The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1078 [1077] Heroines of the Republic of China 51 (5000+)

Chapter 1078 [1077] Heroines of the Republic of China 51 (5000+)

Half a month later, Gu Sheng was able to walk around on the ground. At this time, his hair and beard had grown too much. Once he went out and scared two children, so he seldom went out. Several times, she noticed that he hesitated to speak. , An Yiquan pretended not to see it.

Finally, he couldn't help pulling his face down, "Can you cut my hair and shave my beard? This, this covers my eyes. I'm afraid I'll scare your daughter again."

An Yi glanced at him: "Are you begging me?"

Gu Sheng's lips moved slightly, and his eyes widened involuntarily. He was very macho, and he was obviously very unhappy with the word 'begging'.

"You can cut it if you want, why bother to say it so badly?"

"Oh, then I don't want to." An Yi snorted, ignored him, and lowered her head to do her own thing, pretending that he didn't say anything.

This made Gu Sheng very dissatisfied: "You, you're still in good spirits, aren't you?"

Anyi scrubbed and washed the clothes while snorting disdainfully.

"A big man, he's always in trouble, who can show his pretense? Asking for help should be like asking for help. Don't think that my old lady should hang around you all day. We women in the Northeast are not so useless!"

Gu Sheng was so angry that his fingers turned white from the crutch in his hand, he knocked down hard on the ground twice, turned around and went back to the room.

Watching the curtain fall, An Yi curled her lips.

"It's nothing. This man has never been with a woman at first glance. If he is a woman, he should be around men?"

Looking down at the dirty clothes he took off, she slammed them onto the washboard, gnashing her teeth.

"It's right not to get married. What are you doing here? After serving the old ones, and then the young ones, I've been wandering around the stove every day, right?"

Originally, she wanted to wait until his illness recovered before driving him away, but now An Yi wanted to go back on his word: "Hey, when are you going to leave? My son will be back soon,"

Gu Sheng was still angry at first, but when he heard this, his arrogance was instantly extinguished, and then he remembered that he was renting someone else's house, did he take it for granted?
"My legs and feet are not good yet!"

"Then I don't care. Where is your home? I'll push a bicycle and send it back to you. You can't let my son have no place to live when he comes back?"

"Doesn't your house have a West Wing?"

"My family doesn't have that much firewood, why are you so stupid? Because of you, we don't have enough firewood in storage, why don't you wink?"

Now An Yi is really impatient with this person, I really owe her, let's live a good life, but, after getting such a master to serve her, she still hates this and that, what is she trying to do?

"I...," wanted to say pay, but where is the money?Not only does he have no money, but he also has no food. He should be grateful for being taken care of for half a month, shouldn't he?

Gu Sheng was embarrassed, this time he really felt a little shameless.

But he has been missing for half a month, and he still needs to undergo a series of investigations if he really goes back. If the injury is not good, it will be easy to find out, which is not good for him.

What he is doing now is not a decent job, just a street sweeper, with a salary of only a dozen yuan a month, 24 catties of rations, and still living in a shack. Working with bowed waist for a long time, without food and clothing, with his skill, how could he be shot by the opponent?

However, although he was injured, the D-specialists were not much better. Four of them died, three were seriously injured, and one was seriously injured. If he really wants to let others know that he shot and killed D. If he doesn't expose himself, he might be targeted. This is not the day he wants.

The seriously injured one didn't know if he was dead or not. If he hadn't been injured himself, he would never have let him escape. Now, let himself be in such a passive situation.

Do you really think he is happy to live in someone else's house?Isn't there no way?
However, he didn't want to talk too much with this family. The more he knew, the less good it would be for them.

But people have talked to this point, it is inappropriate to rely on it, so he agreed.

"That's fine, I'll leave tomorrow, but this appearance is really outrageous, why don't you please give me a haircut?"

What An Yi said was angry, but the main reason was that this person took himself too seriously, so he made such a conversation insincerely.

She didn't expect that she really agreed to leave, which made her a little at a loss. You said that her legs are not smooth, can you bring your own?
She silently boiled hot water and washed his hair with soap. There was shampoo in the space, but she dared not bring it in front of such people, for fear that he would see something. ''

This time, the hair, face, and beard were washed together. After washing, the scissors and combs were used to cut the long hair short, and then thin the hair with thinning scissors. These professional scissors were obtained from the barber shop. Lizheng came here, because she knew it would be used, so she was not ambiguous at all when grabbing it, and Huzi's hairstyle was all done by her.

Look, after a short while, the inch-cut shape came out. After cutting his hair and shaving his beard, Gu Sheng was indeed much more handsome than before, and he didn't expect An Yi's handicraft to be so good. He looked younger in the mirror. Not a lot.

"You still get a haircut?"

Anyi was noncommittal: "I have a son, so of course I have to learn how to cut hair. Look at the hairstyles of our two girls, aren't they cute?"

Chibi Maruko Momoko's haircut, because she uses shampoo and her special ginger water for hair care, the hair of their family is extra thick and smooth, smooth to the touch, and even looks reflective in the sun!
But for Gu Sheng, it's not so cumbersome, just wash it off with soap, even if you're done, you don't even lather up your beard.

His hair was cut, his beard was shaved, and his clothes were changed into clean ones. When he arrived, he was empty, but when he left, he was given several pieces of clothes. Although they didn't look like new ones, he didn't seem to have the right to dislike them. .

"This, this is not suitable for me, right? Your man...?"

"Are you losing your memory? I'm not married. Where did the man come from? These clothes belong to Huzi's house. He won't be able to wear them for the time being, so I'll keep them. If you don't like them, you don't have to take them away. "

"No, no, that's not what I meant."

Gu Sheng looked helplessly at the woman who became more and more irritable, "Then..., leave tomorrow morning?"

An Yi nodded, packed his things, and went to prepare some topical medicine for him.

The next morning, I also made him a bowl of boiled egg soup. There were two eggs in a bowl of soup, and I also ate noodles and fine grains. This woman really spent a lot of money.

He felt a little bit sad in his heart, but this was not his home after all, obediently leaning on a cane, followed her to push the car to the gate.

At eight o'clock in the morning, there was no one on the street, and he was helped onto the back seat of the bicycle. An Yi didn't ride, and pushed him away wearing thick gloves and a big-brimmed hat.

He sat in the back seat and directed her to go. The two of them had no communication during the whole process. After walking on the snow for more than two hours, a shanty town appeared in front of Anyi.

Located in the southernmost part of the county, there are coal mines here, so the surrounding snow surface is covered with a layer of black, which is enough to show that there is coal in the air, which is not clean.

In addition to the community where the people living in the mine live, it is the gathering place for the poor in the county.

Looking at the densely packed crooked houses in front of her, Anyi, who had never been to this side of the county, was stunned.

"You live here?" This distance is really far away. After two hours, she almost lost her patience.

A person who lives in the south, what is he doing in the east?
Seeing the teasing gazes of people coming and going at the two of them, An Yi felt very uncomfortable.

She even turned her head to look at him a little irritatedly: "Don't tell me, I have to go through this gathering place of seven aunts and eight aunts to take you home."

Gu Sheng raised his eyebrows: "Scared?"

An Yi gave him a cold look, "Is that a question of being afraid? Does it make you feel good to be gossiped by those gossips?"

Gu Sheng was thoughtful, "It's not very comfortable, after all, I still have to face, you, hey, what are you doing?"

Regardless of his foot injury, Anyi pulled him down forcefully. Gu Shengkui's legs are long, otherwise he would have cramps.

"Yes, your face is expensive, but mine is worthless. If that's the case, you can go on your own for the rest of the way. Good luck,"

"Hey, don't go, send someone to the west, don't you? Don't worry, my house is right next door. I don't need to walk around. I don't have anything at home. You have to help me. If you don't help me, I will return I have to find someone else, anyway, it’s enough to owe you one person.”

Gu Sheng tightly grasped the corner of An Yi's clothes, for fear that she would leave. An Yi looked at his pitiful appearance and listened to the pointing of the people around her, frowning.

Gu Sheng also heard the discussion of those people——

"Look, someone actually likes that smelly old man who sweeps the street. I usually don't notice it. I didn't expect that after being cleaned up by a woman, he looks weird."

"That's right, why didn't I realize that this is still a pretty boy, look at that handsome face, but this woman is too ugly to be worthy of him,"

"Although she looks a little ugly, but look, this woman still has a bicycle, is well dressed, and is in good condition? No wonder the stinky old man who usually ignores everyone sometimes asks for help."

"Eh? Why did his leg hurt? No wonder I haven't seen him recently, and the people from the street office are still looking for him. The toilet has not been cleaned recently, and it stinks..."


"That, don't take it to heart, they are just jealous, jealous of me being sent back, I am a street sweeper, I,"

"Where is your home?" Anyi interrupted him and asked in a cold voice.

"Huh?" The voice was so cold that he couldn't hear it clearly.

"I asked where is your home?" Her voice was a little impatient. It was obvious that she hadn't communicated with these eight wives for a long time, and she was a little uncomfortable now.

"Oh, go straight to the right and go to the end. The one on the far side is my house."

An Yi waited for him to get back into the car, she lowered her head and said nothing, because the cold wind was so cold that she would drink a full stomach of cold wind with just one mouth, which was very uncomfortable.

So along the way, the two of them had almost zero communication.

The houses in the shantytowns are built in a mess, some are built with wood, some are built with adobe, anyway, they can be built with whatever they have in hand. There are rural people who have relatives in the city but no houses, so they have no choice but to come to build houses. , I usually earn a living by working as temporary or part-time workers in the mine.

There are no rich people in this area, only poor people, and the houses are small. Each household is only allowed to build two rooms, and no more are allowed.

If someone has many relatives, as long as they live in the county, they will be counted as one family. Therefore, even if they leave the relatives in the city, they still live in a very crowded place.

The houses here all have a small yard for growing vegetables, and cooking is done inside the house. In the era when there was no oil and water, there was no need to worry about oil fumes.

Every household has a kang. Without a kang, we can’t live. Who makes it so cold here in winter?
Because his family lives in the tuyere, he was allowed to build two wind walls. The inside of the wind wall is the wall of his house. There are two adobe houses, one for sundries and one for people. Seeing that the gate was not locked, it was only fastened with wood, so it was easily pushed open.

The house is not big, low and dilapidated, but judging from the fact that the house is neatly repaired and the windows are sealed, this person is also good at tinkering with things, at least he is not lazy.

He locked the door when he left, but it has snowed twice in the past half month, and now the door of the house is covered with snow, and it can be seen from the messy footsteps that many people have looked for him.

She pushed him to the door of the house. Gu Sheng stepped on the ground with his long legs and leaned on a cane to open the door, but because it was too cold, the lock was frozen. He borrowed a bowl of hot water from the next door through the wall and poured it on it. Only then did I open the door, because there was no fire, the inside of the room was not much warmer than outside, it was chilly.

Entering the house is a mess of firewood. Although the firewood is messy, the cupboards and cutting boards are neatly placed and covered with pots.

The door is the stove, connected to the kang head in the inner room. There are two quilts and a box in the corner of the kang, and a table is placed in the middle. Other than that, there are some cleaning tools and some messy things picked up.

How should I put it, the place that should be messy is really messy, but the kang and the stove for eating are cleaned up. As a man, it is not easy.

At least it's thick and thin.

Anyi visited back and forth, "Does your house have a cellar? Have you stored winter grain?"

Gu Sheng nodded, "Here, the cellar is under the firewood. I have planted radishes, cabbages, winter melons and pumpkins, and some good wood. They are all stored in the cellar. There is also a lot of firewood, which is enough for me."

An Yi stood in the room to look around, and then went to look outside the door. She couldn't help but marvel: "You have been away for half a month, and your home hasn't been stolen?"

Normally, if he disappeared for half a month in the twelfth lunar month of winter, he would think that he was gone, so the things in his house would always be missed by some restless people.

But judging from the scene, it was intact, so Anyi felt it was amazing.

However, Gu Sheng just said lightly: "They dare not."

As for why and why, there is no explanation.

Anyi's memory was brought back to that badass army ruffian wearing leather boots, smoking a cigarette, and wearing a military uniform.

Thinking that even if this person sweeps the streets and toilets and looks at the attitudes of the people around him, he only dares to discuss in private, and dare not come over and say a word to him, which still has a certain deterrent effect. As for what he did, she really does Not curious.

But the house was too cold to live in. She still helped to light the fire and boil hot water. Looking at the water tank at home, it had bottomed out.

Just about to go out with the bucket, Gu Sheng stopped her.

"No, I'll just ask the buddy next door to help me call later. You go back. I think the sky is cloudy again. I may have to go down later. I have nothing to do here. Thank you for taking me back."

"Do you have food?"

Gu Sheng nodded, "Yes, it's in the cellar."

An Yi thought for a moment, then went down to bring him up, brought up a basket of vegetables, and put his baggage and twenty catties of miscellaneous grains on his kang.

"That's all I can do. Every ten days I will come over to help you check your body and pay attention to the cleanliness of the wound."

The man said 'hmm', "Thank you, Teacher An."

An Yi paused, turned her head and glanced at him, "Good luck."

An Yi went out and pushed on her bicycle and left. On the way, she was stopped by a woman and asked her about her relationship with Gu Sheng, but she rebuked her with one word.

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?"

After that, she got on her bicycle and left without turning her head. She heard behind her 'Bah, what? 'The scolding sound.

She shook her head, ignored them, they were all disgusted, addicted to meddling other people's business, isn't it?

When they got home, Anna and An Qi looked behind her and were relieved to make sure that she was really sent away.

"Sister, didn't you say at the beginning that you would let him leave after he got better? Why don't you just let him go after half a month?"

An Yi glanced over: "This uncle is too tempered, why don't I stop serving him?"

big temper?Why didn't they feel that they rarely saw any movement in his room!

But my sister said it was big, so it must be big, after all, it was their sister who went out and went in all day long, and they were only responsible for taking care of the two children.

I can also understand where her unhappiness comes from, and it's the same with another person, right?After all, there is no filial son in front of a long-term hospital bed, right?
If the man who picked him up for no reason, if he didn't know how to be grateful, no one would spoil him, just leave, they won't be so depressed after leaving.

They just thought that An Yi didn't want to serve her anymore, but in fact, An Yi was displeased with the man's attitude, shouldn't she be a little cautious when she is under the fence?

Why is she still so arrogant when she encounters it?Who gave him the confidence?Liang Jingru?

No wonder people say that a man is truly honest only if he hangs on the wall. Like Gu Sheng, it’s fine if he doesn’t get married. If he really wants to get married, he doesn’t know how his other half can stand it. This kind of male chauvinism is not easy to cure , But on the other hand, thinking about women in this era, they take it for granted that they wash vegetables, cook and take care of their children to honor the elderly. Since ancient times, the traditional thinking of Chinese people has long been deeply ingrained.

And only she, a modern person, would feel that women are fully capable of self-reliance, so why marry?Why let a man dominate himself?
What's more, because of her face, he has a lot of patience. How dare a street sweeper and toilet sweeper despise him?
Bah, it's nothing, out of sight and out of mind, it's better to be gone, my sister won't serve you anymore!

Without this outsider, you don't have to worry about what you want to eat and do, isn't that good?
In the future, she has to get rid of her habit of picking up people at home, if she makes this mistake again, she will lose her hand!
(End of this chapter)

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