The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1040 [1039] Heroines of the Republic of China 13 (7)

Chapter 1040 [1039] Heroines of the Republic of China 13 (seven thousand)
Li Qiuxia and Liu Caihua have already planned to settle in the same family. Anyway, they are daughters and have no task of carrying on the family line. In the future, they will be called sisters and have a caregiver.

An Yi (Yi Shui) agreed with this decision, and she was quite happy to ask which one it was, because the distance between them would not be more than [-] meters in the future, and she did not plan to live with others, which would be inconvenient and difficult. It disturbed her, so I didn't plan to accept it from the beginning. It's okay to provide help, and the rest is out of the question.

"Then... will the village divide the land?"

The two shook their heads at the same time: "What the head of the village said, we can wait until the spring of next year to talk about it. We think we have helped so much, so we don't have the nerve to ask."

I have no money, I have to leave the house, and I don’t have a bed or a roof. There are seven or eight months before the spring of next year. How can I survive this period of time?
"Have you seen the house?"

The two sisters nodded: "I see, I chose a house that is relatively well preserved, but the roof still needs to be repaired, otherwise there will be wind and water leakage in winter."

"There are still clothes and quilts from the original owner in the house, and I don't know if we can use them..."

"As long as you don't dislike it, what can't you use? The master has passed away. Every year during the Qingming Festival, you burn more paper, pull up the grass from the grave, and burn incense sticks during the festival. They will definitely welcome you."

Li Qiuxia laughed at herself when she heard the words: "It's not a big deal, people don't dislike our dirty body, why should we be jealous of things in other people's homes? Actually, there are not many things left. They were used by the village to help collect the corpses, and the things that can be used at home , was taken home by the villagers a long time ago, and the rest are some tattered clothes, and I’m afraid it will take a lot of trouble to pack them up enough to live in.”

"It's okay, what's missing, I have it here, and I'll clean it up with you in a while, don't worry about your life in the future, since I suggested it to you, you have really stepped forward, so that the people in my yard Vegetables, you can come and pick whatever you want, don’t be polite with me, you can also plant a little bit of vegetables now, and you can harvest as much as you can, even if the cabbage is not wrapped and the radishes are not long, the vegetable seedlings can be pickled, Keep it as a vegetable in winter, and life will be passed slowly, don't be afraid, let's take it step by step."

With An Yi's encouragement, the sisters seemed to have found their backbone. From the initial anxiety and panic to the gradual silence now, it can be seen that there are obvious psychological changes.

"Sister An, your cooking is really delicious." The two sisters ate the pickled cucumber made by Anyi, gnawed on the sweet potato leaf steamed bun, and drank the soup with satisfaction.

"When we were at home, we always scooped up the first bowl of rice. We could only get one cornbread for each meal, but there was endless work to do. My parents wouldn't let me eat more. If I ate a little more, my sister-in-law would stare at me. , I usually talk about my dirty body, and when I was asked to wash them, I never said that I was dirty. I don’t want to think about that day in my life. I don’t know how to bear it all these years. The one who came here, probably, really didn’t know where to go?”

Liu Caihua sighed, Li Caixia's side, why not?When the younger brother is not married, she can still live, but when the younger brother is married, she becomes an outsider.

As long as something goes wrong at home, as long as my mother and sister-in-law quarrel, she will always be the punching bag. If she is told to get out, I don't know how much she has said.

"If I had known this, I might as well be like the other sisters and die and not come back!"

There were ten or twenty girls in the village back then, and it was unknown whether they were dead or alive, but the two of them were the only ones who came back in the end.

To be honest, when I think back on the days I have lived in these years, sometimes I think it would be better to die outside, and save myself from being treated like this by the relatives I thought.

"My mother pointed at my nose and scolded me as a white-eyed wolf, telling me not to go back for the rest of my life, and not to call her when I saw her, and she would pretend that I had never been born."

Liu Caihua hooked her lips mockingly: "I had a fight with my sister-in-law. She said that I made them ashamed by eating inside and outside. My nephew and niece also scolded me."

It was probably because An Yi, a stranger, gave the two of them too much warmth, especially when they saw such a good meal, the two of them were crying while eating, looking a little... sad.

After eating, they rushed to wash the pot and wash the dishes, but she was not polite to them, and said.

"In the future, if you want to eat the food I cook, you have to work more. I can cook, but you two will share the other work. How about this, you eat at my place before the spring, but after you eat Just go back to my own house, I like quiet, okay?"

The two sisters turned their heads in disbelief: "Sister An, you..., is what you said true?"

"What's real? Look at you, you two are so skinny, you really love each other. You've been recuperating here for half a year. When you're done, we can roll up our sleeves and go to work after the next year? I won't charge you money either, you guys If you feel bad, you can help me with the work. Anyway, I have two acres of land, and I don’t need to pay taxes. The three of us can eat the things planted in front of the house and behind the house, and it should be enough.” If there is not enough space, she can also subsidize it. They are so pitiful, she can't help pretending to be a Virgin once.

The two sisters were so moved by these words that they kowtowed and knelt down in front of her.

"Sister An, you are really our savior, don't worry, we have plenty of strength..."

When I got to the yard where the two sisters lived, I saw that the area was really not small. The Northeast is a big place. There was no such thing as a homestead in this era, and they were all built according to their own conditions. Especially there was a millstone in the yard. Because the millstone was too heavy, no one moved it away, but if anyone uses this kind of big millstone, they will come to their house. Anyway, it is an abandoned house, just like the millstone placed under the big tree at the entrance of the village. Can use.

"It is said that this family used to sell tofu. The eldest son was a carpenter, and the younger son was a soldier. The family conditions are not bad. Look at the three bright main rooms, the left and right two wing rooms, the built pigsty, and the wall. There used to be a pig As for the donkey, alas, what a pity..."

When she saw that there was a millstone in this shop, An Yi's eyes rolled, and she seemed to have an idea.

After that, the three sisters began to tidy up the miscellaneous things in the yard. Useless things, including dead branches and rotten leaves, were all piled up and burned.

If it is useful, it can be taken out in the yard after being exposed to the sun, and then taken back to the river to wash it, and then sewed and mended, and can be used as a mattress.

Broken doors, fences, roofs, etc., the three women don't want to give hands to others, especially don't want to have anything to do with the men in the village, so as not to be said by the gossip woman. Fortunately, a lot of wars were stored in the space of Yishui back then. The rags and rags picked up in the era were all picked up from the homes of extinct people. Of course, she also did a good deed, burying the whole family. No, she buried the entire village in a big pit and erected a tablet.

There are many things like this, and these things have not been donated. Even the door panels and other things she used to build her house are picked from the space. It is a magical space like a treasure chest, so in After looking at the situation at home, she went home.

An hour later, the two sisters went to Anjia to bring back the gate, house door, window frames, tiles, pickle jars, pots and pans, poles for carrying water, wooden barrels, everything she could think of, were piled on a rack cart , the three of them divided into three trips, and all of them were brought back to Qiuxia's house.

They went to the back mountain to pull yellow clay, mixed it with chopped straw, and first climbed to the roof with a ladder to fill in the missing tiles.

After washing the things brought back, they put them in the yard to dry. After looking at some low courtyard walls, they said to the sisters.

"Tomorrow we'll make some clay bricks to build up the courtyard wall, and then stick some glass shards on it. I have this thing, and it can keep some animals out of the embankment."

Her family has a dog, and it looks ugly, and she is coveted by others. Can these two girls be more careful?Especially their experiences are well known.

And she is limited to legends, talking in private, but she dare not say that in person, because the government came to build her a house at the beginning, and the two acres of land she was allocated did not pay taxes. The house was built so well and so big , outsiders can get such good care, not only the word "martyr's orphan" can be explained clearly, so relatively, her life is much easier, who makes her look a little mysterious?

Li Qiuxia and Liu Caihua were curious about An Yi, for example, a woman who was also hurt, why was she able to live so well?Her house is like a treasure chest, everything can be conjured up, even though she said she picked it up, some things don't seem like they can be picked up at all.

But they watched her take out these things from the cellar, and they didn't know how she put in so many things behind her back. It was really amazing.

Of course, doubts are doubts, neither of the sisters asked, and it took about ten days to tidy up the house and the outside.

The courtyard wall is three meters high, and there are a lot of glass shards stuck on it. The situation of their home cannot be seen from the front yard and the backyard. Even the door is tightly blocked. The three women just repaired the house without the help of any men. up?

What surprised them even more was that even the village chief's progress was relatively smooth, and the settlement was completed so quickly. Even when a girl who had been hurt was settled alone, it was done quickly. It can be seen that everyone has compassion Heart, but the girl's family members, alas...

"After repairing the site of your house, it is even more grand than mine. There is also a pear tree and a persimmon tree behind the house, which are also enclosed. It will not be so easy for anyone to pick them in the future. And these millstones..., "

What surprised Anyi the most was that when they removed a pile of stones, they found that there was a hidden well in this house?

Later, I thought that the family used to make tofu. This must be because they disliked the trouble of carrying water outside, so they built the well, but they dug it secretly, otherwise the surrounding villagers would all come to his house to carry water. See An Yi When they came to this well, they said that they both had good vision and chose such a treasured place of geomantic omen.

"Sister, why don't you come and live with us? You live in the main room, and the two of us live in the wing room. Such a big place, after the repairs, how nice and how big is it? The eyes of those gossiping women in the village are red with jealousy. Woolen cloth!"

Anyi shook her head with a smile, "The gold nest and the silver nest are not as good as my own kennel. I don't want to join in the fun with you. However, with this well, you have to put on a show and go outside to fetch water. It's a big deal. The water picked up is used to water the vegetables, so I just take advantage of the crowds to carry some water every day."

"Sister, don't worry, we understand. From now on, let's live our own lives behind closed doors."

An Yi thought for a while, "If you meet a good man in the future, you will return,"

The two shook their heads without thinking, "No, even if someone treats us sincerely, I don't want my child to be stabbed in the back for the rest of his life. It's too unfair to them. It's fine like this. From now on, the three of us don't care who Go first, the rest of the people will be responsible for the funeral, and the last person will be wronged, but when the time comes, the people in our village should not ignore it."

Why does this sound so sad?
An Yi sighed, and patted their shoulders: "Stop talking about this, let me teach you how to survive in the future?"

This year is [-], and before the establishment of the commune in [-], five years, even if we don't start business one year earlier, we can still do business for at least four years, right?

The cow in her space is pregnant again, and the calf has grown up. Four years later, it will be in its prime. Because it is raised by herself, it is bound to be taken into the space in advance, otherwise it will be As a group, she must think of everything she can think of in advance, or she will suffer a big loss.

The three of them are women, and they will be taken care of by it in the future. She didn't plan to let them do big business, and let them be criticized by others?

Some things and some words, I have heard enough in the past few years, since they jumped into the river, they are not the same as before.

So she wants to teach them how to make tofu.

"Make tofu?" The two sisters covered their mouths in surprise, and subconsciously turned to look at the millstone and well in the yard. After seeing An Yi's serious expression, they asked uncertainly, "Is this true?"

"Of course, I said that I would teach you how to make a living. Coincidentally, I can make tofu. The house you chose also provides you with good conditions. We don't need to go to the town to sell it. A village is enough for you to sell. Don’t worry, I can assure you that the tofu made by our family is better. In this way, we can also have business in winter. Even if we don’t sell it for money, we can exchange it for food, right? Bring the beans, let’s Also change it, with beans, you can actually make many things, such as miso, soy sauce, yuba, all of which can be made as derivatives of our family.”

"Sister, you must have read books, right?" Anyi shrugged noncommittally: "So what about reading? I'm just a farmer now."

In a word, they probably recalled some unbearable past, and the sisters' eyes turned red.

"Sister, we thank you, don't worry, we will definitely study hard."

An Yi didn't explain her past, and told them clearly: "Making tofu is very tiring, we have to keep collecting firewood and grinding beans,"

Both of them smiled at the same time, "We are not afraid of being tired, what we are afraid of is idleness. The more idle we are, the more we will panic and have nightmares."

An Yi took a deep breath, and then let it out lightly: "Okay, since you are not afraid of hardship, then I will use the beans I brought over and teach you how to do it. The first thing is to choose beans, be sure to choose smooth, plump, and full. Bad beans, the face is different, let’s keep them for ourselves, take out the ones you buy, and be sure to choose good ones.”

"If someone trades beans for tofu in the future, don't worry too much, as long as the difference is not bad. Generally speaking, a catty of beans can produce 2-4 catties of tofu, depending on the quality of the beans, water quality, and technology. Too soft or too hard is not good, this ratio needs you to explore slowly, sometimes I make mistakes myself, this is a normal phenomenon, you don’t have to worry too much.”

"The masters who can produce four catties of tofu are the best of the best. Generally, they can produce two and a half catties and three catties, which is considered good. If you want to produce more than three catties, you have to use scientific methods, which require precise measurement, including soaking beans. The length of time, the amount of water to grind the beans, the time to cook the soy milk, the time to make the tofu, the amount of brine, the skill of the tofu maker, etc. These are not clear in a sentence or two. Everyone’s hands will be different. It takes a long time and experience to sum up.”

"Also, when the tofu is cooked, water will flow out. Freshly made tofu will carry water, and there may be more scales at that time. The two and a half catties to three catties I said is the number after the water is drained. Some poorly crafted ones can’t even pay two and a half catties, but no matter how poor they are, they can’t be less than two catties and two taels. If it’s lower than this, they can’t be called good at it.” When it came to this, the sisters followed suit she laughed.

"You don't have to worry that we will lose money when we make tofu. It is hard work to do this, and it is true that the profit is thin, but tofu should be the safest business. If it is hard, it is dry tofu, if it is thin, it is tofu brain, and if it is thin, it is Tofu skin, if it’s gone, it’s soy milk, if it’s stinky, it’s stinky tofu, and what about the leftover bean dregs, we can still make bean dregs cakes, where do you think we are at a loss?”

"What I taught you is to make tofu with marinade, not tofu with gypsum."

When people mention gypsum in later generations, they will intuitively think that this thing is a chemical. In fact, in our life, it is mainly used to stabilize the symptoms of broken limbs. It is a medical material, but using gypsum to make tofu, will it be unhealthy? ?
In fact, this just reflects a misunderstanding of Chinese people on food safety.

First of all, tofu is definitely non-toxic, and the origin of tofu is said to be that Liu An, the king of Huainan, accidentally added gypsum to tofu juice when he was making alchemy, thus making tofu.

Tofu did not really become the main food until the Southern Song Dynasty.

It has been solidified with bittern (and gypsum) for thousands of years. It is impossible to eat a kind of poisonous food for thousands of years without being discovered, so it must be healthy.

The reason why tofu is supplemented with calcium is because it must contain gypsum, and the ingredients of gypsum are calcium sulfate and crystal water.

Calcium deficiency can lead to malnutrition.

But when many people hear that it is gypsum (salt bittern), they feel bad at first, because they think it is a chemical.

So what is a bittern?

Bittern is also called bittern and bittern. It is a brine block formed by evaporating and cooling the mother liquor left in the salt pond after making salt from seawater or salt lake water. This requires her foresight. In the years after Japan surrendered, She spends a lot of time wandering around the seaside cities. She has an endless amount of salt and brine in her space. These are all made by her hard work. Because she knows that it will be more difficult to buy salt in the future, so while living by the sea, Do a lot more.

These brine blocks are soluble in water and are called brine. They are the coagulant commonly used in making tofu in the north, which can make the protein solution coagulate into a gel.

Tofu made with brine as a coagulant has strong hardness, elasticity and toughness, and is called old tofu, or northern tofu, and hard tofu.

So this brine is also a chemical, but you have to know that our daily life is inseparable from chemicals. The most common one is table salt, which is also called sodium chloride.

Soda, called Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate…

In addition to these, all foods that are inseparable from the daily life of future generations contain chemical raw materials such as food additives. To put it more bluntly, from a chemical point of view, the world should be composed of chemical substances.Even humans can be called carbohydrates.

Therefore, just accept it calmly, there is no need to be so desperate.

The general tofu shop sells yuba. Yuba is a layer of skin on the surface of soybean milk. When it is sandwiched and dried, it is yuba. When it is dyed, it smells strange and salty.

"When cooking soy milk, you can't leave people around. You must always pay attention to avoid burning, but you must still boil it."

"It turns out that the two big vats that my sister brought over are to scoop the boiled soybean milk into the big vats to dry?"

An Yi nodded over and over again and said, "It should be aired to a certain temperature, not too low, just as it is now."

An Yi taught seriously, and the two sisters also studied hard beside them. For example, they didn't know what brine was at all. I feel amazing.

The water that flows out when pressing tofu is originally brine, and if you keep it, you can use it to make tofu, and the tofu made with brine is more mellow.

Tofu also has high requirements for water quality. For example, the tofu brewed with mountain spring water will be smoother and more tender, with a strong bean fragrance, but the groundwater here is also quite good. There is no mountain spring water, and it is also good to use groundwater instead!

An Yi didn't know much about the surrounding market either: "Is there any tofu shop around here? What's the usual price? Have you ever heard about it?"

"If you exchange beans, you will get one and a half catties of old tofu for a catty of beans, and some places will give you two catties."

Anyi nodded after listening, "This is determined according to the master's craftsmanship. How about selling it for money? How much is appropriate?"

The price of tofu has always been linked to soybeans, and as the main producer of soybeans in the three northeastern provinces, the price of soybeans here has always been very stable.

It won't be long before the farms, plains, and black soil in various places here will be reclaimed. This is the initial stage of reclaiming the Great Northern Wilderness. The Nenjiang Plain and the Sanjiang Plain will use soybeans, sorghum, corn, and rice as the main crops. Her side It's just a small village, so it's natural not to see such a scene.

Because now is the formation period of the Corps, and they are all patriotic youths. When they serve as soldiers, people's communes should also be established in four or five years. In fact, the current primary agricultural production cooperatives have already been established, but this is not the same as In a few years, the collective life will not be the same, at least it will be healthy. Only in some places will there be forced participation, violation of the rights and interests of middle peasants, and blind pursuit of some advanced forms.

Thinking of this, An Yi couldn't help but sigh. Thinking about it carefully, in the past few years, it's better not to bother, but in such a mess, what kind of household registration should I rely on?

Before the two of them could discuss the price, she said, "If you don't need money, you can exchange it with food."

What money?What is the use of a pile of inflationary notes?It's not as pragmatic as food.

Regarding this, the two sisters had no objection, and they were in favor of it, but An Yi made a decision after a day of tossing with them.

"From now on, we will soak ten catties of beans every day, and if we can produce thirty catties, we will sell thirty catties, and we will not sell too much, as long as it is enough for our daily food."

The cow in her space still doesn't come out, no matter how you think about it, she thinks it's dangerous. If you buy another cow after repairing the house, isn't Qing waiting to cause trouble for herself?

These people just don't know her details, and if it is found out, it will be troublesome. The more you think about it, the more dangerous it will be, so just keep a low profile.

Twenty or thirty catties a day, or more than 30 catties of tofu, why not replace one-third of the corn kernels (rice sorghum)?

Li Qiuxia shook her head: "It can't be exchanged. It is possible to give three catties of grain and ten catties of potatoes or sweet potatoes."

An Yi made up her mind: "Although it's hard work, it's better than nothing at all. You have the right to work hard to earn food."

Three catties of grain are recorded in the account a day, and one hundred catties a month. Although it is in shell, it is really better than farming.

The three of them will be able to calculate this account, and after the calculation, they will be full of confidence. Only she feels that they are easily satisfied, because she expects to pay ten catties!
It turned out that it was only three catties, and it was still shelled, but if you could subsidize some potatoes and sweet potatoes, it would be acceptable.

From now on, I still do it, change it, and before the heavy snow comes, I should be able to save some winter food. If it is not enough, she will subsidize it.

After all, the calf was not willing to let it out, and even the pigs, she was not willing to feed them. When they make tofu, there will be bean dregs. The bean dregs alone can produce about [-] catties every day. The three of them must not be able to eat all the bean dregs. Who is not tired?

"How about, let's ask the people in the village if you want it? If you want it, change it to some potatoes and sweet potatoes?"

This proposal was directly rejected by An Yi: "No, just give it to me, I'm useful."

She is useless, she just doesn't want to deal with those eight wives, she would rather be in the space and feed chickens and cows.

Of course, she didn't want it for nothing, and would give the sisters some sweet potatoes as compensation, because she didn't do much work, and most of them just talked about it, and she never thought it was done for herself, and she just wanted to help. If they don't have business with the two, she is not entitled to take away the bean dregs without giving money, until the sisters said.

"Then if you insist on giving it, we won't have the same pot of rice with you in the future, what's the point of that?"

 It was broken yesterday, and today there will be more.

(End of this chapter)

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