The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1076 [1075] Heroines of the Republic of China 49 (4000+)

Chapter 1076 [1075] Heroines of the Republic of China 49 (4000+)

After An Hu left, the snow in Dingyuan County came one after another. Because no one wanted to go back to the village to celebrate the New Year, An Yi decided to spend the New Year in the county this year.

The biggest advantage of celebrating the New Year in the county is that no matter what you do, you don't have to worry about being talked about.

In winter they only had two kangs in the main room, and the corner of the living room in the main room was used for cooking. There was no way to place nuts, so they put the five of them in the west room, that is, in the corner of An Qi’s bedroom, and made a big wooden basin. Straw and broken urine mat, very warm.

The county town is different from the house in the countryside. In winter, the kennel is placed next to the heating kang in the main room, so it won’t freeze to death. The county town is small, so it can’t be done like that, so it can only be moved into the house.

An Yi took them to the space from time to time to take a bath, have fun, have their own aura, can understand people's words, and can't scream, which is why they have a place to live in today.

As for the chickens, most people kill the chickens when it is too cold, and feed them again in the next spring, every year.

Her family's chickens were also killed. Anyway, it's cold and they don't lay much eggs. Eight chickens can save a lot of money in winter, not only for feed, but also for meat.

During festivals, chickens, fish, and pork are the real blessings, which indicates that there will be surplus every year, and the coming year will be a bumper harvest year.

The snow in the Northeast lasts for many days at a time, and it may stop falling. Because the temperature is low, the snow will not melt. If it is not cleaned in time, it will freeze. It is very dangerous and it is more difficult to dig the road. Therefore, every morning or before going to bed, One of the things that everyone often does is to clear the snow at home and at the gate, at least to leave a road that can be walked normally.

When An Yi opened the door to clear the snow as usual, a figure curled up in the corner of their gate, shivering, and there seemed to be bright red blood around him, she frowned, and subconsciously walked over, "Comrade... ,are you OK?"

As a result, as soon as she touched him, the whole body was crooked and motionless, and the reason why he was still shaking was because his body was hot and hot. This was caused by... the inflammation of the wound?

After careful inspection, it was found that he had been shot in the leg, his face was covered by messy hair, and he couldn't see what he looked like, only that he was tall, but not strong, and even weak. , how could he be shot?

What age is this, and there are still people who have been shot, which clearly shows that there is a problem.

Still not helping?

In the end, instinct overcame her inner demons, she went home and called An Qi and Anna over, and the three of them carried him into the East Wing where the sundries were stored but there was a kang. After a simple cleaning, An Yi tumbled out of the space For the quilts and quilts from the war years, straw was laid on the kang first, and then the quilts and quilts were laid, and then he was lifted up.

"Both of you go to heat the hot water first, and I'll clean up the outside of the gate."

The investigative methods of this era should not be underestimated. Judging by his appearance, he should have been injured two or three hours ago, so she must be quick.

If you want to have no traces, you must first melt the snow, and then use something with a relatively strong smell to cover it.

The snow is melted with salt, and the salt in her space has piled up into a hill, and now it is only a small half of the basin, which is quite willing.

Then mix the juice of the stinky bamboo shoots in the fusilli powder with salt and shovel the snow together. There is still mud on the road. After mixing like this, it will become a black mass, and nothing can be seen. For this reason, she deliberately The same method was used to clean up all the blood stains within a mile in front of my house.

After that, he used chicken blood and messy footsteps to confuse him, and ran to a small forest in the county town, where he was drenched in blood.

Because she had room to cover up, the blood flowed out along her fingers and the basket she was carrying in a low-key manner, so even if she walked shoulder to shoulder with the passing people, she would not attract the attention of others. Look, I can't see it at all.

It's tens of degrees below zero, who gets up so early in the morning, so there are far fewer neighbors in the past and around than you think.

After arranging all this, when they returned home, the sisters had already wiped the man's face clean. When she saw the familiar face, An Yi froze for a moment.

Is it him?

Although they don't know their names, they have met several times directly and indirectly. How high-spirited they used to be, how depressed they are now.

The tall, tall, heroic soldiers in the past are now weak and have little flesh on their bodies. What a crime!
An Yi didn't know what he went through, and didn't know if he was a good person or a bad person, but since he was saved, there was no reason to throw him out.

When she came in, she was carrying a medicine box. Most of the things in the medicine box were imported medicines from Japan, and some Chinese medicines she had researched by herself. She also prepared scalpels and so on, but at this time It can't be taken out, because An Qi and Anna are here, and she has to do it herself if she wants to operate.

The light in the room was a little dark, she thought for a while, and said to the two of them: "I don't need you here, I can take care of it myself, you two go to take care of the two children, and cook some rice porridge by the way, and the children will drink it when they get up. I don't call You guys, don't come in and disturb me, remember?"

At this time, An Yi exuded an aura of power without anger, especially when she was not smiling, her serious and serious face made the sisters feel nervous every time, so it made them realize quickly. The man in front of him is likely to be troublesome.

"Sister...can we not send her to the hospital?"

"It's scary to look at so much blood."

Anyi looked at the bloody water in the house, but after all, it didn't splash into the sewer in the corner.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it from now on, I will deal with it, and whoever knocks on the door, come over and tell me, don't open the door randomly, I have to prepare, understand?"

After explaining to the two sisters, she closed the door and looked at the basin of sewage, which she poured on the dung pile in the space, for fear of causing trouble if it was splashed outside.

There was not enough light for the operation in the room, and the smell of blood was too thick, so she discussed with Liang Tian and agreed to give [-] merit points.

"There are two children and a dog. This place is almost becoming your nursery. The package price is [-] merits!"

An Yi was helpless, but she also knew that there was indeed a rule not to allow living things to enter the space. It was not easy for someone to open a channel for her, so she readily agreed.

The operating table where people are anesthetized and transferred to the space. Here is the pharmacy and operating room of Hiroshima Hospital that she robbed. Basically, all the medicines she wants can be found here. And when she performs surgery in the space, she doesn’t worry about these medicines at all. The source of it, just throw it into the corner of the space when it is used up, and then destroy it in a unified manner later.

After opening the man's clothes, he found that he was not only shot once, but also shot in the chest, but this shot was blocked by a similar metal disc, but suffered a little trauma, and it didn't go deep into the flesh, which was luck among misfortunes .

She held the metal disc that was taken from his chest, looked carefully but did not understand what this palm-sized disc was for, how could it be placed against his chest?

He had severe rheumatism and varicose veins in his legs, no wonder a bullet in the leg made him suffer like this.

Regardless of whether it is rheumatic varicose veins, these cannot be cured. The medical methods of later generations can only alleviate them. The current medical technology may not even be able to alleviate them.

I don't know what he has gone through these years, tossing his legs like this.

It took eight hours for the space operation, and it took more than three hours for the outside world, less than four hours.

It was like she was busy from morning to noon, got people out of the space, covered the quilt, and walked to the front of the room to raise the kang in the room.

Every year before the cold weather, this kang has to be cleaned, so no matter which kang in the house, there is no blockage. She rescued the people, and they must be sent to the west.

The anesthetic on his body is almost strong, and he will wake up around two or three o'clock in the afternoon. During this time, she will go out to have a look.

As soon as I left the door of the East Wing, I heard the crying of the two daughters. She had washed her hands, but she took off her coat before entering the room and changed into a pair of home clothes.

"Hey, my little boy, why are you crying so painfully? Could it be that you can't find your mother?"

An Ran sat quietly on her pony pony and ate steamed buns. She seemed to be used to the crying younger sister, except for occasionally raising her eyelids to glance at her, she had no extra expressions and concentrated on eating her own food.

An Ning was not crying because of her, after all, they were familiar with everyone in the family, and they didn't know each other, so why would they cry?
She just wanted to eat the steamed buns from her sister, but her sister didn't give it to her, and her aunt gave it the same one, but she still felt the smell from someone else's hand.

She couldn't grab it, so she cried.

This kind of battle is going on almost every day. After everyone understands it clearly, let it develop naturally and see how the two of them solve it, instead of blindly letting the boss give up the second, that is unfair.

Anna was cooking, while An Qi was lighting the fire. When she saw An Yi coming in, she quickly asked, "Sister, are you ready?"

An Yi nodded: "Well, it has stabilized for the time being, the medicine has been used, and the wound has been bandaged. From now on, life and death are at stake."

An Qi was a little nervous, "Then what if he doesn't make it through, wouldn't our family have to bear a life?"

"What you said is very reasonable, but this person fell at our door. If I was just out of compassion at the beginning, then after I saw his face, I made up my mind to save him. This Men may be very useless now, but in the war years, they were also very good special operators,"

Anna stood up straight in surprise, and even An Qi was stunned: "Sister, you..., you even know this, so you know him?"

Anyi nodded, "I know him, but he doesn't know me. No matter what this person is now, we can't let go of what he did. Whoever gave us the good times now is not them. Created by these heroic and dedicated ancestors? As a human being, you must not forget your roots. I can’t do nothing to save you. You all shut up for me. Don’t worry, he won’t die for the time being, as long as he has a good life in the future.”

Anna and An Qi were shocked, and couldn't hide the expressions on their faces, but An Yi didn't explain anything. They were only curious about her past, but could she tell about the ghost in red?It only works if someone believes it. If no one believes it, it is like making up nonsense and has no meaning.

Therefore, in this life, neither of them can wait for the day when she confesses voluntarily.

"This morning, there is no movement outside, right?"

They both shook their heads at the same time, "I listened at the door for a while, and many people said that the door of our house stinks, no, why is it so smelly around here? I can smell it as soon as I smell it. This is the smell of the screw powder that my sister made for us. Isn’t it stinky bamboo shoot juice?”

An Yi nodded her forehead: "You're smart, that's right, it's stinky bamboo shoot juice. I used it to cover up the smell of blood. I also lighted wormwood in the next room to smoke the house. By the way, I went to get rid of the bloody smell." Weier, like this, the two of you don't go to the east wing for the next two days, I'll take care of anything, and let An Hu take care of him when he comes back, before he comes back, I'll take care of him, so you two don't get involved. "

An Qi and Anna knew that this was An Yi's way of protecting their reputation. Although it was thoughtless to bring a strange man home, he used to be a hero, so what's the point of sacrificing his reputation for a hero?
But for the two of them to have the results they have today, the biggest advantage is that they are obedient, especially An Yi's orders, which have always been obeyed.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, the man really woke up. Seeing that he was in a strange place, he was instinctively startled. When he wanted to get up, he found that his body was extremely stiff, his chest still hurt badly, and his legs were especially uncomfortable. He touched the warm kang, Looking around at the clean brick and tile house, although it was piled up with sundries, I anxiously thought about various countermeasures.

When An Yi came in with a thermos bottle, the man was frowning and staring at the beam, and turned his face around when he heard the movement.

Putting down the heavy door curtain woven with straw, the room was suddenly dark, and An Yi walked towards him bit by bit in the light behind her.

He stopped a meter away from himself: "Very well, it seems that the medicine has worn off, and the pain will come back after a while. I have already applied medicine to your legs and chest. Let's change it every three days. There are oral medicines, which have already been decocted, are you hungry? How about eating something first?"

Even though it was washed clean, the man's hair was still long enough to cover his eyebrows, revealing only a pair of black eyes that seemed to have no intimidating power, but actually harbored murderous intent.

His face was covered with a beard, and he looked particularly vicissitudes of life. During the operation in the afternoon, he found that his back was also slightly bent.

A good person, and now he looks like a ghost or a ghost, must be full of grievances in his heart, right?

This kind of him really makes people feel distressed. At this moment, An Yi recalled too much of the past in her mind, especially when she met his eyes, she could feel his forbearance and guard.

"Who are you? Why are you saving me?"

His voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as if he had injured his vocal cords, and he uttered every word rough and hard, trying to slow down as much as possible, probably because he was worried that she would not be able to understand clearly, so he spoke very slowly.

 The flowers are full and the moon is full, and the reunion is full. I wish everyone a happy family, good happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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