The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1079 [1078] Heroines of the Republic of China 52 (5000+)

Chapter 1079 [1078] Heroines of the Republic of China 52 (5000+)

At this time, An Yi didn't notice at all that the reason why she was so powerful was because she had always been the master of the house after she came here. Suddenly one day, someone didn't buy her account, and she felt that the authority was being compromised. In addition to doubts and threats, it may be very new at the beginning, but after a long time, it will feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, the image of Gu Sheng earlier in her mind was too profound, and she felt that after the violent collision between imagination and reality, she felt a sense of distance.

In the past, Gu Sheng may not only have a good job, but also a good appearance, so the circle he came into contact with should be very different from today's. Both of them are proud people, men, and lustful, even if the person in front of him is his lifesaver The benefactor, after he promised to give the money, he thought that if he spent the money, he should get the service he deserved, and he felt that the one who stayed by his side should be the beautiful little nurse, not her ugly face now! ! !

And she despises this man's machismo, what's the use of being good at work?Life is a mess, and he is always self-centered, thinking that women should revolve around him?Tch, she doesn't.

In the end, no one looked down on anyone's style, so they couldn't even survive a month, so they broke up early?
From Gu Sheng's point of view, this woman is indeed excellent, and there still seem to be many things that confuse him, but as a Yan dog, he can't change his subconscious perception, and he also wants to treat this woman with a normal heart. He is a lifesaver, but for some reason, this woman's facial features do not meet his three views, and he feels uncomfortable when he sees her, so he will subconsciously use her as a servant, because he thinks that only servants can look like this.

Maybe at first he felt a little embarrassed because of the difference between men and women, but after a long time, he found that he took it for granted terribly, and it was not ambiguous at all to arouse the nurse.

After An Yi discovered Gu Sheng's shortcoming, she thought of those straight men who are proud of their careers and have a messy family life. They focus on their careers and put their families last. In his life, there is only work, and family life should be in the back, or he directly thinks that the woman at home is a king, and all needs can be met with money.

During the half a month that Gu Sheng lived here, her patience was exhausted bit by bit. She said it was self-cultivation. Tidying up the room, tidying up the clothes, what it looked like when some things were put in the day before, and what it would look like after N days, and they didn’t even help the oil bottle when it was poured. Are you talking about these people?
Eh?If this person was born like this, she wouldn't be so angry. When she came back from his house, An Yi seemed to be even angrier, because in the place where he lived, everything was clearly summed up. What does this mean?As long as there is dependence, this man will become lazy and lazy.

Because he knows that if he doesn't do it, someone else will do it, and there is a hardworking person who will take care of the aftermath, so why is he wasting that time?
Isn't it very similar to the fathers who play games when they get home from get off work and don't care about anything?

Seeing such a person, An Yi felt that the image of a hero in her mind had completely collapsed.

Sure enough, heroes are human beings, not gods!

There are too few men who love life. What they want is not a good person in the workplace, but a willingness to share with themselves. They can put themselves and their children in their hearts. After you finish cooking, they will take the initiative to wash the dishes and clean up after you. Men who will help you take care of your children and know how to be considerate may not be very good in the workplace, but at least they have a heart of mutual support and shared responsibility. This is the most caring man.

After driving away Gu Sheng, An Yi didn't feel any regrets at all, and even thought that when she was no longer around that patient, she would have free time to lie down every day and even drink a cup of coffee, it's so beautiful!
For a woman, it is enough to have children, for a man, hehe, it is really dispensable, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, let's forget it.

And she also shared this example with Anna and An Qi, the purpose is to tell them that if they really meet that person one day in the future, please find the right person, and don't be blinded by the fantasy in front of them.

Ten days later, An Yi went to change Gu Sheng's dressing, because the door curtain of their house was made of straw and couldn't be opened at all. Although the door was opened, the door curtain was too thick, so there was nothing they could do. When he was changing the dressing, his hands might have been a bit heavy. When he touched the wound, the man would make all kinds of weird noises hypocritically, which annoyed An Yi very much at that time: "Shut up, what is a big man humming?" Humph?"

"I suspect you did it on purpose. You weren't so ruthless before. My wound has scabbed over. Look, it's bleeding again when you touch it!"

An Yiquan pretended not to notice, applied medicine to his scabbed wound, wrapped the bandage after applying the medicine, the chest injury was already healed, and the leg injury still needed to be recuperated.

Suddenly he thought of something: "Where's my pie plate? It's my amulet. If it weren't for that pie plate, I might have died. I actually forgot to ask you for it before."

When Anyi heard this, without any hesitation, she opened her medicine box and poked through it for a while, found out the golden pie plate, and patted it in his hand.

"Here is a pen and paper. You write an IOU. From saving you to now, I barely charge you 100 yuan. If you don't have money, things are fine, but they must be worth the price!"

The man stared: "One, 100 yuan? Are you robbing?"

"Your body is not bad, and you are recovering very well. After changing the medicine this time, you can change the medicine yourself later. When you fully recover next spring, don't take it lightly. It is best to use crutches when you go out, and the crutches will be given to you. , why is 100 yuan too much? Do you think your life is not worth the price?"

"I only have 14 yuan and 100 cents a month. Where do you want me to make up the [-] yuan for you?"

An Yi packed up the medicine box: "Can you give me something, such as gold bars or something?"

Gu Sheng's face changed drastically in an instant: "Gold bars? I don't have that thing!"

"Give me the money if you don't have it, let's say it a year ago, I'll give you a month to prepare, isn't it too much?"

Now it is December and a half in the Gregorian calendar, and the Lunar New Year is in January and a half. One month, she is a little nervous, but she just feels that there are gold bars in this product, and she can save it back then. How can a smoker and drinker like him Maybe not saving some gold bars around?

The reason why I know that he smokes and drinks is because when I rescued him, he smelled of cigarettes. He had a wine bottle at home, so he must have been drinking. The quality of the quilt was not bad. , but there are a few valuable things in this house. If others can't see it, it doesn't mean she can't see it.

100 yuan for a gold bar, no loss!

But Gu Sheng felt that the loss was too great, but An Yi ignored him: "I will come again on the 29th of the year, and I will ask you for a debt. You can weigh it yourself!"

It sounded casual, but it was full of threats, which made Gu Sheng very upset: "Woman, you are greedy enough."

"My family took the risk to take you in for half a month, and saved your life. It's just a gold bar, so I'm greedy? I'll give you food back, and wait on you for half a month, all for free? You treat me as a free saver, and do those jobs for nothing? After the money and goods are settled, you and I will never meet each other again, okay?"

After saying this, she left the shantytown by bicycle, while Gu Sheng sat there with a gloomy face, weighing whether her care during that time was worth a gold bar.

"You're still a miser!" Gu Sheng's impression points in An Yi's place were greatly discounted.

During the Laba Festival, Anyi boiled a large pot of eight-treasure porridge, with plenty of ingredients, such as peanuts, red dates, goji berries, corn kernels, red beans, glutinous rice, lotus seeds, red beans, lentils, etc., which were combined into a large pot of nutritious and delicious sticky rice. Porridge, because it was sweet and varied, they drank that big pot of porridge for a whole day.

It is served with hot and sour seaweed shreds to make porridge, and I didn’t eat the staple food, because the porridge is very sticky. If you are hungry, you can bake a few sticky bean buns or sweet potatoes to eat, which is very Northeast.

20 days after Laba is the new year. On the tenth day of the new year, An Hu, who had been out for a month, came back. After getting off the bus in the county town, he walked straight home and brought back about [-] catties of frozen fish. These fish are all good. Big, some are as long as an arm, everyone is dumbfounded.

"All the small fish are thrown into the lake again. As long as the big fish, everyone has taken good care of me this month, and they have done everything within their ability, so there is still a sense of accomplishment. This year our family will not worry about the Chinese New Year. There is no meat to eat."

An Yi looked at his face, ears and hands that were frosted and chapped, and felt very distressed: "Have you applied the medicine I gave you?"

"I wiped it off, but everyone asked me to wipe it off after seeing it. It would be useless after half a month, otherwise it would not be like this. My situation is much better than theirs. Don't worry, Mama An. I'm back."

That being said, An Yi still found a way to boil hot water for him and let him soak himself in the warm kang room. The dirty water had to be changed three times before he could wash himself clean. The clean clothes, the original dirty clothes are set aside to be unpacked and washed.

After returning home, An Hu hugged the two younger sisters, but she was tired of turning over, "Brother misses you to death, do you miss your brother?"

The frozen fish brought back by An Hu, she buried directly in the snowdrift, and she just pulled it from the inside when eating, which is better than the refrigerator.

The child An Hu suffered for a month outside. After he came back, An Yi worked hard to replenish his body. The big fish he brought back was also cooked for him in different ways, such as frying, deep-frying, stewing, and chopping. Pepper fish head, fish with pickled cabbage, when the fish is stewed, put on browned and browned pancakes, the mouths of the big guys are full of oil, and An Ran and An Ning even look at it, but for the two of them, she is the only one made of fish Fish balls, tasteless, but the freshest initial taste.

"Huzi came to our house for half a year, and you can see that he has grown taller. Eat more, and he will grow taller later. He has an advantage when he is a soldier."

Under An Yi's strong request, An Hu has now drank milk with her two daughters, a bowl each in the morning and evening, in addition to dairy products, soy products, and meat protein, eggs and duck eggs, which is equivalent to the daily milk consumption after An Hu returns home. The quality of the food is much higher than before. Even the children themselves said that every day feels like Chinese New Year.

"When you've eaten and drank enough, study hard for me. Look at your two aunts. Both of you have been admitted to the county's first high school this year. It took only two years to graduate from junior high school. I don't ask you to go faster than They, after you start school, next year, at least you have to graduate from elementary school next year, right? Do you have confidence in this?"

An Hu gritted her teeth and made up her mind: "It is necessary, I will study hard."

An Yi gave him the self-study materials she made with satisfaction: "Read it yourself first, try to do the exercises after reading it, and ask your aunt if you don't know it, and try to go through the fourth and fifth grade courses before the beginning of spring, and then consolidate after the start of school." Learn it, it will be more solid, your two aunts learned this way before, I believe you can do it too."

The content of primary school, for the sisters who have already graduated from junior high school, is naturally not a problem, they also need to change their minds to rest, An Yi has already worked hard to tutor the two of them, so the task of tutoring An Hu is handed over to Anna and An Qi, They are those who have come here, and they have some shortcuts to learning. If they judge others by themselves, the teaching effect may be more suitable than her as a teacher.

So every day, she cooks and takes the children to tutor the two adults in their studies, such as washing vegetables, washing dishes, clothes and housework at home, they rarely let her do it, and she is relaxed.

The milk for the children, she told the sisters Anna was goat milk, and she bought it from a relationship, so she went out every day, and actually went to work in the space, and when she came back, she brought enough for them Drink the amount in the morning, and then go out in the afternoon.

"Sister, you see you work so hard every day, why don't I go?"

Anna's kindness was rejected by An Yi: "No, just study hard and take care of the children. How can you use such a small matter?"

Anyway, she makes up and circles one panic after another every day. From the perspective of the sisters, An Yi not only has a lot of contacts, but also seems to have a lot of money. Although her salary is high, she can't make it like this. When it's delicious, it's full of guilt.

"You don't need to have a psychological burden. Our clothes can be bad, but we must eat well. The children can grow taller if they have nutrition. We women will not be anemic if we are well-nourished. We will not be anemic during menstruation. You will be dizzy, the body is the capital of the revolution, without a body, what is the future? So, I try to get these things every day, don’t ask how they came, how they came, how much they cost, don’t worry about this, just study hard Well, taking good care of your body is the greatest reward for me, because sooner or later you will repay me with good health, and I am afraid that you will not care about me?"

An Yi cited many examples around her. Some women let their children have enough food and clothing for the sake of beauty, and they can't live well. There are also grandparents who are patriarchal and cling to their grandchildren. The granddaughter starves to death It's not just one or two, some are even disabled since childhood, unable to bear children when they grow up, or they don't pay attention to menstrual hygiene, and infections and diseases abound.

What are the principles of their family?
The outerwear can be worn poorly, but the inside must be kept warm. You don’t need to show off to others, and you don’t need to compare yourself. Just live well.

Letting others know that our family is doing well will arouse the jealousy of others, and they will also take advantage of the trend to investigate the source of our family's income. This will not only cause her troubles, but the family will also be bitten by one kind or another, so our family closed the door to live our own life. Days, don't be bald.

The food and drink are all for yourself. The world knows what you have announced. Is the purpose to show off or to satisfy your own vanity?
When everyone is not full to eat, your family has chickens, ducks, fish, eggs and milk. Where did it come from?
Whenever she asked such thought-provoking words, An Hu and the others kept nodding their heads.

Only then did I understand why everyone's coats were torn and even had patches, but the cotton inside was brand new, not torn at all, not hard, and even had a very fresh smell. Difficult, in private, when you are alone, you will be as comfortable as possible.

Mother Ann stipulated that they take a bath at least once a week. Even if it is cold and shivering, they must pay attention to personal hygiene. Only when the body is clean can they prevent the growth of germs. bath.

"If it weren't for the strong smell of charcoal fire, I really want to build a sauna for our family. I can steam it every now and then. It's very comfortable. Unfortunately, the conditions don't allow it. Wait until I find wood that doesn't smell too much soot. .”

Recently, she is doing this experiment in the space, and wants to try whether the wood of the fruit trees in the space is good for use. She didn't pay attention to the details of this aspect before, but if she can hide in the sauna room at a temperature tens of degrees below zero, How comfortable is it to rub your back?
The wood in the space is too wet. In the past, it was sold with branches and fruits in the mall, so she never thought about it.

It wasn't until one day that she saw the fruit tree branches she had thrown all over the ground that she remembered that she had never used these branches to try charcoal fire. Before, she had taken them outside to dry, and then set them on fire after drying. She never tried them at all. Whether the fireworks are strong or not, isn't God giving her this opportunity?

She left all the good wood, looking for a chance to dry it, but realized it was winter when she got out of the space, the sun in the twelfth lunar month was sunny and cold, not to mention drying the wood, even the snow was hard to melt , it seems that there is no such opportunity this year, save, save until next year.

After the 23rd year of the twelfth lunar month, every household is busy. Although they will not return to the village this year, An Yi still brings An Hu back to the village to deliver New Year gifts to several families.

The past dim sum was replaced by pig cheese, frozen pears, frozen persimmons made by herself, homemade hawthorn cakes, red date cakes, and homemade persimmon vinegar, tea cakes made of space spirit grass, and poured Japanese wine into glass bottles to pretend to be her own. winemaking.

These etiquettes are carefully arranged and made by her. The captain secretary and the others like it very much, especially the tea cake made by the space, but it has been mentioned many times, but not every year, because she has to make them realize that for the sake of How much would she have to pay for this tea cake.

Tea cakes are precious, even if they are only the size of a palm, they will be extremely precious. This is the highest level of gift-giving. Only by matching what you like can you do things well!

(End of this chapter)

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