The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1025 [1024] Full-time mother counterattack 32 (4)

Chapter 1025 [1024] Full-time mother counterattack 32 (four thousand)
In 2035, eight-year-old Qi Yue is already a second-grade elementary school student, gradually showing her calligraphy and painting skills, and she is very patient.

I followed her to learn embroidery and yoga. Although I didn't learn dance, jazz dance is also considered dance. Taking two classes a week can also be regarded as exercise.

Probably had too much love, even without his father's company, Qi Yue grew up sunny and confident, and even had a little bit of Buddhism.

In Qi Qi's words, Qi Yue was too calm, as if the sky was falling, and she didn't feel a sense of crisis on her face, so it's no wonder she could sit still.

And sat there very patiently doing embroidery, painting, calligraphy, sometimes for an entire afternoon, urging her to go out to play, the kind that didn't even bother to move.

You may think that such a Qi Yue would be very introverted, but in fact, as long as she steps on the stage, once her self-confidence is sublimated, she will be full of aura. Sa's teacher and classmates applaud together. In the activities, Qi Yue's figure is indispensable. Apart from her mediocre studies, she can definitely be called a role model for other children's children.

The eldest is going diving, the second is going to learn dancing. In the future, she may not be very accomplished in cultural subjects, so Qi Qi will earnestly persuade the little girl to study hard and improve every day, but she would rather sit there and embroider with needles. Also unwilling to calculate those boring math problems, he said to Qi Qi like an old monk.

"Mom, I'm only in the second grade, and I usually score above [-]. What's not to like?"

Qi Qi gritted her teeth with hatred: "You still have the nerve to say that you scored more than 95% in the exam? Only [-]% will pass!"

Qi Yue is not embarrassed at all: "I have only been in elementary school for two years, so why be nervous, wait, when I have had enough fun, I will definitely bring you back a good student."

Qi Qi rolled her eyes, how dare she talk about the certificate?They are either three-good students, or academic progress, excellent class cadres, but their children, all take home first prizes in dance competitions, first prizes in painting competitions, first prizes in calligraphy competitions, anyway, it is about learning, None.

If you say you are not satisfied, they will give you three first prizes at home, but if you are satisfied, you will not have a single English, Mathematics, and English subjects. I really don’t know whether to cry or laugh.

From this, she could also see that none of the three children was like her, how good she was at studying, but these three, long live the standard pass!

Qi Peng didn't go to country H alone. Their company also has certain business contacts with country H. There are also employees who can speak H language there. She entrusted her child to their care and found a primary school for her child there. Yu Xiaoxiao is now an international student. In the future, he will study in Seoul for elementary school, junior high school, and high school. She tries to visit her children once a month. Fortunately, communication is advanced now, and she can watch videos through mobile phones at any time.

As a primary school student, Qi Peng is not qualified to wear a mobile phone, and he only needs video when he goes to his colleagues' house on weekends, because he is a boarding primary school, and the country is now powerful, so there is no phenomenon of insulting China or isolating him, but It's definitely not as popular as the locals. Even if you are in China, you still have regional discrimination, let alone in a country where 'everything is ours'?At such a young age, he will inevitably have to bear many practical problems that do not match his age.

She promises to see the child once a month. The main reason is to communicate with him, relieve the psychological problems deep in her heart, and ensure that the child can grow up in a healthy environment. After all, mental and physical health is more important than learning. is the most important.

It's not that she never thought about finding a nanny for her son, but in that case, he would not be independent, and a boy should look like a boy. Qi Yang also left home for training at this age. But one is at the door of the house, and the other will take more than two hours to arrive by plane.

What Qi Qi didn't know was that she was very famous in Country H. Qi Peng knew this by accident, but he didn't tell anyone that he was Qi Qi's son.

It's just that people often ask - "Is your surname the same as that very famous Internet celebrity Qi Qi in Huaguo?"

It was only then that he realized that his mother had already become popular in Country H, and it was unbelievable that a child at such a young age knew about it.

After asking, I found out, "My mother has practiced yoga with her for many years. She is really self-disciplined and broadcasts live broadcasts every day. My mother is so lazy, but she can keep up with her rhythm. It is incredible."

"My mother followed her to learn Chinese calligraphy. The fonts are really beautiful, and they are so artistic horizontally and vertically."

"My mother learned embroidery from Aunt Qi Qi and learned how to cook Chinese food. The embroidery is really beautiful, but it's a bit uncomfortable to talk about embroidery in old Huaguo. It's obviously an art of our country,"

Qi Peng automatically ignored the last sentence, because since he came here, he has heard too many words like "that's ours, not yours". Well, anyway, they know what the facts are, but they just refuse to admit defeat, so what if they let them live their mouths?
In this situation, it was not until the end of the semester, during the study report and the parent-teacher meeting, that everyone knew that the only Chinese in the class was actually the son of Huaguo University Internet celebrity Qi Qi. God knows what the parent-teacher meeting turned out to be. ?It's like a fan meeting!
Because Qi Qi speaks H language herself, and among the customers she has contacted, there are also people from H country, so when she comes here, communication is barrier-free.

She didn't expect that a good parent meeting would turn out like this. The embarrassment is the embarrassment. The ability to have both sides has to be used. Women in the workplace can cope with these housewives without any pressure. Peng, the communication software on the mobile phone received all kinds of greetings from the students.

Even the classmates who didn't talk much on weekdays sent him kind New Year wishes, which made Qi Peng very moved.

"Mom, are you too high-profile?"

Qi Qi was wronged: "I dress very down-to-earth, it's you. Mom, I'm so famous that I didn't expect to be popular abroad, but that's okay, no one will dare to bully you outside, let alone Isolate you, sometimes you have to admire the benefits of these fame. Our company has also introduced some Internet celebrities from H country in the past two years. As long as the benefits are profitable, you will be safe there, and you don’t have to worry about it Too many, what to do!"

Country H also has winter and summer vacations, which start in mid-December, earlier than in China, but Qi Peng only went home for a week, and then signed up for a winter camp for dance training. After Qi Yue's winter vacation, she also I sent her to country H, found a coach, and learned street dance and jazz dance. On the one hand, I could accompany my brother, and on the other hand, I could experience a different living environment from that in China.

Considering Qi Peng's time in country H, Qi Qi specially rented them a suite that is warm in winter and cool in summer, and hired a housekeeper to come over every day to cook and clean for the children, send them to school, take care of food and lodging 150 million per month, about 9000 yuan. This is because we have two children and it’s winter vacation. There is no need to hire a nanny when school starts, because Qi Peng pays the annual tuition fees for a private elementary school with boarding system. It reached 10 RMB.

This private school studies main subjects in the morning, and various interest subjects in the afternoon and evening. Dance is divided into details. Qi Peng learns everything. The more complicated he learns, the stronger his acceptance ability. The optical fee, board and lodging fee, and training fee add up to about 30 RMB.

This is only elementary school, and the cost will increase when the middle school is reached.

During the summer vacation, besides sending Qi Yue there to learn dance, Qi Qi will also send a Chinese teacher. Mathematics and English are also learned in country H, and Qi Peng and the others have been learning English with her since they were young, and they even signed up for one-on-one In online courses, she has a lot of exposure to English, and her grades are not bad. Although mathematics is not as high as the domestic requirements, it can keep up with the progress. And their daily main subject is H language. She can't let her son forget his Mandarin. Not to mention the short winter vacation, but the long summer vacation, at least two and a half months, it would be most appropriate to find a Mandarin teacher there.

Auntie Chen also followed, because Qi Peng and Qiyue were not used to their local food, so Auntie Chen could take care of their three meals a day.

Qi Peng is already familiar with the environment there, although he can go by himself, but with Qi Yue, he needs a colleague to pick him up, because Qi Qi is not at ease with the people in country H, especially the girls, who must be protected in place.

In this way, it can be seen that the pace of life and study of the entire Qi family is very fast, no matter adults or children, they are all working hard for their future, and no one should be lazy.

In August 2036, the No.8 Sixth Summer Olympics, this year Qi Yang was 30 years old. Before that, he had already won four world-class championships, and this time Qi Yang was aiming for the Grand Slam .

We Chinese people have not said anything, they are already guilty and dare not come, so how to explain it in history?

They thought that if this tragic history was deleted, it would cease to exist?Why did you abstain?How to explain it to your next generation?Has it become a textbook for slapping faces again?

Of course, there are also Japanese who secretly went to China to pay homage to the victims of the Nanjing Massacre. We cannot deny all the Japanese, but our upbringing tells us that remembering this history is a necessary common sense for a Chinese, and those who marry the Japanese People, Chinese who married a Japanese woman, walked the streets in Japanese kimonos, and even declared that love has no borders, although no one said anything in front of you, but everyone would still blush for your ancestors in private.

Therefore, this Olympic Games, perhaps replaced by the 08 Olympic Games, will make Chinese people feel that it is of great significance.

In the 2020 Olympic Games, the Japanese have the advantage of being the hosts. I don’t know how many disgusting things they have done. What happened?In the end, didn't my Great China win the gold medal list and No.1 in the total medal list?You Japan are the small island country that hates the power of China the most. It is a pity that the law of heaven is reincarnated. If you don’t see it, we will not be strong. An epidemic has made the whole world realize China, and it has also made China’s stability and peace become the world’s favorite. The place of longing.

Because of the strength of the motherland, even Qi Peng, who went to study in H country, received the respect he deserved, and Qi Peng’s study abroad was not for vanity, but you have to admit that in terms of entertainment and culture, H country is out of the circle, Although country M is also very good, Qi Qi doesn't want Qi Peng to go there, one is far away, and the other is unsafe, so she would rather stay near and seek far away, she just wants her son to get more professional training, and it can also be considered as an advance for his son's future. paving.

Qi Yue's one winter and summer vacation in country H is more effective than studying in China for a year. Although she has already found the most professional training institution, there is a world of difference in terms of training intensity and professional perspective, so She directly stopped studying in China, and practiced online with the teacher every day, and made corrections during the winter and summer vacations.

Qi Yue doesn't go professionally, it's just because she likes it, so Qi Qi spends a lot of money to find the most professional study. Even if it can't become her profession in the future, it can still make her future academic journey even better, because the more versatile she is, the better she is. The more popular students are, especially the girls who practice dancing, they are dazzling wherever they go.

Qi Peng and Qi Yue are good looking, she only intends to let them learn dance, not to enter the entertainment industry, in the future they can develop into a dance major, as long as they learn well, they can teach well in the future, and they have the ability to eat, That's enough, but in the entertainment industry, she is strongly against it, and she has told them in depth how deep the water is, whether they understand it or not, long-term brainwashing can also make them resist.

Originally, the two brothers and sisters wanted to cheer for the elder brother, but the elder brother once again refused them to come to the scene, saying that it would affect his performance. They had no choice but to stay in country H. Qi Qi, as a lawyer, is also a lawyer from all over the country. Run, no one in the family cares about anyone, and the result is such a family environment. There is actually a super excellent swimmer who won a grand slam at the age of 17.

If Qi Yang was relatively small in the past few years, and his fame was overwhelmed by his senior brothers and sisters, then this year's grand slam winner can be said to have unlimited glory.

Especially today's Qi Yang, as he grows older, his body is perfect, and his height has increased sharply. Standing in front of Qi Qi with a height of 1.8 meters, he has to look up with difficulty. Even if his facial features are not the most dazzling, it is because of other aspects. Advantages, it has been favored by many seniors and girls all over the country.

The low-key, down-to-earth, and prudent nature of the three Qi family brothers and sisters made their mother worry less and concentrate on her career. Whether it is the workplace or the Internet celebrity Vanity Fair, YYDS has become synonymous with her. The more she is like this, the more attractive she is. Jealousy, the three brothers and sisters did not expect that in this glorious August, their mother would make headlines because of the pornographic news!
(End of this chapter)

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