The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1158 [1157] Taste little lady 51 (5000+)

Chapter 1158 [1157] Taste little lady 51 (5000+)

"Do you want to learn?"

"Nonsense, our Bazhen Building belongs to the little tiger! If I have that ability, I don't need to sit in the back kitchen every day. I can also stand at the front desk to collect money, serve a dish, and greet guests. Summer Cool, how beautiful!"

Shen Qing looked at him speechlessly: "Are you cooperating just to be lazy?"

Yu Jingtian wiped his face and didn't feel embarrassed at all: "Look, I'll be your shopkeeper, and you will be the proprietress, isn't that good?"

Shen Qing lazily responded: "Then you can go to Hu Zixue and say that I approve."

"Hey, I came to you in person, how can you let me learn from that kid, can you teach me with your own son? I promise to learn faster than him."

Shen Qing shook his head, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't have that time, since you are free, shall I teach you how to make ice?"

Teaching to make ice?
Yu Jingtian rubbed his hands with excitement, because he thought of last year when those people almost broke through the threshold in order to buy their ice.

"Okay, okay, teach me quickly,"

Shen Qing generously took him to the storeroom, found a large basin that was not used, brought water, and nitrate that was smashed into ice slag.

Fire salt is just one kind of saltpeter. There is another kind of saltpeter called thenardite. Glauber's salt cannot make ice, so she uses fire salt.

"This thing is called saltpeter. It will freeze when dissolved in water, but this ice is not edible. If you want to use edible ice, you need to put a small basin in a large basin. After the ice condenses, the water in the small basin will condense. Only when it is made into ice can it be eaten directly.”

Saltpeter was used to make gunpowder, but there was no gunpowder in their dynasty, and she didn't plan to tell them.

Moreover, the idea of ​​making ice with saltpeter is very time-consuming and laborious, and it is not as simple as imagined. The most effective method for the ancients was to dig ice cellars to store ice in winter, so ice seemed much more expensive.

After Shen Qing finished the demonstration, Yu Jingtian opened his mouth into an O shape, eager to try...

(Note: This is required for the plot. Whether it is Glauber's salt or Fire's salt, the author has not seen any successful ice-making cases on the Internet. Fire's salt can also lower the temperature of water, and Glauber's salt has no change, so everyone just treat it as Take a look at the joke, don’t take it seriously, or you can try it yourself to distinguish the authenticity.)
Saltpeter was very expensive in the dynasty where gunpowder could be made. If you really want to use saltpeter to make ice, I am afraid that the cost will be extremely high.

There is no gunpowder in Nanling Country, and the use rate of saltpeter is not that high, so she can use it to make ice, but the price this year has to be raised.

Previously, it was sold for ten catties and five hundred wen, but this year... "One tael of silver!"

Yu Jingtian was speechless: "Isn't that a hundred yuan a catty? This is too expensive, it can catch up with winter storage."

"There is a reason why you are expensive. Remember to ask them, what are these ices used for? They are for food or for cooling down. If they are for food, you must take the ice in the middle. The price of these ices is one hundred cents per catty. , and other cooling items are fifty cents a catty."

During this trip, she also found a lot of nitrate soil, which needs to be boiled out.

To boil nitrate, you need to dig a large pit, smooth the pit wall, tamp the bottom of the pit, then dig a small pit for water storage directly below the pit, drill a hole in the bottom of the pit, and pass the hole into the reservoir. The basic work After the completion, a thick layer of plant poles is placed on the bottom of the pit, and then the excavated nitrate soil is poured into the pit for compaction, and then buckets of water are poured into the pit and seeped into the bottom. The water in the reservoir is nitrate water. Yes, the nitrate still needs to be boiled and refined. Pour the nitrate into the pot. After a pot of nitrate is boiled, crystals will appear at the end. This process is not easy.

What she bought before was directly made saltpeter, and the price was acceptable. Only after her own children made it did she realize how cheap labor was in ancient times.

"In the future, this ice does not need to be sold in large quantities. You can make it if you know how to do it. In fact, this saltpeter is the most difficult to make. We can use it in our own restaurant. If you sell it, you don't actually make much money. Listen It’s expensive, but what you earn is hard money.”

Then she also talked about the method of making saltpeter, after that, Yu Jingtian's enthusiasm dropped by half.

I couldn't help asking: "Since it's not easy, why did you sell so well the year before last?"

It’s not because the author took it for granted and wrote it out. Later, after verification, he found out that he had made such a serious mistake, and it was too late to modify it. Therefore, the best way is to do overhead processing, which can also stop losses in time here. It can be used for your own use. Monopoly, then forget it!

"You can see that my sales are booming. In fact, I have worked very hard. The most important thing is that some people think that I have made a lot of money, but they don't know that the cost is there, so I didn't come back to sell last year, because I didn't want to be tired. I've been scolded for my hard work, and this year our cold drinks will still be produced, but they won't be sold to the outside world. Also, compared to the previous price, the price will increase exponentially this year."

The passion was gone, and he had to go back to Bazhen Building to cook. After breakfast, Yu Jingtian went back.

Shen Qing saw that the weather was good today, so she took a trip outside and brought back a basket of potato seedlings. Because the fields of the farm were already full, she made use of the corners and corners, buried the potato seedlings, and moved them one day a day. The potato seedlings in the basket, and even planted the extra seedlings in the wheat field, until all the potato seedlings were planted, she stood up straight with satisfaction.

After planting potato seedlings, I planted jicama, cassava, taro, kudzu root, tomato, etc. in the open space in front of the house or in the back mountain. I didn’t dare to plant all the seedlings in one place, and they all died. If you are looking for a place to plant, just wait for them to grow a large piece in the future.

From April to October in the northern region is the stage when plants are trying to grow, and they must be transplanted in multiple varieties.

For example, plants such as vines, as long as there are vines, they can still take root and sprout after cutting them off and planting them again.

Potato plants such as sweet potatoes and jicama.

After Shen Qing came back, he didn't like to go to the restaurant less often, and spent every day in the farm and the back mountain, waiting for the plants to come back to life with vigor and vigor, before returning to the restaurant to make seafood porridge.

Occasionally, I will pick up a few fish and teach the guys how to make hand-made fish balls, take them to boil milky white fish soup, and tell them how to make all kinds of seafood.

After the apprentices learned the method of seafood porridge, Shen Qing would send over a few fish that she liked every day.

The big fish head is used to make pepper fish head, and the small fish head is used to stew fish soup with tofu. After adding wakame, divide it into small bowls for these diners to taste. Next time I come, I really like this soup Diners can order.

There are many kinds of sea prawns. Egg and shrimp soup is one of their dishes. There are also salt and pepper prawns, which can be eaten with the prawn heads so that there is no waste.

Crabs can be made into crab roe stew, crab roe noodles, and can also be marinated to make drunk crabs. The choice of drunk crabs is the kind of smaller sand crab.

As long as Shen Qing is present, he can always research different ways to eat it, and even dim sum shops have more crab cakes.

In the noodle restaurant run by Yu Jingtian, spicy seafood noodles have been added.

At first, people may not like it very much, but during the half-price promotion period, no one will say that it is not good if you try it.

At the beginning, the demand for fresh seafood in Bazhenlou was only about ten catties, and later it increased to tens of catties, but it was only capped at thirty catties, and she would say that she would not be able to handle any more.

But the hot and sour kelp shreds, spicy jellyfish shreds, crispy sargassum, and wakame tofu soup researched by the restaurant are unlimited.

Because there are too many of these things, and they can be served very well, there is no need to limit them at all, and they can sell super many copies.

Seafood is an ingredient that is in short supply in the north of them, especially not in coastal cities. Seaweed is okay, and it can be transported after drying, but the price is very expensive, but Bazhenlou sells it at a price that other restaurants dare not sell. .

Yu Jingtian and the chefs in the back kitchen were curious as to where she got it.

Shen Qing blinked mysteriously: "Of course I found the channel myself, otherwise you think I've been eating out for nothing in the past two years?"

"Then, how did you get that ketchup you got? I've never seen this kind of thing before. What kind of kudzu root powder, the pearl in the milk tea you drink in summer, how did you make it?"

With such a strong thirst for knowledge, she didn't know which one to teach first, "This is very simple, starch, brown sugar, plain water, and ice are enough. I really want to learn. When I grow cassava, you will know. "

Cassava is unique to the tropical regions of Guangxi. It’s hard to say whether it can be grown here. It’s the best if it can’t be grown. Hehe, it can only survive in legends. The ingredient is cassava, which grows like a tree, and the roots bear sweet potato-like rhizomes. The peeling and beating process is the same as that of floods, and of course it can be boiled and eaten directly.

"The same goes for tomato sauce. I brought seeds back this time, and they have already been planted. Don't worry, just use these sauces to make them first. When the finished product comes out, I will teach you how to do it."

Shen Qing said that she contacted an escort agency, which specially delivered the ingredients she ordered in the Song Dynasty, and paid for them regularly. Every time, she picked up the goods by herself, and never handed them to others, so everyone always felt mysterious, but no one ever doubted the authenticity of these ingredients. origin.

Whether it is seafood porridge, seafood noodles, or cold dishes such as kelp, it has undoubtedly brought a lot of popularity to Bazhenlou.

In particular, Shen Qing also found many exotic varieties of peppers, seasonings, and the taste of peppers alone can be divided into several grades.

The appearance of carrots also makes the hot and sour potato shreds less monotonous, and even fish-flavored shredded pork can be arranged.

Watching the apprentices test the dishes every day, I dare to try to invent new dishes, and occasionally go to the front to see the diners' reactions to the new dishes. Although the life of the proprietress is busy, it is still fulfilling.

At the noodle shop, Yu Jingtian hired several people to help make the noodles and do physical work. He was mainly responsible for the seasoning.

Not to mention that this kid has a certain level of comprehension in cooking, at least he can invent and create noodles by himself, but the noodles he invented are not as popular as the most classic ramen noodles, sliced ​​noodles, stewed noodles, and hot dry noodles. Even the roll call rate of rice noodles is better than that of the noodles he invented.

After the introduction of seafood noodles and dan dan noodles, the shredded chicken cold noodles he invented were even less popular.

"I've tried it, it's not that the taste is bad, it's pretty good, just, have you noticed that noodles with soup sell better than dry noodles without soup. Hot dry noodles rely on the taste of sesame paste, no Alkaline noodles with sesame sauce will lose the soul of the taste, and there are too many varieties of noodles, which will dazzle the common people. In summer, your cold noodles will sell well, and you will know later.”

When Shen Qing was lying on the deck chair in the yard basking in the sun, he didn't understand that he clearly wanted to walk around the streets to hold banquets, so why did he start the restaurant business while walking?

No, the restaurant is too restrictive, she still thinks it is more exciting to be a banquet, not only can see the world, but also experience a different life, especially walking around the streets and alleys, so that she can understand this country better.

After thinking about it again and again, she planned to set up a banquet team for door-to-door service.

When she told Yu Jingtian this idea, the latter didn't even think about it: "Then I will do it with you."

Shen Qing was speechless: "Your noodle shop is so impressive, why do you want to follow me? No, you can't delay the business of the restaurant. Our noodle shop and Bazhen Restaurant are in the same line. If you are leaving, who will help me keep an eye on it? Now the combined daily turnover of our Bazhen Building, pastry shop, and noodle shop is a hundred and ten taels when it is high, and four or fifty taels when it is low.

"Besides, I still have to manage the restaurant, but this banquet is more challenging. I only take four orders a month, and I won't take any more."

"You only pick up the ones from the capital? You won't be traveling far, right?" It turns out that this kid is afraid of this!

"I'm not your daughter-in-law, why are you staring at me every day?"

"Then I will let you be my daughter-in-law, will you?" Yu Jingtian straightened his face and looked at her seriously, Shen Qing scolded with a smile: "You want to marry me as a wife? You are younger than me, and I always treat you as my younger brother." .”

"Brother shit, I'm obviously half a year older than you, when did you get older than me?"

Uh, the combined age of my old lady is older than you, and she can be your ancestor. Anyway, subconsciously, this is a bit of a sister-brother relationship!

She shook her head, "I won't marry you, we are not suitable,"

Shen Qing showed no mercy, even refused without the slightest hesitation, which made Yu Jingtian very dissatisfied.

"Have you taken a fancy to Lin Sen? Do you want to marry him?"

Shen Qing felt a little funny, "Why do you think I must marry? If I don't get married, I can't live, right? Look at me now, don't I still wear men's clothes most of the time? It's fine if you treat me like a man? Don't always think I'm a woman,"

"Think of you as a man? You are obviously a woman, why should I treat you as a man? Tell me honestly, do you have a crush on Lin Sen? You can't see me, but you can't marry Lin Sen, Lin Sen What's so good about Sen's guy? I know how to love someone? Or is he better looking than me?"

Shen Qing didn't seem to really think about the big things in his life. He used to think that he was young, except that after traveling for two years, he came back and found that he was already 16 years old before he knew it. My aunt has already visited, so I really shouldn't say anything about not getting married.

But she still doesn't want to talk about important things in life so early: "I'll talk about it in two years, Lin Sen, he hasn't thought about it. He doesn't know I'm a woman yet, so naturally he doesn't think about me,"

Yu Jingtian seemed to hear some big joke, "Are you too naive? Why do you think that people don't recognize your daughter? You are too ridiculous, what do you think of a man?"

Yu Jingtian shook his head and left, leaving Shen Qing looking at him in a daze: "What do you mean, Lin Sen knows?"

Not only did I know, but I learned that she ran away from home alone as a woman and beat Yu Jingtian half to death. Of course, this was the information that Shen Qing found out from Chen Feihu afterwards.

This also understands why Yu Jingtian gritted his teeth with hatred for Lin Sen. I heard that these two people are incompatible and argue every day.

Shen Qing has no savings in her hand now, and she wants to exchange all the materials in the space into money by opening a banquet.

So she bought ten more people, transferred four from the people who had worked so hard at the restaurant, and filled in four, took four from the village, filled in four, and left two mainly for odd jobs.

After that, they were unified and trained, and the three meals a day in Zhuangzi became their home field for practice.

After gaining experience, I went to the noodle shop and the back kitchen of Bazhen Building for actual combat. After more than three months, I was recognized by Shang Ke.

6/7/8 are the hottest months of the year, and they are also the months that exercise them the most.

Shen Qing not only had to watch over their practice, but also watched over the harvesting of the wheat. After the wheat was harvested, they planted potatoes in large quantities.

Although the cassava survived, it failed to bear fruit in the root system, which was a pity.

Yam, taro, sweet potato, kudzu root, Jerusalem artichoke, tomato, etc. all produce good results, and they will mature in two months.

She has always used the method of cutting sweet potatoes. The first one or two plants have been cut into one or two fields by her. Since May, the area has been expanding. Even if you can’t eat sweet potatoes in the future, you can still eat leaves Anyway, as long as it comes out, she will find a way to cut it off and cut it. The main purpose of this year is to let the sweet potato vines overflow. In autumn, she can harvest the underground roots.
Even if it grows only as thick as a finger, it can be sent out next year. The primary purpose of this year is to expand the plate, so that it can be planted in a large area in the spring of next year, and it will be full of harvest in winter.

Sweet potato vines grow very fast, especially on sandy land. They are drought-tolerant and should not be watered too much. However, after absorbing the water from the spring, the sweet potato vines not only grow black and green leaves, but also the roots below Also unusually thick.

Shen Qing likes to squat on the ground and study these treasures of hers.

After the hottest time, she put up a sign for a door-to-door banquet in Bazhen Tower.

According to the different grades, low, middle and high grades are listed, starting with ten tables, the starting price is 50 taels, 100 taels, 200 taels, all-inclusive.

(End of this chapter)

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