The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1020 [1019] Full-time mother counterattack 27 (4)

Chapter 1020 [1019] Full-time mother counterattack 27 (four thousand)
They showed a friendliness and courtesy that she couldn't imagine.

In fact, not only her, but also the three of Wen's family were very surprised, because seeing Qi Yang smiling politely all the time, I thought he really didn't know the love and hatred between adults, how could he know that after he sat down slowly, he said It made the family of five unable to let go of the words for a long time.

"Actually, I was able to come here today mainly because of my mother. You see, you have found two wives successively over the years. This aunt gave birth to a fat son for your Wen family. My ex-wife gave birth to another son. It was you who abandoned it with all your heart, so don’t play the emotional card here anymore. You should know that the reason why you are not reconciled is because my mother changed my surname? We can’t change it without Mr. Wen’s consent. Ah, right? Shouldn’t you ask Mr. Wen for the specific reason? Instead of spreading rumors about my mother? Does it mean that the quality of your Wen family needs to be improved?”

Although Qi Yang said it with a smile, there was no warmth in his eyes, and he even sneered when the old man and lady opposite him tried to explain.

"Especially the two of you, don't take advantage of your age, you can do whatever you want, say what you want, if my mother didn't ask me for my opinion this time, and reminded me how you would threaten and abuse her in the future, I wouldn't be happy Come to see you. So what if I see you? Call grandpa, grandma and dad? Heck, you think I care about you lately? Don’t say anything about my mother, misleading you, let’s pull it down, what is the reason? , do you dare to make it clear in front of this aunt? Can't you? If you can't, don't say any nonsense in front of me. "

"And this aunt, don't worry, I won't compete with your son for the family property. I will earn it myself. Even if I can't earn it, then there is still my mother? So you don't have to She frowned all the time, full of thoughts. My mother didn't mean anything to your husband. You see, she didn't even want to show her face, just because she was afraid of disturbing the emotional life of your family. My mother is a person who knows etiquette. She was the one who raised her, so she naturally understands this."

"When you come to the capital in the future, as long as I have time, if you want to see me, just tell me directly, don't bother my mother anymore. But I also agreed, I don't want anything you give, and don't force it What do I call you, because since I was a child, I didn't have you in my life, so naturally I wouldn't call, and I couldn't call you out. Enjoy today's meal, this is the card my mother gave me, us! Please!"

As he said that, Qi Yang was about to stand up and go. The old man and the old lady started howling and crying when they saw how unfeeling he was, and even Wen Qiang's expression was somewhat complicated. This seemed to be completely different from the meeting they had imagined. Can't help but ask.

"Let's go now? You just believe what your mother said? Do you think we didn't raise it all these years? It was you. Mom who didn't give us this chance."

Qi Yang, who had already turned around, took a deep breath, turned to look at Wen Qiang, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Mr. Wen, you don't blush when you say this? Do you think I'm young and don't know anything? It's a pity. My mother has made a lot of albums and videos for me since I was a child, even including the recordings of your phone calls. The court The verdict, including some screenshots from the video network, how did you do it back then, you didn’t even have the tone of admitting it, so you’re ashamed to criticize my mother here, aren’t you?”

"My mother's biggest mistake was meeting you. If it wasn't for me, her life would be thousands of times better than it is now, but you can see how hard she is now. She works several times by herself, and she is busy every day. In the early hours of the morning, isn’t it to create a better life for me?”

"You have to know that I did that in order to win your custody."

"You can pull it down, can you stop talking? It's not shameful enough. The reason why you came here was because you saw that I might be a young swimmer. Before I became famous, you ran over to meet me. In this way, your family may become popular one day? Hehe, here I can tell you clearly that in the future, I will indeed develop in the direction of the world. I will participate in the Winter Olympics and the Olympic Games. Winning glory for the country is my goal. , but the person I am grateful for will always be my mother, so you can give up your struggles, stop trying to harass our mother and child, take your leave, don’t send it off, don’t see it if you can’t see it in the future, after all, everyone is very busy Yes, raise your son well!"

Qi Yang threw on his schoolbag, turned around handsomely and walked to the door, "Waiter, swipe your card!"

Wen Qiang was so ashamed that he couldn't speak for a long time, it was because of these words that Cao Ying had a good impression of Qi Yang, so she quickly reminded him.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and pay the bill. Could it be that you really want the mother and son to invite us to dinner? Where's your face?"

Wen Qiang leaned weakly on the chair, "She has money and is willing to ask for it. I forced them? If she wants to ask for it, let him do it!"

"You, you are such a waste!" Cao Ying couldn't help being angry, seeing her in-laws still howling there, she couldn't help becoming irritable.

"Crying, crying, why are you crying? What about mourning? It's a shame. I haven't said a word to anyone since I came up. I want to touch the mother of the black family from the beginning to the end. The children didn't give you a chance to speak, so you just cry here. , What is there to cry about? What the children say is well-founded, they have a clear mind from beginning to end, and they clearly know what they want and what they don’t want, including their mother, who has done quite well, whether it is etiquette or Regarding the attitude, I think they are very Buddhist. I just found out today that I have hated the wrong people in the past few years. Are you hiding a lot of things from me? Take this opportunity to explain today? Don’t worry, I am also very calm , and I won’t divorce you, after all, my son is still young, and I need a complete family, and you probably don’t want to get married for the fourth time, eh?”


Qi Yang paid the bill, and the meal cost 800 yuan. He swiped his card here, and Qi Qi received a WeChat reminder on the other side. He roughly guessed that the kid probably came out without eating, so he threw a phone call: "Want to eat?" Eat whatever you want, just swipe your damn card today, it’s enough!"

Qi Yang is also in a bad mood, everything is just pretending, who doesn't yearn for fatherly love?Who doesn't want to have three generations of grandparents in the family?It is not that he has never envied his classmates in his heart, but he also kept reminding himself that his mother has worked very hard, and he can no longer let his mother feel wronged. As a result, her words made him endure his emotions for a long time, and he completely collapsed. Di, with a sore nose, choked up and couldn't speak.

"Mom..." Qi Yang cried, and Qi Qi was distressed at the side: "Okay, okay, don't cry, Mom knows that you are wronged, do you want to vent your grievances? You take the card and go shopping in the mall and eat well. You can spend whatever you want to eat, okay?"

"I don't want it. It's not easy for my mother to earn money. They made five thousand and eight for a meal, and gave his son nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. Such a good sign. Mom, you are really kind. From now on I I must work hard to earn money, let my mother spend the money I earn, and our mother and son must be good, and let them drool with envy!"

Qi Qi on the other end of the phone was also moved to tears.

"Okay, okay, since you don't want to eat outside, can mom cook you your favorite braised prawns when you go home?"

"Mom, I'm going to buy ingredients. You are busy with your work. I can cook this dish. When you are done with your work, come back and try the dishes I made by myself."


This time, the Wen family is completely dead, because Qi Yang's words are neither painful nor itchy, but they directly touch people's hearts. The child knows everything, so what reason do they have to stay here to make fun of it?Besides, Qi Qi himself didn't stop them from meeting, the child even told Wen Qiang his mobile phone number, what else are they dissatisfied with?
In the end, even the capital was not in the mood to play, and drove back to her hometown, but Cao Ying developed a good impression of Qi Qi, who had never met before.

Just the 9999 yuan red envelope she gave her child and what the child said to her were enough to make her let go of all her defenses.

She silently wrote down Qi Yang's cell phone number and sent a text message.

"Son, auntie thank you and your mother on behalf of your brother for not forgetting the past, thank you, and wish everything goes well and safe."

After Qi Yang received the text message, he replied: "Auntie, I also wish you and your brother good health and happiness forever!"


Qi Yang’s road to becoming an Olympic champion has been extremely difficult. He was supposed to be selected as a diving athlete because of his softness, but his freestyle and backstroke are also very good. On balance, he chose to be on par with Sun Yang Chinese swimmers, because Chinese players do not have an advantage in such competitions. On the contrary, the Chinese Dream Team has always been a mythical existence. One more than him is not too many, and one less than him is not too many. Therefore, he chose the more difficult one. swimmer.

Most athletes retire before the age of 30.

Qi Yang was selected into the national team without even graduating from elementary school, and started his difficult sports career.

There are special cultural classes there, and he doesn’t need to take the junior high school entrance examination, high school entrance examination, and college entrance examination like a normal child, so generally speaking, national athletes don’t have a high degree of education, so they only get good grades and have the opportunity to enter prestigious schools. But the prerequisite is that you can keep up with the progress of prestigious schools.

Qi Qi did not hold any objection to her son's choice of this line of work. Even at a young age, she left her parents for closed training. Don't worry, I also know that sooner or later, a man will leave his parents and fly high. It's just that their children flew away early because of their status as athletes.

Born in 2019, he will only be 2030 years old in 11, and the next Olympic Games will be in 2032. Whether he can have the opportunity to participate depends on the child's fortune.

Qi Peng has a strong sense of rhythm since he was a child, and sometimes he can follow the children on TV. Qi Qi saw that he liked it, so she enrolled him in jazz dance and street dance. After learning jazz dance for a year, she devoted herself to learning street dance up.

Or people say that at the age of three, this child seems to be a born dancer, and he also likes hip-hop boys in clothes. At the age of six, he already knows how to dress.

Every time I take them to the shopping mall, I am interested in sneakers and some trendy boy clothes, and then there are some dance discs.

This discovery surprised Qi Qi. Of course, since he likes him, she must spare no effort to cultivate him.

Qi Yue, who was two years younger, only enrolled her in painting and jazz dance, some dances that required more flexibility, but she didn't dare to enroll, fearing that the child would have some problems due to her lower back.

Compared with the little Yueyue who was hurt by her two elder brothers, she seems to be much happier. Although she doesn't have any outstanding performance, she is smart and smart. Her mother is long and her mother is short. Her heart melts when she calls her. The daughter is a caring little padded jacket, simple and ordinary There's nothing wrong with it, but as Qi Yue grows older, she looks more and more like her mother.

Chen Xinhao is really beautiful, and Qi Yong's looks are not bad, so Qi Peng and Qi Yue's looks are also quite good, even better than her family, Qi Yang.

Girls are beautiful, and the good thing is that people praise them when they go out, but as they grow older, they will also add a lot of troubles.

What made Qi Qi even more distressed was that in the autumn of 2030, the old man was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.

Qi Yong and Qi Qi worked in two shifts to take care of her, but they still didn't survive that winter.

Father Qi died, and only siblings remained in this world. Qi Yong and Qi Qi carried the old man's urn back to their hometown and were buried with their mother.

That night, Qi Yong hugged her and cried, drank a lot of wine, cried like a child, and kept talking.

"Dad is gone, sister, I only have you left."

Qi Qi has only one sentence: "For your health, borrow all the cigarettes and alcohol. I have already persuaded my father not to smoke, not to smoke. He just keeps on smoking. I'm also to blame. I'm too busy to care about him too much. He didn't bother me when he wasn't feeling well, he worked hard and procrastinated on his own, and in the end he couldn't recover..."

After the old man passed away, for the health of his family, he sterilized the room he used to live in, the clothes he wore, and the tableware he used, and then dusted it up in the basement, and brought it back to his hometown when he visited the grave next year as a souvenir.

Qi Yang is not yet an official member of the national team, he can only be regarded as a "substitute training". At the National Provincial Games in 2030, at the age of 11, he won the men's 400-meter medley and the men's 200-meter freestyle. Because of his young age, the 1500m was not reported. Who would have thought that he would play as a substitute in the end and won the bronze medal in the 1500m freestyle.

At the age of 11, he won two gold medals and one bronze medal at the age of less than 12 years old. Good seedlings were discovered and even directly transferred to the official national team.

It takes years for others to enter the country, but he completed the counterattack in less than three years.

It's not in vain that this child trains from morning to night, and sometimes swims in the swimming pool in winter, and the distressed Qi Qi burst into tears.

Even for the sake of the competition, I couldn't even see the child's grandfather for the last time, which was really not easy.

(End of this chapter)

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