The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1094 [1093] Heroines of the Republic of China 67 (5000+)

Chapter 1094 [1093] Heroines of the Republic of China 67 (5000+)

An Yi's operation seemed to push away the first domino, and the subsequent chain reaction was predicted, but she obviously did not expect such a big movement, and she was able to retreat completely under such circumstances. The blessing of space.

It took her a month to eliminate the hidden dangers around her. Zhang Chenghong also announced the S sentence before May [-]st. His wife and family were all implicated, and they were either sent down or expelled or returned to their hometown. In order to reshuffle the cards, even the secretary of the County No. [-] High School was withdrawn.

An Yi did such a big thing quietly. To be honest, she was quite excited. While excited, she had to cover up her inner activities. She pretended to be okay and went back to school to continue working. She was born after May [-] I just went to the class, and the treatment has not changed. It is still the same as before. After the incident, the teachers found out that she was wearing small shoes because of her son fighting with Zhang Chenghong's son. After staying at home for a month, Zhang Chenghong was actually finished. .

This...isn't it too unreal?
When asked why, An Yi shook her head in a dazed expression: "I was almost scared to death, how could I know so much? His old lady went to my door to make trouble, and I drove him away, and said a lot of nonsense, just like It's like having a mental problem. I originally thought that I would not be able to come back, and offended such a big person, would I be able to get over it? Who would have thought..." At this point, instead of gloating, he looked sad.

Colleagues said that An Yi was lucky, but only she knew that if she hadn't been tossing about this month, the whole family would be unlucky now.

Huzi naturally didn't know how much trouble he had caused An Yi, nor why Zhang Cong dropped out of school, and he didn't know why several people who were close to Zhang Cong dropped out of school one after another and went home. , It's really like taking a reassurance pill, saying it's okay, it's really okay.

Look, didn't those bad guys get the punishment they deserved?


In November 1957, An Hu successfully entered the fourth year of junior high school, and An Qi Anna was admitted to the third year of high school.

After the winter vacation, An Yi set foot on the train to Suzhou. The materials exchanged last year hadn't been consumed much yet. The main reason was that she still had materials in her space. Fruits and vegetables were always planted, and food was also provided in the countryside. She was self-sufficient and at the same time , so I didn’t use it much. I don’t use it now because the goal is big, but it’s not really difficult yet.

This time An Yi directly told the three of them that she would not come back until the end of March next year, and let them figure it out for the next six months.

"Aren't you back for Chinese New Year? Sister, where are you going?"

"I went to visit relatives in Heihe, and I won't come back during the Chinese New Year. We are not at home. You three should study hard. I will continue to check when you come back. The three of you will graduate next year. Go through the review materials I compiled for you, and try to memorize them fluently." , if I can come back in February, I will try to come back as soon as possible.”

Anna asked An Yi if all the letters of introduction had been opened?
Anyi said to the three of them: "Anyone who asks should say that I'm still at home, don't say that I'm away, anyway, Maodong is there, and no one hangs out. We have no relatives in our family, so if you can fool them, fool them first. I have a way." Go, don't worry about it, the things at home, you should eat and drink, don't leave it to me."

After An Yi repeatedly explained, she took the child to sleep, and drove away in the middle of the night, because in this day and age, letters of introduction are required when going out by car, and she doesn't want these people to see her off. Once they do, she will have to carry the child on her back. You have to get on a car in their eyes, which will bring a lot of troubles invisibly.

Fortunately, it hasn't snowed here yet, so she just needs to drive to City D, and then find a way to get on the downwind train from City D to Harbin. There is a direct train to Heihe in Harbin, and she will arrive there after a few more days of squatting.

Anyway, it is very convenient to have a space. You don’t need to buy a ticket if you don’t stay, you can save a lot of money, and you won’t be guilty. In the space, you don’t delay eating hot meals, and it doesn’t affect your sleep. Third, you can work. The most important thing is that children have It is a place to play and wash, which is really a must for home travel.

Excluding the travel time this time, she can stay in Su country for at least three months. She plans to spend two months of these three months selling goods, and the remaining month is dedicated to purchasing food and other necessities.

The time was tight and the task was heavy last time, so she didn't have a good understanding of this country at all.

Even in the country of Su, there will be various people who check their identities. In order to reduce the risk, she basically uses cars to arrive at various places.

Although she wears a wig and speaks Russian here, as long as she is a local, she can tell at a glance that she is not an indigenous person, so be careful if you can.

Even at the end of the 50s, the education level and cultural quality of the citizens of Suzhou were relatively high.

Walking on the streets of the city, An Yi saw no sputum, paper scraps, cigarette butts and other rubbish, nor did she see pedestrians who behaved very casually.

When she was standing on the side of the road, she saw with her own eyes that when it was inconvenient for the elderly to get on the bus, someone helped them, and some people offered to give up their seats. Not only the elderly, but also women and children, male citizens would offer their seats to them. This made her unable to bear it. I can't help but sigh, if our country has not been invaded, isn't it also so peaceful and polite?

Even in such a cold day, occasionally a homeless man passed by, but he didn't lie on the ground begging, and the bad weather could freeze him to death.

But when you walk on the street, you can tell at a glance who is a homeless person from everyone's clothes.

Most of the people here are very particular about their appearance, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, they all look very neat and tidy.

His leather shoes are polished and his trousers are ironed straight. Even his head and body look like he has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and there is no dandruff.

If she hadn't come here to see it with her own eyes, she might think that what she heard before was exaggeration, but now she is standing on this land, watching their upbringing embodied in their gestures, she really couldn't help it Sigh again, if our country did not go through those years of brutal wars, how good would it be?
Thinking of this, she once again spurned Little Japan, which was about to perish.

The fertility rate in Little Japan has almost dropped to the bottom. This is the topic that people like to talk about the most. They are all talking about their conscience and being condemned and punished by God. Let you build a damn shrine, build it, Let's see if there are any descendants of you who will go to worship again, bah!

She felt that it was necessary to go to the Wa country in recent years to witness her handwriting, and to see if there was anything else that could make another fortune.

Compared with Chinese people's hard work and life attitude, Su people seem to pay more attention to enjoyment and vacation, and pay attention to the quality of life. This has many similarities with many foreigners in later generations.

It is very impolite for her to sell fruits and vegetables to her door. If her ingredients are not good, she may be driven away.

Fortunately, she has a thick skin and dresses like an old lady. She probably feels pity for her, so most people will buy her things.

And in the process, she also saw the family background of these Su people.

The large living room of tens of square meters is spacious and bright, with elegant handicrafts and oil paintings on the walls and cabinets, and complete bathrooms and shower rooms.

What surprised her the most was that she saw a refrigerator in a family in Su in the mid-20s. She was amazed that such a cold country had a refrigerator so early.

In our country, the colors of the five, six, seven and three years were only black, white, blue, green and gray, which were conservative and monotonous. When you go out, it seems that there are only these colors on the street, but walking on the streets of Su country, it is not only Colorful and rich in patterns?
The men all have neat suits, and their shirts are flat and wrinkle-free. Women’s clothing is more elegant. Almost all of them wear dresses or suit skirts with different designs and colors. While pursuing a sense of fashion, they also pay attention to the personalization and comfort of clothing. Their daily wear, you can feel their love for life.

Then you say that our countrymen don’t love life anymore?

No, it’s just a different country. We are still struggling to get enough food and clothing. In the eyes of ordinary people today, there is nothing more important than a full stomach.

Only when you have a full stomach, you have time to think about other things. As for dressing and dressing up, people with better conditions will always worry about it. When most people have similar conditions, the streets are full of black, white, blue, green and gray up?

Chinese people often conduct political studies and exchange ideas, ranging from small production teams and schools to various state-owned units. As long as they can be spread to radios and newspapers, most of them will talk about the current affairs of some countries, but here, you will find that they are very interested in political affairs. Indifference to national affairs.

Moreover, their low birth rate has created a large number of only children, especially those who grew up in a privileged environment. They seldom take care of and care for others, and do not take helping others as their own responsibility. Parents learn to let go when they grow up. This educational philosophy is very similar to that of Western countries.

Su also had wars, but they were not as tragic as ours, but even so, the wars sacrificed a large number of young men, and the low birth rate was also due to this. When there was a shortage of male labor, she, an 'old lady', braved the severe cold to come out Selling fruits and vegetables will appear particularly normal.

Walking on the street, An Yi saw more female workers than male workers. Even in the 21st century, the number of male and female workers has not changed. It is enough to see that the horror of war can affect generations. , and the rise of Huaguo has indeed carried too many hardships and hardships of the predecessors.

Of course, no matter how good the Soviet Union was, it was still a capitalist country. Such a social system would naturally have the problems of class gap and disparity in distribution.

An Yi has visited the most luxurious special stores in Mozambique, such as gold and silver jewelry, high-end clothing, and expensive foreign consumer goods. She has never seen workers, farmers, and teachers. Ladies and gentlemen, no matter how expensive it is, people can still afford it.

This is probably their so-called privileged class, who only care about their own happy life and ignore the suffering of the people!

From this point of view, socialist countries are still quite good. After the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in later generations, the advantages of our country will not be revealed?
Every time An Yi goes to a country, she will experience and observe their customs like this, and then do what she wants to do. If she doesn't know clearly in advance, it is easy to make low-level mistakes, just like she didn't wear a skirt last year. The way she looks at her looks like that, how embarrassing is that?

This time An Yi came here mainly to buy food, wheat, rice, corn, rye, buckwheat, soybeans, cotton, and cotton fabrics. As long as the money is in place and the supply is sufficient, buy, buy, buy.

For nearly a year, her space has been constantly spinning. When the accumulated vegetables, fruits, and eggs were sold out, her savings also reached 48. Of course, adding the remaining 15 last year, she Stop and go along the way, look here, shop there, buy when you find the right one, sell when someone wants it, and keep an account of the money she makes, and it’s almost the same if it doesn’t reach 50, but it’s more spent than I imagined Be quick.

Maybe last year was really too tight for time, which caused her to not even have enough opportunities to spend money. This year is different, with more time. She only spent two months accumulating space. In her opinion, useless vegetables The recycled products such as fruits and eggs are sold out, and the exchanged food, meat, cloth and other materials fill the space to the brim.

At the end of January 58, An Yi sold some luxury goods from the Wa country to buy fuel, such as coal and gasoline, as well as high-quality fur and medicinal materials.

Almost 60 million rubles were thrown in. In the end, there was nothing left for the return trip. This time, I learned to be smart, ran to the airport, got on the plane, and returned to Harbin after only two days. Why two days? , because of many reasons such as connecting planes and staying, plus the time on the road, compared with the [-] or [-] days of the train, it is really almost home!
After arriving at Harbin Airport, Anyi didn't rush back to Dingyuan County. She stood at the airport and looked at the flights. Finally, she fell in love with a flight. She found the person who was going to Japan through mind reading, grabbed the bag that the person was carrying, and entered the space. Because she can have a 1-minute invisibility technique, so she can operate in this way very handy.

Then she went to the territory of the Little Wa Kingdom, and once she arrived at the territory of the Wa Kingdom, she was not so polite.

Anyway, the space does not limit her size, so she will take a good look around this country. Places such as shopping malls are simple. You go in during the day and come out at night to scan the goods, whichever you want to scan, as long as she likes it.

In addition to department stores and supermarkets, she also went to various food factories. Unfortunately, their domestic labor force is now tight, and their national strength is far from what it used to be. Without a labor force, no matter how smart they are, they still can't develop.

Anyi's men didn't show mercy, and stayed in Wa for a month, robbing everything they could, which once caused turmoil in their country.

Can they not be afraid of throwing so many things without knowing it?

Taking advantage of their chaos, they quickly got on the plane and fled, returning to Harbin in early March.

This time she almost overthrew the entire Wa country, seeing the space full of supplies, her smiling eyes narrowed into slits.

The reason why she is so greedy is not because three difficult years are coming, the more she robs, the more ordinary people in the country she can save.

As for the little RBs, who cares about their dead ball?Anyway, they can't be born anymore, so let's destroy together this time?

A frenzied nation like them doesn't deserve to stay in this world at all.

Family hatred and national hatred can be passed down from generation to generation.

It's ridiculous that they don't study modern history in later generations, and the perpetrators don't learn it, but the victims learn it. Who can I ask for reason?
Anyi returned to the county seat with a full supply of supplies. After a few months of absence, she really missed this small county seat.

As for how to dispose of these supplies, she will have to wait until next winter before she goes out to be a money-scattering boy.

In the short term, she won't go abroad anymore, because the materials in the space have to be used up. Besides, the space can't be vacated, and it can't be bought in!

Back to the home where she had been away for a long time, An Yi lay on the kang for three days before she felt relieved.

There are too many things in the space, and she needs to spend time sorting them out.

In addition to food, the food will be distributed in the future, and she also bought a lot of daily necessities, which are enough for her to die.

However, she has secretly vowed that if this little Japanese country survives for a day, she will snatch them to the end.

Let's rest for a few years, and when she recovers, she will go to the United States to have a look, and also visit her, because she can't be plucked by a sheep, can she?
As the most aggressive brothers of these two countries, how can she favor one over the other?
Since you like aggression, she will play this game with you in turn.

After An Yi was revived with full blood, she spent a week checking the homework of these people. Hu Zi was fine, and with Anna and her tutoring, it was not a big problem.

But these two sisters are not ideal for science. "If you want to be a doctor or an accountant, you have to choose science in the future. If you don't pass the science, it will be difficult to get into the ideal university. Look at how many mathematicians there are in our country, especially this one. How can this mathematics and physics be so simple? You are still not paying enough attention to this question. You don’t read much about this question, and you don’t do much. Try to brush it again until you know the idea of ​​​​solving the problem as soon as you see the question. .”

Afterwards, An Yi spent another week drafting a new set of questions for them, and then settled down to tutor Hu Zi.

After her supervision, the three of them have practiced their calligraphy pretty well, especially the sisters' calligraphy, which has reached the point where they can be praised wherever they go. It can be seen that the two of them have worked hard to practice calligraphy. As for the writing, it cannot be said to be good-looking, it can only be said to be eye-catching, and there is still room for improvement.

After this week's analysis, Huzi's head turned quite quickly, and his reaction and memory were not bad. It's no wonder that he was able to complete the counterattack in such a short period of time. Sign up for fall recruiting.

Serve as a soldier, if you really want to let him go to work, if it doesn’t matter, you have to start as a temporary worker. The temporary worker is 14.5 yuan a month, the apprentice is 18 yuan a month, and the regular worker is 36 yuan. Then you have to wait until when?
It's better to be a soldier. Although the allowance is small at the beginning, as long as there are opportunities to make meritorious service and performance, it is only a matter of time before the people above see his excellence and grow up.

(End of this chapter)

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