable for them to change into.

The sisters are very good at studying, the kind that doesn't need the second aunt to worry about.

Wang Tingchuan came here in the fall of 1990 when school just started. My mother prepared pencils, erasers, pencils, schoolbags and stationery for them in advance, and locked them in the cabinet, so that the two of them used up the old ones before using new ones. School supplies They were all brought back by my mother from the south. They are very beautiful and cheap, but at this time, my mother did not have the awareness of setting up a stall to make money, especially where she stayed, not far from the Small Commodity City.

After Wang Ting got used to it for a few days, she began to write letters to her mother. The main purpose of writing letters was to say that she would sell small commodities when she came back.

People in this era are very feudal. Doing business requires capital. If you have the capital, you are afraid of losing money. Therefore, those who are generally desperate are bold, dare to go all out, obedient, and dare not take a step. After all, they will not achieve great things. .

The small shop in the village, people work all the way to the supermarket. Two houses were built in the village, and two were bought in the city. It was just a supermarket on the road between the villages. One can imagine how profitable it is. , adding up and down, but also 20 years.

Now that Wang Ting has passed through, she doesn't intend to remain unknown. What's more, the knowledge points in the third and fourth grades of elementary school are too simple for her. She can't waste time on it. She has to find a way to make money.

Parents can work in the southern area, taking advantage of the right time and place, and they can make a fortune just short of personal and financial support.

Wang Ting has no capital, and the money is with her grandparents. Fortunately, the school has a newsstand, and each school orders a newspaper. After the newspaper is circulated by the teacher, it will be posted in the school’s newsstand. for students to read.

This newspaper is the city newspaper in their city, the most authoritative paper media, and it naturally has an address for submissions.

Wang Ting carefully read the newspapers for a week, and basically had a certain understanding of the types and characteristics of the submissions in this era.

So Wang Ting went to her grandfather and asked for two cents. The reason was that.

"Grandpa, I want to write a letter to my parents. The postage stamp costs eight cents. The school teacher asked me to participate in the contribution. I need to send the manuscript to other places. The postage is ten cents (eight cents outside the province and six cents in the province) , one penny per envelope, a total of twenty-three cents."

Then Wang Ting took out the manuscript she was dealing with, "My Grandpa", and showed it to the old man.

Grandpa had attended a literacy class before and knew how to read, so he took over and read the hype manuscript she wrote, and suddenly felt that he was being praised erratically, but he didn't show his face, but squinted at her very seriously. .

"You wrote this?" Although she tried her best to write the handwriting well, it was still far from the original owner's own handwriting.

Fortunately, besides the teacher, no one can recognize her handwriting in this day and age, so she nodded sharply when faced with the old man's question.

"Yes, grandpa, I wrote it, and the teacher guided it, and let me vote for the "Youth Pioneer" to try!"

The granddaughter has such ability, the grandfather is also proud, isn't it?So he asked again: "Who contributed?"

Their teacher is the daughter-in-law in the village. She was afraid that grandpa would ask the teacher, so she said secretly.

"I don't know, but my teacher told me secretly, and he didn't let me tell others, not even the principal."

The principal is grandpa's junior, alas, this inextricably linked village is full of relationships, so it's impossible to be careless.

If you don't tell others that the child doesn't know the reason, the old man will inevitably think too much.

Wang Ting didn't care about these things, she just wanted money, but fortunately, the title of this composition had fooled the old man, and in the end it paid her twenty-three cents.

In fact, in this day and age, students submit articles through teachers to participate in competitions, or competitions, and generally seldom use their personal names.

Participate in the name of the school, and the honor goes to the school.

Speaking of this, I have to say that Wang Ting's painting is actually very good, because my father learned painting for a few years in the early years, but unfortunately he couldn't persevere, but the bedside table in their house, on the cabinet, there are landscape paintings painted by my father.

Wang Ting feels that it is necessary to develop in this direction in this life, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with being an art student.

The paintings that Wang Ting drew in the primary school art class in the previous life were finally included in the five-year art textbooks. Although it was only one of many paintings, it was included in the art textbooks, which is enough to show that she has this aspect talent.

However, rural children do not have art classes, nor do they have the money to train an art student, so they missed it.

She has also seen her doodles on various books, and it is true that she has talent in this area. If she failed to persist in the previous life, it does not mean that she has no chance in this life.

Twenty cents was precious to her, so she walked to the post office in town on Saturday afternoon, when school was out, to post the letter to her parents.

Then, with the remaining money, I bought stamps and envelopes, went back to the paper in my homework book, and wrote six manuscripts of different lengths, the longest was [-] words, and the shortest was [-] words, considering the issue of forums , and stuffed it into two envelopes, one for the provincial newspaper and the other for the city newspaper. The content was different, but I was confident that it would go up.

As for the explanation to grandpa, she plans to really hand over the composition to the teacher to see if there is a channel for submission, which can be regarded as an explanation to grandpa.

It's just that she didn't expect that when she wrote it casually, the head teacher was incomparably amazed: "Is this really written by you?" Asked repeatedly, and after confirming that it was correct, she hurriedly nodded: "That's okay, it just so happens that there is a composition competition in the city. Still thinking about how to select people, you can just send them over, okay, I will ask the principal later to see how to pass it on."

After the letter was sent, Wang Ting didn't care about it, because the address she left was the school, so it would definitely be delivered to her directly.

If it is adopted, there will be a remittance slip from the postal service, no matter how much money is, there will be a remittance slip, as long as you have relevant proof, such as the account book, you can pick it up.

There is no ID card in this day and age, so my parents made an extra account and took it away, and put the remaining one in the drawer of their house, just for the convenience of doing business, so I have to keep some, or she will have to go to trouble The school or the village issued a certificate.

In my impression, the first generation of ID cards was not issued until the end of the 90s, that is, after the National Day of 99. Before that, the proof documents had to be issued by the village and the school.

(End of this chapter)

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