The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1139 [1138] Taste little lady 32 (4000+)

Chapter 1139 [1138] Taste little lady 32 (4000+)

It’s been a long time since I ate tomatoes. The tomatoes she saved were big and red. When I opened them, they were still sandy. They tasted sour and sweet in my mouth. I stopped when I felt exhausted.

It has been almost a year since I came here, and I have eaten good things, but most of the time I still eat whole grains.

And because there is not a lot of food here, so when wandering in the space, it is inevitable that you will be more fond of the food that is not available in this world.

Today's space has broken through to the eleventh level. The reason for the rapid upgrade is also because there is no business these days. The harvested vegetables and fruits only leave three harvests from one field, and the rest are sold into the space. There are more gold coins. The natural appreciation will be fast.

In addition to what could be planted before, roses, lotus root, peas, peppers, celery, cucumbers, walnuts, pumpkins, strawberries, apples, soybeans, and a big watermelon that quenches thirst were added later.

When she taught the children to make soap in the cottage, she added rose flower liquid to it. Although the smell was very light, it smelled much better than pure soap.

Celery is a small variety of celery, not the kind of big celery, so the taste is very crisp and delicious.

The pumpkins are chestnut pumpkins. Although the pumpkins are not big, the noodles are sweet and soft. Steaming one can eat a meal, not to mention how exciting it is.

What fascinates her the most is the large sandy watermelon that is abundant in the space, which is super sweet, but it's a pity that there are so many seeds, and there is no way to take them out to plant, what a pity!

Next spring, she will sun-dry more beans and use these watermelons to make watermelon sauce.

The peppers that come out of the space are super abnormally spicy. One pepper can be spicy for a pot of food. I didn’t know it at first, but I took a bite raw. The spicy feeling didn’t calm down after drinking three bowls of water. I will use the space later. Chili, she had to be cautious.

After eating and drinking in the space, Shen Qing secretly moved out of the space, glanced at Lin Sen who was still snoring, turned around slowly, and closed her eyes.

The next day, when the rooster crowed three times, Shen Qing was woken up. From the paper window, she could vaguely see the sky outside, and the kang was already cold. Turning around, Lin Sen had woken up at some point Come here, the bedding has been tidied up, it can't be seen that this man is quite self-disciplined and clean.

She also got up quickly.

In the yard, some of the sister-in-laws were washing, some were cleaning the yard, and some were busy in the kitchen. They greeted him warmly when they saw him.

"Xiaoqing woke up? Why don't you sleep a little longer? There is hot water in the stove, and you can use it for washing your face."

"Where's Brother Lin?"

"Oh, the village owner, he took the rhubarb and ran towards the mountain. This is his habit. He gets up before dawn every day, takes our village as the center, and walks around a long way before returning!"

In fact, the yard is still full of women, so it's not easy for him to stay, so he hides out, right?

"You eat early today, and you can go to Fucheng after dinner. Just now, the village owner told us to cook more eggs and bake more pancakes, saying that we should take them with us on the way."

When Shen Qing heard it, she hurriedly said: "Then let me help you? I can cook. In the village, the owner of the village always eats at our house. My family has many children, about a dozen. What did he say, rushing to eat?" Talented."

The sisters-in-law laughed, "This is in line with the village master's temperament. Okay, brother Xiaoqing, how can you be good at this?"

"Not only can I cook, but I can also spin and mend clothes. There were no girls in my family before, so I helped my mother and grandma do the work."

Although Shen Qing is thin and white, no one thinks that she is a mother. It is probably because these people know that when she was in the village, she was the instructor in the village. In addition to martial arts and reading, she also helped improve the water conservancy of the village. The system is a rare talent.

So for her to be able to say frankly that she can not only cook, but also be a female celebrity, everyone's ability to accept it is still very strong.

Only curious, and did not show contempt.

Shen Qing went into the kitchen to help them knead the noodles. She saw that there were two kinds of noodles prepared, one was liquid multi-grain noodles and the other was fermented noodles. You can probably guess what they are going to do in a while.

"Is this going to spread pancakes and pancakes?"

"It seems that Brother Qing really understands this. That's right, he intends to bake these two kinds. Pancakes are convenient for storage, and steamed buns are easier to digest than dead ones."

"I see that there are a lot of scallions in the cellar in our yard. We also have pancakes with scallions in our place?"

"Yes, my mother's family is the one on the east side. The onion over there grows tall. It is no exaggeration how tall a person is. It is spicy and refreshing. Dip some of our homemade miso on this pancake, put the onion Roll it into pancakes, the taste, haha, is always delicious. So we have a few sisters-in-law, and we planted a lot of green onions in the village, and we will make pancakes for these old men every once in a while, the village owner It feels good after eating."

When Shen Qing thought of the picture of them walking around with scallions on their backs, she felt it was funny: "Do you have scallion sauce?"

The sister-in-law was even happier when she heard it, "Experts, it must be, otherwise it would be shameless for men to go out and carry onions, not only onion sauce, but also chili sauce, and even fresh chili for them to carry on their backs. I can’t like them all. The main reason is that they travel far and wide and often sleep in the wild. After eating chili, they feel hot all over, and they are refreshing. No matter it is dry or fresh, they like it all, so our Zhuangzi pepper, green onion, Soybeans have to be prepared for many years.”

"I ate capers and sauerkraut yesterday. Is there a sister-in-law from the south?"

"Isn't that right? Both of our natal families are from the south, and the women there have learned pickles from their elders since they were young, so the pickles we make are always delicious. Well, Mrs. Niu is from the Northeast, and the spicy pickles she made , spicy radish, and persimmon are all delicious, and the food in our village is no worse than that in your village."

This is the sister-in-law who covers all over the world. She is a little curious, how did they all get married.

After thinking about it like this, I asked, and the sisters-in-law smiled with tears in their eyes.

Because some were sold here, some escaped from the famine, and some were separated from their families. In short, there are all kinds of situations, but there are no local ones. In their own words, marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, and marry a chicken as a dog. Who is not married?As long as men treat them well.

It is equivalent to these men who often travel to the north and south, so they know each other, or buy the current daughter-in-law, no matter whether it is bought or talked about by themselves, it means that they are living their lives now, and there are a bunch of little radish heads born. Life is not bad, at least, the children have gone to school, read and practiced calligraphy, this is better than how many children from peasant families, isn't it?

The life of the male lead outside and the female lead inside is vividly explained in this Zhuangzi. Several sister-in-laws work together to cooperate with each other. Although everyone has selfish intentions, at least when outsiders are around, the harmony created is very reassuring.

She also didn't see excessive patriarchy. Children and women sit at the same table to eat, and boys and girls can eat whatever they want when serving dishes. Isn't this better than those who lie low in front of their mother-in-law?

Anyway, she felt that these women were living a pretty good life, and the satisfaction they showed was not fake.

There are no elderly people in this village. They are all young men and women with children, and the days when they can make decisions on everything are really much better than those who live under the eyes of their parents-in-law.

After Shen Qing finished making noodles, the sister-in-laws took over. She couldn't help, so she sat in front of the stove and lit the fire.

At this time, the voice of Lin Sen talking to the children sounded outside. When he walked into the kitchen and saw her, he greeted his sisters-in-law and called her out.

As soon as she went out, she saw a large pile of wild vegetables piled up in the yard.

"My God, you went digging the wormwood early in the morning? There is still frost on this morning, don't you think it's cold?"

"I'm fine. I remember you said yesterday how good this thing is, so I picked some for you. What are you going to do?"

When Shen Qing heard this, did she intend to have breakfast?
After thinking about it, it wasn't impossible, so he quickly pulled him to squat down: "In that case, you help me pick it up, and I will do it later."

In fact, the preparation of wild vegetables is very similar. When the sister-in-laws came out, she also asked about it, and they were all steamed.

"Stir some noodles for steaming, cut some chili and garlic qioqio, add vinegar, pour it into a bowl, stir it, and eat it as a cold dish, it's delicious."

In addition, no one is willing to fry it with oil, because it is very oily to fry because it is mixed with noodles.

Oil is a rarity in this day and age, and only a little bit is used for cooking. No one would be willing to use oil to fry the same thing when it can be eaten cold. This is not her own territory. Mixing it with white flour is considered a luxury, so she didn't think about frying it for Lin Sen.

"You haven't eaten stir-fried ones, have you? I'll make it with you when I come back. Let's mix it later, shall we? Have you ever eaten the mixed wormwood?"

Lin Sen shook his head, "No, maybe I didn't catch up with the season and opportunity."

Sure enough, after a while, the sisters-in-law came out and explained that he seldom lived here, so he didn't catch up to eat this. If they wanted to eat, they would remember it in the future.

Lin Sen has never eaten Yinchen, and he doesn't know what it tastes like. If it wasn't for Shen Qing's rarity, he wouldn't have looked at it at all. His sister-in-law said so, but he was embarrassed. He just wanted to say a few words that he didn't care. But Shen Qing winked at him.

"Don't be polite to them. This stuff is really delicious. After you eat it, if you don't like it, you can say no."

After Yin Chenze is washed, mix the noodles evenly. After the stove is vacated, steam it in the pan. Spread it out. When it is half cool, wash the peppers that have been burned in the plant ash, chop them, and mix them with garlic qio to make a juice. , Pour it into the pot, mix well, and breakfast is ready.

Since there are few people, there are not so many rules for everyone. Sitting face to face at long tables, Shen Qing motioned Lin Sen to have a try.

He took a chopstick into his mouth, and immediately the special aroma of Yin Chen accompanied by the aroma of garlic and roasted chili filled his mouth. The salty and spicy taste has a special herbal taste. This taste is really excellent. , he nodded subconsciously: "Very good."

However, Shen Qing brought out a plate of yin chen without any seasoning, but simply steamed it. Lin Sen watched as she picked up a chopstick and put it into the brown rice porridge.

Being looked at by everyone like this, she felt a little embarrassed: "I think eating garlic in the morning tastes good, hehe, so I eat it like this."

Although eating like this is delicious without seasoning, you can taste the most original taste of Yinchen, and it seems that you can still taste a little bit of sweetness.

Seeing her eating with relish, Lin Sen followed suit, but when he put it in a bowl and tasted it, he nodded his head.

"Although the shepherd's purse tastes good, it's obviously not as delicious as the wormwood. You still know how to eat it. No wonder you couldn't walk yesterday. If I encounter it in the future, I'll pick more."

"After February, its own fragrance will not be so strong, and it will not taste good when it is old. Artemisia sativa in the first month is the best, and it has medicinal value, so take advantage of this first month, you have to like it, we Just pick more."

Because there were more Yin Chen, Lin Sen didn't eat the baked pancakes much.

They quickly finished eating a large pot of Capres chinensis. After eating, the sister-in-laws began to pack their luggage for them.

Because Lin Sen said that he was going to stay in Fucheng for a while.

So the sisters-in-law prepared enough dry food, sauce, pickles, and boiled eggs for them to eat for two or three days. With this, they can fill their stomachs anytime and anywhere on the road, and they will not feel pitiful for sleeping in the wild.

"The pheasant didn't bother to give it to you. I thought it was dead when I got it back yesterday. Who knew it would come back to life after eating,"

"Oh, I just fainted yesterday, I forgot to tell my sister-in-law."

"No wonder, so I threw it directly into the chicken coop, or wait until you come back and then kill it?"

"My sister-in-law can keep it if she wants to. If she can't survive, she can kill and eat it for the children. It's nothing. You take good care of your family. We'll leave and come to see you when I have a chance."

Lin Sen and the others rode horses when they came, and they also rode horses when they left. The farm has stables, and there are more than a dozen horses tied here. The sister-in-laws have taken care of them for years, and now they are also good at managing horses, even breeding and delivering babies. Down.

The donkey was disliked and thrown in the village. When Yu Jingtian left yesterday, he was given a little red horse, which made him very happy.

But there was no extra horse for her to ride, so she could only sit behind Lin Sen's horse.

After explaining everything, as soon as the horse's belly was clamped, Xiaofeng became excited, and hurried on the road.

"It's a good day today, can I not hide under this cloak, I want to see the scenery outside!"

The weather has been fine in the past few days. Although it is windy, it is not very cold. Shen Qing wanted to see the scenery. Lin Sen thought about it, packed up his cloak, put it in the luggage rack carried behind the horse, and took out a cloak from it. Cloak out.

He cherishes her body so much, which makes Shen Qing feel a little hypocritical: "Are you afraid of the cold?"

 The second update is over, [-] words today!

(End of this chapter)

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