The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1039 [1038] National heroine 12 (4)

Chapter 1039 [1038] National heroine 12 (four thousand)
After traveling through so many lives, she has already developed a good habit of self-discipline, especially for morning jogging, especially in this era, the air is really not polluted at all, and the era when heavy industry has not yet developed, it is true to cherish it.

When she was running, the nuts followed, and the rope was released at this time, because the dog was not yet mature, and she was worried about any accidents, so she only untied it when she was running, and when she was sleeping at night, the rest of the time. Tether it, and give it freedom when it is mature.

She was sweating profusely and ran home. The two girls hadn’t returned yet. She guessed that it would take a whole morning to negotiate. After returning home, she boiled milk and ate eggs. When she made them for them, she didn’t eat. It's comfortable, so she eats it after she comes back.

After eating, tidy up the stove. There are many flies in this era. Except for the pot, she puts everything in the cupboard of the main room, and takes it out when she uses it. Because there is no food in their house, there are very few mice. , There are really many flies and mosquitoes, which cannot be avoided. If you don’t wear long trousers and long sleeves at night, you can’t go out.

Fortunately, there is no Central Plains fever in the Northeast in summer, and there is a kang at home in winter, and it is freezing and snowy outside, so she doesn't go out, so she thinks this place is quite suitable for living.

Behind her house, a cellar was also dug. Because the winter in the Northeast is long, every household will dig a cellar to store vegetables. She didn't plan to dig a cellar, after all, she has space, but the worker didn't ask her at all, and just dug it for her. Thinking that this is a local habit, I didn't say a word, but most of them are going to be left idle.

There is a well in the east and west of the village, which is convenient for irrigating the crops. There is a river one or two kilometers away. The water here is fetched from these places. Didn’t I never think of digging for my yard? She has a well, but she is afraid that she will be too ostentatious. After all, no one is as extravagant as her. She lives in three rooms alone, and the yard is so big and high. Why does the government treat her so well?I don't know how many people talked about her in private, and some even said that there was someone above her who had an affair with someone, so it was hard to hear.

These are when she is carrying water or working in the crop fields, her hearing is good. Although she is very angry, she is reminded to keep a low profile all the time.

So she has to go to the west of the village to fetch water every morning. Fortunately, it is not far from her home, only 200 meters away. The large water tank is placed under the eaves, with a wooden cover on it. The water can only be filled, three loads of water is six barrels, quite tiring, but the quality of the water is really good, much cleaner than the one in the river.

Speaking of the river here, it is very deep. Every summer, people are drowned. At night, many people go there to take a bath. Men and women are separated, and they all wash by the side. The water is still hot after a day in the sun. Yes, of course, it is the kind that is hot on the top and cool on the bottom, but if you go to the river to wash, you will at least float, otherwise it will be easy to cause accidents, because the river is deep in this era, and the resources below are also rich, people who have been in the water all year round will know where to go. where the water is shallow, where the water is deep.

It would be dangerous if it is placed in later generations, because sand is pumped all the year round, and there are deep pits everywhere, which is very scary. If you are not careful, you will slip into it, unlike the current river, which is still supported by mud and sand. I went to the river to see that the water quality is not bad, and I have seen water snakes swimming in it, but she would rather take the trouble to wash at home than go to the river to wash.

In the 70s and [-]s, river embankments should also be built here. As long as there are rivers, river embankments will be built. This is to prevent flooding. I am afraid that the embankment in the future will also have its own contribution.

Although the land here in Liujiatun is not black soil, it looks quite fertile. She planted a bed of leeks in front of her house, and she couldn’t finish eating them. One bed was enough. Loofahs, pumpkins, and wax gourds covered all the courtyard walls of her house, and they were used wherever they could be planted, so they couldn’t be eaten up, and they were stored in the space for winter.

These are very pickable vegetables, or the seeds she exchanged sweet potatoes with the old men and women in the village.

Leeks need to go to the town to buy leek seedlings, and then plant them in the ground. After that, they will grow out by themselves every spring. When eating, just cut them off along the ground with a knife. After a few days, they will sprout again. One crop will turn yellow in autumn and winter. Before that, there are leek flowers that can be harvested. Collect the leek flowers and make pickled leek flowers, which are very delicious when eating noodles.

The older generation will explain that this kind of crops that are cut and grown, or eaten by breaking off (Jinda vegetables), are not suitable for growing at home, which has a bad meaning.

But flowers and plants like nail grass are very suitable for planting at the door of the house. I don’t know what to say. Anyway, she sprinkled nail grass seeds at the door. In summer, she even dyed her nails. Bao, it turned red the next day. Although my fingers were all yellowish-brown, it would wash off after a few days, and the color of my nails became more and more pure. Natural nail polish is quite beautiful.

This kind of nail grass, whose scientific name is Impatiens, is still a traditional Chinese medicine. Its flowers are collected and soaked in white wine, which can promote blood circulation, reduce swelling, and treat bruises.

In fact, not only its flower buds, but also its roots, stems and leaves have medicinal value, and are widely used in the scope of traditional Chinese medicine. There are a total of ten trees planted in front of her house, all of which grow well and bloom. She just collected them, and there is no guarantee that they will not be used in the future.

The yard has an area of ​​three to four hundred square meters. I planted a small piece of sweet potato, mainly for the convenience of eating sweet potato leaves. I also planted various vegetables, coriander, chives, garlic sprouts, celery, pepper, tomato, eggplant, cucumber, beans, etc. I can harvest every day. The picked fresh vegetables are kept fresh in the space. She made the fresh beans into capers, which is called sour cowpea in the south. No matter what it is called, after this vegetable is marinated, it is a real meal.

The tenderer the cowpea is, the better it is marinated. If it is old, it will be empty, not tasty, and not elastic.

And the tenderest kind of cucumber.

If you can't finish the green vegetables and you are afraid of getting old, you can also make dried plum vegetables.

Like the two or three hundred square meters in the backyard of their house, she has planted cabbage and radishes in all of them. This is the grain reserve for winter. You can eat scallions, which are popular dishes stored in winter in northern regions.

Yi Shui is very good at cooking. The oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar at home are all stored in the previous space, which is enough for her to eat for three to five years. She will stop, and she can ensure that she eats and drinks well. Of course, she is not that exaggerated. It is impossible to live like the later generations. The food you eat is less salt, less oil and less seasoning. If you are too greedy, you can’t eat it in public. It's embarrassing to eat.

Many people will adapt to a strange place for more than half a year. She is different. She is used to the living habits of various places. In addition, there are no neighbors around her. What to do every day does not delay her life at all.

During the eight years between Japan's surrender and coming to Liujiatun in early [-], she wandered around the country, bartering things, including seafood by the sea, in order to find a suitable place. Staying down, no, I chose the northeast as my place of residence after going around.

At this time, they used the first set of RMB issued from the end of 48 to the end of 53, but this set of RMB ceased circulation in May 55. In fact, she was not very impressed with this set of currency, because the value of the currency was too high. Big, the inflation is severe.

The smallest dollar is 1 yuan, and the largest currency value is [-] yuan.

A large currency value does not mean that you can buy more things. You can buy two chickens or [-] kilograms of rice with a currency value of [-] yuan. The conversion rate has reached a difference of ten thousand times, so this trouble is inevitable. In those few years, she was basically running around for her future rations, and she never used the money at all.

Unless it is necessary for transportation, she chooses to barter, because she knows that this set of currencies will be eliminated soon, and she only keeps two sets as souvenirs, including the currencies that circulated in various places during the Republic of China. , she kept them all, and she didn't have any special thoughts, she just felt that this was the trace of her travels all over China, and it would be good to keep it as a souvenir. .

In her free time, she will write memoirs, leaving aside the places where she used space to cheat, and mostly choose the way of recording, because she seized the cameras of the Japanese army and some precious materials, so she took all the photos she could take and kept them. , and those original documents, as early as after the end of the Anti-Japanese War, she submitted them to the relevant departments. This is all evidence, evidence of the war that the Japanese can't erase.

She has a radio in her space, but there is no electricity at home, and she didn’t buy batteries. The dog chooses vegetables, looks up at the cloudless blue sky from time to time, takes a deep breath and laments the beauty of life.

The well water just picked up in summer is very cool, and it is very good for washing vegetables, but while washing, she thought of some legends about the well.

It seems that in the old society, the place where many women chose to commit suicide was the well in the village. Their side is quite close to the river. This well...

Yishui smashed it, smashed its mouth, and sighed, forget it, it’s okay to eat it without doing anything, and it’s okay to eat it. When the Japanese invaded, was there still little blood in this well?

Is she disgusted to come here?Anyway, their house has always been washed with well water, and only the water at the entrance is the water in her space.

She thought that the water in the space could not be taken and used at any time, and only when the watering mark appeared in the system could it be sprinkled. Taking advantage of that time, she could fill the big water tank in her own space. There was a time limit each time, so she couldn’t stop watering because of this. Bar?

It's all just a psychological effect. In principle, the water has been used all the time, and there is so much soil for purification, she simply can't get over it.

If you want to understand this point, it doesn't matter. After washing the vegetables, she turned the yeast into water, made a pot of noodles mixed with sorghum, corn, buckwheat, etc., kneaded the blanched sweet potato leaves and noodles Together, she would make a whole pot of steamed cornbread when it was made at noon, and she would steam it in one tray, and basically finish it in a day. If the two girls came over, they might finish it in one meal, because there was not much sourdough.

There are tomatoes and eggplants, and I will fry a dish later, pickle two garlic cucumbers, and boil a pot of corn soup, which is definitely the treatment of a high-class family.

Cucumbers are marinated in advance with fresh peppers from the yard, which can taste better.

After doing all this, she went back to her house and took out the seeds from the cotton. There was a loom in the space, and she used the cotton to weave some handmade sheets and quilts. Of course, she also picked up the loom, because All the people in that family were killed. She put the loom into the space, which can be regarded as a kind of respect and inheritance of traditional handicrafts, which is better than letting them be burned by fire.

She has a seized pocket watch and a clock, but they cannot be displayed on the bright side, and she can only secretly check the time.

At about eleven o'clock in the noon, her face swelled up in the morning, and she put all the cotton into the space, and after cleaning the water, she began to steam the steamed buns with the face.

Just after steaming the steamed buns, the two sisters came back in a disheveled state, their hair was loose and their clothes were torn. Looking at them, it was obvious that they had fought a tough battle. The scratches on their faces made her heart skip a beat. .

"You guys, are you okay?"

Their complexions must be ugly, and their eyes are red and swollen. They must have gone through a fierce battle, and their appearance is a bit distressing.

The two sat down without saying a word, and took out a few manuscript paper-like things from her arms. She took a look at them and breathed a sigh of relief.

The matter is settled, it is certain to leave the house, and nothing is allocated. Looking at the situation, I am afraid that even the clothes and quilts have not been taken out, and there are many scratches on the face and body. Alas, this is a tear. right?

"The head of the village said that he would register for us in a few days. The house said that we can live temporarily, because it is not a house in the village. If relatives come in the future, we can pay for it. Anyway, the house is dilapidated and needs major repairs. .”

After going through the war years and being vacant for so many years, the unpopular house will break down very quickly. Even if they don't live in it, it will end in collapse in the future.

The village head said that, in fact, it is no different from letting them live for free. If there are relatives who come, they will have come a long time ago. Why wait so many years?

Yi Shui sighed, fetched water for them and asked them to wash their faces.

"Since the trouble has come to this point, don't think too much about it. Fortunately, other things are going well. Where are the household registrations for you? Is it in those old houses?"

The two nodded at the same time, "The head of the village said that we can choose randomly. If we live in one family, we will live in one family. If we live in two families, we will live separately."

There are about seven or eight houses like this in the village. Thinking about the ending of these seven or eight houses, I feel a burst of embarrassment and sadness in my heart.

 The interface for reading APP recommendation tickets has been revised. When you sent tickets, did you not see clearly? Why did someone give me a reward recently?If I hadn't pressed the wrong button to send 100 novel coins, I wouldn't have thought of this crucial point.

  Haha, thank you [Dream Ziyan] [Girl] [Flower Blooms Silently] [Yu Zetian] for giving me the reward, it cost everyone money, I am really sorry, thank you, okay.

(End of this chapter)

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