The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1174 [1173] Abandoned women should be self-improvement 12 (end)

Chapter 1174 [1173] Abandoned women should be self-improvement 12 (end)

In 2018, Wen Aimin rented [-] mu of land through the village and started planting fruit trees. The [-] mu of land was not only netted, but also a factory building was built. The total investment is estimated to be around [-] yuan, because the money is not invested all at once. , so she earned enough to keep up with this rhythm.

The factory building is actually a chicken farm, and free-range chickens and free-range ducks can be raised under the garden where the fruit trees are planted. She can't simply live on the quarter of the land. Now that she has decided to develop agriculture, she can simply develop in this direction.

Since the factory building was built, the son moved to live in the orchard and returned the Zhao family's house.

There is also a three-story office building built on the side of the orchard. The first floor is used for office work, and the upper floor can be used for accommodation.

The twenty-acre orchard has been fenced with glass slag and barbed wire. After all, it is far away from the village, so it is necessary to take more precautions.

The son feeds four big dogs, and he can usually inspect the factory.

They have no experience in growing fruit. Fortunately, Zhang Duo has been dealing with fruit farmers for more than a year, helping them sell goods, and has learned a lot of experience.

These twenty acres are not their end, but only their starting point.

It was also because of their sudden operation that the village realized that their family was strong, and the Zhao family felt that this son-in-law had a future, so they asked Zhao Qian not to be hypocritical and cherish this good object. Although she is a foreigner, it can be seen This family has always been hardworking and progressive. We farmers do not seek great wealth and wealth, but simple happiness.

Zhao Qian is also an obedient child. Although she doesn't want to get married so early, but as she gets along longer and longer, she gradually feels that Zhang Duo is a responsible and good man. When you go to the city, the result is that you are not in the right place, and it is not that movies and TV shows have not been performed. It is important to guard the talents in front of you.

So she is very serious and attaches great importance to getting along with Zhang Duo.

The more we get along, the more I understand that Zhang Duo's sister and mother are not easy, especially the mother, who can make her video account millions of fans, has not yet joined any team for support, and the intervention of advertisements is purely based on traffic and Zhang Duo. It is not easy for Duo to sell fruit to prop up the family.

I thought that Zhang Duo's younger sister was just raising a child at home, but who knew that she was unwilling to eat for free, and could earn money with a child, which made Zhao Qian feel more and more like a waste, and she didn't earn a dime at school. She also reached out to ask her parents for money. In contrast, Zhang Li, who is a few years younger than her and has no culture, has already realized that making money is not easy, is more worthy of her admiration.

Sure enough, if she didn't listen to the old man's words, she would be at a disadvantage. She listened to her parents' words, and the person she found was indeed reliable.

Zhang Duo has moved in since the factory building was built, and the Zhao family's house has also been vacated, and all the furniture and appliances inside have been removed.

Zhao Qian doesn't have a car, so it's inconvenient to come and go, so she can only come back during the winter and summer vacations, and usually communicates with Zhang Duo through WeChat.

Zhang Duo treats her well and is generous with her. Occasionally, he will send a red envelope to his girlfriend to let her buy something she likes.

Although Zhao Qian couldn't go back home, she would still buy gifts for Zhang Duo and send them home. In terms of money, the two of them didn't pay each other alone, but each other. This state is very good, and they get along well with each other.

At the end of 2018, Zhang Li had easily surpassed 2 yuan, sometimes breaking through [-] yuan in income, and had hundreds of thousands of fans on the audio platform. With such a growth rate, not to mention herself, even Wen Wen Aimin was also very surprised. It is easy for her to support herself now. The diapers alone can easily pass the [-] mark every month, and she has developed a lot of downlines. .

The elder brother Zhang Duo is even more amazing. In 2018 alone, he earned 30 yuan. Their orchard does not have a loan, and they rely on their own money. Although it is very hard to get up early and work late every day, such a fulfilling life is more exercise. Their hard-working spirit.

Young people, how can there be no pressure?

Wen Aimin's body does not allow her to be too tired, so she asked a few people in the village to help her in the orchard. She went to see it when she was free, and helped her son to give some constructive suggestions. The main experience was her own. In terms of platform operations, such as the official account Weibo.

By the end of 2018, their fans had exceeded 300 million. Countless companies approached them and wanted them to help bring goods, but they were all rejected. The reason why they developed the orchard was to operate their own online store alone, and they did not want to compete with others. Capital has too much involvement.

In order to obtain qualifications, I also registered a company. The company is small, with only a dozen or so people, but it has all the necessary qualifications. It even recruited Zhao Qian, who had just graduated, to work as a cashier, and found a part-time accountant to help with tax returns.

Zhao Qian was busy with multiple jobs to help answer the phone and contact clients. Although the two of them hadn't reached the point of discussing marriage, through Wen Aimin's observation, she had already determined that this daughter-in-law was capable, not pretentious, and very A real person.

The orchard has been owned by Zhang Duo from the very beginning, and Wen Aimin is only responsible for the initial investment, which can be regarded as a gift from her mother to her son.

She didn't treat her daughter badly, and occasionally promoted her audio novels and diapers in short videos, which also made her fans go offline more and more.

Now, she is not diligent in updating in any aspect (short video, official account, Weibo, contributions to major platforms), but at least she can guarantee to update once a week. Now her fan base is stable, and her income is also stable at 3+.

I don’t feed chickens and ducks at home, because there are free-range chickens and ducks in the orchard, and they all follow the domestic method. They don’t feed feed, and they are green and healthy. Because of the company’s qualifications, the packaging can also be sold externally, but most of them choose local , after all, these eggs are not good for long-distance travel.

The fruit can be distributed all over the country. He sells his own orchard first, and then buys it in the village when there is not enough. For example, some small fruits, or fruits that are not good-looking, are also crushed and fed to chickens and ducks. waste.

The sales of their salted duck eggs are also good, because they are vacuum-packed and can be sold all over the country.

In order to be more hygienic and healthy, after Wen Aimin's 2019 million financial management expired in 450, plus the money in his own hand and the interest for the past five years, the total was more than 540 million. He used 240 million to build a processing factory in the village. Professional machines, employ these left-behind folks in the countryside, professionally make salted duck eggs, salted eggs, slaughter chickens and ducks for vacuum packaging, and lead the whole village to make a fortune together.

Even if you don't need to find purchasing agents all over the country, just their 900 million fans and nearly [-] million fans are enough to feed the entire village.

Only at this time did the Zhao family know that they had climbed high.

Zhao Qian and Zhang Duo were engaged before the Spring Festival in 2019. They got married on May 18st. The bride price was 8 yuan. They didn’t build a house in the village. After they got married, they lived in a renovated orchard. If they lived in the village, they would live on the second floor of the renovated Zhao's house, with a ready-made house and bathroom, everything was very convenient.

The Zhao family's parents saw that their son-in-law was promising and that their daughter had never been wronged in her in-law's house, so they followed their son to help in the city more steadfastly.

Zhao Qian didn't claim Zhao's house, either, and lived upstairs with Zhang Duo, usually through the back door.

The two of them didn't start a fire, so they went to Wen Aimin's place for dinner. After all, Wen Aimin's cooking videos became popular all over the Internet, and then they achieved their current achievements, so whenever it was time to cook, she would go over to help Wen Aimin record videos.

The house of Zhang Li and Zhang Duo was renovated as early as the first half of 2019. Not only that, but the two of them also finished repaying the loan.

But because the house decoration needs ventilation, Wen Aimin asked them to move in after the new year.

I thought that the epidemic would break out at the end of 2019, but I didn't expect that there would be no epidemic in this world, which made Wen Aimin extremely fortunate.

God knows that she only thought of these things after investing. She thought it was over this time, but she didn't expect God to favor them so much that they didn't let them pay to the end. At the end of 2019, fans exceeded 1500 million.

The better the development of the mother and daughter, the worse the life of the old Zhang family will be, because the ex-husband Gao Zao went bankrupt at the end of 2018.

The old lady also passed away in early 2019.

When Zhang Duo got married, he didn't notify the people over there, nor did Wen Aimin's family, so they simply did it in the village.

The woman's family didn't want Zhao Qian's bride price when she got married, so she took all of them back to her in-law's house, and even accompanied her with a car worth more than [-] yuan.

The old Zhao family was not too harsh. After marrying Zhang Duo, they must add their name to the real estate certificate. After all, it is the property before marriage. The daughter did not participate in the repayment of the loan, and there was no decoration. The name added has no confidence!

However, Zhao Qian works as a financial manager in the company, but she can get a salary of 1 yuan a month. The living expenses of the family are calculated separately by Zhang Duo, and the financial power is handed over to Zhao Qian after marriage. Qian Zhaoqian also made the distribution very clear, and there will be Wen Aimin's dividend at the end of the year. After all, she invested the most money, so she should get 50.00% of the profit.

Although my sister-in-law has no investment, she also earns two to three thousand a month as a part-time customer service in an online store.

Zhang Li is living a beautiful life now.

After the new year in 2020, I took my daughter to the city to go to kindergarten, and drove my daughter back to the countryside on weekends, and went back on weekend nights.

Her next family is growing more and more, and she didn't waste resources in the provincial capital. As long as she sends her daughter to kindergarten, she will go to run the business. The more she earns, the more motivated she is. She spends three hours a day recording Audiobooks are fine, and the rest of the time is either running business or delivering goods, which is very hardworking.

Zhang Li is young, beautiful and capable. Many people in the village are interested in her, but Zhang Li doesn't like her.

"Mom, I feel more and more confident now. Do you see that my career is developing well? If I get married, I have to serve my in-laws and men, and I may have to have children after that. My living standard will be lower." I'm not getting married, I'm just like this, it's fine!"

Wen Aimin didn't force her, how can she say that her video account now has millions of followers, and the audiobook recordings also have over a million fans, so she won't have to worry about eating and drinking in the future, there is really no need to wrong herself, just do whatever you want!

At the end of August 2020, Wen Aimin's eldest grandson was born, and the two families were very happy. During the day, Wen Aimin went to take care of the confinement child, and at night, Zhang Duo took care of their mother and child. Wen Aimin was not used to her son, and even told him that this was his responsibility. You can't always talk about your daughter-in-law, after all, the daughter-in-law is the hardest one, don't count on the daughter-in-law if you can get up by yourself at night, the more you love the daughter-in-law, the longer the marriage will be.

Wen Aimin knows how her body is, so she never does anything beyond her ability.

The natal mother originally wanted to come and take care of the confinement child, but it was Wen Aimin who let her take care of her grandson in the city without letting her come back.

She doesn't care about looking for a daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law can eat whatever she wants, and she can do whatever the daughter-in-law tells her to do. She never says much.

If there are disagreements, bring them up, discuss with each other, and listen to whoever is right.

Her niece sells diapers, and the nephew’s diaper aunt promises to cover all the diapers, and she doesn’t need to wash the diapers. She only needs to cook a meal during the day and coax the baby. The daughter-in-law’s personal hygiene is done by herself, and she has told her son to bear more at night. Some, she thinks mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, see mother-in-law first and then daughter-in-law, they all survive from daughter-in-law, how can they not understand this truth?
So since their marriage, they have never had any verbal disputes, nor have they blushed.

The house in the city has been prepared, and the eldest grandson will be able to live there after he goes to school in the future.

Usually they still live in the village. She doesn't feed chickens and ducks now, but she still raises two pigs and a dog.

The son doesn't care about his business, just take care of his own share, so there are not so many conflicts in their family, and they are safe.

It wasn't until the outbreak of the epidemic at the end of 2022 that she realized that it wasn't that she didn't come, but that she was late.

Fortunately, their factory had no loans and paid taxes on time. Affected by the epidemic, the fruit could not be sold, but they never thought about the backlog. The experienced Wen Aimin found a large truck from their company and began to pull it to and from W City. Donate supplies.

At the same time, she personally contributed 200 million and the company contributed 300 million, a total of 500 million, all of which were used to purchase medical supplies and transport them to W City.

It is natural to leave a name for doing good deeds. The name of their video number is hung on the round-trip train, and the video recording is also carried out.

She was the first wave of Internet celebrities who responded the fastest. When donating money, materials and fruits and vegetables, her son was still reluctant, but it turned out that all of this was not superfluous, because just this Spring Festival, their fans exceeded 2000 million mark.

Later, the common people in the village also found them and asked them to help us donate vegetables. After the mother and son discussed it, it was not easy for the common people to grow vegetables, so they bought them at the usual price, and then sent them to various checkpoints in the province to give to our doctors who worked hard to fight the epidemic. Nurses, grassroots cadres, armed police and civilian police, supplement nutrition.

Why not City W this time?

Because there are donations from all over the country, if there are too many fruits and vegetables, they will easily rot and cause waste.

The anti-epidemic personnel in this province are also working hard and need attention, so the second wave of donations takes care of this province.

Although doing so has caused a lot of doubts and abuse, they don't care, as long as they have a clear conscience.

Later, many units clarified and expressed their gratitude under the video, and gradually extinguished the anger of the instigator.

In life, earning so much money requires time to spend. Wen Aimin doesn't care much about money, she just enjoys the process of making money.

In the first half of the fight against the epidemic, she donated a total of nearly [-] million yuan, together with materials and cash.

In the end, there were only about [-] yuan left in my account, and the company only left liquid funds, and donated all the rest.

The son and daughter-in-law didn't understand at the beginning, but in the increasingly severe global situation, after realizing that money is something outside of the body, and no amount of money can buy back health, they stopped raising their own doubts.

They have left a name for their good deeds, at least the video has recorded it. Although they are big Vs, they have never brought goods. They make money by working hard. To put it bluntly, they are farmers. After this epidemic, instead of losing their fans, their fans increased to 5000 million.

Many local media have praised [[-] Good Time]. When the son was interviewed, he kept saying that this was what his mother meant, because his mother suffered from double cancer, and he understood the value and meaning of life better. They will cherish the present even more in the future. life, help farmers live a better life, sell more healthy and green agricultural products, and finally don’t forget to advertise their own products.

Half a year later, the vaccine was born, and people gradually returned to normal. Compared with before, their business has not declined, but has improved.

Wen Aimin's fans on many platforms have also been on the rise. The subscription to the official account alone has allowed her monthly income to reach 5+, not to mention other platforms. This is the benefit of traffic.

When other Internet celebrities kept turning over due to tax evasion, their family was liked and reposted by CCTV media because of their donation to the Hope Book Project. The positive energy became more and more addictive. It's down, so you have to push yourself to work harder.

Doing public welfare can be tax deductible, they are aboveboard and have a clear conscience.

When I am rich, I help more people get rid of poverty and become rich. I live a healthy and not extravagant life. Every meal of a celebrity is calculated by W. After Wen Aimin and her children are rich, they still live the days when they have no money. They are low-key and healthy, positive and optimistic. .

At the beginning of 2023, the little granddaughter was born, the eldest was named Zhang, the second was named Wen, and if the third was born, the surname was planned to be Zhao.

Wen Aimin didn't care what the child's last name was, as long as the husband and wife were happy.

In 2024, Wen Aimin will be 50 years old. Because her son's business needs to stay in the countryside, and her daughter-in-law's finances, she cannot do without her.

Then the important task of accompanying the children to school fell on her, so she took their grandson and granddaughter to stay in the city with Zhang Li and drive back on weekends.

Wen Aimin is very good at teaching children and educating them well. It is precisely because of this that the couple are extremely at ease.

Originally, they planned to hire a nanny. After all, Wen Aimin's body could not allow her to be too tired, so it was Zhang Li who offered to help.

There are mother and daughter to take care of three children, and life goes smoothly.

At the end of 2024, the third grandson of their family really came. The state encourages the birth of three children. I didn't expect this couple to be so caring.

Fortunately, the daughter-in-law didn't let her worry about it. After the baby was born, she was taken care of by herself, so she didn't bother her at all.

What surprised her was that her daughter was pregnant. After asking, she shyly said that she had a boyfriend before.

"Before? Did you break up?"

Zhang Li nodded generously, "I broke up with him after I was pregnant. I just wanted him to be good-looking and good at studying. It happened that he was going to study abroad, so I didn't miss it and broke up with him peacefully."

Wen Aimin was stunned, "So, you plan to give birth again?"

"Of course, one son and one daughter are perfect. You see, my sister-in-law has given birth to three children. I see a happy family of five."

Wen Aimin felt that there was darkness in front of her eyes: "You brothers and sisters, it's not over, is it? If you continue to give birth like this, our family will become a kindergarten."

"Mom, it's okay, I'll bring it myself, don't bother you."

Wen Aimin snorted coldly, "Hehe, your second child doesn't bother me, but your eldest needs to trouble me."

Zhang Li laughed awkwardly, but she still insisted that this baby was born naturally.

And Zhang Li really got what she wanted, and gave birth to a son, whose surname is still Wen this time, and she still thinks Zhang is not nice.

At this point, Wen Aimin's daughter-in-law and daughter were finally married. Three boys and two daughters. Although there were more children, they could afford them and give them the best education, but they bought them after that. A seven-seater car, five seats can no longer meet the needs of this family.

The son and daughter-in-law stick their buttocks to earn money. Wen Aimin and Zhang Li are responsible for taking care of the children. The family divides labor and cooperates, and the husband and wife treat them well. The more accurate this aspect is, the more harmonious environment can be established.

The daily expenses of the five children were also covered by the wealthy couple.

It doesn't affect Wen Aimin's daily shooting, just choose weekends when the children are at home.

However, Zhang Duo of this account will also participate in the shooting. Chicken farms, factories, and orchards need to show up from time to time, so that consumers can buy with confidence.

The ex-husband later came to him and asked to get back together with Wen Aimin, but was driven away by Zhang Duo mercilessly.

He promised to give him 3000 yuan of retirement money every month. If he didn't leave, he wouldn't give him a dime.

The ex-husband knew he was wrong, and he couldn't see Wen Aimin (he couldn't find a house in the city), so he could only give up and leave in despair.

However, Wen Aimin is suffering from double cancer after all, so when she was 58 years old, she had a physical condition and knew that time was running out. go yourself.

He is 58 years old.

When she passed away, the villagers spontaneously came to see her off. After all, she drove the economy of the entire village.

The villagers were grateful for her selflessness, and the audience on the whole network also saw her off. When she passed away, their account fans had exceeded [-] million, and their influence can be imagined. People who also mourn in their own way.

Zhang Duo and Zhang Li also represented their mothers, expressing that they will continue public welfare undertakings in the future and will not let this go to waste.


"Ding"——Congratulations to the host for completing the task in this life, and getting [-] points of merit ([-] points system).

Summary of this mission:

Lead the whole family to do public welfare without cheating.

Although I have only struggled for 17 years, I have not been lazy for a day, but I have lived every day to the fullest.

Praise for your hard work and kindness, excellent!

Below, see a list of your points.

Host Name: Tangyuan
Gender: Female (can be converted with the task)
Merit value: 100 points of this life bonus (unlimited) = 150/200 ([-] merit points will be promoted to one level)
Current space level: level five

Appearance value: Completed percentage value.

Force value: 0 bonus in this world (percentage system) = 90/100
IQ value: Completed percentage value.

Faith value: 100 million life bonus (100 points of admiration system) = 200 million/[-] million
The end of this world. So far, seventeen lives have been experienced, of which the punishment life is the third life. In view of the high completion rate of the host task, I hereby inform you that there are still three lives in the future. After the third life is completed, the task completion rate reaches 80%. , you can be reborn in the host world and complete the unfinished mission.

The above points will be used for the rebirth of the host, please do your best.

The current system is divided into fast time travel and slow time travel. There is no golden finger for fast time travel, and slow time travel is drawn by faith value.

Next, the host is asked to choose the direction of the next life [A fast travel] [B slow travel]——

——The end of this world——

 Today is the winter solstice, everyone remember to eat dumplings!

  There are three more worlds to be reborn!
(End of this chapter)

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