The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1030 [1029] Heroines of the Republic of China 3 (4)

Chapter 1030 [1029] Heroines of the Republic of China 3 (four thousand)
She uses bamboo tubes to pick up the pig's blood, and she can make blood tofu later.

It doesn't matter if you can't carry it, you will receive it directly into the space without leaving any traces.

The wild boar skin can also be tanned, and turned around as a bedding. In this way, it can be regarded as a treasure all over the body, and it is not a loss or a loss.

In this way, while picking up prey, she spent three or four months in the woods pulling wild fruits and vegetables. It was not until she had turned around the mountain and played hide-and-seek with the villagers of Sheling that she gradually walked out of the forest. Dashan, slowly approaching the direction of the town.

As soon as I arrived in the town, I went to a barber shop, sold a black and shiny cloud silk, and got five oceans. I cut my hair into an inch, and covered it with a local scarf. My face was never clean, and my clothes were forever Loose and loose, just walking and stopping along the way with such a dirty surface.

The shoes she wore before were worn out long ago, and later she bought another pair for a dollar. The soles of these shoes were thicker than the ones she bought, so she was able to walk out of the town closest to Snake Ridge.

After leaving the town, there are mountains again. In Sichuan Province, there is nothing else but mountains. She saw wild giant pandas in the mountains of Sheling!
Although she really wanted to masturbate, the wild panda was not docile at all, and bared its teeth and roared at her. It was cute, but for the sake of its own life, it didn't dare to move forward.

The weather is getting colder and colder. She wants to buy cotton, but she can't buy it in the rural towns. Cotton in space will only appear at level [-]. She has only reached level [-] now, and she has to wait Not for more than half a year. By that time, I'm afraid the weather will be warm.

It's a pity that she doesn't even have thick clothes to keep out the cold. Fortunately, it's cold. She doesn't stay outside every day. She only stays outside for a while when cooking or hunting for prey. Because it's cold, she can't stand it. Living on this day, I can only wander around in the mountains. The walking distance is limited, and when I don’t know the way, I have walked a lot of wrong roads.

But she can fill her stomach because she can grow rice and wheat at the second level of the space, and corn at the third level. She can grow cabbage and potatoes, lettuce, eggplant, red dates, tomato, pea, lotus root, pepper, etc. she eats every day. She used to be thin and thin. , now it's more or less sensual.

After the 200-jin wild boar, pheasants, hares, snakes, bamboo rats and other prey came into the warehouse one after another. She was neither short of vegetables, fruits, meat, nor nutrition. The only regret was that she could not eat eggs. , although she has picked up wild eggs and bird eggs, but the space has not reached a certain level, she cannot raise live livestock, and eggs have become a rarity.

Of course, on weekdays, her four lands are mainly for growing food, and occasionally switch to vegetables and fruits. The food saved will be of great use in the future. After eight hours, they will be harvested and planted immediately. This is A huge benefit of being in the space, being able to keep an eye on her plant growth at all times.

Although farming is unfamiliar now, and she used it frequently when there was no second or third life, and even forgot that there are red land, black land and gold land upgrade rules, but after trying to go hungry, ordinary fields have made her feel lucky. So even if there are only these four fields from beginning to end, she is satisfied.

It’s better to grow corn. I can harvest 12-20 ears of corn each time. The output of wheat and rice is a bit poor. It’s gratifying to be able to harvest a bowl of rice or wheat grains at a time. She has never sold food crops to the mall. , all of which are to sell the vegetables grown, and then use gold coins to buy space seeds. In this cycle, it is difficult, but her life is very sufficient. After all, the time difference between space and the outside world is twice as long. Make good use of it. In order to eat and drink enough.

The place where she lives is relatively high altitude, so not only does it snow in winter, but it is also extremely cold. If it is not too choking to make a fire in the space, she will not go outside to make a fire while shivering from the cold. meal.

Yi Shui is thin and small, not even 1.6 meters tall, and his weight is even more pitiful. The sixty to seventy catties is because he has gained weight recently. I don't know how those people could do it under such circumstances.

In fact, she was not thin before, because she was sold all the way, and she was tortured by hunger and thinness. Even the menstruation that had already come, because of malnutrition and rude treatment, it disappeared in a daze.

In the past few months, even if it came, it was a little bit red, and it disappeared in two days. It looked sad and helpless, but luckily I was not pregnant.

It's not like she hasn't seen people these days, but it's hard for her to listen to what Sichuan Province said, and she doesn't know how to say it, and she doesn't want to reveal her daughter's identity, because it's a time of chaos, and she is so weak that she can avoid it. My son, it's better to avoid it a little bit.

Before she can raise her body to be strong, she still needs to collect materials.

She has seen many animals in the mountains, of course, giant pandas, not once or twice, but every three days.

In addition, there are golden monkeys, clouded leopards, wildebeests, red pandas, jackals, bison, marmots, blue sheep, vultures, snow pheasants, Tibetan snow pheasants, red-bellied golden pheasants and many other first- and second-class wild animals under state protection. , I don't have this concept now, and it will be very precious in the future. At most, she will kill a chicken and catch a rabbit, but it still takes a lot of effort.

There are many wild walnuts, red dates, apples, pears, peppercorns, and chestnuts in the mountains. In autumn, she picked them a lot.

Sichuan Province is beautiful, and the Sichuan Army had the largest number during the Anti-Japanese War. Many great leaders came from Sichuan Province, so it should have been beautiful and rich for the rest of its life. Unfortunately, invaders came to our country, revolutions broke out in the cities, and there were still people in the mountains It is not easy to maintain this peace and tranquility.

She didn't think about where she was going in this life, she just thought about taking one step at a time and counting wherever she went. Of course, the first choice was the war zone, because she had space and could contribute to more people.

It has been three or six years since I turned this year. Although there is no calendar in my hand, there is a timer outside the space, and it can also forecast the weather, which is very useful.

Her three meals a day, because the oil needs to be used sparingly, are stewed randomly. Sweet potatoes are put in the rice porridge, and it can be cooked for one meal. It is usually used for breakfast.

If you eat meat at noon, you don’t put any oil, you just stew the meat and vegetables together, and you only put a little salt, and sometimes you don’t put it, because you can’t buy it in the countryside, and you are short of everything.

Then you ask whether it is fishy or not?
This is pure nonsense. When the stomach is not guaranteed, it is beautiful to eat. Who cares whether it tastes good or not, fishy or not?

Never thought about it at all.

Foraging for animals in the winter forest is also a big problem, and she has meat here to attract them, so make some traps or something, and keep an eye on the space at any time, so that she can get the prey in the first time, Tibetan horse pheasant, cattle Antelope, argali, wild boar, hare, and pheasant are all animals she successfully caught.

In fact, not only meat, pasture, cabbage, and radishes in the space can also become bait to lure them, and sometimes they may be more attractive than meat, such as herbivores such as rabbits.

Soon winter will turn to spring, and wild vegetables can be found everywhere in the mountains in spring. The Yishui dug is high-pitched and excited every day, sweating profusely, with backache and backache, but seeing the materials piled up higher and higher in the space, she feels that she is All the hard work was worth it, especially when it was still a bit cold in the beginning of spring, so she stayed a little longer and waited until the weather completely warmed up before going outside.

Of course, her position changes every day and gradually spreads out. She likes this kind of life that does not contend with the world. If she has no mission, maybe she would rather just live in seclusion in the mountains and forests for the rest of her life.

It was not until the middle of May in the Gregorian calendar that she really walked out of the mountains and entered the city.

After entering the city, I went to buy some coarse cloth, cotton cloth, and single shoes. When I came back, I made two coarse cloth clothes for myself, and made several sets of bras and trousers for inner wear. After growing up, she sold it for 300 yuan after she lost it. It was only when she arrived in the big city here that she realized that Dayang didn't charge much, so she saved Dayang in her hand.

After selling hair for 300 yuan, I bought coarse cloth, cotton cloth and shoes. From the perspective of consumption level, it is much more expensive than when I was in the country. Of course, her hair is of good quality. Although it is not as long as when I was in the country, it is of good quality and clean. , so she got 300 yuan, 300 yuan can let her clean up inside and out, it is quite worth it.

She became a tomboy again, and she specially boiled some paint with the color of rose juice on her face, and had a birthmark on her face. In order to be realistic, she deliberately covered the hair on the right eye side. A petty person with low self-esteem and fear.

In fact, Sichuan Province is very safe, because during the Anti-Japanese War, only the city was not bombed, and the rest of the place was safe and sound.

The main reason is that the terrain here is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Most of the basins in Sichuan Province are surrounded by mountains. It took her almost a year to walk from Snake Ridge to the nearest big city. While moving, although the movement was a bit slow because of the cold weather, it also showed the importance of geographical location.

In addition, there is another important factor. The local people are very united and unanimous to the outside world.In addition, the Sichuan soldiers at that time were very brave.

According to historical records, among the national anti-Japanese war teams, on average, one out of every seven people came from Sichuan. There was a saying that there is no army without a river, which shows the bravery of the Sichuan people and the large number of soldiers.

At that time, Shaanxi and Sichuan were in the same situation.The soldiers there were all in unison, leaving the Japanese devils with nothing to do.

Later, the area around Sichuan Province became the rear area during the Anti-Japanese War, providing material support that cannot be ignored for the persistence of the Anti-Japanese War.

During the September [-]th Incident in Northeast China in [-], she was still there at that time, but because her father was a warlord, she was protected to a certain extent.

And the reason why she was resold here was also because the traffickers took her south and west. In fact, it seemed that the unreliable concubine had indirectly sent her to a safe place. She traveled from the northeast to Sichuan Province for two full years. During this period, she had been resold many times. If she hadn't been forced to die, her innocence would have been ruined long ago, and her price, The more you sell, the lower the price, because she is the most stubborn and the hardest to deal with. Of course, Fifty Oceans is not too low, and it may be cheaper than selling it in some Goulan courtyards in the city.

Maybe there is another reason why they treated her like this. After all, her father is a well-known commander in the northeast region. These people were afraid of retaliation, so they did not violate her along the way, and they also received enough rewards to follow orders. She was sold in deep mountains and old forests.

Her father's name is Yi Chuan, who sounds like a Japanese, but is actually a well-known "crazy man" in the northeast. How did they find her, and they also hope that in this life, in their lifetime, they can still see them, fulfilling the original owner's dream.

The July [-]th Incident in [-] was the fuse of the Anti-Japanese War. At this time, the Northeast region had already fallen, and she didn't know where her father Yichuan was now.

But she knew that she was going all the way north. A safe place like Sichuan Province was suitable for her to retire in her later years.

However, before leaving, she needs to work here to earn money, buy clothes to keep warm, and disinfect and treat diseases. Even if there is space, there is no guarantee that this journey will always be safe. It is better to be fully prepared in advance than to be caught blind powerful.

And her way of making money is to sell the fruits grown in the space, because the quality is good and the color is attractive, so the price is very high. Of course, the prerequisite is that you are looking for rich people, such as bars, coffee shops, western restaurants, etc. Only by selling it in many places can it be sold at a good price.

In this case, it is not uncommon for her to encounter robbery or stalking, and she can avoid risks as long as she turns a corner.

Because it is not honorable to take advantage of the fire to rob, and they also need to avoid people, so it is very easy for her to hide.

With the money she earns, she buys salt, cloth, traditional Chinese medicine, and western medicine for wound dressings like ants moving house. If she can’t buy it, she tries to bribe the doctors and nurses in the hospital, including the glass bottles in the hospital. She also managed to buy a lot more.

She traveled from Chengdu to Chongqing for a year. When the July [-]th Incident broke out, her space had been upgraded to level [-], and she could raise livestock.

And in the space, there are a lot of materials she has saved in the past two and a half years. The cotton and grain are grown by herself, and the salt alone has saved about a hundred catties. This hundred catties sounds small, but it took her a lot. Hu Zhili, at this time, wants to live by the sea, the salt in the sea is inexhaustible.

She is like a hard-working bee, tirelessly dividing an acre of land for herself. When chickens, ducks and geese are busy, huh?It's just that bad luck.

On the way home, she tripped over a half-dead man. The man was covered in blood, shot in the chest, and was dying. Before he died, he stuffed a wax pill into her hand, and died without even saying the address.

Yi Shui stared dumbfounded at the wax pill in her hand, and really didn't know what to do, because she couldn't tell whether he was the national army or the communist army. Let's see if there is someone who seems to be looking for this wax pill...

(End of this chapter)

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