The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1043 [1042] Heroines of the Republic of China 16 (4)

Chapter 1043 [1042] Heroines of the Republic of China 16 (four thousand)
"Then who can tell, but since Sister An Yi said so, it must be true. Even if it is not true, we don't need to pursue it. After all, it doesn't matter where she comes from. The important thing is that she is sincere. Sincerely for us, you see, she is very indifferent to the people in the village."

Qiuxia nodded, deeply convinced: "It's true, and I can't say that I am indifferent, even if I nod my acquaintance, I don't communicate with her on weekdays, she is too quiet."

Caihua smiled: "Sister An Yi is not quiet. She is very happy when she is at home. I have seen her singing and dancing at the same time several times. It sounds good. She looks like a cultural person."

Only then did Qiuxia think of a possibility: "My sister used to be Miss Everyone, so can she be like us? Her father was a hero of the Anti-Japanese War, and she didn't mention her mother, and her identity is so mysterious. Maybe it's because of bad ingredients, but because of her father, she just It has been smoothed out, so she is not willing to mention it, and it is understandable."

Caihua nodded, "No matter what it is, don't worry, in our eyes, she is our sister who treats us well."

"Since it was my sister's order, let's be obedient and stop. We will sell it for a few more days before the year, and stop doing it when the road is blocked by heavy snow, so as not to cause trouble."

I thought this winter would pass in such a peaceful way. How could I have imagined that the two sisters were on their way to sell tofu, and saw an old lady holding a swaddling baby and threw it into the woods, and then the crying of the child came over.

They hurried over and grabbed the old lady: "Why did you throw the child away?"

"What do girls want to do here? Be like her mother? It's not bad that I didn't drown in the urinal. These days, people still can't eat enough. What's the point of having another debt collector? What I want is Grandson, she's not a loser, if you can't see it, you can take her with you and find a good family, born on the eighth day of October."

The old lady turned her head and glanced at the forest, and finally gritted her teeth and left. Caihua ran to the forest as early as she turned around, and picked up the child nestled in the snow nest.

"It's a bit of a conscience. I know how to dig a windshield for the child. If I throw it here, it won't be blown to death? Heartless, such a small child, counting the time, how can you not even have confinement?" So desperate? What should I do, sister?"

Li Qiuxia looked around, "Where is anyone in this icy and snowy place? They will freeze to death after a while. These are people, not livestock! Let's put them in our car first, and see if we can find them later, or You can use milk as an excuse, we have to sell out the tofu first."

The two hit it off immediately, but along the way, no one was willing to adopt a girl, but a woman fed the child once, and finally they carried the child back to the village. Because of the cold weather, there were no one on the road, but someone still saw it .

"Ah, where did your two sisters bring the baby back? It looks like it's not even full moon yet? It's so small."

Qiuxia sighed: "I picked it up on the road, but no one wanted it. I asked many families, but no one was willing to adopt it. No, we can only hug it back."

While talking, the baby in the swaddle started to cry again, and Caihua rubbed her hands.

"Oh no, I must be hungry again. Quickly, go to Sister An's place and see if there is anything to eat. We haven't even lighted the kang head yet!"

In order to save firewood, the sisters took out as long as they went out, and re-ignited the fire when they got home. This can save a lot of firewood.

Carrying the child all the way back home, my hands were numb from the cold.

When the two came to Anjia, Nut came over and circled them twice, then walked away. Now it is in a free-range state, and strangers will bark. The sisters who often come to the door, it has known each other for a long time. I like to flick my tail, because every time I come, I will break a piece of tofu for it, but this time, I didn't bring anything?

Oh, I brought it, I don’t know what I’m holding in my arms, it’s very noisy!

Nut wagged his tail and got into his nest. When winter came, the owner placed his nest next to the wall of the main room, because it was next to the kang, so it could warm up somewhat, but it was not too cold.

An Yi, who was having a face-to-face meeting in the main room, suddenly heard the cry of a child, she poked her head out and was startled.

"Why did you pick up a child?"

"Sister, you are too amazing, how can you tell at a glance that you picked it up?"

"I didn't pick it up, could it be that it was stolen? In such a cold day, it's really heartless to throw a child away!"

"Isn't it? I don't know how desperate the mother is when she knows that her child has been thrown away by her mother-in-law."

Qiu Xia sneered, "How do you know that mother isn't patriarchal? Maybe it's her own wish?"

Because the child was crying so much, the two sisters were still full of chills. An Yi looked at her hands and hurriedly washed them with clean water before coming over to hold the child.

When she opened the swaddle, she frowned, "Isn't it full moon yet? It's too small."

"Well, she was born on the eighth day of October. It's been half a month. When her grandma threw it away, we happened to see her. We asked a lot of people along the way, but no one wanted her. We either sent her to an orphanage or sent her to the orphanage. ..."

"Are the three of us raised?" It was Liu Caihua who answered the conversation, and it was Anyi and Qiuxia who looked back at her. She was a little timid to be stared at by two people at the same time.

"My dear sisters, look at how pitiful this child is. We may be like this for the rest of our lives. Are we going to be alone for the rest of our lives?"

Chen Qiuxia glared at her angrily: "How can you be lonely? We are not human? Why are you lonely? Besides, we can't even support ourselves, why should we support her? She obviously has a family , let’s go back and find it, can’t we?”

An Yi looked at them calmly: "If you want to send this child back, she might be drowned. Since they didn't choose this way, but carried them out, it was just to save her a way out, so you don't have to Surprised, such cases are not uncommon, I have seen many."

Of course, they also received the retribution they deserved, because many people in later generations will not be able to marry a daughter-in-law because of this.

After Anyi hugged her in her arms, the little guy stopped crying. The soft ball couldn't even open his eyes, but he seemed to be looking for a familiar smell, and he kept rubbing his mouth against something, "She hungry."

"Yeah, I ate once in the morning, so I was hungry. My house was too cold, so I carried it to my sister, but there is nothing in our house to feed her?"

She raises children in every life, and naturally she doesn't want to live such a boring life in this life, so she has bought a lot of children's clothing, food and drink in the early years, some domestic and small Japanese, of course , They were all prepared before the Hiroshima bombing. Among them, there should be more Japanese goods, because as long as there is money there, you can buy them at will.

"I raised this child. One of you is an aunt and the other is a aunt. In the future, we will find a son-in-law for her to take care of the three of us."

As soon as An Yi spoke, the two sisters were moved: "Okay, let's do it this way. If we have the conditions in the future, we can afford to raise a daughter for ourselves. Anyway, we can't find a son. We can The ones I picked up were all girls."

An Yi teased them with a smile: "What's wrong, don't you believe that my family, An Ran, can take care of you two?"


"What? Doesn't sound good?"

"It sounds good, it sounds good, that's how it is called. An Ran's life, how wonderful it is."

"It's really nice. But sister, don't say we don't believe her or something. A child can raise so many people, can she raise it? We are embarrassed to make her work so hard, and we will talk about it later, in case we It's really such luck to pick up a child, no, the first baby came like this."

An Yi couldn't laugh or cry, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, go to boil water first, let's cool it in a big teapot, first let's see if she has urinated, and if she wants to change her diaper, yes, I have to prepare some diapers, I remember you guys At that time, I packed a lot of clean cloths, and I took them home and tore them up to use as diapers."

After making arrangements for the two sisters, An Yi immediately took An Ran back to her room, found milk powder suitable for her from the space, mixed it with hot water and spiritual spring water in the thermos bottle, and poured it into the bottle after neutralization, little guy I was so hungry, I sucked it when I came up, and the sound of gurgling was so cute.

"Sister, you still have milk powder here?"

Anyi gave her an angry look.

"No, otherwise, where do you think the cheese you ate came from? My classmate sent it to me. She is in the big city of Shanghai!"

Although they haven't seen her go out, it's a fact that An Yi has a lot of good things, but... "Why do you still have a baby bottle?"

"My classmate calculated my age and sent me a feeding bottle. It was for my child. No, who would have thought that it would come in handy one day."

"Have you washed the bottle?"

"Nonsense, I scalded it with hot water just now, don't worry,"

She received the milk powder directly from the space. Caihua didn't see the milk powder, but when she saw the bottle, she believed it.

In fact, even if there is no milk powder, their An Ran will not be hungry, the milk in her space is much better than the milk powder outside.

How could the milk produced by a cow that grew up eating space spiritual grass and drinking spiritual spring water be bad?And there are no germs and bad factors.

It's too late to boil the milk, she plans to feed her fresh milk from the space in the future, and the milk powder can be kept when going out, and it is inconvenient to drink when the milk is boiled.

A classmate made an excuse. When the child was full and handed over to Caihua to burp, she pretended to take clothes from the cabinet, but actually pulled some soft fabrics in the space. Cotton, small clothes need to be made fresh, and the fabrics are specially made I bought it in Xiaori, and only bought the fabric, because they made it into a kimono, which does not conform to the characteristics of our Huaguo.

The outside calico is prepared in the country, and can be used to make a big padded jacket. It is no problem for An Yi, who has been a mother and grandma, to do this.

So when An Ran, who was full, burped her milk and fell asleep, the two sisters came together to help clean up, and when they asked about the children's clothes, An Yi answered.

"Don't worry, I can make it today, and I have to make it tonight, as well as quilts, small mattresses, no, I found a lot of them to make diapers, and you can put these cloths in the pot later Cook it, scald it, and hang it on a rope in the main room to dry.”

Anyi's dexterity seemed to refresh their cognition.

"Don't look at me like that. Your sister and I have done everything. I have been a nanny for others. I learned these things from their nanny. I have more experience in taking care of children than you two. Learn a little bit."

No wonder you can do everything. It turns out that you have brought it before, so it's no wonder.

In fact, that's what they said, and they also guessed if it was something An Yi prepared for her own children. After all, life is still very long, who can really be sure that they will not have children?
But they dare not ask these words, they can only repeat in their hearts.

Qiuxia cooked lunch, Caihua washed the sheets, and Anyi stayed on the kang with the child.

The clothes on the child were thrown away a long time ago, because they were throwing away the child, so the clothes they wore were the most ragged, and the quilt was hard.

After An Yi cursed the old guy for not being a thing, she wrapped the baby up with a close-fitting cotton cloth. I slept deeply.

Put the child at the end of the kang, where the temperature is the lowest, and the child's skin is tender, so don't get burned, and a thick layer of mattresses is placed underneath.

There is no changing mat now, so I can only observe the baby diligently, and quickly check if something is wrong. Of course, the mattress under her is also a broken mattress, and it will not be a pity to pee on it. It saves unpacking and washing, but Just throw it away.

Because there was an extra child in the family, the three sisters became busy tops at once, and she didn't urge them to go back until it was dark.

"Don't worry, I can bring it myself. You are tired all day, don't do it tomorrow, take a good rest."

The family had already given birth to a warm kang, and in Anyi's place, the child was so obedient, they left with peace of mind.

Because of the bad lighting in the room, An Yi went into the space to make clothes for An Ran after they left.

Hear her cry and come out to see her, change her diaper, and feed her.

She boiled a pot of milk in the afternoon, put it outside at just the right temperature, and then put it in the space.

When the child cried, she poured it directly into the bottle, which was at the right temperature and could be drunk directly.

An Ran who is fed is sleeping, as long as she does not urinate or defecate, she is very quiet, as is the case with confinement children, who spend most of their time sleeping.

So this night, An Yi not only had a good night's sleep, but also finished all the baby cotton clothes for the children.

Before going to bed, spread the half-dried diapers on the top of the kang with the mattress lifted. There is a bamboo mat on it, wiped clean, and the diapers can be dried after a short while, which is very convenient.

In winter in the Northeast, the temperature outside is tens of degrees below zero. As long as you are willing to burn firewood indoors, it can reach ten degrees or even twenty degrees. There is no problem. Her family collects a lot of firewood, because the back mountain is a forest area, and there is a lot of firewood. What's more, the reason why people in the Northeast plant so many trees is for the convenience of heating in winter. In addition, these crops are planted. After the harvest, what can be burned is piled up in the firewood house at home.

Every spring, afforestation will be organized in various places. Only by recycling, people will not be frozen. You can’t just ask for it and don’t know how to pay. Replanting trees in the forest area is something that every Northeast person attaches great importance to. After all, picking up trees in winter Not only the branches, but also the big logs are sawed, which are all high-quality firewood, which can be sold for money, so in principle, the forest area is also an income-generating project for each village.

 I’m very angry, I’ve been blocked twice, that’s why I don’t like to write about the end of the year, because if I’m not careful, I may touch the limit, look, some have been changed twice, and I haven’t found it yet , can only reduce the number of words in large numbers.My highest record seems to be changed a dozen or so times, adding up to more than a month.Because you make a mistake once, you have to wait for 48 hours. Don't you think it's annoying?
(End of this chapter)

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