The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1130 [1129] Taste little lady 23 (5000+)

Chapter 1130 [1129] Taste little lady 23 (5000+)

After the straw is soaked in water, it will become particularly tough. It can be used to bundle vegetables to be sold, and can also be used to weave daily necessities, such as trays, fruit baskets, vegetable baskets, baskets, etc., because it becomes tough when it touches water , so it's still a good time, as long as the weaving is firm, it can be used for a long time.

The straw on the six-acre field is really not old or young. They take it all home to dry, and when they are dry, they are piled into haystacks and chopped up. Then they slowly teach the children to weave. Under their skillful hands, they can weave a lot of beautiful things. And practical daily necessities.

Then let Yu Jingtian and the others take these daily necessities together with the inexhaustible vegetables in their yard to sell in the market when they go out to buy. Buy it as pork and bring it back to improve food for the children.

By mid-October, the paddy field had been plowed and carefully sorted out, and plant ash and farmyard manure were sprinkled for composting. Then, under the call of Shen Qing, the family of fourteen began to clean the six mu of land. Planting of winter wheat.

By the way, during this period, some buckwheat, millet, sorghum, and soybeans in their other dry lands were also harvested. After the ground was leveled, they added up to a total of ten mu of land, and they all planted winter wheat.

With the addition of four acres of land, although they will not be able to open up the food this winter, as long as they save it, they should be able to survive this winter.

Miscellaneous grains, like rice, need to be dried after being harvested. After drying, they are stored in a barn made of wood. Mix it in while cooking.

Shen Qing's stomach is completely used to it now, that is, you can eat coarse grains and fine grains, and you don't have the right to pick them. After all, the country is in turmoil right now, and it is not easy to live like this every day.

Judging from the news brought back by Lin Sen and the others, the Kingdom of Jin is really depressed now, and there are wars all around. Going out of this door, and their cottage is able to farm and support their family in peace with the world, all thanks to the protection of the complex and changeable institutions outside the valley.

Before the wheat was planted, there was an autumn rain. Taking advantage of this rain, everyone quickly pulled out the vegetables in the ground and planted winter wheat.

When the wheat starts to germinate, use the water wheel to water all the wheat again, so that the wheat seedlings can be guaranteed to grow vigorously.

Of course, every time the crops are watered, it is a major project for the whole family. No one should be lazy. Children step on water wheels, and adults use manual ones. They are all trying to transport the stream water to the fields.

This year's weather is not a drought, and the trees and grass in the forest are growing vigorously, providing a lot of fodder for poultry and livestock such as chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle and sheep.

After entering October, the weather gradually turns cooler.

She is currently in class for six days and has one day off. Every day off, she will take the children to the mountains to see if there is any fruit to search for.

This time, she was not disappointed. Pine nuts, chestnuts, wild persimmons, wild jujubes and other wild game, but a lot of them were brought home.

Chestnuts are hidden in the furry skin. People here don't know how to eat them at all, especially pine nuts. Who would have thought that there would be pine nuts in the pine cones?

When they went up the mountain, at most they saw wild persimmons, wild wild jujubes, wild apples and pears, and few people could find pine nuts and chestnuts.

Shen Qing took the children up the mountain, and everyone carried a basket of clean dry goods down the mountain. When someone asked, she was not stingy, and told them directly. In this way, before the snow blocks the mountain in winter, these foods should be able to be eaten by everyone. Guys go home.

The children definitely don't think it's enough to go once. When she is in class, and when they are not in class, they have something to do. The older ones go to the mountains to pick fruits, and the younger ones feed chickens, ducks, geese and pigs at home. The division of labor is very clear.

At a young age, I already know how to exchange my labor for rich fruits.

The porridge made from chestnuts and the stewed dishes are simply not too delicious.

After the pine nuts are fried, there is also a lot of oil, but the amount of pine nuts peeled off is too small. Even if there is oil, it is only enough to eat once in a while. It is very precious, but once fried, it can make people think about it for a long time.

The fried oil residue, mixed with the whole grain, the vegetable nest, and the taste is surprisingly good.

The picked wild persimmons are extremely sour. If you surround them with straw and leave them for a few days before eating, they will become sweet and delicious.

After more than half a year of operation, the children have been able to take care of the house very neatly.

As soon as they hear that there is something delicious and fun, the children will go up the mountain in groups.

And because this forest is often visited by them, the large animals have moved to deeper mountains. So far, no large animals have been heard of this mountain that often haunts.

But for the safety of the children, every time she enters the mountain, she will let them play in the shallow places and not enter the deep forest.

Although it is the northern region, there are many snakes, insects, rats and ants in the mountains, so it is better to be careful.

After she was free, Shen Qing first made a lot of clay pots out of adobe, and when these pots were fired, she pickled all the cabbages and radishes planted this winter.

Sour cabbage, spicy cabbage, spicy radish, sour beans, pickled cucumbers and various dried wild vegetables have become their winter reserves this winter.

After the summer harvest, some people in the village planted buckwheat, and others planted radishes and cabbages. The surplus was sold to them at the price of one penny per catty. Shen Qing also bought five hundred catties. The fresh ones are placed in the cellar and kept for cooking in winter.

There are not many choices of winter vegetables in the northern region. Most people start to dry all kinds of dried vegetables in the clear autumn.

The same is true for Shen Qing this year, be more diligent, they don't have to worry about food and drink in winter.

The children also cooperated, and they did what they were asked to do, because they had meat to eat with Shen Qing, what kind of life did they live in the past?
Sleeping on the street, eating the last meal without the next meal, huddling in the ruined temple in the winter, wearing shabby clothes and rotten mattresses, no matter how you think about it, it is pitiful, but now, they have warm clothes, houses, and clean rooms. The living environment and the gratitude to Shen Qing can no longer be described in words, so they firmly believe that it is always right to follow the elder sister's request.

Facts have proved that as long as they are diligent and not lazy, they can really live well.

"This year I wasted a lot of time digging the rice fields. Next year we will open up some wasteland and plant some cotton and rapeseed. When we are done, we can use cotton to make new clothes for you and use rapeseed to squeeze oil for food. Remember what my sister said. , The days when you reclaim it with your own hands are the most beautiful days."

She bought a lot of cotton this year. She originally planned to take it to the ruined temple and take it out at the right time as a gift for moving to a new house, but she ran to this cottage halfway, so that the new cotton was not on time. The cotton they used for weaving was all blackened and broken cotton that everyone brought home. After all, it was just for practice, and no one wanted to experiment with new cotton.

So growing some cotton next year is the top priority.

After the winter wheat was planted, the cottage was gradually covered with green grass, adding a bit of vitality to the early winter.

Other places are full of fallen leaves, only the hundred acres of fertile land they exchanged for labor is full of life, and it is gratifying to look at.

After the autumn sowing, the idle people have entered the state of study again. They have classes in the morning and afternoon every day, and they are independent and free in the evening.

In a flash, she ushered in the first snow when she came to this world. In early November, the winter snow came.

The aborigines here said that this year's snow was earlier than in previous years, and the weather suddenly turned so bad that a stove had to be lit in the class room.

Because every household needs firewood for the winter, the firewood in the forest has long been taken home by them. The big firewood is generally used to burn the kang, and the small firewood is used for cooking and boiling water.

Straw and vines of crops are good igniters, and the ash from the burning can not only make soap, but also be used as fertilizer in the local area.

Plant ash can indeed be used to make soap. The premise is that a lot of oil is needed, but the oil is used for food, so few people are willing to make soap, and they themselves have no interest in soap. It was dirty at the time, but rinsed it off and it was fine.

There are also a few saponins trees in the forest, and the saponins grown on these trees are also the most precious cleaning supplies for the women in the village.

The men use plant ash, while the women wash with hard-earned saponins.

Shen Qing left a lot of wolf oil in the beginning, but made a lot of soap with wolf oil and alkaline water from plant ash, and fragrant flowers and plants. It's enough for their own household, and it's not their turn to go to the market to sell it.

She also gave Lin Sen a few large pieces of this soap. Now, in the whole village, except for the three households next to them who use soap and soap horns, everyone else is still using plant ash.

The saponins are also robbed by the children. In their words, everyone robs them. If they don’t rob them, wouldn’t it be a loss?

Therefore, there are only two or three saponin trees, but it is really powerless to supply so many people.

Smart people have already started planting in front of their own houses, but Shen Qing didn't let the children plant it because she didn't think it was necessary.

The life of their family does not stop there, next year will be even better than this year, this soap will definitely be used forever, and not only for their own use, but also to make more and sell it in the market.

Nowadays, children’s nutrition is not lacking. Not only eggs, but also quails are laying eggs, one a day, which is very rich. Ducks are also laying eggs after entering October, but the frequency is not very high, sometimes one a day, sometimes One for two days.

The big white goose has not moved yet, and it is estimated that it will not lay eggs when it is cold in winter.

Duck eggs have always been reluctant to eat. Since the eggs started to breed, they have been preserved and salted to make salted duck eggs.

When there are more quail eggs, the eggs are saved. The saved eggs are either marinated to make eggs, or made into salted eggs, or placed directly in her space as fresh eggs, and will be stored in the future when free , you can go to the market to sell.

As for the quails, they were moved to a warm room after the snow, so they could still incubate their eggs. Five or six eggs a day, the children had no leftovers. Although they couldn’t eat meat every day, the protein was in place, which was guaranteed. Nutrition for everyone.

After winter, they didn’t work very much, and their family’s three meals a day became two meals. In fact, not only their family, but other families also had one meal at ten o’clock in the morning and one meal at four o’clock in the afternoon. The ingredients for these two meals It is very full, and although the food is rough, it can be full.

The morning meal is sticky coarse grain porridge, and some steamed steamed buns are enough.

In the evening, it will be a little richer, rice flower fish stew, all kinds of vegetables are stewed together, and some noodle pancakes are pasted around the pot. It is full and comfortable to eat.

This is an era when there were no sweet potatoes, potatoes, and yams. If there were, I’m afraid it would be more comfortable. The vermicelli just makes people mouth-watering.

Although their family fed pigs, they were caught in Xia Tian, ​​and they only raised a hundred catties at the moment. They were too thin, so they didn't plan to kill them.

The pigs in other people's homes in the village were killed, but they all planned to kill them when the Chinese New Year was approaching. At that time, they could go to buy some meat or exchange other things for some meat.

There is no need to worry about the meat of the Chinese New Year for the time being.

As the weather gets colder day by day, people who have been away from home are returning one after another. Seeing that the owners of the huts in front of them have all returned, their cultural courses can only be temporarily suspended, but classes like female reds can still be held. to her room.

After half a year of study, many people have mastered a certain level. I believe that in the spring of half a year, they will be able to try to make their own and then sell goods.

At that time, her mission will be considered complete.

The north was temporarily quiet because of the snow, but the fighting in the south was tense. It is said that even the emperor personally conscripted.

When Lin Sen told her the news, she was quite surprised: "Is it so serious?"

"Well, if the troubles are not going well, we will see the outcome years ago. Either there will be a change of dynasty, or there will be internal strife. In short, if the good life of the common people is to return to normal, it will not be enough for two or three years."

Shen Qing was speechless, "This emperor doesn't seem to be very popular with the people!"

"Back then, he was too ruthless and didn't leave a way out for himself, so that now he can only bite the bullet and either live, linger on, or die, leaving his name in history. I guess he has also thought about the ending."

Since ancient times, the subjugated slaves have never had a good end. Of course, the subjugated slaves here refer to the royal family, and the threat to the common people is relatively small.

"We heard that those members of the Shen family who were exiled to Ninggu Pagoda all died on the way, and none of them survived."

Lin Sen's words surprised Shen Qing: "They're all dead?"

"Aren't they all dead? There are also those who became military prostitutes, and they haven't survived this summer. It's miserable to say that, after a good family, they will end up like that. If you say they don't die, don't you want to die?" Suffering all kinds of torture? No matter male or female, among the hundreds of members of the Shen family, probably only a few dozen are alive today."

As for Shen Qing, who hid her name incognito, I don't know how many there are.

She doesn't like to judge whether Grandpa's actions are right or not!Anyway, since the Shen family has already received retribution, what the emperor has suffered now may also be caused by a cycle of cause and effect.

I thought this incident was an episode, but in the middle of the twelfth lunar month, before the Chinese New Year, news came that the emperor had died in battle.

Before the people of the whole country had time to think about their own future, Song State sent troops to station in the imperial city in large areas. Only Song State, on the first day of the Lunar New Year, will hold a grand enthronement ceremony.

All this came from outside the mountain, and there was not much ups and downs on everyone's faces. After all, it had little to do with them.

But this year's capital city is in dire straits, like walking on thin ice.

Around the twentieth of the twelfth lunar month, the village began to slaughter pigs. There were five pig slaughterhouses in total. Shen Qing not only bought pork belly, pork suet, and pork knuckles, but also pig offal and pig offal. They spent a total of half a tael of silver. They all looked at their house enviously, thinking that Teacher Shen's house would have a fat year this year!

Thirty catties of lard was taken home to refine twenty catties of lard. The quality of this oil was not bad.

Chop up the oil residue and put it aside, waiting to be used when making buns and dumplings in a few days.

After that, the pig large intestine was repeatedly washed with plant ash. After cleaning, it was put into an iron pot together with the pig internal organs for marinating.

The marinated pig offal is stored aside and can be used to make cold dishes or stews during the Chinese New Year.

The pork belly is cut into pieces and preserved, each piece is enough for a meal, and the pork knuckle is a hard dish on the first day of the Lunar New Year, which should be saved until the end.

In addition, Lin Sen also brought over a big pig's head, which he bought as a reward for celebrating the Chinese New Year at their home this year.

For this gift, she accepted it frankly, and marinated the pig's head that afternoon, and cut a pig's ear from the marinated pig's head as the appetizer of the night, and kept the rest, or hung it high on the bamboo In the basket, the food was secretly moved by her. No matter how it is kept, freshness is very important.

In addition, the beans she soaked have also started to grind. As the Spring Festival approaches, tofu is also an indispensable ingredient on the table.

She prepared [-] catties of beans. In addition to making tofu, there are also various ingredients such as tofu skin, dried tofu, tofu, and yuba.

Just preparing for this is a full two days.

On the day of making tofu, those who paid the tuition came to observe how she made the pulp, how to press the dried tofu skin, and how to solidify into soft and hard tofu.

Thirty catties of soybeans are finally made into twenty catties of tofu, ten catties of dried tofu, ten catties of bean skin, and four to five catties of bean curd skin.

All the filtered bean dregs were taken home to make bean dregs pancakes, thirty catties of soybeans, which was not wasted at all.

(End of this chapter)

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