The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1131 [1130] Taste little lady 24 (4000+)

Chapter 1131 [1130] Taste little lady 24 (4000+)

After entering the twelfth lunar month, there are few sunny days, and most of the days are cloudy, either snowing, raining, or windy. The wind in winter is really bitingly cold. Even though several layers of paper are used, it still feels cold. Pour into the cave.

Outside the door of the cave dwelling, she made a thick curtain of straw, and there was almost no light in the house, but the cold wind was still raging.

There are trees above the cave, and the leaves are whizzing by the wind. Even lying on the warm kang, you can still feel the severe cold in winter.

It is very troublesome to marinate the pig's head. It also needs to be singed, shaved and dusted.

Lin Sen said he got a pig's head for them, but in fact it caused a big trouble for her. Without a musket, he could only light the fire and smoke the hair slowly. The hair had to be scraped off the black ash little by little with a knife, and then a rough stone was used to scrape off the ash on the pig's body. It took her a long time to get on the pig's head.

Marinate for half a day in the afternoon, which means serving the pig's head all day.

Trouble is trouble, but that night, the pot of braised pork head meat with various side dishes was cooked, but the fifteen of them ate it until they touched their stomachs. Even Lin Sen said, "It's been a long time. It’s so comfortable to eat, so full!”

There was no soup left in the stew, even the bottom of the pot was scraped clean.

"This has not been amplified. If you add a large amount of ingredients, the taste will be more delicious."

The current condiments are only oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, onion, ginger, pepper, and peppercorns. The soy sauce is bought from a neighbor. She was going to make it this year, but she was too busy to take care of it. After the new year, the weather will be warmer , she made it together with soy sauce, miso, and rice vinegar.

Both soy sauce and vinegar need to be exposed to the sun to produce their taste. The best time is 6/7/8 months, so start preparing in May.

After the frost, the vegetables in the yard were all received in the cellar, and now they are bare. Although it looks ugly, it is much cleaner.

The nests of chickens, ducks, geese and quails are surrounded by several layers of woven straw, which will definitely not freeze to death, but the egg production will seriously drop.

Although their family only harvested one season of grain this year, the grain Shen Qing bought and the miscellaneous grains they cultivated were enough for the whole family to survive this winter.

It is the nature of children to love to play. Even if there is snowflakes outside, the boys like to sneak out and play as long as they are full of food and drink. On the contrary, the four younger sisters at home like to cling to her. Then, she picked food in the house, and they followed, as if they had become her followers.

These peaceful days almost made her forget that she was just a fourteen-year-old girl, not a 30-[-]-year-old mother.

Although the stockade has already guaranteed their food and clothing and self-sufficiency, when the year comes, everyone also wants to go to the lively county town, visit temple fairs, buy or exchange some daily necessities, and buy some meat if they can.

If all fourteen of them go, it will be like a bunch of grapes, especially in this day and age where there are still things like shooting flowers, it is extremely unsafe.

Although she really wanted to sell something, but considering the girls, she gave up this opportunity and asked Yu Jingtian to take the boys to the last temple fair a year ago.

It was not bright on the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, and the boys followed the team going down the mountain. Most of the people who stayed in the village were not at home. Most of the boys went, and the girls and the younger ones , stay in the stockade.

In other people's family, it may involve patriarchal elements, but in their family, it is because they are young and girls.

In ancient times, if a girl was photographed by Huazi, her fate would be worse than becoming a beggar, especially a beautiful girl from a rich family.

Those who stay at home will not only clean up, but also help her do what they can.

For example, mend the previously cleaned cotton-padded jacket, fold it neatly, put it aside, and wait to wear it during the Chinese New Year?

Neither the children nor she had new cotton clothes to wear this year, and the clothes they wore were all old ones, but she had mended them with old fabrics and washed them clean.

The limited cotton I bought was pasted on the quilts. The ones I wore were not dirty and torn, but hard and thin. Although they were not dirty anymore, the torn places were wrapped up, but the cotton was no longer warm. .

Originally, she thought about the cold weather in this temple fair, and thought that their family didn't have two clothes that could be worn out, so she decided not to go, but these children were running around in a hurry, and she had no choice but to let them go , but it is estimated that it will be frozen enough on the road.

The cotton in her space can only be taken out bit by bit, and cannot be supplemented to them all at once.

So so far, the quilts she built herself are all fresh flowers, and the sheets and quilts are made of cheap coarse cloth that she bought and made do with sewing.

For the girls, two sets of new quilts were made for them. The old quilts were cleaned and sewed under the body as quilts. She didn't care about the boys at all. I guess it was what it used to be, or what it was, she is I didn't bother to unpack and wash them.

Without her supervision, it would be even more impossible for those children to do it themselves, so although they have helped them transform a little this year, in most cases, they still have to turn a blind eye.

That's why as long as she cooks, she has to eat here, because going to their place to eat is too painful, and the smell in the room alone is enough for her to drink a pot.

The girl's hair was cut short by her in the summer, soaked and washed many times, and the lice were not brought back, otherwise it would be enough for her to make a fuss.

Yu Jingtian and the others didn't have time to go to the temple fair this time. They brought a lot of handicrafts made of straw. I don't know if they will sell them or not. Anyway, they are very interested. They had money and asked her to wait at home, and they didn't know what good things they would bring back.

Shen Qing is capable of writing and martial arts, and is also good at female celebrity and cooking. Now she has become a legend in the village. Neighbors often come to chat with her. Among them, there are many who want to recruit her as a son-in-law. When those people walked towards their house, she would call her sister out with a headache.

"Just say I'm asleep." Every time she saw those people walking towards their house, she would hurry home and sneak out her younger sister to deal with it.

Entering from the cave and passing through the alleyway, a door was specially installed in her room, so as long as they saw the door was closed, even if they wanted to find her, they had no choice.

The four younger sisters live in the outer room. The mattress is a bit torn, but the quilt is still new. Every time these people come over, they will come in to look at this and touch that. Fortunately, she puts all the valuable things in the space. The things that are worthless and need to be put on the bright side are put in the cellar, and the rest that can be left for others to see are all insignificant things.

So it doesn't matter if they touch and see, they can't take it away under the eyes of their sister.

Those who are willing to spend money to study with her are not stingy people.

And those who wanted to come and study were all straightforwardly driven away by her.

You want to stay and watch, yes, you don’t pay once, yes, I can accommodate you twice or three times?That's impossible!

So, if there are too many times, she will lose face and should be kicked out, won't you go?If you don't leave, I won't give a lecture today. At worst, I will teach the sisters to review what they have learned before, practice first, and when we get you away, we will start again.

"Why are you so stingy, a big man?"

Every time she heard such words, she would just laugh it off, I'm sorry, I rely on my ability to make a living, so I'm really stingy, what can you do to me?
As for insulting her for not being a man, she doesn't care at all, because she is not a man in the first place, why should she care?
As we all know, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. This village is said to be a cottage, but in fact it is no different from a village in the countryside.

Even the people here are not as good as the common people in the village. In contrast, they don’t know enough to know the basics, and their words and deeds are full of ruffian and rascal. They are not born and bred like in the village. It's very complicated.

But it is different in the village, there are people from all over the world, and the reason why they are all here is because they are fleeing famine.

Everyone is able to coexist peacefully now because of Lin Sen's rational management. If one day he can't control these people, then the village will be close to falling apart.

In this way, from sunrise to sunset, when the sky was so dark that the five fingers could not be seen, the people who went down the mountain came back in the dark one after another.

Shen Qing and the four girls had already prepared the meals before dark, but they waited an extra hour or two before these people came back.

She specially made noodles today, baked pancakes stuffed with cabbage and tofu with coarse grains, and boiled a pot of coarse grains.

After they were done, because they were hungry, each of them ate two first, but no one expected that this would be the end of the wait.

When these boys went, they were arrogant and energetic, but when they came back, they all complained that their legs hurt and their feet hurt.

Think about it too, can you not be tired?When I went there, I relied on two legs, and when I came back, I still relied on two legs. I guess I only stayed in the county for two or three hours at most before I had to go home?

Asked about the weaving products they brought over, unexpectedly all of them were sold?

Shen Qing couldn't believe it. Under the dim oil lamp, she asked them in amazement while lighting a fire to heat their meals.

"This is the first batch we made. It's not exquisite. Why did it sell?"

"It's fine to sell it cheaper. We are not like Goudan and the others, who insist on paying two cents and five cents. We will give it to anyone who asks for it. Anyway, to be honest, when we first started doing it, we didn't do well. Okay, just give us a hard-earned money. People see us as sincere, so they don’t have the nerve to pay high prices. The big three pennies and the small pennies are all bought away. We are sold out, and Goudan and his mother haven’t opened yet. !"

When I went there, I carried knitting items, large and small, and sold them for a total of 35 yuan. For the 35 yuan, Yu Jingtian added another 65 yuan to make up a hundred yuan. I bought ten catties of pork, and the ones I got were still good. pork belly.

"Pork is ten cents a catty? It seems that the Chinese New Year has increased by two cents. It was eight cents back when I bought it a year ago!"

"It's time for Chinese New Year. Of course everything is going up. Except for pork, I also spent [-] Wen to buy some rags. I'll see if I can make us a few pairs of shoes later."

Yu Jingtian poured out most of the cloth strips from the back basket. Although Shen Qing couldn't see the color and size clearly, she could feel the feel of the hand. Is it a little too little for twenty cents?

As a result, Xiao Wu next to him poured out half of the basket again. She saw that it was enough to make socks and trousers, let alone shoe uppers.

Boys pay for everything they wear, so the twenty Wen is well spent.

After Shen Qing heated up the meal, she asked them to wash their hands and start eating. Seeing how they were devouring, she couldn't help but ask.

"What's wrong? Didn't you have a good meal in the county at noon?"

When she looked at Yu Jingtian, the latter gnawed on the pie and said, "Why not? You made four meat buns by yourself!"

Shen Qing was speechless: "You only ate four meat buns?"

The stingy Yu Jingtian stared at him: "Four meat buns for one person is not enough? The meat buns cost two cents a piece now, and the nine of us alone cost 72 cents. I thought I would give it to you when I came back." I also brought some, but there were too many people, so I walked away from that steamed stuffed bun shop, and later I bought meat, thinking that the one you cooked was much more delicious than the one you bought, so I didn’t buy any more.”

"Then what fun did you watch today?"

It doesn't matter if she buys meat buns or not, she still sneaks out the meat buns she saved up from time to time to satisfy her appetite!
Of course, it's no one else's business to open a small stove. She eats it by herself, and she can eat whatever she wants.

"It's so lively, I just look at people, and I don't say anything, and I heard that officials from all over the country are packing their bags and preparing to run away!"

Shen Qing was startled, "What's wrong? Did the Emperor's personal conquest defeat the battle?"

Yu Jingtian nodded, "Now that everyone has been arrested, the two countries are negotiating, and those officials who know the news have started to use their contacts to transfer property outside. It is because of this that Lin Sen left early. Now, there must be some kind of plan. If it were me, I would not let this opportunity go, you think there are so many corrupt officials now, just grab one, it will be enough for these people to eat and drink for most of their lives."

Didn't expect this emperor to be so useless, he was arrested after only fighting for a few days?
Now the two countries are negotiating, ha ha, what kind of negotiation is it, the result is that the dynasty will either be changed, or the original emperor will be abolished and replaced by capable people.

However, Yu Jingtian shook his head: "Now the government can't find anyone who can stand alone. Those who should be killed were all killed last year. The rest are either wine bags or rice bags, or grass on the wall. Which one has the arrogance and arrogance of the Shen family when they were alive?" Means? One generation is not as good as one generation, it seems that the Kingdom of Jin has been completely destroyed when it comes to this ancestor!"

Because it was getting late today, I didn't talk much, especially the children were tired. After eating, I boiled water to wash their feet, soaked and washed them one by one, and finally passed this busy twelfth lunar month. 25 .

(End of this chapter)

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