The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1075 [1074] Heroines of the Republic of China 48 (5000+)

Chapter 1075 [1074] Heroines of the Republic of China 48 (5000+)

In the northeast in early November, the temperature was more than ten degrees below zero, which was colder than the deep winter in the southern Central Plains.

After the school exams, the holidays began one after another. Some areas have already started to snow. As early as September, An Yi's family began to re-paste the wall and door cracks, and used straw to mix the house together. The clay was re-coated with a thick layer of insulation, not only the old house at home, but also the house in the county town. For this reason, she specially invited a few people to help with the homework.

When the weather starts to get cold, the house is almost air-dried. Because it is cold here in winter, the beams and the indoor area are all reduced as much as possible. It looks a bit oppressive, but in winter, the warmth retention is greatly increased.

The village school finished the exam on November 11st, and the holiday began on the 1nd. The fishing operation that An Hu participated in was at the beginning of December, so after the holiday here, they returned to the county seat. According to An Hu's current level, she began to give He makes up lessons.

Angela and the others took the senior high school entrance examination on November 11, and hugged An Yi when they got home.

"Sister, we are all confident that we can pass the exam. The question types are much simpler than what you gave us. We have also memorized the knowledge points that should be memorized in each subject, and we are designated to pass the exam."

After completing the four-year middle school courses in two years, the workload is still quite heavy, so Anyi decided on the types of questions for their test papers.

"So, 80.00% of you are confident, and the remaining 20.00% are all based on tricks?"

Anna nodded embarrassingly, "Yes, especially physical chemistry and mathematics, there are still many difficult problems. We all listen to you, and first do what we are sure of, and the rest are not sure. But the test It should be fine."

It's okay, at least they have the confidence to pass the exam, and their efforts to work overtime during this time are not in vain.

"Since it's a holiday, let's wait for the notice in the county seat, but you can't slack off. During this time, consolidate all the knowledge in junior high school, and tutor An Hu by the way. After this winter vacation, try to let him graduate from elementary school next year."

With the help of An Yi, An Hu learned the knowledge points of the first to third grades in only one semester, and it was very solid. If the winter vacation goes well, as long as he can learn it, she plans to let him go to the junior high school to take the exam in the spring. If you pass the exam, you will go directly to junior high school.

"Sister, will this be too fast?"

An Yi smiled slightly: "In elementary school, there is actually nothing to learn. Chinese is to recognize characters, learn to write small compositions, and arithmetic is to add, subtract, multiply and divide, plus some application problems. Didn't you come here like this? So you should have good knowledge. The learning method is the way of learning. For the two of you, after practicing for so many years, you have already achieved initial results, but An Hu is not good enough. His writing is too impetuous and impatient. Look at his handwriting. Point, that is the scriptures, ordinary people can't understand, practice calligraphy for me during the holidays, don't worry about wasting paper, the three of you practice calligraphy with hard pens for me every day."

From now on, it will be the era of fountain pens, who still writes with brushes, so all she arranges for them is calligraphy with hard pens.

The so-called copybook is that she writes standard fonts on the front with a red pen, and asks them to follow behind to practice.

If you don't write carefully, they will be fined to write three sheets, so as long as you practice each sheet seriously, the progress will be visible to the naked eye as time goes on.

An Hu is leaving next month, and he also wants to shorten the elementary school period as much as possible. In addition, every day they use the spiritual spring water she gave to wash the marrow, detoxify and beautify the skin. Not to mention how smart they are, at least they are better than ordinary People are much stronger. As long as you work hard for others, there is nothing you can't accomplish.

God is fair, every drop of sweat you put in will give you something to gain.

An Ning is one year old. She learned to walk when she was nine months old. I don’t know if it’s because her family likes to talk to her. She speaks clearly much earlier than An Ran. When the two children laugh, they are very healing , members of this family, no matter who is free, will hug the two of them around the yard. The two sisters who have been loved and embraced since childhood are much happier than the girls of this era.

Anyi has been told more than once that it's not good to pet a girl like this, and the money-losing goods will belong to others in the future. What's the use of loving her so much?

Will it not belong to others in the future?

An Yi didn't make an excuse, but just pulled her lower lip lightly, counting it as a response to these women, women, she is a woman, but she looks down on women, and she doesn't know what the reason is, what's wrong with her daughter?The daughter is even more caring. Anyway, she doesn't expect others to pass on her family name. She made up this surname casually. The Yi family needs her to pass it on?She is not married, and has no children of her own, so she can live as she wants, and no one else has the right to interfere.

The longer the two little girls grew, the more they looked like their mother. When An Ning smiled, her eyes were extraordinarily shiny, like crescent moons, with bright starlight. Although An Ran was not as naughty as An Ning, she had two dimples at the corners of her mouth. , very cute, both of them raised by her have some baby fat, which makes people can't help pinching their little faces.

If you want to say that they are the most beloved, it should be An Hu later.

An Yi is a mother, so she won't get used to these two naughty bastards. Regardless of her young age, An Ning bullies An Ran in turn. When she learned to turn over, crawl, and now walk, she never got the upper hand. The two sisters who were born with the same mother, An Ran gradually quieted down, and An Ning gradually became mischievous.

Her adoptive mother is not very responsible, as long as she doesn't cry or make trouble, she won't take care of them, unless the noise is violent, shit, pee, or hungry, she will go into the space to see them, coax them, In fact, in most cases, these two people play by themselves.

Even Liang Tian said: "If I hadn't seen you working so hard, I wouldn't have looked after the children for you!"

But the fertile land is not a real thing, it still exists in the virtual world, so what he can do is to take care of them so that they will not be in danger.

No wonder An Yi didn't find out that the two children had any serious problems. It was because of this that she dared to throw them into the space. Only now did she realize that it was Liang Tian who silently helped her behind her back. Her gratitude cannot be repaid.

Perhaps because of the space, the two children's physical coordination ability is particularly strong, and they writhe fiercely every day. Now they don't want to lie on the bed anymore. Curiosity drives them to touch, look around, and put everything in their mouths along the edge of the bed. Li Sai, so when cooking every day, two people must be specially set aside to take care of them.

In An Yi's opinion, children who can't walk within one year old are the cutest. After one year old, they learn to walk and learn to grope, and they will start to create troubles, although this is a process that every child must go through. , But sometimes when I think about it, it's better not to grow up, at least looking at them like this, I feel full of energy.

Every time she watched the children trembling and groping forward, what she thought of in her mind was the picture of them getting married and having children in the future, and a busy life.

With a heavy sigh: "Raise a child to be a hundred years old, worry about 99!"

So what if it wasn't born by yourself?Isn't it the baby I brought out by staying up all night?A handful of shit and a piss to pull it up?Based on these, she deserves their respect and filial piety.

This year, An Yi used the coal transferred from the space to make a lot of briquettes and put them neatly in the stove. The firewood that burns well and the firewood that is not resistant to burning are all stored in the countryside. Houses in the county town are expensive, so some good wood must be used.

"This year, let's wait for An Hu to come back from the outside, and then go back to the village for the New Year. If the mountains are covered by heavy snow and we can't go back, then we won't go back."

In fact, it wasn't just An Yi who didn't like those gossiping women in the village, An Qi and Anna also hated them very much, and they didn't even want to face their natal family, so they were the happiest when they didn't go back.

"It's better to be in the city. Close the door and eat your own food. If you want to move around, you can give some small gifts to the neighbors. But people don't care about their business. Every time they go home, there are endless gossips about us. Both of them have everything, and I felt angry at the beginning, but after listening to it a lot, we became numb, but we still couldn’t stop the inferiority complex deep in our hearts, so it’s fine if we don’t go back, so we can just calm down and study quietly.”

"Mother An, if you don't go back, what are we going to do with so much food and pickled vegetables?"

"Don't worry, I have already transferred the food to our place. No one has stolen the pickles and dried vegetables. The firewood has also been piled up in the house and locked, so we can't throw it away."

This year's food was distributed after the autumn harvest, a few months earlier than last year. This year there was less subsidy for martyrs, but more Anhu and An Ning.

The two children are five taels a day each, An Hu is over 15 years old, a catty a day, each of them is still eight taels, based on 365 days a year, An Hu can only be counted as eight months, which is 240 catties, Anyi weighs 292 catties a year, 876 catties for three people, and 365 catties a year for two children, adding up to 1481 catties, which is less than [-] catties. The total score is two thousand catties. After removing the shell, it can only keep starving to death.

If it weren't for An Yi's subsidy, their family's life would definitely not be so nourishing. After all, these two thousand catties of food sounds like a lot, but there are only six people in the family. After that, can you count seven taels if you die?
These seven taels are not fine grains, nor coarse grains, but coarse grains plus food substitutes. There are only a handful of fine grains, and they are all given to the children.

So on average, it is struggling to be half full.

As long as their family doesn't have a strong labor force, if they work, they will starve to death. It is because they don't have much physical labor, so they can barely eat and wear.

Anyi's daily subsidy has not been calculated, but if she has not calculated, it does not mean that she does not know what is good or bad. It is true that the eggs she eats every day are produced by her own chickens, but chickens have to eat, right? Where do the ingredients for chickens come from?Didn't everyone save it from their mouths?Where do the white flour, polished rice and meat that are eaten every now and then come from?

Isn't it all subsidized by An Yi with her own salary?

I'm afraid it's the same as other people's families, hungry, pale and emaciated, with a yellow complexion, swollen belly, and pitifully emaciated.

This debt is difficult to settle, but the two sisters, including An Hu, silently buried this kindness in their hearts, and only waited for themselves to have the ability in the future to repay the kindness.

When they were not at home, Anyi lied that she found a car and took the grain to the cellar in the county town, but in fact she used the space to transport it here.

As long as they were issued by the production team, they were all placed in the cellar. In addition, they also bought a hundred catties of cabbage and fifty or sixty catties of radishes. Can't buy it, she does have space, but she doesn't need to take it out now.

That’s all, the team leader bought it for her. This year, the production team only gave her 225 yuan for selling fertilizer, plus about 45 yuan per month with salary. After deducting the lessons for her, now she lives on both sides and can live on her own. Taking care of it will never trouble others, and she can still keep 40 yuan in her hand. Now her deposit has reached 6630 yuan.

This is not counting the collection of coins with so much space. If they are all added up, it may exceed ten thousand. This is the result of her ten years of hard work.

At the end of November, An Yi and An Qi went to school. They knew in advance that they had been admitted to the No. 11 County High School at the same time. On the night of receiving the good news, An Yi planned to cook a good meal to congratulate the two An Qi sisters. It was to see the little guy off, because An Hu rode back to the village yesterday and knew that he was going to Linghe tomorrow.

As soon as it snowed this year, everyone began to sweep the snow on the road, so the road out of the village and into the village was not covered by heavy snow, except that it was a bit muddy when walking, but it did not affect normal travel.

They are nearly [-] kilometers away from the nearest Linghe. Although the speed of driving the ox carts is slow, it saves money. Moreover, they have launched a total of six ox carts this time, which are all the ox carts that the entire Baijiawan Commune can use. .

They haven't got tractors yet, and several communes use them in turn, and it's not their commune's turn yet, so they can only use bullock carts.

The extra people ride bicycles if they can borrow them, and take cars if they can’t. After all, only one can be left on the ox cart.

You can't let the ox pull too many people, for fear of tiring it, and the people have to work before the ox cart, even if the ox arrives, it has to rest for a day.

An Yi resolutely let An Hu take the car: "The fare for a round trip is only [-] cents. If you ride a bicycle, you don't need to spend money, but it's icy and snowy, and you are a child, what if you fall? ?Our family has a car and doesn’t ride. Since you know the meeting place, you can go by car. It’s safe. When you get there, check the situation and see how other people live. It would be great if there is a place to sleep together. If there isn’t any, just check to see if there are any fish sellers over there, and buy some directly, it’s a bit more expensive, it’s better than digging ice so hard to catch fish.”

Knowing that he is going to live with other people, the clothes must not be taken off, and the ones close to the body should be better and warmer. As long as the clothes are taken off outside, they must be the same as others. The premise is that the child cannot be frozen. She figured out a way to sew a lot of goose down and duck down into the cotton of his coat. In this way, the weight of the clothes didn't increase much, but the warmth was better.

Leather gloves, leather hat, leather vest, and thick military boots obtained during the war. These military boots are waterproof and warm. After the little guy is fully equipped, he is sent to the car.

An Hu was in the county seat, and instead of rushing to take the first bus, she found someone from the village and went with him by car.

This time, An Yi sewed 20 yuan into his clothes, and prepared three yuan in change for him alone.

"A poor family has a rich road. It's best to have nothing to do. Where there is money, don't be stingy. Your safety is the most important thing. Remember?"

The phrase 'your safety is the most important' moved An Hu into the car crying and got into the car. An Yi, like a real mother, chased the car and ran for a distance, telling him to be careful on the road.

An old lady saw it and patted An Hu on the shoulder with a smile: "Let's go out for the first time. I'm so nervous about you. Young man, it's okay. The old lady is taking care of you all the way. Put your burden on the bed quickly. On the shelf, if there are too many people in a while, it won’t be able to fit.”

An Hu hugged her baggage nervously: "No, no need, I can just carry it by myself."

In the package are food, food, clothes and clothes that his mother prepared for her, so he can't throw them away.

"What are you afraid of in the car? If you can't lose it, put it on it quickly, or else you have such a big bag, how much will it affect your actions?"

But An Hu didn't feel that the burden was heavy at all, and she tightened it tightly: "It's okay, I like to hug, and it won't be cold when I hug."

The bus in this era is very slow, the car is bumpy, the doors and windows are ventilated, and the crowd is crowded. Fortunately, he didn't eat much in the morning. Mother Ann has experience. She is afraid that he will get motion sickness, so she will let him eat an egg. If he is hungry , let him eat dry steamed buns, don't eat thin ones, the road is very bumpy, don't bury people and cars.

The [-]-kilometer road is in later generations, and it may take half an hour to drive, but in this era, the roads are not good, and people who are waving on the side of the road are constantly picked up. The car that gets on at around ten o'clock in the morning stays until the afternoon I arrived at Fen County, which is the closest to Linghe, at two or three o'clock. After getting off the bus, I rented another bullock cart heading towards Linghe, and it was bumpy until it was dark. At this time, An Hu was already thirsty. up.

There is a fishing ground near the Linghe River, and there is a dormitory in the fishing ground. Their production team rented a Datong shop, which is enough to accommodate three NO.40 people. The shop is very warm. Put down your luggage, drink water, and take a short rest When he was young, he took out the cornmeal pancakes that An Yi had made for him, put them on the stove and baked them. With hot water, he had a normal meal.

Before coming here, the captain said that they worked for the fishing ground for a month, helping other people to fish, and they would give them wages, and the final wages would be converted into fish for them to go there. , Even food and drink are covered by others.

Because the weather is cold, the working environment is extremely bad, and the wages are not high, just such a job is what their Baijiawan production team tried their best to get. If you don't fight for it, if you don't do it, you will naturally have no job opportunities. If you don't have a job, where did you get it? fish?

If you do a good job, you can get almost a hundred catties of fish as a reward for a month. Of course, this also means that you have worked extremely hard this month, and you may be in danger of falling into a hole in the ice. Every year, accidents happen in this river area. It’s not just one or two sons. An Hu is a child, and in principle he can’t get so many fish, but at least he will be protected by adults and do some work within his ability.

(End of this chapter)

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