The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1138 [1137] Taste little lady 31 (3000+)

Chapter 1138 [1137] Taste little lady 31 (3000+)

There are many miscellaneous stones at the entrance of the cave. It looks like a pure natural cave with no traces of human mining.

It’s just that this hole seems to be quite deep. When the torch shines upwards, the black bats flap their wings and run out. She is so scared that she squats down and shakes the torch. From later generations, when she sees creatures like bats, she feels horrible.

After the bats flew away, she packed up her mood and continued to walk down. The cave didn't seem big from the outside, but inside it was winding and straight down, and occasionally you could see condensed natural molten pillars.

"Lin Sen?" She called out his name, and the echo of the whole cave was "Lin Sen Lin Sen..." Oh, it's too scary.

The shapes of the melts on the stone wall are different. If it is left in later generations, it may be transformed into a natural scenic spot.

The further you go down, the colder you feel, and there is also a wave of moisture in the air. Turning around and looking up, you can't help but gasp, unknowingly, you have fallen so deep?
Of course, there is more than one way in this cave. She followed Lin Sen's smell all the way to find it, but no matter how much she shouted, she couldn't get a response from that person.

As she walked, the solution on the wall seemed to have turned white. At first she didn't care, but when she touched it, she felt that there was something wrong with the white solution. Some crystals were large, while others were small. The ones in front are cylinders, but the more you go down, the more scattered these cylinders are. Put it on the tip of your nose and sniff it lightly, it seems that there is no smell, but accidentally put it in your mouth and sip it, she was stunned.

This is...the smell of salt?

She took the torch and approached the wall, but saw that the crystals on it were very thin, and when she just came down from the top, there seemed to be no crystals.

She thought of something, and walked down more and more nervously. As expected, the crystals became thicker as she went down.

It has not only appeared on the wall, but even the place under the feet is also a layer of white.

I don't know what kind of shit luck is this?

Soon, she reached the bottom of the cave, and there was a very small stream at the bottom, which meandered all the way, surrounded by stones.

Because of the humidity around these stones, a layer of hoarfrost condensed on the surface.

She ran over to taste the water here, and sure enough, it also had a little salty taste.

Here is a small salt mine. Although it is not big and the concentration is not that exaggerated, she is sure that this is a salt mine.

It was a road when I first came here, and now I wandered around the bottom, and even though I didn't find Lin Sen, I still saw a lot of salt crystals.

She kicked the stones under her feet, squatted down casually, and picked up a handful of soil. There were many impurities in the soil, but she could taste the salty taste.

Holding the torch, she continued to walk forward, and finally found a way out along the stream, walked out along the empty cave, and finally went around to the back of the mountain.

Compared with the above, there are significantly fewer plants below, and there are not even weeds on the empty ground, which is enough to show that the salt content here is higher than above.

Shen Qing calmed down and thought about it carefully, and felt that according to such a probability, it is impossible for the people nearby not to discover this. As for why it has not been mined until now, maybe... it is because the salt content here is not as high as imagined. high?

Looking at the bare area under the mountain, it seems that even the flat land in the distance does not seem to be planted with winter wheat, so the salt content should not be high!

Why does no one know the situation here, and then carry out protection or mining?

"How did you follow? Are you not afraid?"

At this moment, Lin Sen was holding a chicken in his hand, and jumped down from the slope behind her without making a sound.

Shen Qing's heart skipped a beat, and when she looked back, Lin Sen's eyes were on the torch in her hand.

"Oh, I, I found it in the corner of the mouth of the cave above."

Cave mouth?
Lin Sen frowned, but didn't say anything. He looked at the sky, took the torch from her hand, and let her pull his clothes.

"It's getting late, let's go back, or sister-in-law and the others should be in a hurry."

Shen Qing hesitated for a while, but still asked her doubts: "This cave... is a salt mine?"

Lin Sen had already turned around, but when he heard Shen Qing's words, he turned around in surprise: "You just walked around once and found out?"

Shen Qing's eyebrows twitched: "It's really a salt mine? Then why..."

"You mean, since it is a salt mine, why can it be preserved so well and not be coveted by others?"

Shen Qing thought for a while, then nodded, Lin Sen smiled a few words: "That's because the salt mine is owned by the government, and it's against the law to buy and sell salt privately, and the salt here is so bitter that you can't eat it at all."

The bitterness is due to the fact that the extraction is not good enough, so it is bitter. Under normal circumstances, the salt from this kind of place is bitter.

But she also heard the implication, because it was too bitter, so it was preserved so well, even if it was open up and down, no one came to get it.

Lin Sen pointed to the stream under his feet: "The people in the lower reaches will take the water in it, but the water gets thinner as it goes down, and the water also contains salt. Although there is not much, the bitter taste is very light, and it is difficult to drink. As for the water in this cave , no one will come to dig, because it is too bitter, the taste is very bad, everyone is not interested, and if you buy salt seriously, you can still afford it, and those who can’t afford it will drink this water.”

Shen Qing thought of something, turned around and ran back to the cave, Lin Sen was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

"Wait for me, I'll come when I go." Shen Qing, who returned to the cave, found a piece of cloth from the space, and then took the stone and scraped the salt on the wall into the cloth, scraped two or three catties, and finally took Running out with the salt.

Lin Sen followed her all the way in, so it was unbelievable for her to do this: "What do you want to do?"

"Oh, I just thought of a method of purification. The reason why these salts are bitter is because I haven't mastered the method of purification. If the purification step can be done well, these salts will not be bitter."

Modern people all know how to purify. There are many movies and TV shows. She also boiled salt with sea water in other lives, so purifying is very familiar to her.

Lin Sen looked at her curiously: "So what if you do? These salt mines and so on are all from the default country!"

Shen Qing twitched her lips: "Acquiesce by default, we don't sell it, can't we eat it ourselves? It's a little bit to save a little bit!"

Lin Sen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I can't tell, your HIA is quite good at living."

"Of course, let's go, if you don't go back, you really won't see anything."

When Shen Qing grabbed Lin Sen's clothes and followed him step by step, and walked slowly back to Zhuangzi, the sisters-in-law were indeed already watching at the door.

Seeing the two of them come back, he was relieved: "Ah, where have you been? We all went to the mountain to search around, but we didn't see anyone."

"She was lost. I searched for it for a long time before I found it, which made my sister-in-laws anxious. You don't have to wait for us."

"Oh, it's good to be back, hurry up, wash your hands and prepare to eat. In the afternoon, we will dig shepherd's purse, pinch vegetables, and cook brown rice porridge. The children have eaten it, and we are only a few adults behind. "

"Oh, what a waste of time, I forgot all the wild vegetables I dug into the ground."

In fact, I have given up space, but I have not found a suitable opportunity to take it out, so I can only talk about it in another day.

It was dark, and there was no way to purify the salt, so we had to wait another day.

After eating, they realized the embarrassment of each other. Now that she is a man, she will naturally be squeezed on the kang with those big men.

During the day, when she slept in the afternoon, she was on the far side, and it didn't affect others, and no one delayed her sleep, so she didn't think it was a problem.

Now at night, when there are many people, it is enough for Yu Jingtian to sleep next to her, but the current situation is that everyone else has left, and only one kang needs to be burned. Naturally, the whole family has to sleep in the same room, and the two of them have to burn the kang. If there is a kang, don't you have to sleep on a kang?
"I've already set your kang on fire. I'll check it later when you sleep. If you don't have enough firewood, just get it from the porch."

After the sister-in-laws explained, they each went back to their respective rooms, leaving the two of them staring at each other.

In the end, it was Shen Qing who came to her senses first, she pointed to the two sides of the kang: "I sleep here, you sleep over there, let's not affect anyone!"

Lin Sen saw her reaction and couldn't help but find it funny, but he didn't tease her, instead he gave her the position of the kang head.

"I'll just sleep at the end of the kang."

Women are born with a cold body and are afraid of the cold. When his mother was around, he had mentioned this issue to him. Of course, she is suitable to sleep at the head of the kang.

Seeing that he was still sensible, Shen Qing breathed a sigh of relief. Although she herself was not sleepy, it was dark and there were no recreational activities, so she could only climb onto the kang in the dark and take off her coat under the covers.

This was the first time the two of them were in the same room, there was a rustling sound at first, and it was completely quiet after both of them took off their clothes and lay down.

Lin Sen originally wanted to liven up the atmosphere, but he was too nervous, and he didn't want to scare people, so he just shut up and turned around.

Hearing her exhale slowly, the corners of his lips curled up, and he closed his eyes.

Originally, I just wanted to calm my mind, but I didn't expect to fall asleep soon.

Shen Qing was also shocked when she heard his little snoring, thinking that this person fell asleep as soon as he touched the bed, how big is it to fall asleep?
Then she thought it was because she got up too early in the morning, she took a nap in the afternoon, but he didn't sleep.

Because she had nothing to do, she simply sneaked into the space to pick vegetables.

The wild vegetables picked in the afternoon have not been cleaned yet. Taking advantage of boredom, I first harvested and planted the vegetables in the space, and then sat on the pony to classify the shepherd's purse and wormwood.

She plans to mix shepherd’s purse with meat to make dumplings. Yinchen can be dried and soaked in water to drink, or it can be cleaned, sprinkled with flour, steamed in a pan, and eaten with porridge after it is cooked. It is delicious without any seasoning , You can also stir-fry it with chili in an oil pan, and the taste is also very good.

This is the feedback of nature, so she cherishes it no matter when she eats it.

 There is another chapter in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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