The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1021 [1020] Full-time mother counterattack 28 (4)

Chapter 1021 [1020] Full-time mother counterattack 28 (four thousand)
Everyone knows that behind every Olympic champion, there will be more sweat than you can imagine.

Although Qi Qi loves the child dearly, this is the path he chooses, and what kind of path he takes depends on himself.

Every child in the family can be fair and just, and she will take them to swim before school. Swimming is a skill that must be learned. As long as she has time, she will take the remaining two children to the swimming pool to practice.

But Qi Yang is the only one with swimming talent after all, and Qi Peng and Qi Yue are at the level of ordinary people in comparison.

They also learn piano, and they don't want to practice well, at least they can, especially music theory.

When Qi Yang was at home, as long as he played the piano, the two children would sit around and watch. Qi Peng would also practice along with him when he was five years old, but this child couldn’t sit still, and sometimes couldn’t hold it for an hour. Consciousness, every time I practice the piano, I will find ways to be lazy, like most other children, Qi Qi will become very aggressive at this time, and strictly require him to complete the tasks he should have every day.

Every time Qi Peng would cry and say, "Why doesn't my sister practice? I don't want to practice either. I don't like piano."

Qi Qi said to him: "Don't worry, she will learn when she is five years old. She is not allowed to touch it now because her fingers are not well developed and cannot be used too much. But you have also seen that when you practice, She stands obediently by the side to watch you play, and sometimes she can answer some of my questions, if you don't practice well and she catches up with you later, will you feel ashamed?"

Qi Yue has a wide range of hobbies. In addition to learning to swim, she can also draw. She especially likes to draw. She holds a paintbrush by herself, not to mention how good she is at painting, but she can calm down and paint. After finishing painting, she will Come to show, although she can't tell what this child's abstract painting is, but she will open her eyes and say it looks good, and she will not be stingy in her praise. Do you like others to praise her?

Although Qi Peng's piano learning is not very good, but hip-hop dancing is really good. Qi Yue's painting ability has improved significantly after a year of study.

Boys run and dance a lot, and the piano is just a fun instrument for them. They must know the same thing, why can't they pass the tenth level of piano?
Because Qi Yang learned early and was taught by her, he had completed the tenth grade piano exam long before he joined the national team for training.

Therefore, these two children must also complete this goal before graduating from elementary school, because they are her Qi Qi's daughters.

As a former pianist, if you can’t even teach your own children well, what will it look like? Whether it’s for the sake of face or the future of the children, the piano is a universal instrument in the world. Boys know a little bit. Playing B will definitely work in the future. Girls, if you don't pay attention, maybe you can develop in a professional direction?
In primary school, Qi Qi focused on sports, musical instruments and personal hobbies.

First of all, in terms of musical instruments, the three of them all learned piano.

In order to save money, trouble and time, she did not give them the opportunity to get in touch with other musical instruments. If they want to learn, it is not too late to learn by themselves when they grow up. After all, difficult pianos can pass the tenth grade. Musical instruments are all in the same category. As long as you have patience, there is nothing you can't learn.

Secondly, in terms of sports, Qi Yang learned swimming and basketball, and finally developed swimming into his own profession.Qi Peng can also swim, but he has developed hip-hop dancing into his own hobby. Hip-hop dancing requires a lot of exercise, and it can be recognized as a sport.Qi Yue is not yet five years old, she learns swimming first, and then chooses what kind of sports she likes in the future.

As for their personal interests, Qi Yang is very simple, that is swimming, because they really like it, so they can go professionally without hesitation.

Qi Peng only studied jazz for one year before, but later he became more interested in hip-hop, so he developed this into his own interest.She forced her to learn the piano, which is considered a talent. He didn’t learn anything else. The preschool oral English training has been incorporated into their daily life since they were three years old when their language skills began to grow. They learned English systematically. , After going to elementary school, before elementary school, their playfulness is still the main thing.

Comparing the two elder brothers, Qi Yue is much simpler. Swimming, piano, painting, English, and jazz dance, although the subjects are the most among the three children, they are also the ones who study the hardest. Maybe it is because of prejudice, anyway, she just doesn’t like it. I like Latin, although I want my children to learn folk dance and modern dance, but I am always afraid that my family will become the misfortune among the misfortunes, so I simply let her practice jazz and occasionally learn yoga from her.

Girls don’t learn to dance, learning yoga can still improve their temperament, especially now that she is young, follow her to practice until she graduates from elementary school, and then she can walk on her own. For girls, mother’s guidance is actually more important .

In addition, she feels that she is also capable of cultivating her sense of beauty and fashion. After all, whether it is Qi Peng or Qi Yue's background, to be honest, they are better than Qi Yang. It is also a good choice to develop in the fashion field.

In this way, the children develop in a sunny and healthy way according to the established track.

Qi Yang is now in closed training and only comes back once a month, so Qi Qi and Aunt Chen don’t need to worry about him. If she misses him, Qi Qi will go to the training hall to see him. to the distance.

Therefore, Auntie Chen can focus on Qi Peng and Qi Yue, who are both in the same kindergarten. Qi Peng will enter elementary school in the fall of 2031. Because the primary school and kindergarten end at different times, Auntie Chen can still balance the two. previous relationship.

Since the old man died of illness, Aunt Chen has hired an aunt in the community to work for her as an hourly worker, so she can still balance the time of delivering boxed meals.

But the money that was originally given to Qi’s father is now given to Qi Qi. It doesn’t matter if Qi Qi doesn’t want it. She keeps a separate card. The old man used to get 60.00%. Half of the profit, and the rest will be saved for Qi Qi. If she doesn't want it, she will donate it in the future. Anyway, Qi Qi has her own foundation, so she can also donate a share of love.

On March 2031, 3, when the new house was handed over, Qi Qi was very happy when she got the keys to the office building. She selected several decoration companies in three days, and finally chose one of them, which is expected to be completed by the end of July.

Because she drew the initial design drawings, so based on the decoration drawings, it will cost at least 500 million yuan to complete the decoration.

During the decoration period, she will take time to conduct spot checks and checks. After all, it is an office area, and the materials used are the most environmentally friendly and healthy. She is not afraid of paying more, but she is afraid that some decoration companies will use her high commission to buy the cheapest Materials, so, instead of handing over the money to them in a silly manner, she ran the materials herself, and sent them over after the negotiation was over. She would choose what she needed to report to them.

Don't think she doesn't understand, some people are just blindly confident and trying to confuse the public. They don't know how many years she has been the boss, how many times she has installed and repaired, and how much experience she has accumulated in building materials. Maybe she will go to construction in the next life. Aspects of development.

As a result, because of her participation, the construction period was postponed to the end of August. At first, she was bullied as a woman who didn’t understand anything, and it cost 8 million yuan to open her mouth. With her participation and follow-up, all the materials were bought by herself, and the decoration was finally paid for. It's not even 500 million.

After finding a professional company for acceptance, I paid them the final payment, and then found a cleaning company for a comprehensive cleaning. Considering everyone's health problems, I plan to move here next spring. During this period, I will put enough green plants indoors. Carry out suction and poison treatment.

In the autumn of 2031, Qi Peng entered the elementary school that Qi Yang had previously attended, and Qi Yue entered the middle class.

At the beginning of 2032, Li Xingchen paid her 4000 million, of which 1000 million was a two-year bonus, and the other 3000 million was a 30% stake. As Xingchen became better and better, the initial valuation of [-] million clearly showed signs of suffering , but Qi Qi doesn't care about these, we are friends, and besides, she has already withdrawn her original vote, so there is nothing to be unwilling to do.

By the beginning of 2032, her personal business value has reached hundreds of millions, and the development of the studio is also very smooth, especially the reputation of the foundation is getting bigger and bigger, and she has been named and praised by the central media.

She was also invited to participate in some charity programs in the entertainment industry. She didn't go, but the donations came in place. She was once praised by netizens. Don't be too high, do your own thing in a down-to-earth manner, and don't take up public resources. Such Internet celebrities should be sought after by everyone.

Because she is so famous, she is soft on the cases, and some people even want to use her traffic to attract the attention of the society. Some of them are forced to helpless, and some are people who have fallen into trouble, so the cases selected by Qi Qi, They are also carefully selected, and they will not be blindly confident, and only pick cases within their ability.

Her stability is not only admired by the people in the company, but even some media feel inferior, because I have never seen an Internet celebrity like her, who obviously has more profitable and strong traffic, but still has to do the rate of return. She is not high, and she seems to be able to take care of both of them with ease, no matter which one she does, she will continue to develop steadily and steadily.

Someone wanted Qi Qi to appear on some talk shows, but she ruthlessly rejected it, because she hated the glamor under the spotlight. It was enough to be a star for a lifetime. In this life, she just wanted to take care of her three children safely. Just live, that's all.

With a net worth of over [-] million, except for necessary occasions, don't dress too down-to-earth.

Qi Qi was secretly photographed on the marketing accounts of various media every three days, but she ignored it to the end and went her own way, doing whatever she wanted.

As long as they had nothing to shoot, they would naturally let her go. This was her accumulated experience.

Celebrities are very concerned about their body shape, actions on various occasions, and influence. Idols have a lot of burdens. Even when they go to the airport, they have to change several clothes, get on the plane, get off the plane, tsk tsk, I am really exhausted, Internet celebrities It's different, because the exposure rate is low, even if she has traffic, she doesn't consume too much, so as long as she wears a mask, she can accompany her child to various occasions, which is extremely convenient.

In March 2032, Qi Yang participated in the Melbourne World Swimming Championships. He participated in the men's 3-meter freestyle and the men's 15-meter freestyle under the age of 400. However, he was eliminated in the preliminaries. This was the first time Qi Yang participated in the world competition. For the first time, he saw that Asians need to work harder than ordinary people to achieve good results in these events.

With his current training volume of 10 kilometers per day, it is obviously not enough. This setback made Qi Yang realize the gap between himself and the world's athletes. After returning to China, his daily training volume increased from 14 to 20 kilometers. Of course, this is not a one-off. It was promoted, but gradually pushed up over time, because there is still the 8 Olympic Games in August, and he must get a place, even one.

Qi Yang became more and more courageous as he got frustrated, but Qi Qi watched his son's daily training videos, feeling very distressed, and used the video as an opportunity to beat the second and third children.

"Look at your brother, he is already good enough, but in front of world-class athletes, his ability is not worth mentioning at all. Qi Peng, since you have chosen hip-hop, you must practice hard, because the Olympic Games Hip-hop has been added. If you train hard, your mother will train you at all costs. In this way, you can compete with world-class masters like your brother. Do you know this feeling? That is the real The Olympic spirit, the more frustrated the more courageous, the more courageous the more fighting!"

For ordinary people, five months is almost a flash, but for athletes, it is like a year, because daily training is like a marathon, as long as you dare to stop, countless people will surpass you .

The sense of competition is not only manifested in the world, but also in one's own country, even between provinces and cities.

After Qi Yang's hard work, he got the qualification for the 400-meter freestyle. Although this is the only one, it took all his hard work.

The opening ceremony of the 2032 Olympic Games will be held in Brisbane, Australia on August 8.

Qi Qi thought about taking the children to cheer him on, but Qi Yang refused.

"Mom, I will be distracted if you go, just stay at home, don't contact me, I will contact you, don't worry, my son will never embarrass you!"

In fact, Qi Yang really did what he said. He won the first match on August 8th. After rounds of promotions, he won the eighth gold medal for his motherland, and he was still shocked at the age of 5. The mainstream media at home and abroad, when the title of world champion suddenly came to this single-parent family, Qi Qi cried.

She hugged her son and daughter in tears of joy, even though the phone rang through the sky, she ignored it, she just cried anyway, until she cried out and vented all the grievances and unhappiness in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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