The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1044 [1043] Heroines of the Republic of China 17 (5)

Chapter 1044 [1043] Heroines of the Republic of China 17 (five thousand)
In order to increase her resistance, the water she prepared for her child was all spiritual spring water, because the child was exposed to wind during confinement, and she was worried that she would catch a cold, so she not only fed her milk, but also prepared some warm boiled water for her alone, Even just swallowing a little is better than not drinking at all.

I thought I would be able to pass the test in this way, but I didn’t expect that the baby would still be sick after all. When I woke up in the morning, I felt my hair was hot, and my small nose was also swollen. Occasionally, I would sneeze and have a runny nose. It was because of the wind blowing yesterday. While she hated that unconscionable grandma, she hurriedly found some Chinese herbal medicines that she had grown with better medicinal effects from the space. Because Chinese herbal medicines are relatively mild, she had to rush the fortress to her in time when she was screaming hungry. In her mouth, when she was very hungry, she would suck subconsciously until she felt the bitter taste before spitting out the **.

When the two sisters came, she was feeding medicine. The two of them went over to touch it, but An Yi disliked it: "Put it on the kang to warm it up, you are all cold!"

"Ah, yes, it's my sister who is thoughtful."

While taking off their coats, the two sisters tilted their heads to look at An Ran in the swaddling baby, and cursed the heartless grandma in distress.

"What should I do? Look at her runny nose. It's so distressing. Why don't we take her to the health center in the town?"

An Yi was not worried at all: "It's okay, did you drink the traditional Chinese medicine I prepared? There are dandelions in it, which can clear away heat and detoxify. Observe and observe first, and don't rush to the hospital. It's icy and snowy, and the road is so far away. The road has become heavier again, but the gain outweighs the loss.”

She has listened to it with a stethoscope, and the child's condition is not as serious as she imagined. It is not easy for a child within a hundred days to get sick, because it comes from the mother's own resistance. If it is a breast-feeding child, then It is even more difficult to get sick, but this child has a hard life and was abandoned before confinement. After such a toss, getting sick is expected, and she has the confidence to cure her.

However, she was confident, but the sisters were not at ease. When An Yi saw their questioning eyes, she felt a little helpless: "I'm a medical student, okay?"

The two sisters were startled at the same time, and raised their heads suddenly: "Sister, what did you just say? Didn't you run away from famine?"

Anyi curled her lips: "I was running away from the famine all the way, but if you were the ones who survived this way, would I be able to survive safely? Is it because I am safe? Besides, I also participated in the War of Resistance. When I was helping behind the enemy, I did I was a nurse for a few years, and then Little Japan ran away, so I went to study medicine, but I didn't go to the hospital because of other reasons, it doesn't mean I don't have skills, I don't want to say it all the time, it also fits my low-key personality, doesn't it? "

Qiuxia and Caihua instantly changed into adoring little eyes, and An Yi shook her head helplessly after watching: "This face changes really fast, huh~~"

"Haha, sister, don't tell me, you are angry. Actually, we two did guess your occupation, but we didn't expect that it would be a doctor. This is very great. No wonder the second aunt fainted by the well last time. You At first we all thought it was a coincidence you said that you could wake her up!"

"It's enough for you to know about it, I don't want to make it public yet," the special sensitive period is coming, so let's be more peaceful, let's be more peaceful.

Receiving An Yi's instruction, the two sisters nodded knowingly, and then went to help make breakfast.

An Yi was just about to take the diapers that the child changed last night to wash, but she saw that Cai Hua had already gone out with a basin.

The snow in the northeast is very thick. If you don’t want to carry water, you can dig a basin of snow into the house, and then mix it with hot water, and you can use it directly.

Of course, the large water tank outside had also been moved into the house long ago, otherwise the water tank would be frozen and cracked if the temperature was tens of degrees below zero.

Well water is only used for eating, for washing and so on, just go outside to collect a basin of snow and come back. There is no pollution in this era, and the snow water is very clean and white, like cotton candy, unlike later generations. Finally, there was still a layer of black ash on the accumulated snowdrift, which was not there at all. The snow that had been left for a few days was still as white as crystal, which was very gratifying.

Caihua squatted at the door and asked An Yi while washing, "Sister, why don't you come and live at my house, there is well water anyway, so you don't need to come and run away."

"It's okay, I'm not too far away from here, there's so much snow in the yard, it's enough for me to wash up, and I'm used to staying by myself, the child may be an accident, but I'm more suitable for taking her than you two, just do it Just take care of your own business, that is, if the system is really reformed in spring, "

"Sister, then you just stay at home and take care of the private land in front of and behind our two houses, feeding the chickens and taking care of the children. The work in the land is left to the two of us. The children belong to the three of us, so we can't let you alone Take, both of us are also responsible, let us do the work in the field, as long as we work hard and add the private land, we should not starve to death."

An Yi thought for a moment: "There's no rush, we'll talk about it later."

The three of them were busy with their work, the village head and branch secretary stood outside the door and called out, followed by a few women, An Yi hurriedly invited them in.

"Xiao An, I heard that some of your sisters picked up a child?"

Li Qiuxia nodded, "I picked it up in Huaidong Village. It was an old lady who disliked that her daughter-in-law gave birth to a baby girl. The half-month-old baby girl was just thrown into the snow nest. We even had a few words with that old lady." , It's a pity that people don't even look at it, so they turn around and leave."

An Yi took the child out, and the leaders couldn't help shaking their heads when they saw it. The women couldn't help asking when they saw the child with a runny nose.

"Is it a cold?"

"Yeah, I wore it so thin yesterday, and it was blown by the wind, so my nose is blocked this morning. I just took some medicine, and I will observe it for two days before looking."


A few people chatted for a while, and saw that An Yi and the others cleaned up the house cleanly and warmly. When the children were even wearing new clothes, their hearts became more and more sour. They were all at the age to marry, but they came together because of the same background , Now that they are in this posture, they want to adopt this child?
When the question was asked, all three agreed: "Yes, we plan to adopt her."

The head of the village has no reason to stop, let alone such a child, "Then just wait for Kaichun to settle down for her."

Then he looked at An Yi: "Xiao An, I remember you are literate, right? You see, we have started cat winter now, just wondering if you can teach the men, women and children in our village a blind?"

An Yi subconsciously asked: "Literacy class?"

"Yes, literacy class, isn't this called by the superiors? How can there be time in the first half of the year? It's not that Maodong is free. There are quite a few people in the village. At least a hundred or ten people are at home. You and two Students who have graduated from junior high school, the three of you take turns to teach everyone, and strive to let everyone know a few commonly used characters after the winter is over, at least, you can write your own name and do arithmetic, don’t you think so?”

"Also, don't we want to change the system in the spring of next year? It's hard to say the specifics at the moment, but a production cooperative will be established. At that time, several villages may unite together to build a primary school. I remember you graduated from primary school or junior high school. ?”

An Yi thought for a while, and decided to keep a low profile: "I've been taking classes since I was a sophomore in high school,"

"Oh, it's even better if you're still a high school student. Then you can take the exam. If you pass, you can still be a teacher. If you are a teacher in elementary school, you don't have to work in the production team. Ah, yes Well, there is also your land, which must be recycled, but don’t worry, the higher-ups have explained it, so the village will take care of you, "

Yes, if the production team is established, there will be too many children, and there will be no place to put them. School is the best place to go.

Letting her be a teacher is indeed better than working in the fields, but...

She lowered her head to look at An Ran in the swaddling baby, and the women among them immediately understood her scruples.

"Xiao An, don't worry, there are not only elementary schools, but also Yuhong classes. We will find some women who are good at taking care of children to take care of your children, so that you can go to work without any worries. Of course, a certain fee may be charged , after all, people with children also need to live."

An Yi raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect this to be included in their plan, so she nodded her head immediately.

"Okay, it's okay, isn't that what it should be? It's just about the literacy class, and I need two other students to come to my house. Let's discuss how to learn and how to teach. It's inconvenient for me to take the children, so I can only excuse them Come here for a while."

Seeing that Anyi agreed so happily, the head of the village hurriedly said.

"It's not a big deal. You can take care of your children at home. We're cleaning up a suitable place these days. As long as it's cleaned up, I'll come to you."

"Don't be so polite, it's all as it should be."

Three or four months is enough for ordinary people to get started, and they don't need to learn pinyin, because they don't read books, they only know characters.

In terms of mathematics, addition and subtraction within one hundred, if you still have time, learn multiplication and division, it will be enough.

That is, the courses of the first and second grades of elementary school are easy for her, but it is not easy to gather enough people.

Because most people are still very feudal, so the mobilization work later has to be done by the backbone of the village, so their preparation work may have to wait until early December.

It is now mid-November, and it will take at least half a month. An Ran was born on the eighth day of October in the lunar calendar, and now it is October 11 in the lunar calendar. These days are really spent day by day, with fingers.

Literate people are considered a rare species in this era, and the proportion of literate people in a village will never exceed 5.00%.

The country is also aware of this, so it will call on all regions to carry out literacy work, but it seems that the advantage of this is too late. There should have been such a policy in the early days of the founding of the country. Now five or three years will be over soon, so it is not too late .

After seeing off the chief and the others, Qiuxia and Caihua looked at Anyi excitedly.

"That's great, sister. Being a teacher is much easier than working in the fields, and it doesn't delay you from taking care of your children. This Yuhong class must be connected to the primary school."

An Yi also felt that her top priority in the future had been resolved, "That's true, are you two literate?"

The two shook their heads at the same time, "I don't know, I haven't gone to school, and I only had to work since I was a child. I dare not even think about such a good thing."

An Yi thought that there was nothing wrong with the left and right, there was still half a month to go, and it was still easy for three of them to take care of one child, first teach them to recite the multiplication formula, write their own names, and use her chalk on the small blackboard The spoils of war, three people are on the kang, one is teaching two students, and the other is babbling and playing by himself. The atmosphere is very good.

It doesn't delay them putting on shoe soles, making clothes, making urinals, talking and laughing, it's freezing outside, but the house is warm like spring, sometimes it's too hot and sweating, roasting sweet potatoes, potatoes, steamed buns , Sticky bean buns and so on have become their snacks.

When the two sisters were here, they made milk powder for the child, and the milk powder had been packed separately in an airtight jar without any marks. When they were not paying attention, she would feed the milk in the space, but within three to five days, she felt like this The child seems to be getting fatter. With the care of so many good things, the nutrition can keep up, the body resistance has improved, and the wind and cold have recovered unconsciously. Occasionally, there is booger, and I need to bother to help the baby doll out.

Occasionally there will be colic, and such nights are the most difficult to bear. Fortunately, there is milk to subsidize her at night, so she doesn't suffer too much. If she lacks sleep, she can sleep in the space to make up for a while, it is harmless.

When An Ran was brought back from her arms, her skin was yellow, which was suspected of jaundice. She fed Chinese herbal medicine containing Artemisia annua for several days, and then gradually relieved it.

After the full moon, An Ran's skin not only became fairer, but her eyes also looked brighter, her hearing was fine, and she could turn her head according to her instructions. Overall, this child was healthy.

It's just that the baby sees everything blurry at this time. As long as she can follow the things in her hands and turn her eyes, her eyesight should be fine.

Because of the spirit spring water detoxifying her, her skin is rosy white, like a peeled egg, smooth and tender.

However, compared with the white and fat children in later generations, she can only be described as thin and weak. Fortunately, she is a full-term child, and she is carefully raised, so there will be no major health problems.

This fat limit must be well controlled, otherwise it will arouse the jealousy and jealousy of others.

In an extraordinary time, don't dare to let others take advantage of it.

But four months ago, her only staple food was milk, and nothing else. Even if someone told her to drink rice oil noodle soup, she couldn’t do it. She was worried that the child’s stomach would be too burdened and would not digest it. Hold on.

Although the two sisters don't sell tofu outside, if anyone in the village wants to eat tofu, they will tell the two sisters in advance, summarize it, and spare a day or two to do it together. Although the income is not as much as outside, but idle Also idle.

After having a child and dragging her, she is even more reluctant to go out. The sisters often come to wash her diapers and cook for her. On the contrary, they don’t start fires at home because they brought the child back. If they don’t care about anything, they will It was too much for a human to do, so I took the initiative to undertake the task of diapering.

Because the winter is too cold, the baby is not going to be taken out within a hundred days. Even if the sun is out, it will be sunny and cold.

But it doesn’t mean that you can’t sit at the door for a while. Since you were born in the Northeast, you have to bear the weather in the Northeast. You don’t take your baby back to the house until you feel your baby’s face gradually turning red. when.

However, the reality is a bit cruel, because the registration situation of the literacy class is not very good. Even if all the cadres in the village are dispatched to do ideological work, there are still very few registrations.

"I see, everyone is scared. When they heard that this literacy class still has an exam, they got scared."

"I really have no vision. The literacy class is great. This is a good opportunity to improve your skills. If you don't know a single character, you go to a consignment store and you don't understand what is written on the blackboard. How embarrassing what!"

"That's right, the multiplication formula that my sister taught us is easy to use, and you can calculate it by mouth. It's not like before, you still count on your fingers, counting the day, not to mention wasting time, and sometimes you make mistakes because of nervousness. Now a lot Yes, as long as you can memorize the multiplication formulas and apply them frequently, the more we calculate, the more we will understand."

There are two junior high school students in the village, one is the grandson of the head of the village, the other is the son of an accountant, and they are both boys.

When they came to communicate with her, they were full of confidence, and even looked down on her, thinking that she was an aunt who also came to join in the fun.

As a result, I don’t know if I don’t communicate with each other. The lesson plans prepared in advance are not something the two of them can make, especially the words written on them, which are like printed characters. They are so beautiful. Their arrogance is also accepted for this Strict and strict, he became An Yi's student unconsciously.

All day long, the teacher is long, and the teacher is short. She asks her to teach them calligraphy. When she is asked questions that she does not know, she will explain them seriously.

"Teacher An's lectures are more detailed than our teacher's lectures, and many methods are particularly simple. You are worthy of being a city dweller."

Upon hearing this, An Yi said seriously, "I'm not from the city, and I'm not a teacher, so don't talk nonsense, and call me aunt or sister from now on."

An Yi didn't like these titles, and the two junior high school students didn't dare to be serious. The obedient one changed to sister, because aunt sounded old, and the most important thing was that she had never been married.

Later, the head of the village linked the literacy class with the land reform in the beginning of spring. Those who passed the examination had the opportunity to compete for some cadre positions. Only then did more and more people sign up, because there was still a lot of demand for the positions, and the head of the village was also suspected of cheating. Anyway, all the idlers at home were dragged to the village committee, and they were divided into three classes. Each of the three teachers led a class, and there were about thirty or forty students in each class.

The men, women and children who came to the lectures brought everything, such as shoe soles, sweaters, garlic peelers, braids, oh, what a variety.

But fortunately, they are still obedient, because every classroom has someone to maintain order, so there can be no disturbances or chaos, and An Yi's class is very lively, speaking an idiom and citing classics is no longer simply a matter of following the scriptures Under the inspiration of An Yi, the other two teachers also did a lot of homework, so the literacy class has also become a story meeting, looking at human relationships from stories and learning traditional Chinese culture.

It only took one morning for the common people to cope with it at the beginning and gradually like it.

Every day, she has a big class in the morning, and the afternoon is the common people's own time. Of course, she will also leave homework. In short, she has really turned the literacy class into the elementary school class she imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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