The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1026 [1025] Full-time mother counterattack 33 (5)

Chapter 1026 [1025] Full-time mother counterattack 33 (five thousand)
As Qi Qi's company started to deal with foreign countries, there were more wine scenes. When she was a lawyer, she declined all entertainment. After all, she was the spokesperson of the company, and the boss tolerated her again and again because of her outstanding ability. Therefore, even if She didn't participate, and no one said anything.

But when she changed to the boss, she couldn't help it. There were occasions where she was required to attend.

Then, some words in the wine market were well taken out of context, secretly recorded, and they were recorded. They also used going in and out of the hotel to create gossip, trying to discredit Qi Qi and make their company lose the qualification for bidding.

But who is Qi Qi?The old fox who has gone through so many lives, will be caught by others with such LOW evidence?
Still in and out of the hotel?She didn't even dare to show her face, thinking that she would be the one to find a woman with similar figure, hair and clothes as her?

As for the words taken out of context in the wine market, it is even more nonsense. Fortunately, she has the habit of recording the screen with her eyes open. As long as she can see it, it can become evidence, especially the video taken by this person is even more direct. revealed his position.

Qi Qi didn't throw out the evidence right away, but issued a symbolic lawyer's letter, suing these media, and at the same time, she will attend the wine party that night, that is, the person who secretly photographed her , went to court.

When others were still viciously attacking her on her various social platform accounts, her case had already gone through the procedures logically because of the evidence she provided, so when the children called her, she looked relaxed to comfort them.

"Don't worry, you. Mom can do it today, how can you be crushed by that kind of indiscriminate means? I'm just waiting for the event to ferment. The bigger the better, it's free for our company to hype, you Look, the eighteen generations of my ancestors are almost pulled out by them, scolded all over, even where I went to elementary school, junior high school, and technical secondary school, they all found out for me. It's a pity that this year's netizens don't become private detectives .”

She Qi Qi is afraid of being scolded?
Are you kidding me?
From the first day when she opened a social account, she has seen the power of the keyboard man. She often uses an abnormal three views to flaunt a correct three views as an abnormal level, distorting the facts, and uttering wild words. What is it? What to say, what is disgusting to say, never consider other people's feelings, just because my life is too depressing, so I look for ways to relieve my pressure on the Internet.

They can scold them as much as they want, and she, Qi Qi, doesn't need such so-called black fans. The more she experiences, the more loyal her fans will be.

What powder turns black, black turns pink?When does she care?Even if she doesn't become an Internet celebrity, she still has other ways to retreat, so what she wants is to completely remove the cancer that remains among fans, because she doesn't need this kind of person whose values ​​are blown away in a few words. Grass, what's the difference?

Those who are willing to trust her choose to guard silently, while those who don't want to trust her will send the contract termination documents one by one. When this happens, she will not say a word, sign the compensation and terminate the contract.

"I didn't expect you to be such a person. You don't look very good. An old cow eats tender grass and eats fresh meat while hugging from left to right. What do those men think? How did you manage to eat it? It's disgusting to me. gone."

"What do you think? If you have money, it's fine. No wonder people don't remarry anymore. Why do you remarry? With the constraints of marriage, how can you find a harem? Pick a fresh meat every day and go back to accompany yourself. Think about life is beautiful, you Could it be that those little Internet celebrities under her banner are all under her unspoken rules? Ah, the three views are ruined!"

"Look at what she said? In public, she disregarded her image to promote women's respect. What kind of society does she think this is? Matriarchy?"

Ugliness brings trouble!
Fresh meat on the left and bacon on the right, with an old nun lying in the middle.


Looking at the smog and obscenity on the screen, Qi Qi sometimes wondered, what's wrong with this society?Negative energy bursting, this is it?

She never knew that she would be able to dominate the list for three days, and her popularity would not decrease. All kinds of unsightly hot search entries would humiliate her mercilessly at that time.

No matter how strong the psychological quality is, seeing these ugly words will affect the mood of the whole day.

Especially when the successive delivery contracts came to her to terminate the contracts, she realized how realistic and cruel this world is!
She even began to have self-doubt, whether her so-called Internet celebrity status is suitable for her to continue.

On the sixth day, the public security agency came out to refute the rumors. In addition to arresting the responsible person according to law, they also posted the evidence provided by Qi Qi on the Internet. There are two videos in total.

One is a video of Qi Qi visiting the supermarket with the driver after the drinking party. In the video, she looks sober and clear.

The point is time. The time she appeared in the supermarket and the time she appeared in the hotel coincided exactly, but in the hotel, she was so drunk that she was helped into the private room by two young men. The next morning Only then left fully armed.

This video is divided into upper and lower screens. The police probably expected that someone would carry it here, so they successively posted the time when Qi Qi's vehicles entered and exited the community, as well as the surveillance video in her corridor.

The second video is very long, a full 5 minutes, and it is deliberately intercepted to restore the scene of the so-called inappropriate remarks that were secretly filmed on the day.

Although Qi Qi cannot be seen in the video, anyone who is careful can tell that the video was taken by Qi Qi. Because it is on her head, she cannot be photographed, but the voice is very clear. It revealed the truth of the incident, and even allowed netizens to clearly compare who was the one who 'betrayed' her.

The police have all stood up to refute the rumors, and the evidence has been put on the surface. Even the people who spread the rumors and the company behind them have been arrested by the public security organs, but this still hasn't stopped some self-absorbed abuse.

【Is it fun?Isn't it fun to play with us?Seeing us being slapped in the face, you are very nervous behind the screen, right?Let me tell you, regardless of whether you are innocent or not, I have lost my fans. As the saying goes, there are no waves without wind, who knows if you can do it cleanly?Who knows if this is something you directed and acted yourself in order to increase your popularity? 】

This comment has tens of thousands of likes and thousands of commenters, all supporters and tramplers.

For some reason, seeing these naive and vicious remarks, Qi Qi suddenly developed a deep dislike for this circle.

Especially because of this incident, more than half of the company's employees actually left. In just five days, except for those who were under tremendous pressure and had to bite the bullet to work, those young and vigorous people all took this opportunity to choose to resign , As long as they resigned, she didn't keep them, and even paid them an extra month's salary, but they didn't get a word of thanks, and even took it for granted.

With so many people leaving the company at once, many manufacturers terminated their contracts with her. Some asked her to compensate for the loss, and some only wanted to terminate the contract without compensation. In the end, she compensated the other party. Even if she was not at fault, she didn't want to argue. Want to end as soon as possible.

She is very grateful to those who choose to believe in her, but she also persuades them to give up on her. In less than ten days, all the employees of the company left, the contract was terminated, and the company closed down.

Li Xingchen knew that she was in trouble, so he specially used all his working capital to help her, because this was the remaining money he owed her.

Qi Qi did not refuse, but accepted it frankly, and went to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to complete the modification procedures.

With dividends and bonuses, a total of 6000 million compensation was obtained.

Of the 6000 million miles, half of the people will be used for contract compensation, 3000 million, which is the net assets she has accumulated after working for so many years.

After careful calculation, it seems that there is no disadvantage!

And her fans with over 8000 million are only [-] million left. Although the police refuted the rumors, but because there are more and more mouse shit in this circle, they have self-doubt about her, so even if she is innocent, they will She didn't stop trampling on her, which was unexpected.

To make matters worse, the law firm also terminated her contract.

Qi Qi was speechless and choked: "I'm afraid this is the worst life I have ever had? Now there is only the Seven Princesses Foundation left.

Is the foundation closing down?
NO, it cannot be closed.

Then she just gave up?

How could it be possible?
But she is indeed tired of doing this line of work, so it's okay to change her style.

Then you say that Qi Qi has no market and no traffic?

how can that be possible?The remaining 8000 million are all diehard fans, and they are all mother fans.

In fact, black fans also know how innocent she is, but it's just how ugly she was scolded at the time, and now she can't bear that face.

And the news of the bankruptcy of Qi Qi's company also spread like wildfire, spreading throughout the entire network platform.

Some people sighed, and some felt self-blame. Of course, some people thought she deserved it. Her mouth grew on other people's faces. Since she couldn't stop them from saying what she said, she just didn't do it.

Look, even if she doesn't have a lawyer job or a company now, she still has 3000 million fans and 8000 million fans.

As long as the fans are there, she can still make a comeback.

Bringing goods to others is risky, so what about bringing goods to yourself?

Before the accident, Qi Qi was still thinking that she was so busy, when would she be able to retire?
It turned out that the retirement notice came so quickly, oh, what a surprise!

Even when Li Xingchen offered to rehire her and other law firms offered her an olive branch, Qi Qi refused.

She felt that she was so tired all these years, so tired that she didn't have time to take a vacation for herself.

So taking this opportunity, she planned to take a long vacation for herself, and even went to the elementary school where Qi Yue was, and talked with the principal for an afternoon.

More than a week later, Qi Qi and Qi Yue started their world tour.

That's right, it's a journey around the world, and it's a journey with her daughter. Her goal is to return to the capital in four years, that is, before Qi Yue graduates from elementary school, and take the entrance examination for junior high school. Her promise to the school is that if Qi Yue passed the exam when the time came, and the school would issue her a graduation certificate, and if she couldn't pass, she would be repeated for one year.

To be honest, this kind of thing is quite weird. The school has only experienced a one-year suspension of school, and I have never seen this kind of suspension of a child for four years for fun.

They were defeated by Qi Qi's eloquence only because of that sentence: "It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books."

Under the exam-oriented education, a lot of nerds appeared. Both adults and children are very busy, busy enrolling in various interest classes and participating in various competitions, making the children lose their childishness and adults without hope. Every day is three points and one line. Life like a walking dead.

Qi Qi went in the opposite direction, which is a way that the entire education circle yearns for. What's more, what Qi Qi has experienced and the choices she has made, the principal herself admires very much. , She said that she wanted to take a vacation for herself and her child, and take the child out for a trip, but she couldn't refuse at all.

Who doesn't want to let go of everything like her, and take a walk-and-go trip?

But who has Qi Qi's rich money as a support?
Even if someone starts a company and loses tens of millions, the money in your hands in the end is something you can't afford to work hard for in your entire life.

Qi Qi's company was also rented out, and she earned 50 yuan in rent a year. This money alone is enough to cover the expenses of the second child for a year.

The old and the young are already able to support themselves, and there is no need for her to take care of them. Every year, the prize money from competitions, advertising dividends, and team benefits are enough for him to eat and drink. , he is getting more and more busy, too busy to go home.

Before Qi Qi made up her mind to travel, she consulted the two boys, and the children were very supportive of her, especially for the fact that she was traveling with her younger sister. Instead of being jealous, they encouraged her and even comforted her. I will definitely study and train hard, and I will not let my mother worry so much. When it is time to relax, I will relax and leave them alone.

What a considerate child!

As for her younger brother Qi Yong, her foundation still exists, and it is impossible for her to live on her laurels, because traveling around the world can also increase traffic and exposure for herself, and may even create more miracles. She does not bring goods, but she The traffic benefits brought by it can definitely afford all the expenses of traveling around the world for her and her daughter.

She doesn't care about those people who laugh at her for being a shrinking turtle, a wimp who can't stand up because she will soon let them know who is the one who has lost the most.

God closed one of her windows, and will surely reopen another for her on the other.

She just needs to keep a positive heart.

She will spend the second half of the year in Asia. Because of her second child, she went to Country H first. She has been here so many times, but she hasn’t had a good time shopping. She took her daughter to do strategy from the airport and taught her how to use the mobile APP to find the route. , call a car, take a car, all means of transportation, and even take this opportunity to popularize the grammar of H to my daughter, the difference from Mandarin, and some of the inheritance that has been developed so far.

In fact, country H is not big, and it was only a subsidiary country of Hua country at first. How many attractions can it have?

There are only a few places that can be seen, so 20 days is enough to visit carefully, but in order to stay with Qi Peng for a few more days, I deliberately took a look at their delicacies. The so-called countries have different cultures, H What the country can afford is their kimchi (to put it bluntly, it is still Chinese). To save face, I made a ten-episode travel guide, but because the expression is more oriental (ownership), my son came back and spread his hands helplessly, saying Being scolded by classmates is enough.

Qi Qi looked apologetic: "I'm sorry son, although you are wronged, but I want to tell you that what I said is the truth, they don't want to admit it, it's because they know it is the truth deep down, since it is In fact, forcing yourself to be a bully is caused by subconscious inferiority complex. You can just treat them as inferior. We have a great country style, so we don’t need to say goodbye to them. What should we do? Anyway, what I’m talking about has a history What matters is that even if their so-called experts come out and tell me nonsense, it will not change the fact that they used to be our subordinate clan!" They are not even counted as subordinate countries.

After that, Qi Qi went to North Korea next door, stayed in North Korea for ten days, flew to Taiwan Province, and skipped Japan directly.

In her own words: "I don't like this country, so I don't want to go, and I don't know how to make strategies for them. I recommend that people in our country go to consume and generate income for them. I am not interested. If you want to go, you can do it yourself. Go, or just watch the strategy of other broadcasters."

In any case, she came from that period, especially after experiencing the Nanjing Massacre, so she would be damned to go to this radiation country that devoid of humanity to suffer.

Next, Hanoi, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and other places in Vietnam, ten days in small places, and half a month to 20 days in slightly larger sections. Those who are interested will play more, and those who are not interested will go around. Basically A video was released in the last three days.

In just three months, her fans have returned to [-] million again, and her usual number of likes and comments has broken through the highest value in history.

[As expected of someone I admire, I really can afford it and let it go, the company goes bankrupt as soon as it goes bankrupt, happiness is the most important thing, I really envy your courage, taking your children on a trip, although tired, but it can be seen that the effect is amazing Well, the children are very good at talking about the local culture, my God, I really care about you, how can you be so good? 】

All the narrations in Qi Qi's video are Qi Yue's voice, which Qi Qi requested. Every time she goes to a place, she has to write a travel diary and follow the guide to learn the local culture. Then when she makes the video, she will Enter the narration and become a narrator. If the speech is not good, you will start over and over again until Qi Qi thinks it is qualified. Yue's mind became an indelible memory.

The video edited by Qi Qi is of high quality, and Qi Yue's narration is supervised by her, which can be called professional level. The video shot by the mother and daughter has even been trending, and the traffic brought by it has made the platform happy. , worked hard to recommend her, so that more people can use her unique education method.

Because of the promotion of the platform, Qi Qi's international reputation is getting bigger and bigger. At the beginning, no one knew about them. When they arrived in Malaysia, there were still fans chasing them. She is really the first in history. , the outstanding talent who will make Internet celebrities to the extreme!

(End of this chapter)

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