The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1029 [1028] Heroines of the Republic of China 2 (4)

Chapter 1029 [1028] Heroines of the Republic of China 2 (four thousand)
Last night, if Xiaohua (Yi Shui's pseudonym) hadn't insisted, these few people could have stood by and watched them consummate their house. Although they drove them out, he didn't need to look to know that they must be lying on the bottom of the wall to listen, but he He tossed and tossed her three times until she was so fainted that she had no choice but to stop.

He fell asleep later, but these people were outside, how did they get away, wouldn't they know?
So running over to hold him accountable at this time is simply a bastard.

"I've worked hard all night and fell asleep tired. What are you guys doing for food? You've lost sight of me. I haven't settled with you yet. It's better for you to find me in trouble instead?"

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the second child hurried out to persuade the quarrel: "Is it time to quarrel? Shouldn't we find the person first and then talk?"

After the brothers came back to their senses, they immediately ran out to seek help from the villagers.

"Don't worry, you won't run far. It's only your physique that tossed her all night. It's no wonder that she can run out. Everyone is still following the old method, and the soldiers are divided into eight groups. Look for them. Remember, don't beat people when you find them. She must have been frightened last night, she is weak and beautiful, wouldn't it be a pity if she was beaten to death?"


Yi Shui stayed in the space for a while, and after confirming that there was no one in the house, she immediately jumped out and took the food, vegetables, baskets, grates, bamboo strips, bamboo tubes, firewood, iron pots, large water tanks, earthen kiln jars, and machetes from their house. Waiting for daily necessities, and money hidden in a hole in the earth behind the house, clothes and quilts are too torn, and they are all worn by men, dirty, she endured and endured, looking and looking, really It was disgusting, so I didn't want it, and then hid directly in the bamboo forest in the backyard of this house.

She also wants to eat hot food, so even if she dislikes the pots and pans of this family, she has to make do with it.

As for how the man would react when he came back to see the scene where the house was completely bare and looted, she didn't care at all.

There is only one way out of the village, and the women in the village don't know it, but there are more than ten ways to confuse them, and they will fall into the trap if they are not careful.

It took more than ten years for the original owner in the previous life to know the real way out of the village, so it is not difficult to get out, but she doesn't want to go yet, she still wants to save these women!

Liang Tian rarely speaks when she is doing tasks, but this time, it couldn't hold back: "Are you sure it would be better for those women to come out?"

Yi Shui was taken aback: "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, it's 1935, two more years, huh?"

It was only then that Yi Shui realized that most of these women were from other places. She rescued them, not to mention how they would go home, but whether they could get there safely on the way home was a big problem. During the Anti-Japanese War, only some cities were bombed by enemy planes, but these women were all from other places. No one knew better than her what they would suffer when they returned to their hometown.

Women in the war years, if they are a little careless, they will...

Yi Shui really wanted to find a reason for herself, but she couldn't find a reason to take them away after organizing for a long time.

This place is poor, and the men here are savage enough, but at least they can guarantee food and drink here, especially since most of them have already given birth to children, how many of them killed their own children like the original owner?
Perhaps, it is most appropriate for her to leave here alone.

Thinking of this, she pursed her lips: "Okay, I understand, but if you want to get out of here, two or three months may be enough."

It is summer now, and there are plenty of supplies in the mountains. She feels that it is very necessary for her to prepare more supplies before leaving.

In the mountains here in Sichuan Province, there are bamboo forests everywhere. Weaving various daily necessities with bamboo is already a way for them to get rich. Therefore, there are finished and semi-finished products in the yards of every household, and the finished and semi-finished products in Zhang’s house are all She looted everything, including the tools they used for weaving, and she turned them over. The tools are in hand, and she also has crafts. There are so many bamboos in the mountains. Prepare some raw materials for yourself. When you are poor in the future, you may be able to stand up. .

Therefore, when the whole village was looking for her all over the mountains and plains, she was still lying on her body and digging up mushrooms, zheer roots, wild onions, scraping vegetables, etc. with a shovel in places they thought were the least likely to appear. Chinese herbal medicines such as grass, dandelion, and wormwood will also be collected, so that if you get sick in the future, you won’t have nothing to ask for.

These are everywhere in the mountains, but outside, they are all things that need to be bought with money.

The five brothers bought her for fifty oceans, and there were only twenty oceans left in the cracks in the wall. It was really poor, and there was nothing worth it, only twenty oceans. If you want to make money, you have to be able For things to exchange for money, she just looked at the green mountains around here, which are very good. From June to November, there should be a lot of good things in the mountains, and she has to wait until she has saved enough money before leaving.

Including firewood and the like, there are all over the mountains and plains, so save more, and boiling hot water for cooking is indispensable.

By the way, there are no matches in this ravine, and now we still use fire pockets or flints.

She got a Huozhezi from the Zhang family. They made it themselves. Don’t underestimate the wisdom of the working people. The sweet potato vines are soaked in water and soaked thickly in the field. Take it out and beat it without tearing it apart. Money, two pieces of huang, four pieces of rosin, and one piece of camphor powder, twisted into a rope, burned at night as if there was no fire, and lighted up as soon as it appeared.

Flint is a stone that can spark sparks. Find some grass that is easy to make a fire. It sounds simple, but it is not so easy to make a fire every day.

Matches (matches) had been introduced to our country in 1865, but they could only be bought in big cities during the Republic of China. In the ravines where there were still wives, I didn’t even know there were any. Such a fairy thing.

You can tell how retro they are by looking at the double-breasted jackets they wear, but they don't wear long braids, otherwise it would be more exaggerated.

Sheling deep in the mountains is the village where the Zhang brothers live. There are only five surnames in this village. Because there are many snakes and insects all over the mountains, Sheling is named after it. Every household brews realgar wine.

In addition to hunting, they also grow rice, sweet potato, and rapeseed as food. Because the village is remote, they don't even have to pay taxes. Of course, their output is extremely low, which is only enough for food and clothing.

The rice brought from Yishui has not yet been peeled. Sweet potato is what is called sweet potato in the north. Rapeseed is also used for oil extraction. There is an oil extraction workshop in the village. After harvesting, it will be stored there. When you finish eating, you can pick it up. Okay, most of the village is illiterate, but they have their own way of keeping accounts.

She brought a lot of millet, at least five hundred catties, and three hundred catties of sweet potatoes, but the oil was a little less than five catties.

She snatched it without anyone noticing it, causing the entire Zhang family to be in a mess, and everyone still thought it was very evil.

Why not evil?

It was fine before going out in the morning, and after finding someone, I went home at noon and took a look. Is everything looted?

However, the village is so big, and there are not no neighbors around his house. Usually, the women and old people in the village lead their children to sit under the big locust tree to hold the soles of their shoes. Red sweet potato, if you say no, it will be gone, why not evil?
What's even more exaggerated is that the cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers that were planted in the yard were all gone. With so many things disappearing out of thin air, the five brothers were terrified, and felt that this matter had something to do with Ah Hua.

"It must be her. Is she pretending to be a ghost? That night, I looked at her with a scary look. It was only one night. Our family has nothing to do. The food is gone, the pots and pans are gone. Even, even the money hidden in the wall of the backyard is gone, Boss, this Ah Hua is so beautiful, can she be a ghost?"

"You got married, so she is taking revenge on our family, right? Let us have nothing to eat, and we will starve to death, brother, where did you buy such a scary thing? It's a good thing I didn't touch her, otherwise, I still don't know how to be unlucky!"

The remaining four brothers originally had complaints in their hearts, thinking that this matter should not be taken advantage of by the boss, why should he go first, but the boss has prestige in the family, they can't argue with him, after this happened, they all Worried that the boss will have sequelae or something.

Boss isn't afraid?


What's the use of being scary?

Now Ah Hua has disappeared without a trace, it is a fact that the things at home are lost, it is also a fact that they are hungry, but is it okay to be afraid?

"You should think about it now, what should we eat before the second season's grain comes out? If it doesn't work, just go to Shanli Mao for a few days, get a bigger prey, drag it to the county town to sell it, and exchange it for some grain Otherwise, we may have a hard time getting through this winter."

"What about Ah Hua? Are you still looking for it?"

I've been searching for three days, but I haven't found anything, not even a footprint.

No, the more I think about it, the more evil it gets.

Experienced hunters are very sensitive to footprints, which is why these women who have been sold have not walked out of this ridge for so many years. The main reason is that these men have been dealing with wild animals in the forest all year round. Not only do they have a keen sense of smell, Even observation and insight are very strong, so there are many hunters in the Sichuan army, who are very suitable for investigation.

This person has been without a trace for three days, and you say you want to give up, thinking about those fifty oceans and that ecstatic night, Boss Zhang feels that his spirit is not going well.

But what if you don't give up?

They wanted to look for it, but this person seemed to disappear out of thin air, where could they find him?
Boss Zhang, who became more and more angry as he thought about it, hit the adobe wall with his fist, and a large piece of dirt fell off with a bang. Really panic!

If it weren't for the weirdness of this matter, they really wanted to report it to the authorities, but the matter of buying a daughter-in-law is not an official channel in the final analysis. Fenfen, the official place, but you need money to run errands for you.

No money?Can you command others?Go dreaming!

Therefore, Yi Shui's move from the bottom of the pot can be said to have cut off the retreat of the five brothers of the Zhang family.

The next thing is even worse, the forest is so big, even if Yishui changes places every day, there is still a possibility of being discovered, even if she tries to find villagers and does not go up the mountain, there will be times when it is impossible to guard against.

Therefore, within a month, Yishui was discovered several times by the villagers below, but how many times could he drop?When they came to look for it again, where would there be any trace of her?

However, they carefully found some signs of her activities, such real footprints and traces of digging wild vegetables, which raised the hopes of the five brothers of the Zhang family time and time again, but disappointed them again and again. .

When Yi Shui found out that he could toss them in this way, he was not afraid of being discovered. They couldn't catch him anyway, and he stayed in one place for two or three days. Now, when these hunters discovered the range of her trajectory and tried to catch a turtle in the urn, she stayed inside and couldn't come out.

Anyway, even if she calculated that they couldn't stay in the mountains 24 hours a day, they still had land, and they still had to run around for a living. If it wasn't for being afraid of snakes at night, she wouldn't be bothered to toss about during the day!
Snake Ridge is worthy of Snake Ridge. There are really many snakes here, but she is not afraid of these things. She has raised snakes in the past, and she can even tell at a glance whether snakes are poisonous or not. dagger, otherwise she could have preserved these snakes better, unlike now, with this machete, the snakes caught can only be brutally chopped off their heads.

After the snake's head is chopped off, you must not touch it with your hands, and even keep an eye on it all the time to avoid jumping up suddenly and biting poisonous wounds, because even if the snake's head is chopped off, the snake's nerves can still play a certain role, so the snake's head is chopped off. After falling, it should be buried deeply to reduce unnecessary danger.

In the process of burying, you should also pay attention to protecting yourself, because the teeth with poisonous sacs may jump down and bite you at any time when the nerves are still there. For example, the most famous cobra is dangerous within an hour. Yes, other venomous snakes are much safer.

There are too many snakes, and snake soup is very delicious food, so Yi Shui caught a lot of snakes. Her technique is very sophisticated. With the experience of poison doctor in her life, collecting traditional Chinese medicine and making snake medicine have become her daily must-haves. do things.

There are many cicadas in the mountains, but she doesn't come out very often after dark. During the day, she relies on her eyes and at the same time tie thick anti-bite bamboo to important parts of her body. When she is walking through the grass, she is often caught suddenly. The big snake that comes out is entangled. This season itself is the active period of snakes. If you don’t pay attention, you will surely die. For your own life, knowing that monkeys are delicious is delicious, but life is more important.

In addition to hunting snakes, digging wild vegetables, collecting fungi, chopping suitable bamboo, and collecting firewood, she can also dig herbs, catch fish in streams, and pick up pheasants and hares in traps dug by hunters. There was a big wild boar, but looking at the rough skin and thick meat of the wild boar, I knew it was not tasty, it was very bad.

No matter how difficult it is to deal with the firewood, it is still meat, isn't it?It was transferred into the trap and was half-dead. If she didn't pick it up, it would be cheaper for those crazy villagers. So a big wild boar weighing more than 200 catties was taken into the space after she bled it for granted.

(End of this chapter)

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