The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1093 [1092] Heroines of the Republic of China 66 (5000+)

Chapter 1093 [1092] Heroines of the Republic of China 66 (5000+)

After An Yi drove them away, she returned home in a seemingly happy mood. In fact, she also knew that she had made an enemy unintentionally. However, even if she didn't help to get rid of a cancer like the Zhang family, they would be gone in a few years. No good, it depends on how many connections their family has, they are very strong, maybe they can go further, but if it is just a paper tiger, it must be the first batch of lambs to be slaughtered.

An Yi never thought about sitting still. After the best family left, she handed the child over to An Hu to take care of her. She rode out by herself, disguised herself in a place where no one was around, and then rode to the only one in the county with eggs. a slaughterhouse.

Although it is the only state-owned unit in the county, its scale is not small, because their county is not small. They manage a dozen or so villages around them, three or four production teams, and the task pigs sent here are all from this slaughterhouse. Responsible for disposal, if the scale is small, he would not dare to be so rampant!

So she easily found the family courtyard of the slaughterhouse. There are almost no buildings in this era, especially in the Northeast. Bungalows or adobe houses, while selling eggs, she found out where the factory director's family lived, and by the way, learned about their family's population, but it seemed that they were not very popular, and the old lady gritted her teeth when she mentioned the old lady of the Zhang family.

Anyi was not interested in hearing about their stale sesame seeds and rotten millet, so she hurried away after selling the eggs, but she turned her head to look at the one-story courtyard of the slaughterhouse, which was said to have the best location and the largest area, and thought about what to do. How to find out all the handles of this family.

She started planning this matter when she got home at night, and went to work normally the next morning, and was called to the office by the director as soon as she arrived at school.

"Mr. An, did you offend someone?"

An Yi had already known that something might happen when she entered the office by herself and heard from her colleagues that the director was looking for her. As expected, when she entered the office and saw the principal was there, she realized that the family had already begun to take revenge. To retaliate so openly, it is obvious that she, a little teacher, is not taken seriously at all.

After coming out of the director's office, An Yi started to pack her things. Her colleagues came over to ask why, but she just smiled.

"It's okay, I may have offended someone, I'll go home first and wait for work."

Afterwards, Anna and An Qi were called out, and they explained the ins and outs of the matter.

"You don't have to worry, I will take care of this matter. I have applied to the school for my dormitory, and I can keep it for you until the end of the day. Trust me and I will take care of the rest."

Under the worried eyes of the two girls, she went to the nursery to pick up her two daughters, put the school things home, and then started to prepare a sumptuous lunch for the two girls and herself without any pause in work Anxious and restless.

Although it is good to have a serious job as a teacher, if it becomes a means of being threatened by others, she will not be happy.

The director and the principal are both cultural people. They appreciate her, but they can't stand being threatened. They even discussed with her not to make things so rigid. Think about the children and sisters. The whole family is pointing at her salary. Can they compromise? If so, it would be more appropriate to go to the other party to apologize.

After eating and drinking enough in the afternoon, she went to his slaughterhouse as Factory Director Zhang wished, and asked to visit her, but Comrade Security told her clearly that the factory director is currently in a meeting. Wait, when the factory manager finishes the meeting, let her in again.

Let her wait here to find a chance to teach her a lesson?
An Yi didn't give the other party this chance, and told the security guard directly.

"Go and tell your factory manager now that my time is precious. If he doesn't have time now, I won't have time in the future. There is only one chance. It is he who talks to me, not me. Ask him to figure out the order. order, I will give you 10 minutes, after 10 minutes, I will leave."

It was the first time for the security guard to see such a dragging woman, so he kindly reminded her.

"Comrade, are you sure this is your attitude of asking for help?"

An Yi smiled at him politely: "Comrade, I don't ask for help. I just give him a chance to ask me. If he doesn't cherish it, don't blame me for being cruel!"

The security guard seemed to understand, but he still felt that An Yi was too ignorant of flattery, so he didn't dare to make decisions on his own, so he obediently ran into the factory director's office.

Zhang Chenghong was lying in the factory manager's office taking a nap, and what the security guard said immediately made him furious.

"Bah, what, you really think of yourself as someone else, tell her, let her go, I have the ability to suspend her today, and let her family go back to the village to farm tomorrow!"

The security guard wiped his face, lowered his head and replied, "Okay, I'll tell her right now. In fact, I told her just now that you need to have an attitude when asking for help, but that lesbian is very annoying. She insists on saying yes." You are going to ask her for a question, not she is looking for you, you can be confident when you say it, as if you know you will definitely go to her."

The factory manager was already lying down, but when he heard this, he frowned and sat up slowly: "Is she really that tone?"

"Yeah, and I saw that the lesbian was dressed very neatly, she didn't look like a useless person, or, you see? What if something really happened!"

The security guard observed Zhang Chenghong's hesitation, and gave him a step up. Zhang Chenghong didn't want to see An Yi, but he was itching whether she had actually recorded it. Seeing that the security guard had mentioned this step, he simply waved at him.

"Then let her in, I want to see how capable this woman is!"

Anyi was invited to the factory director's office, Zhang Chenghong sat on his factory director's chair, just gave him a sideways glance, let the security go away, and then raised his eyes to look at Anyi.

An Yi's hair was pulled up high, with a neat and age-reduced ball head. Although she didn't have any hair accessories, she looked much younger than the braids she wore nowadays.

She has a fair face and beautiful eyes, but her face is very ordinary. She is [-] tall and has a slender figure. She wears a plaid shirt on her upper body and black overalls on her lower body. Douzi, as far as this outfit and appearance are concerned, I can’t say they are earthy, but they can’t be considered fashionable, especially that face, which is really not good-looking, and the facial features have no characteristics at all. I really don’t know who gave such a woman courage. To threaten him!
When Zhang Chenghong was looking at An Yi, An Yi was also looking at him. This man was not short, with a round head, a chubby figure, wearing dark blue overalls, an ordinary appearance, and bumps on his face. At the desk, but like this, with shaved hair, a proper bastard image.

"You are An Yi? The Chinese teacher who taught my son Zhang Cong? An Hu is your son?"

Zhang Chenghong had already sent someone to inquire about the situation of An's family, and naturally found out that An Hu was adopted by An Yi. In addition to this, she also adopted two younger sisters and two daughters. Speaking of which, this woman is also considered a person, but He has no color, and he is also very courageous, so he has no eyesight to fight against their family.

"Yes, I'm An Yi. Doesn't Director Zhang want me to stand and talk to you? How about your hospitality?"

"Guest? Are you a guest?"

Zhang Chenghong picked up the enamel cup disdainfully, picked up the tea leaves with the lid, took a sip, and then spit out the tea leaves he drank.

After snorting, An Yi sat down on her own, and then looked up at Zhang Chenghong.

"Director Zhang stopped my work so quickly, so why don't I hurry up and find him?"

"Mr. An, right? In fact, I'm also easy to talk to. As long as your son apologizes to my son in front of all the teachers and students in the school, this matter will be over. Oh yes, you kicked my old lady!" It’s not light, I’m still in the hospital, so I have to wait for a month or two anyway? Suspension is your warning. If you are still so stubborn and don’t know how to behave, then next time, you may not even have this job gone."

An Yi chuckled, the smile was very shallow, but the coolness in her eyes felt like the cold of deep winter.

"Then what if I don't compromise? What does Director Zhang plan to do with me and my family?"

"Then I'm sorry, you can go wherever you come from. If you don't have the ability to stay in the city, don't waste public resources here."

An Yi raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhang Chenghong: "I didn't expect that you, the director of a small slaughterhouse, are capable enough to manage so leniently. Is it true that you and the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau are brothers, as your mother said? I seem to have warned you yesterday, right?"

Zhang Chenghong looked at the past with a look of disdain: "Woman, are you stupid? My old lady is easy to fool, I am not easy to fool, not to mention that you can't get the recording equipment, even if you can record it, you can't get it so delicate , can be carried on the body, I have asked, but our county security bureau is not like this..."

Before Zhang Chenghong finished speaking, Zhang Chenghong's voice from the moment he entered the door suddenly came out, and it came out very clearly, making his words stop abruptly. When Zhang Chenghong looked at her in disbelief, An Yi turned to him She raised her chin and signaled with her eyes, "You don't have one, doesn't mean I don't either?"
"Before I came, I sent the tape recorded yesterday to my classmate. My classmate is in the province. I will report you every minute. I am a small teacher, but I have a lot of classmates, so Zhang Chenghong, you will not Do you really think that I am a teacher without any background? I usually keep a low profile, but that doesn’t mean I will always keep a low profile. You think I can’t survive if you suspend me? You think I can compromise with you by threatening my family’s future? You look down on me too much, what you don’t have in the Security Bureau, I have, you don’t want me to know, I know, don’t let me follow you, or you will end badly!”

An Yi uttered the creepiest words in the gentlest voice. While Zhang Chenghong was in a daze, An Yi had used his mind-reading skills to roughly scan the secrets hidden in his heart, then raised her hand and snapped her fingers, and he It's like being locked in.

Anyi immediately stood up, walked to the safe in his office, and used the read out password to take pictures of his hidden ledgers and some important documents, even the number of gold bars in the hidden compartment on the floor of the safe. He also took a picture, and then sat back to his original position and snapped his fingers quietly. Zhang Chenghong returned to normal. After carefully digesting what she just said, he stood up, put his hands on the table, and stared straight at her.

"What do you want to do?"

An Yi smiled: "What do I want to do? What do I not want to do? Now you are threatening me, not me. You have suspended my job. It is really a great skill. I didn't understand it at first, but now I know it. Why are you able to threaten the people in the Education Bureau? It turns out that you are a nest of snakes and rats, and you have done so many actions in private. It seems that this game is fun, and you may be able to pull out bigger fish. Just give me It's a holiday, I think I can't be idle during this time, I have to do something big!"

Anyi stood up abruptly, turned around and left. By the time Zhang Chenghong came to his senses, Anyi had already gone down the stairs, and he shouted anxiously at the door of the office.

"Stop, please speak clearly, what do you mean by what you said just now, and then leave after explaining clearly, otherwise I want you to look good!"

An Yi walked away without looking back, and ignored him at all. Zhang Chenghong became anxious, and called the security guards to control An Yi, but her feet moved slightly, and she took a small step. Two guards came over, one at a time After a while, they failed to catch her. They locked the iron gate, thinking they could pay attention to her. Who would have thought that she would jump over the iron railing with a slight jump, and when she jumped out of their encirclement, she would face Zhang Chenghong. Show a meaningful smile.

"Director Zhang, you will soon know that some crimes are not reported, but that the time has not yet come!"

Anyi's words covered so much that Zhang Chenghong didn't even know what she knew. He wanted to send someone to chase him, but he was afraid that there would be too much noise, especially since this woman still had a bicycle, and when everyone was walking In the old days, they had only three bicycles in one factory, how could they chase after them?Where are you chasing?

After An Yi came out of the factory, she went directly to the school and told her family that she would be away for a period of time and her return date was uncertain, and told them to stay at school if they had nothing to do, and try not to act alone. When she came back, everything would be fine.

After that, she left home and used three days to check the list on Zhang Chenghong's safe according to their position, name, and home address, and visited their homes and offices one by one at night. her eyes.

She didn't expect that this small county could hide so much filth. It's not yet the 60s, how many years has it been since the founding of New China?
No wonder this family eats fat and strong people, why not support them to death?

An Yi drove to City D on Thursday night, and then took a train from City D to Harbin City, and put the report materials on the desks of relevant leaders without anyone noticing.

These are all taken from photos, and the originals are still locked in various offices and safes at home, and she even wrote the passwords on them.

In addition to sending it to the province, he also took the train to the capital himself. Using the protection of the night, plus the help of invisibility, various spells, and sorcery, he successfully sent the file to the desk of the relevant person in charge in the capital.

After that, she rushed back non-stop. If the train was late, she would drive in the dark, and finally returned to the county within ten days.

From the county seat to D city to Harbin city, and then to the capital city, back and forth, according to normal people, it would take more than 20 days to toss, but she only spent ten days without leaving any traces, this is the most terrifying Yes, so even if those people wanted to investigate, they couldn't find out that she did it.

After returning to the county seat, Anyi immediately went to school to tell her family that she had returned, and she would deliver meals to them at noon.

Afterwards, she patiently took care of the child at home while waiting for news. A week later, the investigation team from the city came down, and another week from the province. After half a month, even the investigation team from the head came to Province H. Now, not only their place is lively, but the parents and officials in the whole province of H have started the mode where everyone is in danger. Among them, their Dingyuan County is the most important, because the investigation team even has a password. Easily wiped out all these people.

As for Zhang Chenghong, who was the breakthrough point, he was anxious for so many days. He thought that this girl, An Yi, was bluffing. Who would have thought that such a big mountain would crush him to death directly.

The Zhang family was finished, and the sons of the old lady's mouth were caught one by one.

The arrogant Zhang Cong was fired directly.

In less than a month, the entire H province underwent a major shake-up.

Zhang Chenghong, who was squatting on the fence, now believed in An Yi's ability, and understood better what the woman meant when she left.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret, and I can only repent in the fence for the rest of my life. If my life is not good, maybe I will say goodbye to my mother sooner.

What An Yi didn't expect was that besides Dingyuan County, other cities and provinces started screening in the system one after another.

It is enough to see that the information she handed over has been absolutely taken seriously.

Not to mention all these black sheep, it also played the role of shaking the mountain and shaking the tiger.

Then you say she's fine?

No, she was busy, and she was invited to drink tea for a few days, mainly to investigate her whereabouts during those days.

But when she doesn't have a letter of introduction, and she has two children, it's obvious where she goes, right?

She said she was at home, but some people said she was not at home, so where did she go when she was not at home?
In the case of bringing a child, what can she do what they narrated?It seems that one of them doesn't match, and I can't even do anything because of the child's crying.

Therefore, without any evidence, she was not only released, but the school also sent her an apology, not only paid this month's salary as usual, but also explained when she wanted to go back to work, as long as she was in a good mood.

An Yi knew that this was a signal that she escaped safely.

She knew that she could succeed. In addition to the inconvenience of transportation in this era and the lack of monitoring everywhere, she also took advantage of the fact that a woman has no courage and courage to do this. Therefore, Zhang Chenghong's response to the problem was comprehensively investigated. After that, it was listed as unacceptable and characterized as a random fabrication.

His desire to bite him before he died was not fulfilled, and he was charged with many crimes by his good buddies in the past. This time, he was on the cusp of this storm, and it seemed that the possibility of surviving was very small.

 Thanks to [Water Ring] [Sunshine E Home] [Zi Zi Zi] [Little Sparrow] for the novel coins reward, thank you everyone, it was a waste of money.

(End of this chapter)

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